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Book 6 Chapter 17

Tremors of the Spirit

"How did this happen……."

Blood of the Assassin

The headless spirit is a

I was still reeling.

Her body rejected her reason, and

I was constantly shaking.

"Major, are you all right, are you hurt?"

After a moment of contemplation, Namgungsang approached the panicked Qinling and asked in a trembling voice, "What happened? Her hands were soaked with blood as he held them out to her.

"I…I'm fine."

With a quivering lip, Jinling spoke. She was still reeling from the shock of what had just happened. She had just returned from seeing the threshold of the afterlife.

His fingertips gripped her slender shoulders with concern, and he could feel her trembling. His heart ached in his chest.

When I wield my sword, my heart is like ice!

It's one of the first things a swordsman learns, and it's also a golden rule, like the Golden Rule, that is most useful in moments of life and death.

For a moment, Qin Lie forgot this most basic and absolute teaching, and so he made the same mistake he had just made, and backed himself into a corner.

She walked briskly toward Jinling, who was still trembling.


Everyone stared wide-eyed at the incredible sight of the man's rough palm colliding violently with the woman's flushed cheek. Mouths agape.

The astonishment of the First Grade Combined Training Sect, the Heavenly Sword Sect in particular, was unparalleled, as it was seemingly a lower realm. Unperturbed by the surrounding stares, Bi Ryuyeon spoke in a firm voice.

"How could you make such a mistake? Did you want to die? What if you did die? Did you forget even the most basic common sense that a moment of inattention can kill you?"

Bi Ryuyeon's words were abstract. Not daring to retort, Qin Lie bowed his head deeply.

Her cheeks still tingled, but the ripples on her slender shoulders had long since dissipated like dust on a breeze.

Bi Ryuyeon's gaze briefly glanced at the people of the Zhongyang Marked Bureau, who were in a state of panic at the sudden attack from the mysterious men, before returning to Qin Lie. Qin Lie's body instantly flinched. Her cheeks were still red and swollen.

Stroking her swollen cheeks, Bi Ryuyeon said in a gentle voice.

"You have a lot of blood on you. Wash up and come back."


How am I supposed to cover myself in this situation and……. Plus, we were on a ship. We were not equipped to take a bath.

The question was quickly answered.

"Ding, ding, ding, ding!"

With a flick of her hand, the bindings around Qin Lie's wrists and ankles were instantly removed. There was a loud clatter as the heavy mantle fell to the wooden deck.


Up until this point, I didn't know what Jingling meant in English.

When his finger pointed to the blue waters of the river, she understood his intentions.

"There are still enemies!"

At her words, Qin Lie's eyes lit up with determination. His right hand nudged her left shoulder.



Her new model, shouldered by Bi Ryuyeon's hand, swallowed once in the air before disappearing into the river.

It made a ripple, but not a big splash.


It was Gongsang who was the first to exclaim in horror. He looked like he had just woken up from a nightmare.

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discord ko-fi