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Book 6 Chapter 15

Mistakes of the Necromancer

'Look at that!

That's the kind of failure that's supposed to happen! ……Uh…uh…oh, no!'

But the failure is

It turns out they weren't the only ones.

Mistakes were made on our end as well.

This was beyond computation.

The raiders who broke through the surface of the water all fell back like leaves in the fall, but only one came crashing onto the ship with only minor wounds. Perhaps the leader of this group, his movements were far more skillful than those of the others, and where he landed, Qin Ling stood dazed, clutching his sword.


"It's dangerous!"

Namgung shouted urgently. It was too late to make a move. The trust between them had been a hindrance this time. They'd trusted that Qin Lie would handle the attacker as well as they did. But they were wrong. …….

"Gee, I shouldn't have been so adamant about using my hands!

Bi Ryuyeon clicked her tongue. If it hadn't been for Qin Ling's faltering, troubled thoughts of murder, the assailant would never have reached this ship.

If you don't make up for your own mistakes,…….


Jinryung's vision turned red.

His sword had sliced through his opponent's ribs and reached his heart. Blood gushed out like a fountain.

Blood! Blood Membrane!

It was a great shock to Qin Lie, who, though a martial artist, was not a sensitive woman. The sensation of her opponent's heart dying a cold death was clearly transmitted through her sword. But that wasn't the end of it.

There was a flash of light in her assailant's eyes, and a sharp, razor-sharp dart flew out of nowhere, aimed for her throat. Her heart was ripped in half, an unexpected attack from the one she had already decided was the mastermind.

She was a martial artist of the highest caliber, but this time she was defenseless.

"You're late!

In this desperate moment, shorter than an instant, Na Yerin felt a gust of wind whip by her side. With her ebony hair blowing in the gusts, she saw clearly. A man stood in the way of the black cloaked figure, smashing his head in.

'Gale? A thunderstorm? Or a flash of light across an instant?

It was an amazing move, a mirage of a move, that Bi Ryuyeon performed in the blink of an eye.


Jang Hong muttered to himself as he looked at the black man's corpse lying on the deck with his skull crushed. The sight of blood splattered everywhere, mixed with pure white cerebral water, was a sight to behold.

"Stand…what if it stops the pain?"

Surprised by Jang Hong's words, Hyorong asked in astonishment. Jang Hong nodded his head in affirmation, but his face was seriously rigid.

"What's going on? Heck, this… this corpse is……. What kind of necrophilia is this?"

The local governor, Su Zhanghai, who had just heard Su Ha's message and rushed out, opened his eyes wide. As Jang Hong continued to explain, Su Zhanghai's face grew even more stern.

"They…then they!"

Su Zhanghai let out an exclamation of horror. Jang Hong nodded in confirmation.

"In other words, they're not just numbers!"

Jang Hong insisted.

"What does that mean?"

Qing Shui asked in confusion. He had only spent his time cultivating at the Martial Mountain and the Heavenly Martial Academy, so even though he had a thousand years of experience, he couldn't understand what Jang Hong was saying.

"It is a unique technique that is only mastered by killers who have taken very specialized killing classes: a trick of the trade for delivering the final blow, a trick of the trade, a trick of dying with each other."

Jang Hong's words were true.

When you're stabbed, the reason you can't fight back is because the shock sends your body into a momentary state of shock paralysis. If the impact is too great, the nerves are overloaded and the other nerves are unable to move. This paralysis makes it impossible to fight back.

This is why the technique was developed: to cut through the flesh and bone with a technique that allows you to fight back without being momentarily paralyzed by extreme pain and shock. It is often used as a technique of Donggui Erin.

This technique is designed to paralyze your nerves for an instant, so that when your opponent's sword plunges through your body, you can make a final counterattack at that very moment. If you're lucky enough to get out of the way, you'll live; if you're stuck, you'll die.

Of course, you'll soon be in excruciating pain, but you can suffer in peace because the other person is already dead. Or, at least, you can die together. This is why it's sometimes categorized as a trick of the Donggui Era.

It was a technique often practiced by specially trained killers and intelligence agents. It wasn't a trick that a commoner could learn.

"So that means it's not numerical!"

Qinghe, who was next to Mo Yonghui, said.

"Yes, if they had any sense of common decency, they wouldn't do such a reckless thing."

Jang Hong nodded in understanding.

"Who has a grudge against us?"

"There's always someone out there who wants to chop up the growing sprouts and use them as kindling before they grow into something worthwhile, and there's always someone out there who doesn't want to see those overgrown leaves, especially as we approach the once-a-decade Volcano Covenant Chapter Divine War."

"You can't possibly mean……."

Qingfeng looked at Jang Hong in astonishment.

"There are very few organizations that have the ability to mobilize a force of this magnitude in the shadows. I don't think you'll escape suspicion, but say no more. We haven't finalized anything yet, and you can't afford to talk about such matters under such ambiguous tensions!"

"Does this insight really belong to someone who just got to this grade?

At Jang Hong's thoughtful words, Cheng Heng found himself nodding. He hadn't paid much attention to Jang Hong's remarkable insight, and now he saw him in a new light.

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discord ko-fi