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Book 6 Chapter 19

The First Flight of the Thunderbolt (水雷飛)

Originally, handmade meant

In the water, humans have been using

Swim faster than a fish,

To make it moveable

It is a developed martial art.

In a word, from the fish's point of view, it was an arrogant, sky-high, and unworthy challenge by humans who defied the laws of nature, and from the human point of view, it was an achievement that exceeded their limits through unique human efforts and research and development.

Like a fish, I learned to hold my breath for a long time and minimize the resistance of the water! It was also a very difficult martial art to learn.

The basic tactic of water warfare is that, unless the objective is plunder or supply, the best way to minimize damage to this side of the ship is to sink it by punching holes in its sole or side. Once the ship is sunk, the water will take care of the rest.

Especially since most martial artists are weak in manual labor, which makes them even easier to deal with. The ease of extermination is nothing compared to the difficulty of eradication.

That's why she treated them like idiots.

The feeling of being plunged into a completely different world was an unfamiliar one. He'd already felt threatened with his life once, but he couldn't allow himself to get caught up in it, because he didn't know when he'd be wearing someone else's knife as an ornament around his neck.

Yun quickly composed himself and remembered the lessons he had learned in his handicraft class.

"First of all, don't go against the flow, and don't be afraid of water. Think of water as a friend.

There were also handicraft studies as a special liberal arts class at the Tianmu Academy, which everyone had to take.

Musabu's voice rang in my ears as he ranted in class.

'You have to be able to manage psychological changes in a rapidly changing environment. Underwater, simplicity and speed are better than change. Eliminate all variations and attack the enemy in a straight line.

Now he could count on no help from the Southern Palace; another assailant was closing in on him. Yun Jun was not used to hand-to-hand combat, and he was already choking. As his breathing became more difficult, his mind became impatient.

Their weapons were simple, sharp, and deadly. All were designed to be used underwater.

Underwater weapons are often stripped down to the bare minimum to minimize drag on the water. There's no guarantee that colorful, tattered ornaments will help protect your life underwater.


Yun Junhao subconsciously unleashed the Plum Blossom Guanhong, the simplest and fastest of the Plum Blossom Sword Techniques, at the attacker flying toward him.


To Yun's own surprise, the first seconds of the Plum Blossom Sword unfolded smoothly. There was no sign of the irritability that usually accompanies plum blossom sword techniques.

"Stand…no way, you're right, there's no smell in the water!

The moment he realized this simple truth, a shiver ran down his spine. It was as if a path had opened up in front of him.


But the euphoria of realization was short-lived, and with his breathing reaching its limit, Yun had to surface again.

After taking in another breath of air, Yun Junho's eyes began to glow for the first time. Now he had to prove it with his body.

"Aren't you supposed to be helping me?"

Na Yerin asked, looking at Bi Ryuyeon, who was so nonchalant in the midst of all this chaos. Her questioning tone was clear. But she looked beautiful even when she was angry. In fact, I liked her even more now that she was showing her emotions than before, when she was like a cold statue.

"Who do you mean help?"

Her fine ami trembled slightly.

"I'm referring to the main crew, of course, who are probably struggling in the water right now."

It's like, "What are you doing here, selling, while the main crew is all in?

"I think that's an unnecessary worry. They'll do fine on their own without my help."

"You're very confident, aren't you?"

"You're worried about Mr. Sojae, aren't you?"

"Sure. Don't you think it's odd that they run into the enemy's front yard and aren't worried?"

Na Yerin's words were the result of natural, universal, and general logical thinking. It was common knowledge that the disciples of the Zheng Sect were weak in manual skills, except in a few special cases. After all, in the Orthodox school, the martial arts were considered a junior art, not even the Visiting Left Dao.

"I think you're thinking too negatively about me, Sojae, and that's going to bruise their egos, so why don't we go fishing instead of wasting time worrying about it?"

Having tossed them into the water hundreds of times, Bi Ryuyeon had no concerns or doubts about their ability to learn the craft.

"You were persistent earlier."

Ryu-yeon laughed heartily. This was the third time he'd brought up fishing.

"Well, I guess I'll have to do it on my own then. The water is clear and the weather is sunny, so why don't we go fishing…… lol! With the weather like today, I wouldn't be surprised if we caught a man instead of a fish."

With a light step, as if in play, she approached the railing, her hands dancing and fluttering toward the surface of the water.


"Get it!"

Suddenly, three beams of light shot out from his sleeve and disappeared beneath the surface. The flashes left only small, tiny ripples on the surface.

Lightning Blade Sword Qi Righteousness

Chapter of the Thunderbolt (水雷飛翎)

Thunderbolt (雷擊) Torpedo (魚雷).


The first flash pierced the uvula of the assailant standing at the head of the line.

Spirituality (靈絲心結)



His fingers twitched slightly as he stretched out his hand toward the pulsating surface of the water.

"What are they doing?

Na Yerin was puzzled by Bi Ryuyeon's unexplained behavior. Even with her eyes, it was impossible to grasp the true nature of Bi Ryuyeon's current technique. She could only guess.

"A flying sword?

What is a flying sword?

What is a vido but a weapon to be used in the water? What is it but the wrath of the heavens against the laws of nature?

It had long been said that a bido was one of those weapons that could never be used underwater. Na Yerin couldn't help but be appalled.

As if one sacrifice wasn't enough, the flash (trajectory) of the thunderbolt bent at a sharp angle and flew toward its next prey.

"What…what is that? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

'Nine! Seven horses!!'

Despair flashed through the eyes of Yi Ho as he watched this unexpected turn of events. It was bad enough that his men had suddenly and fearlessly jumped into the water in front of him, but now that they were suddenly being questioned, he was losing his temper. An unidentified killer was now flying toward him.

"Are you…a ghost?

It's not unreasonable to assume he was a ghost, but this one didn't feel the need to answer his questions.


I could only scream inwardly.

In the last moments of his life, the rock dragon Yi Ho saw a flash of light, and he was forced to end his life without ever discovering the identity of the ghost.

The three flashes of light cut through the dark water without a trace, moving freely underwater as if they had a mind of their own, taking exactly nine lives. It happened in a single moment.


The fishing is over.

In an instant, the twenty-five assailants were reduced to sixteen, and the masterminds' movements became smoother. Their swords, now outnumbered by three to one, flew toward the assailants with unbridled abandon.

The moment the number of trainees equalized with the main crew, the game was set.

Their bodies sank into a still, deep, dark silence, never to rise again.

Two days later, until your body is full of air.

If you don't end up as lunch for a school of fish swimming down the Yangtze River, you'll probably swell up and float away two days later.

My advice: don't look at it, it's better for your sanity.

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discord ko-fi