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Book 6 Chapter 16

The Strict Code of the Green Forest (Chapter 1 of the Green Forest Code)

-There is a law of diminishing returns.

"Eighteen houses in a row? Woohoo!"

Mo Yong-hui tilts his head in disbelief.

Once again, I felt seasick.

The pale, bloodless complexion of the woman

I felt like I had made a mistake by pushing myself too hard when I wasn't in good shape.

"That can't be right. "

It was Zhi Guozhu, the head of the state, who flatly rejected Mo Yonghui's views, and he continued.

"There's a rule of law in green watercolor. There's no such thing as a human being who just walks in without saying a word."

He was right.

While many people refer to the river as a lawless place, there are laws in the river. In particular, the rules among the most seemingly lawless of the green trees are far stronger than any law.

To stay alive on this floor, you must follow the laws of the floor, not the ceiling. There are always strong consequences for those who break the rules. The law of the land is unforgiving.

Because of this, those who violate the rules of the Green Pool are considered implied enemies and are automatically buried here. Of course, they usually die before being buried.

Something like this……. This time, the raiders reduced the time-honored business practices of Green Forest Trees to a shredded piece of toilet paper in one fell swoop, with no warning, no negotiation, just a stab in the back.

Given the conventions of the past, this shouldn't have happened.

It was a surprise attack that no one saw coming. Moreover, the raiders' skills were formidable. Without them, the Zhongyang Marked Bureau would have had to spend a considerable amount of its budget on sacrifices.

"What the heck is he aiming for?"

Su Zhanghai wished he was dreaming right now. But soon he was forced to recognize reality in a very poignant way.

"This isn't going to be a one-time thing, there's going to be a second wave!"

Su Zhanghai, who had been roused by Bi Ryuyeon's words, didn't even have time to groan as he drew his sword and shouted, "I'm going to kill you!

"All hands on defense! Each marksman is to protect the mark as a priority!"


At a single command, the markers moved in unison, forming a defensive circle around the marker. It was a skillful maneuver.

Everyone had decided that the masked men's target was the marker. Still, having already witnessed the fierce strength of the Heavenly Martial Cultivator before their eyes, their expressions were a little more relaxed than usual.

None of them thought it was even remotely possible that the raiders were actually targeting the members of the Heavenly Martial Academy, except for Jang Hong.

This was a surface ship, and now it was traveling, and traveling raids were not uncommon.

Such severe cases are of course rare!

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discord ko-fi