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Book 6 Chapter 21

The Lament of the Heavenly Follower Sudokge

The word on the street is,

For the unspiritualized marriage party, the cherry-picker is the

I think he's very well regarded.

because of his ability or lack thereof

No one seems to break his heart.

Hiding in the dense forest, Sudokge's face was grave.

"Aren't you supposed to help me?"



Shu Dok Ge's sharp retort left Ilvi speechless. Who am I really supposed to help?

Su Dok Ge looked at Il Bi at his side with a hint of dissatisfaction. She seemed to be getting a little too close to Bai Muyoung, the brains of the Guzheng Council and owner of the Ten Secret Societies, and it wasn't pleasant to watch.

When Sudokger took on this assignment, he had no idea that it would be so arduous, so bizarre, that he would constantly question his vision and judgment, one after another, as if in protest.

How hectic it must have been for the men who had been so eagerly chasing after them when they were suddenly attacked by a group they had never heard of in the middle of the Yangtze River. Even now, a few of them remained behind to find out who the attackers were.

And what the heck is happening now?

With no one to take it out on, his frustration was getting the better of him. He tried to hide his embarrassment by taking it out on Ilvi, who had been conceding a lot of points lately. It didn't work out so well.

"Why no answer? Is it the students over there that we need to help, or the bandits over there?"

There was no way he could answer her. Truly, he was embarrassed by what was happening on the other side of the mountain pass.

"Why are you acting like this? Can't you hear me telling you to just give me everything you've got?"

A young man's voice broke into Sudokge's ears as he tried to hide his embarrassment.

In the young man's hand was an ugly sword, the sort of thing a bandit might use, with a fierce blade that looked like it belonged to a bandit leader, and he was holding something that looked like a grimy log stick to his throat, the sort of thing a man who wore his profession emblazoned on his face would wear.

In the falling sunlight, the dao blade in the young man's hand glinted in the light. Suddenly, Disciple Su Dok Ge clutched his temples in frustration. There was definitely something going on here, in a place that was perfect for bandits to operate, that would make people's eyes grow suspicious!

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