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Book 6 Chapter 13

The Window of Na Yerin's Hardened Heart

"Hey…hey, I think I'm going to die!"

One of the marksmen standing on the boundary saw the

You talk to a fellow marksman.

"Me too!

I'm going to go crazy."

"Because I can't look away……."

"Your eyes are wide, aren't they?"

"Are you talking about your in-laws? How are your eyes, you've got circles under them!"

"I must be able to sleep, for my nightly groaning does not cease!"

"I don't know if we're all going to collapse at this point, ugh!"


Both of them sighed in frustration. It was doubtful they would sleep well tonight.

The face of the fairy loomed before me again.

They rolled their eyes to see the fairy's face once more.

The two men's gazes turned dazed again as they snuck away.

Sitting in the sunlight, bathed in the rays of light breaking over the surface of the water, Na Yerin's appearance was that of a celestial fairy.

Her dazzling beauty, reminiscent of a fairy goddess, took the breath away. Even the markers, plowmen, and sailors who stood guard around the marker could not help but steal a glance at her beauty. It wasn't long before they were all turning into squints.

To them, who had always lived a mundane life, the beauty of Na Yerin, Yin Yin, Nan Gongsan, and Jinling was nothing short of heavenly. Already, Na Yerin and the other three were keeping many people awake at night.

Even the old man, Nanchangji State, Jianggang Jiaolong, and Suifeng were mesmerized by their beauty.

Her sun-drenched, jet-black ebony hair cascades down her dazzlingly white nape. Her beauty was as exquisite as a statue carved from white jade to capture the moonlight.

There was a beauty and mystery about her surroundings that was reminiscent of an otherworldly landscape, as if she were isolated from the rest of the world.

Ryu-yeon was both happy and sad at the same time.

He saw in her a strong sense of being disconnected from the world, of refusing to fit in. She had put a lock on her heart of her own volition, and that broke his heart, but he couldn't force her to change her mind about her refusal to fit in with the world.

Bi Ryuyeon smiled as she approached Na Yerin, who was melting in the sunlight and remaining in a world apart.

"Doesn't it look like it's going to rain?"

"What do you mean?"

Na Yerin had to regret her unconscious stare at the sky.

The heavens were currently in a state where it could never rain. The sun was shining brightly on the surface world as if in protest.

"That's ridiculous."

Bi Ryuyeon laughed softly. For a moment, Na Yerin hated herself for getting caught up in his rhetoric.

"Is that the end of our business, then? I'd like you to go home now."

Still, her reaction was as cold as a north wind.

"Oh no, no, no, can't you leave the keys with me? "

"What key do you mean? I don't remember having a lock that required a key."

Na Yerin made a face of not understanding. Bi Ryuyeon said in a surprised voice.

"What do you mean there isn't? What a pity! Of course, it's the key to unlocking the tightly locked heart of me, Sojae. "

Bi Ryuyeon's smile shone brightly in the sunlight. His words gave Na Yerin a strange look. No one had ever said this to her before.

"Are you asking me to let the cat run the fish store?"

This is something to be suspicious of.

"Oops, I guess I'm actually a cat and not a person, that's the first time I've found that out. Meow!"

Despite Na Yerin's cold reply, Bi Ryuyeon was still single-minded. His heart wasn't soft enough to be hurt by these words.

To top it all off, he raised his right hand and rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, mimicking a cat. I'm sure it was meant to be cute.


There was a slight reaction from Na Yerin. This alone was an amazing development. The smile on Bi Ryuyeon's face grew even brighter. She had never seen such a friendly reaction before.


But even the small smile that escaped her lips was fleeting. The never-beautiful sound from the opposite railing brought her back to reality. Na Yerin stiffened again, her expression grim.

Bi Ryuyeon's gaze turned to search for the source of the unidentified ghostly sound. Just in case, there it was!

The culprit was once again Mo Yonghui. His epic seasickness hadn't stopped yet. He must have had a grudge match in his previous life. All of a sudden, Bi Ryuyeon felt like kicking Mo Yonghui's ass.

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discord ko-fi