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Book 6 Chapter 14

The most effective ways to fail at memorization

Salmon is a

I was swimming hard, making my way back up the river.

This is because they need to lay eggs and raise their young.

But just in time

A salmon passing through the area in preparation for spawning season decided to use the

I had to witness something unbelievable.

She's making her way up the river, flapping her fins eagerly in preparation for spawning season, when she notices that a group of arrogant humans have outpaced her. These humans have defied the laws of nature and outstripped her in the water.

As a self-respecting salmon, this was bound to make my teeth chatter.

The humans swam through the water in a dazzling display of movement, as if to show off their ability to outmaneuver the fish. Each of them had a long reed in his or her mouth, wore tattered leather clothing that clung to their bodies, and clutched a series of gnarly hooked weapons in their hands.

The salmon temporarily suppressed their desire to reproduce, their eyes flickering with interest at the events of the other world within their own.

Perched gracefully on Bi Ryuyeon's left shoulder, sporting blue feathers, was a thunderhawk. He was always in his element.

He was the reason that no one else was allowed to fly above the ship. As it turns out, he's also quite greedy.

Bi Ryuyeon said, stroking the head of Wu Liuhua, who was sitting on her left shoulder.

"Do you like to fish?"


Na Yerin couldn't read Bi Ryuyeon's thoughts, so she didn't answer his question. He was still a mysterious man.

"It's a beautiful day for fishing, isn't it?"

"Well, didn't you just say it was going to rain?"

The response was cold, but I shouldn't let that stop me from dealing with Na Yerin.

"You're remembering things that don't matter. It might rain, though. Red rain [赤雨] is……."



Na Yerin asked, suddenly feeling a strange energy. Something didn't feel right. It always happened at times like this.

"I'm getting a lot of fish, what's the bait? I'm curious, because I'm sure it wasn't just bedbug food. "

"What does that mean……, ouch!"

Only now did Na Yerin's face harden, as if she sensed something foreign.


A great enemy was sneaking up on them. His dragon eyes stabbed with pain. It was a clear warning.

"Grasp! "


Twenty pillars of pure white water rose up around the surface. Bi Ryuyeon's attitude toward this unexpected event was relaxed.


A dozen streams of water rose up, and the thunderbird perched on his shoulder flapped its wings in surprise and soared into the sky. Only a few blue-tinted feathers fell to the ground.

She couldn't help but let out a small exclamation of admiration at the sight of the swarm rising from the water's surface and attacking in the glorious noon sunlight.


There was no need for second thoughts. How could they have the nerve to attack a marker ship in broad daylight when they were sitting there with their eyes wide open?

Even though I used the river for cover, I couldn't expect any more cover since I was already out of the water, but I couldn't help but be surprised when I saw him still in the air without any cover, looking like a begging beggar, saying, "I'm here, please rip my throat out!

"Ding, ding, ding, ding, that's the perfect amount of dwell time to literally be a target."

From his perspective, they still had what seemed like an eternity to go before they could get within striking distance where their attacks would be effective.

That was enough time for her and her rigorously trained students to do dozens of things they wanted to do before the jerks could even get into their offensive zone of effect. Bi Ryuyeon had full faith in her educational achievements.

It was not the way of the warrior to refuse to strike me on the neck so willingly and so earnestly. It was the way of the warrior to plunge his sword into the heart of an attacking horde whenever he saw an opening. And such a plainly visible one at that…….

The heavens will take care of the foolish fools without you having to exert yourself. Such is the cruelty of the world. If you think the heavens are generous enough to forgive fools and fools' fools, you are sorely mistaken.

If she ever met someone who was running a killing club, she would advise them that they could never do that. Of course, she would charge for her advice.

While he was lost in thought, the jerks hadn't even reached their target yet, and it didn't take long for his prediction to prove correct.


Sixteen streaks of sword energy erupted from the swords of the master craftsmen, plus the blue and white sword energy of Mo Yonghui, Qinghun, and Na Yerin, and flew toward the masked assailant. It seemed that Mo Yonghui had the presence of mind to unleash his sword qi even as he was struggling. It was indeed a sword worthy of being called the Seven Feast Divine Sword.


The blade flew like a beam of light and slaughtered the black-clad raiders, not for their foolish decision, but for carrying out the orders of their commander and leader without a single protest.

Slaughter is too gruesome a word, too much of an exaggeration; impaled is more like it, like a meat bandit on a blazing pyre.

"Pung Pung Pung!"

By the hand of the overworked heavens, the raiders of the Black Blood Clan had not even had a chance to fulfill their dreams, falling like leaves on a rainy autumn day to the blue waters of the Yangtze River.

The splashes from their artificial, selfless devotion rose white into the air and glistened in the sunlight.

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discord ko-fi