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Book 6 Chapter 20

The rain hasn't stopped yet

-Fighting at the line

"It rained as you said, a rain of red blood!"

Na Yerin said, her face expressionless and her voice emotionless.

The sunshine is good for the affairs of the human world.

It was still warm, as if it didn't care.

"We're not done yet."

With a nonchalant tone, Bi Ryuyeon replied.

"Is that so?"

"Something like that."

"I see."

Na Yerin nodded in understanding.

The members of the team, who had just emerged from the unique and unfamiliar experience of underwater warfare beneath the surface of the Yangtze River, and Yun Jun-ho, who was still standing there with a dazed expression on his face, were drying their sun-drenched bodies. With the exception of Yoon Jun-ho, the group's faces showed no signs of having just fought a battle.

There was no problem with the identity of the spirit.

Namgungsang had done his job. His complexion was normal, aside from being drenched in water, and he seemed to have calmed down.

The people of the Heavenly Sword Sect, including Na Yerin, looked on in admiration at their nonchalant demeanor.

"What the…what the…what the…what the…how could this have happened? Even if the treasures on board were of great value, it's impossible for them to attack without warning or bargaining like this!"

Right now, the most nervous and confused person in the room was the representative of the South Changji State, Zhang Kangjiao Long, who was furiously spitting out saliva as he fervently denied the reality in front of him.

The natural people frowned.

"Now, now…my lord, calm down. This isn't the time to be getting so worked up, you need to calm down and try to get a grip on the situation."

It was Jang Hong who calmed down the agitated Su Zhanghai, who was very skilled at calming down the confused Su Zhanghai.

His words certainly worked.

"Phew, I'm sorry. I guess I got a little too excited, but this is the first time in ten years in the country that I've had to deal with this……."


Bi Ryuyeon raised his hand to interrupt Su Zhanghai. He looked at Na Yerin with a meaningful smile, and she nodded. (Bi Ryuyeon's smile deepened; she had indeed noticed.)

Bi Ryuyeon had barely begun to calm down before she was thrown back into chaos once more.

"Well, well, well, what a lack of manners, interrupting people in the middle of a conversation.

It's rude to disturb people who were just trying to relax, I think there's a third wave coming!"

I don't know when she started taking on this big, rigid, and not-very-useful thing called politeness, but the situation was as she said it would be.

"My lord, a pleasure craft is approaching the marker at high speed."

One of the representatives shouted in excitement. It was a very loud voice, and she wished he would tone it down a bit. But that was the way things were.

Pleasure ships approached at two or three times the speed, their purpose a question that didn't need to be asked.

It was clear that they were refusing to have a conventional conversation.

Judging by the lack of any markings, they weren't part of the water fleet. Besides, since when do enemies care about portrait rights…….

The men aboard the approaching ships were all dressed in black and carrying dragonballs in their hands. It was clear that the raid had failed, and this time they were going to go all out.

"Sons of bitches!"

A twin sound burst from Su Zhanghai's mouth. He had never seen such a disregard for convention in his life.

There was so much blood that it was almost as if the markings were originally painted red. Of course, if you see a paint job that's been flawlessly painted over, you're going to question the skill of the painter.

The ship felt like it was floating in a river of blood. Such a vicious attack had never happened in Su Zhanghai's 20 years as a marksman.

Even now, the deck was busy disposing of the corpses of the unmarked raiders.

Some of them had the power to slit their throats cleanly, or to scavenge the food in their stomachs and stomachs, others were charred beyond recognition and had not shed a drop of blood, and still others were dead, with no wounds to be found anywhere.

It was indeed a variety of causes of death for a variety of bodies.

Their martial prowess was too much for the marksmen of the Southern Changzhi Bureau to handle, but they paled in comparison to the men of the Heavenly Martial Academy, who came charging at them from their fast-approaching ships, binding their marksmen with dragonflies (a hooked throwing weapon). The attacking party was visibly flustered.

It wasn't until today that he realized why the name of the Heavenly Martial Arts Academy was vibrating in Jianghu. The skill of the young men, none of whom could control their sword qi, was something he could only dream of, and it made him feel ashamed of his wasted years.

The most powerful and colorful of them all was the mourning red flame of the salt sword.

At first, he stayed out of the fray and took a more observant stance beside the young man, who went by the name of Bi Ryuyeon. But then he grew tired of watching, and he spoke to the young man next to him, whose hair covered his eyes, and he drew his sword.

The faces of the representatives and marksmen who had watched on, not daring to join the battle of the masters, burned with the sudden heat.

At first, he thought it was the enemy's artistry, but it turned out to be the famous sword energy emanating from the Dao of Yan Dao.

Crimson Seventeen Flame Sword Energy

Twelve seconds

Dragonfire (龍炎雷).

It was a tremendous power. It was indeed a supreme cultivator who could be ranked among the five great masters of the heavens.

Even the flowing Yangtze River was boiling with heat. The very act of facing this heat and the immense power of the sword was a fool's errand that defied common sense. It is perhaps the wisest physical expression of recklessness.

His sword was full of energy, and his beam of light was fierce. Having finished his work on the surface, he flew to the enemy's ship. It wasn't a long way, as they were less than three zhang away.

And once again, the Yeomdo sparked.

Now that it was all over, the raiders' ships were burning up the Yangtze. Soon, one by one, they would disintegrate and sink to the bottom of the river. It was all Yan's work.


But all of this hasn't stopped the headache that's currently hanging over Su Zhanghai's head.

Last year, when the Eighteen Swords of the Zhongyang Marked Nation left, how much faith was placed in him!

It was a warning to never let your guard down and be careful, because if you get mixed up with a young man who comes with his own search, you never know what might happen. He was reminded to be careful, careful, careful, look again at the extinguished fire, knock on the stone bridge, and be careful crossing it, so that nothing would happen to him.

Even if the marks he was carrying were expensive, they were not worthy of a full-scale assault with this many men.

"Where in the world did things go wrong?"

Su Zhanghai's bones ached like crazy. There seemed to be no medicine for this headache. He could only pray to the gods of heaven and earth, though he doubted it, that this journey would end as soon as possible.

Since there is no purified water, the sight of Jikukju Sujanghae floating in the river and bowing fervently in front of him was filled with such sincerity that it was almost overwhelming.

"When I get to Wuhan, I'll have to make a talisman right away! Heaven and earth gods and heavenly fairies, please take a look at this guy!

At this time, because of Su Zhanghai's determination, as soon as he came to Wuxiu, he quickly ran to a place.

There lived a painter in Wuchang who had a reputation for painting well.

The talisman he chose was a single sheet of fairy tales.

The Four Fairy Goddesses, commonly known as the Four Fairy Goddesses, depicting Na Yerin, Ijinsul, Jingnyeong, and Nangongshan Mountain. It is said that this image became so popular in the marksmanship industry that no one in the marksmanship industry was left without it.

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discord ko-fi