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Book 5 Chapter 20

Wuzhou Gongshan Fisherman's Village

The tune she was playing was slowly building to a climax.

On the other hand, to get out of the situation, Wei Jichen, who was in the position of being attacked, used the

I've been trying to keep my head above water, but once I'm in the zone, I can't help myself.

It was not easy to get out.

This is why you should always be careful. If you get it wrong, you could end up getting sucked into the coinage game.


The song's climax was interrupted by the sound of a tang string that pierced Yu Zichen's mind. It was obviously intentional.


When the music was interrupted, Wei Zichen vomited up a bowlful of blood. His body and mind, which had been swept away by the tune, couldn't adjust to the interruption, and his stomach churned, causing him to vomit blood.

But for Wei Zichen, it was a good thing it ended there. After vomiting up a bowlful of blood, he felt his stomach cool and his head clear. If Bi Ryuyeon had continued to play her tune, she would have fallen into the Heart Demon, entered the Running Fire Demon, and become a crippled person due to the tangle of qi and blood. Although Bi Ryuyeon had ejaculated in her hand, there was no way she could have seen the bowl of blood or the vomit in Wei Zichen's eyes.

Now that his body was back to normal, it was time to do what needed to be done. Wei Zichen emitted a terrifying bluish sword qi and charged towards Bi Ryuyeon. Due to the internal injuries he had sustained earlier, he was unable to use his sword steel, which was very taxing on his body.

'Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Inwardly, Bi Ryuyeon felt a sense of dread. Bunches of sword qi rushed through her body. If she didn't want to die, she had to withdraw. The vigorous sword qi was too ferocious to be used offstage.

"That, that, that!"

A series of fierce sword invocations, used in times of life and death, emanated from the tip of Wei Zichen's sword. They were all the colors of a killing intent. Even Bi Ryuyeon didn't dare to be caught off guard by his fierce and merciless sword net, and used the phoenix dance to dodge. Yu Zichen's sword technique was too fierce to be dodged with only the Tantric Stroke.

"Is this okay?"

After reading about the ferocity of the sword qi and the life within it, Moon Ilgi was overwhelmed with worry and asked Yin Do for his opinion. "Why don't we stop this now?" he asked. If it went any further, they might actually see blood. Even if it ended well, it seemed that Wei Zichen's discipline was inevitable.

"Don't worry, he's not going to die from that!"

Don't worry, said T'uro Yidou. Unlike the worried faces of Moon Di and the other samurai, he remained nonchalant.

'Still, it would be nice to have an arm……, or a scar or two…….'

Yindo thought about his humble dream for a moment. There was a tinge of excitement in the back of his mind that if he went in with his eyes lit up like that, he might just succeed. The problem was…….

'You're losing your mind, how can you possibly do anything right when you're like that! …….'

It was a sharp point that, like Yeomdo, was able to pinpoint the problem with Wei Zichen's current situation. It seemed that the heavens had no intention of granting his small wish.

"By the way, that kid is really dodging like a loach, and Wei Zichen's ferocious sword qi hasn't hurt him once yet."

Suddenly realizing a fact, Moon Di Qi let out an exclamation of admiration. True to his word, Wei Zichen had yet to inflict the slightest damage to Bi Ryuyeon's body, and he was getting tired of the grass. Seeing him tire so quickly and easily, uncharacteristically, it seemed that the blow he had received from the Yin Gong hadn't been a small one. A cold sweat was already forming on his forehead. It was proof that he had overextended himself.

"Looks like we're about to have a showdown."

At the same time as Yi Yun finished speaking, Yu Zichen's eyes flashed. Once again, his mouth burst out in anger.


Like a bolt of lightning from the sky, Wei Zichen's sword charged toward Bi Ryuyeon.


Bi Ryuyeon snorted in disbelief. At the same time, with a single sweep of her hand, the sword qi that had been flying toward Bi Ryuyeon with momentum was dissipated in midair with a loud boom. It was as if it had been intercepted by an invisible barrier.


Wei Zichen let out a groan. Although he would never want to admit it, he had to recognize the strength of the opponent in front of him.

"You didn't really expect that much swordsmanship to work on me, did you? I thought you had your next move ready to go, or did I misunderstand?"

"Sunfeng's soul!"

Before he could finish speaking, eighteen streaks of sword energy once again shot out from the tip of his sword. This time, it was the best he could do, but even this time, Yu Zichen's strike seemed to be too much. Bi Ryuyeon playfully flicked her saber once, and Wei Zichen's sword Qi flew away in vain, unable to touch even the hem of Bi Ryuyeon's clothes. No matter how powerful a weapon was, it had to hit the opponent before it could do any damage. No matter how powerful it was, if it didn't hit its target, it was useless.

"Not yet, not yet, you've got a long way to go."

There are few things more humiliating than being cheered on and encouraged by your enemy. How many times have you found yourself giving your opponent a pep talk?


Yu Zichen was so disassembled that the lid was about to open. Had he ever been ignored like this before in his life? His aura soared. This time, regardless of whether he died or not, he was determined to use the Spleen Herb. It was a killing weapon that was never used in martial arts tournaments because it would surely draw blood once used.

But with his eyes already turned upside down, there was no way he could see that, and no way he could think that far.

"Take it! Heavenly Wind Marauder Charm!"

"Huh! That's dangerous! Don't you dare……."

Among the judges, Kang Haoyun, a member of the Blue Star Sect, jumped to his feet in surprise. The Heavenly Wind Thunderbolt was a killing weapon that was forbidden to be used in any of the twelve secret techniques of the Qing Sheng Sect.

He hadn't expected that someone of Wei Zichen's stature would be able to deploy such a fearsome killing move in a martial arts competition. However, Bi Ryuyeon, who was actually in the tournament, was no slouch in front of the terrifying killing moves.

"This is how you have fun!"

A terrifying sword Qi like a whirlwind erupted from the tip of Yu Zichen's sword. An eerie white sword Qi swept across Bi Ryuyeon's waist, slicing it in two. Everyone watching could soon see the blood gushing out of Bi Ryuyeon's waist.

Faced with this terrifying sword energy, Bi Ryuyeon made the most reckless choice of all. She chose to use the rosary in her hand as a shield against the all-consuming sword energy. She placed it on her right side with the stringed side facing out.

Everyone thought that Bi Ryuyeon's waist would soon be spurting blood along with the two shattered sabers. In front of Wei Zichen's sword qi, Mukgum looked so shabby.


An ear-splitting sound erupted. It was an unbelievable sound that could not have come from the clash of a wooden mukgum and a sword made of pearlized crystal steel. The entire crowd stared in disbelief.

Everyone's expectations were wrong. Bi Ryuyeon's golden thunderbolt, Muk'er, confidently and unassumingly blocked Wei Zichen's sword qi without a scratch. In fact, it even bounced off his sword as if it were plastic. Unable to withstand the recoil, Wei Zichen was forced to stumble back five steps.

Wei Zichen couldn't help but be stunned by this surprising and outrageous counterattack. It was a shock that made his heart sink. The blow of conversion, the last ditch effort, had failed. There was nothing left to scratch for.

"The Thunder Spirit Divine Gong, energized by the Thunder Spirit Divine Gong, can never be broken, no matter how sharp the blade, so the play is over."

At the same time, her eyes spit out flames. Her left hand stretched forward, leaving the restrained Usu behind.

"As a thank you(答禮) for listening to me all these years, and as a farewell gift, I will give you my last performance, a performance of brilliance(光輟) and silence(沈默)……."

The smile on his lips deepened. With his hair blowing slightly in the breeze, Yu Zichen felt as if he had seen something that sent chills down his spine, a flash of lightning. Even as the Samurai Sword Technique began, Bi Ryuyeon's left hand, which had never been stretched before, stretched forward. Three silver rays of light shot out of it like a beam of light.

Lightning Sword Righteousness Sword Qi

Chapters of the Wind Cloud Thunderbolt

Luoguang River Gorge (雷光流河曲)

Ryuyeon's fingers ran over the silver strings like he was playing gold. Under his touch, three strands of silver flashes danced around his body before disappearing into thin air.

Yu Zichen didn't know what was happening in front of him.


First, the sword, a lifesaver, flew out of his grasp. A light flashed before his eyes. Feeling an instinctive sense of danger at this unexpected turn of events, Wei Zichen flew out of the way, trying to escape, for sometimes there is no friend as reliable as a man's instincts.


But he could not move, like a butterfly caught in a spider's web. He was immobilized, as if movement were tethered to an intangible rope.


The moment he felt the blocked movement, a thunderbolt-like impact struck his entire body. It was an enormous impact, like a heavenly wall force falling on his body. The silk robe he had just worn yesterday was torn into thousands of pieces, followed by a spray of blood.

It wasn't a lethal amount of blood, but his entire body was covered in spiderwebbed wounds, and a trickle of fresh blood was leaking through them. I controlled my power and cut away the skin, but his eyes were already lifeless and unfocused. He could barely stand, staggering like a dazed man. The victor's whereabouts were obvious.


His knees bent weakly.

In the distance, the still-smiling figure of Bi Ryuyeon filled his vision. It was a complete defeat.

"I…I…I…I'm a martial artist!"

Swordzone Gong Gongyi, who was watching alongside Guanzhu Iron Fist Majin in the front row of the grandstand, jumped to his feet and shouted. His eyes were uncharacteristically tearful for a man of his reputation for cultivation.

He tried to control himself, but his trembling was uncontrollable, and the samurai, surprised by his sudden behavior, could only stare at him in disbelief.

"Master, is this a technique you know? I've never seen it before today. I can't guess the name of it. Hehe! It's a sword that strikes an enemy at a speed so fast that it's invisible……."

When asked by Guanzhou Maginga what was on his mind, he didn't answer quickly.

"Is there something wrong, my lord?"

As he watched with open-mouthed wonder, Guanzhou Maginot asked him about his sudden behavior. He wondered what in the world could have surprised this man.

"Ah, no, no. I think the old man is mistaken, Guan Zhu. Seeing the children's behavior suddenly reminded me of something I'd forgotten. I think I've been lost in thought and mistaken the place."

"Hahaha, that's not like you, it's an illusion. Was it a bad memory to see you so surprised?"

"It's a bad memory……. Hehehe!"

He smiled slightly, but said nothing more in polite conversation. By this time, his eyes had sunk deeper than the abyss, and his sunken eyes were emitting an exquisite light.

'A bad memory, a horrible memory I never want to relive again. An old memory, buried in the depths of a child's mind, never to be dredged up again……. 'Did I really see it wrong?'

It's not something you can jump to conclusions about, but it's something you need to check and move on from.

"Bi Ryuyeon, you win!"

The referee's decision confirmed her victory. Thus, the honor of winning the Battle of the Three Kingdoms of Samsung was awarded to Bi Ryuyeon. It was a victory that no one could have predicted.

"Yay, I won!"

"Long live the death penalty, this can't be a dream, can it?"

The shouts of joy came from the troupe members who had bet on Bi Ryuyeon and his few friends, Hyo Ryong and Jang Hong.

"Ouch, did I push it a bit? "

Bi Ryuyeon grumbled as she descended from the offstage area.

"Death penalty, good job."

When she stepped off the stage, it was the cast members who rushed to her side. They were so overjoyed that they genuinely congratulated her on her win.

"I must have pushed myself too hard, I'm out of shape!"

"Not surprising after such a hard-fought battle, good job!"

He smiled and handed her a towel. But Bi Ryuyeon looked at him strangely.

"What are you talking about? That's not what I'm talking about! I'm just saying that if you try to keep your things in your hand by using less force, you're putting a lot of strain on your body. Your muscles get tight and……. It's very difficult to win without killing!"

She complained and complained and complained. The troupe members' eyes widened in disbelief as they listened. They couldn't believe what they were hearing.

"Ho-ho-ho, you won anyway, so did you keep your promise?"

Thinking of Na Yerin made Bi Ryuyeon smile softly.

The question of who will win the overall Samsung Mujae championship has always been on the minds of the entire Tianmu Hall.

But this year, no one was interested in it.

On an empty off-stage, the talkative Bi Ryuyeon stood alone. Despite being the overall final, he had no opponent. One of the biggest upsets of the Samsung Festival, the City Battle, was a draw, meaning there was no winner. The sword fight also failed to produce a winner.

Furthermore, the winner of the Sword Battle, who had almost invariably won the overall championship every time, was also undecided due to the draw. Furthermore, both Mo Yonghui and Qinghe were still recovering from their wounds.

There was only one place where the winner could be decided, and that was Samsung. As a result, the only participant in the overall final was the winner of the Samsung Battle, Bi Ryuyeon. It was a strange situation that only one person was eligible to participate in the overall final. The organizers had to think hard about this unexpected situation, but they couldn't come up with a solution. They had no choice but to give her the honor of winning the overall title. From her point of view, it was like a steal.

Therefore, no one would pay attention to it. Only a few people thought that Bi Ryuyeon deserved the honor of winning the overall title of Tian Mu Samu Muze.

Even though she was still standing offstage by herself, everyone in the audience knew that no one else was coming up. The reason she was up there now was because the awards ceremony was about to begin. In the eyes of the world, she must have looked like an unfortunate fish out of water, or perhaps a thief.

For this reason, the Nine Zheng Sect, the representative of the younger Nine Great Sects, and the Gunung Eight Families, the representatives of the younger Gunung Fire Sect and the Eight Great Families! With the pride of two of the most powerful factions within the Heavenly Martial Academy on the line, this match would end in a draw, with no one winning. There was no way to decide the outcome.

The ambitions of the Gunwoongpalgahae to win this time and crush the noses of the old Moonpara snivelers were dashed, and the ambitions of the Gujeonghae to win this time and crush the hopes of the Gunwoongpalgahae were also buried in darkness without ever seeing the light of day.

The draw of the Sword Battle, which hurt both sides, the draw of the City Battle and the Sword Battle, which hurt both sides, and the biggest upset of all, the winner of the Samsung Battle of the Heavenly Martial Arts Academy and the overall winner, Bi Ryuyeon! He didn't belong anywhere.

In the end, the Samsung Festival was a victory for no one, and at the same time, it gave glory to a ridiculous third party. It was an incredibly hollow victory for the two groups that were sharpening their knives.

Fisherman's Welfare in the Wu Zhu Gong Shan! These were the two old sayings on everyone's minds.

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