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Book 6 Chapter 1



A simple yet profound view of how to become stronger.

"Do you really want to be strong?"

Three years ago!

Did they think I was lying to them?

Master asked, just to be sure.

She wasn't sure which way the wind was blowing, but she stared at her master as he spoke with a weightlessness that made her eyes glaze over.

Caterpillars eat pine needles and sparrows give up trying to catch up with storks. Overdoing anything is bad for your body…….

Today's teacher just seemed to 'have it'.

"Of course!"

Of course, the answer was obvious. My mouth automatically watered at the thought of giving such an obvious answer. It was a side effect of doing something not very economical. Unfortunately, his body was too honest to compromise with reality or to play with the world.

"It's simple. Very, very simple."

Still with his back to me, facing the rising dawn, Master spoke in a tone of conviction. He would not tolerate any dissent.

'Now you're lying to me without spit in your mouth!'

I'm finally starting to look like a master! Bi Ryuyeon thought to herself innocently.

"What's that look in your eyes, the one that says you don't believe me!"

He's so perceptive, like he's got a secret eye in the back of his head. It's times like these that his nerves and attention span really come into play.

"No way!"

This kind of lying to preserve one's life is called a good faith lie, and some people call it force majeure. That's why she didn't feel guilty at all.

Suddenly, as she turned her head away from the early morning sun, her gaze met the master's directly. It would be a foolish mistake to subconsciously avert one's gaze at such a time as this. (If she did, all those years of training would have been wasted.) She was not naive enough to make such a foolish mistake.

Those suspicious eyes! It seems the master is not entirely free of suspicion yet. After all, Old Ginger is too spicy. Old Ginger said.

"The way to be strong is very simple: don't set limits!"

His voice was stern, as if he was trying to imprint a message on his student's mind.

"Even your master?"

As for the confirmation process, Bi Ryuyeon asked. After all, these things need to be confirmed before they can be applied in practice. It's not enough to just make a prediction. (You can't prove it later, and you can't refute it.)

"Absolutely. Don't let anything hold you back. When you don't set limits, you will be endlessly strong. Adepts of other schools unconsciously set their own limits. No, it would be more accurate to say that they deliberately create limits. "How dare they harbor such impure, imprudent, and foolish delusions, trying to surpass the masters below them, who are higher than the heavens and wider than the oceans, who are so great," he said. What a joke."

His cynical, sarcastic tone suddenly changed to a creepy voice that sounded like a three-year-old's snort, the kind of grotesque voice you're afraid to hear in your dreams.

"Yes, yes, I can't be stronger than my master, so of course I can't be stronger than my master, for how dare I commit the foul deed of being stronger than the great and venerable Venerable Patriarch of the Tao Te Ching…….."

As he spoke, a look of pity crossed his face.

"Is it all bullshit?"

Ryu-yeon Bi went through the process of verifying the conclusions she had drawn after a very logical thought process. It was a rational and logical decision.

"Of course. The archaic customs and traditions of so-called etiquette are unwittingly setting and enforcing their own limits. It's foolishness. You can't keep that up for a thousand years and expect to make progress. Until one genius comes along and breaks the mold."


Bi Ryuyeon nodded in understanding. Of course, she had never intended to lose to him. She might be weaker than him at the moment, but to remain weaker was something that could never happen in her way of thinking.

The master's impassioned workshop speech continued to dig into Bi Ryuyeon's heart.

"Who has said that the heavens are boundless and cannot be torn apart? Who has said that the earth is wide and cannot be overturned? Have you tried it, have you given it a try and come to a conclusion, or have you expended endless effort to get there?"

Naturally, there was no way she would do something so unorthodox, illogical, and ultimately unprofitable.

"No! Are you crazy?"


"Ouch! Ouch!"

Master's handkerchief flew at me. You've got a short fuse…….

"Have you exchanged and eaten all the gold and silver texts that I have just mentioned? I have clearly told you not to set limits! This master believes that there are no limits to man, especially to the human mind. No, indeed, there is no limit, and the power of the mind within you is infinite. It is only that you are not aware of it.

It can certainly tear the sky and turn the earth upside down. It can move faster than light and wilder than a tidal wave. Think of it this way. If you start by denying it, you've already determined its limits. "

"Ugh, you're making it hard to dip.

But to his displeasure, each of the master's words drove an arrow into Bi Ryuyeon's heart, sending a shiver through his body.

"Don't think about the outcome, think about the process, that's more important."


Now I understand what my master was saying. The harder you try to tear the sky apart, the more you'll gain unrealistic power, even if you can't actually tear the sky apart. Of course, you can actually tear the sky apart. Who hasn't?

Suddenly, a thought flashed through her mind.

"Wait, but why only the sky? Isn't there anything wider than the sky? If you're the sky, I can't stay in the sky! If you have the power to shake the heavens and turn the earth, I can't beat you later.

Then I'll have to distribute myself more widely and acquire the power of the universe, or at least the power of a thunder god, so that even if Master has the power to tear the sky apart, I can still win later!

Judging from his current fierce eyes, he could tear the heavens apart. He could instinctively sense that his words of destroying the heavens were not a lie. The conclusion, then, was simple: he could not defeat him with the power to tear the heavens apart.

When she reached this point, she breathed a sigh of relief.

'Phew, I could have been in trouble! I can't believe you're trying to set my limits so subtly… Hmm… You can't let your guard down, Master!

She was told not to set limits, but unknowingly tried to set her own limits with her clever words……. This was indeed her master's side, and that's why she felt she needed to gain more power.

In the midst of all these thoughts, the teacher's words to educate his student's mind continued.

"Therefore, the old man says I will accept your untried challenge any time you are confident of winning, any time you are confident of defeating this master. Wilt thou try?"

He stared at her with a strange look in his eyes, a look that the world would describe as grumpy. He was enjoying the moment. So if I went along with his twist and said, "Yes, I will!" the outcome was obvious.

I would have beaten him to death, shouting, "How dare he have the audacity to speak against a master whose height is equal to the heavens! At a time like this, one must never be caught by the scruff of the neck. He was no longer a child. Gone were the days of infancy when he would fall for his master's tricks and trappings!


It was the most cautious answer she could come up with.

"Hehehehe! I'm glad to see you're not forgetting that while it's important to not set limits, it's also important to know where you stand and develop an eye for gauging your opponent's skill, if you don't want to get yourself killed!"

Acquiring the ability to know no limits may be in the present, but it's more likely to be in the future. Therefore, grasping the present and reality is also the most important study. The study that is worthy of being called a life-preserving martial artist is the study of discerning the difference in ability between you and your opponent.

"You're welcome, I thought that was a given."

Seeing me like this, the teacher had only one more thing to say.

"Boy, what an ego, you've grown up!"

Three years, and he has never forgotten those teachings. And some of those teachings have been passed down to his students, the current priests.

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discord ko-fi