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Book 6 Chapter 18

A master of underwater warfare

"What are you guys doing?"

The spirit dives into the water.

Bi Ryuyeon looked up.

I scanned the remaining cast members.

The words and the look in his eyes were clear: "Are you kidding me? Your friend just walked into the battlefield alone, and what are you doing?


A light flashed in Bi Ryuyeon's eyes, and the cast members felt a chill of fear.

There was nothing more to think about.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!"

A dozen wind gusts and a splash of water soaked the boat.

With a single glimpse of Bi Ryuyeon's eyes through her windswept hair, the entire troupe turned off Mukhwan and jumped into the river after Qin Lie. There was no hesitation.

The first of them to jump in was the anxious Gongsang. The river was now a battlefield. He could not let his beloved go alone.

Yeomdo rolled his eyes.

No matter how you look at it, the water was the worst possible place to be for a raiding party.

Originally, when watermen encountered powerful masters, their first thought was how to lure them into the water to gain an advantage.

But he pushed them into the most unfavorable of places, where death was an ever-present danger if they made a mistake.

"What are you doing, are you crazy?"

It wasn't unreasonable for him to shout these words out loud. Bi Ryuyeon's eardrums tingled.

"Crazy? That's a lot of harsh words for a sane person. Don't worry, I'm very sane right now."

"Who cares about who right now? What I'm worried about are the children you've shoved out on a limb."

His face was changing colors with excitement, and it was obvious that he had grown tired of being trained so harshly, yet he was still so flustered.

"It's a beautiful day for fishing. "

What kind of nonsense is this when you're standing in front of a Yeomdo meter with bloodshot eyes, worried about the lives of your children?

"Is this the time to talk about fishing, and why do you keep looking for it?"

"Why, do you have such a grudge against the heavens for giving you good fishing weather?"

He barely held back the urge to bat his eyes. Now was not the time for this, for while he was here wrestling with Bi Ryuyeon, it was clear to him that the children who were his disciples (priests, by some strange and ambiguous definition of the word) were struggling with life and death situations.

Yeomdo turned away from Bi Ryuyeon and called out to those who remained.

"Those who remain should be prepared for any cramming that may occur. It's not over yet. Stay on your toes!"

At Yeomdo's command, the remaining Heavenly Swordsmen began to move in a flurry of activity.

"Phew, I thought it was Yeomdo-sa beating up on Bi Ryuyeon!"

Hyorong said with a sigh of relief. Listening to him, Jang Hong's expression was humble.

"What's going on? That short-tempered worker, Yidao, just blushes at this and turns away without saying a word? I don't believe it with my own eyes!

The previous conversation between Yin and Bi Ryuyeon had been conducted in full voice, so to those around them, it looked as if Yin, whose face was red with anger, was about to punch Bi Ryuyeon.

No one would dare to guess the relationship between Bi Ryuyeon and Yeomdo without going insane, and it was not Bi Ryuyeon that was burning inside, but rather Yeomdo.

"You went too!"

With these words from Bi Ryuyeon, Yoon Jun-ho's body floated in the air and then fell into the river.

"Pung Dung!"


Suddenly thrust into a completely unfamiliar and alien world by a stranger, Yoon was overwhelmed.

The unknown brought a great deal of fear to him.

Yun Jun-ho's first experience in the cold, dark, airless world beneath the surface was terrifying. At times like this, his heart was not strong enough to keep a cool head.

This wasn't the training grounds of the Volcanic School or the Academy of the Heavens. No one would look down on you if you weren't good enough, or give you a break if you were too tired. This was a place where lack of skill could mean death. The little experience I'd gained in the manual adaptation classes was still not enough to survive in this harsh world of Sura.

In the water, there were still more raiders, who, as Bi Ryuyeon had said, had approached the marker. Their number must have been over two dozen.

"Round and round!"

Fear and tension caused Yun's heart to start beating wildly, as if it would burst. It sounded like a drumbeat.


One of several assailants was lunging for his throat with a hukou (a hook-like water weapon) in his hand. Indeed, for someone who specializes in underwater assaults, his movements are reminiscent of a fish. I couldn't believe that a human being could move like that underwater.

Even if he didn't believe it, he had to live it. Yun Junho quickly moved his sword and barely managed to block his opponent's attack. His body felt like it weighed a thousand kilograms. His sword also moved slowly, as if it was a thousand times slower, and he almost died before he could even defend himself.



His body couldn't overcome the momentum and flipped over in the water. Yoon had forgotten something else. Underwater, there is nothing to support the body, so there is always the danger of being caught in someone else's attack.

Those who are skilled in hand-to-hand combat always keep this in mind and pay close attention to their movements. How to maintain balance in underwater combat was a big topic of discussion.

Across the water, the assailant's lake sphere flew again. Already off balance and flailing his arms, he had no chance to defend himself. Yun Che squeezed his eyes shut.

'Am I going to die…….'

Suddenly, I missed the Buddha and his three brothers on the volcano. I even missed the plum blossoms on the volcano.



The aftermath of the sword strike could be felt even underwater.

His neck was still attached. There were no wounds. Yun Zunhao opened his eyes and inwardly breathed a sigh of relief. The Raider's Lake had been blocked by the Southern Palace's sword, preventing it from advancing any further.


Shrugging off his opponent's attack with ease, the Southern Archer's sword pierced the assailant's throat. Red blood stained Yun's retinas red.

To Yoon Jun-ho's eyes, there was a certain ease to the troupe's movements. Their movements underwater were natural and smooth, as if they had always been there. Skillful might be a better word.

Namgungsang was currently decapitating the third attacker. The attackers had been surprised by the Zhu Jiajia Troupe's nimble underwater maneuvers and skillful countermeasures, and their surprise had created a gaping hole that would prove to be one of their fatal defeats.

'I never thought what I learned then would help me so much…….'

Ten Electrified Charge!

The sword on the southern palace appeared to change ten times, simultaneously cutting through the two assailants who had been attacking.

Even in these uncomfortable waters, the Namgungsang sword seemed to change as if it didn't matter. It was not something that could be done by anyone.

Namgungsang thought back to the bone-sharpening training he'd had at Amishan the year before.

Deep beneath the surface of the water, she swung her sword relentlessly!

They had trained relentlessly to be as powerful and mobile in the water as they were on land. Given their training, these movements were nothing to them. They were skilled enough to do their jobs and still have time to protect Yunjun.

With a little more breathing room around him, Yun Junho's recruits were left to others, while Namgung Sang searched for Qinling's whereabouts.


Qin Lie was surrounded by three dark masters and was struggling a bit. Sparks flew in the eyes of the Namgung Sang. With a quick glance, he pinpointed the direction of Qin Lie and moved the newborn faster than a fish toward it. To him, Qin Lie was something that must be protected, even at the cost of his life.

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discord ko-fi