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Book 5 Chapter 19

Ryu Yeon Bi and Ji Chen Wei's Final Four

Finally, the day of the Samsung vs. Samsung final has arrived.

At the dawn of this special and important day, when the dawn breaks, Bi Ryuyeon is also the time when the

Before rising, pray to the gods of heaven and earth, and bathe in cold purified water.

You know, the kind of thing where you cleanse yourself, change into new clothes, and make a resolution.

Behavior was never part of the equation.

On the other hand, Wei Jichen repeated the process over and over again, because it meant so much to him.

Every once in a while, something unbelievable happens in the world that takes people by surprise. The next moment, people either marvel at the fickleness and absurdity of this world or curse it out. In this context, for the Heavenly Guards, Bi Ryuyeon's trip to the final of the Samsung Grand Prix was nothing short of a divine intervention.

Still, quite a few people had come to watch this final match of the Heaven and Earth Divine Name Nongan. They didn't come to see Bi Ryuyeon, but to see the Sun Wind Sword Dragon Wei Zichen. Even so, it still paled in comparison to the final of the Sword Battle. The excitement of the final round of the Sword Battle still dominated the atmosphere of the academy.

Even Na Yerin, who was a spectator today, had come out to watch. Why did she come to watch him compete again? When she finally arrived and took her seat, she couldn't come up with an easy answer. It wasn't because of the letter tied to the thunderbird's ankle that had flown in yesterday; she could always ignore that. There were already too many letters in her hands to count.

Even Na Yerin, who had dismissed it as "just curiosity…….," was surprised by her own attitude. Did she have any curiosity about other people after that day? Absolutely not. She had been so disconnected from her surroundings and human relationships that she was worried about them, and now she thought it was impossible to be interested in them.

As she approached, the crowd parted to the left and right to make way for her, and they all took one look at Na Yerin as she passed in front of them. With ecstatic eyes…, as if they were happy just to see her…….

There were times when she didn't like the way they looked at her, and there were times when she didn't like the way they looked at her. Sometimes it was overwhelming, especially when there were members of the Bing Feng Cinema Guardians in front of her, aggressively chasing her down and making way for her.

She couldn't understand why she was being treated this way because of her mere beauty. She couldn't understand the minds of male creatures; she couldn't comprehend their subtle senses. She was too clean and pure in that way.

Following her was Lee Jin-sul, who looked pleased to have gotten a good seat so easily, while her tutor, Dokgo-ryung, stood escorting her with his usual stern expression. Na Yerin's profound eyes caught sight of the two who were just now walking up to the offstage area.

'I can't lose! I can't lose! I can't lose! I can't lose to that backward little brat! I'll win, and I'll make sure to wash away the shame of that day.

With a blood-curdling heart, Wei Zichen was shouting. He swore and swore and swore that he must not lose to such a fundamentally ignorant brat, especially in front of his idol and everything in this courtyard, ……, even if it meant dying, he must win.

'He is looking at me right now. If I lose, what kind of a stranger will I be in this world? I don't have that kind of courage. I must win, I must win. I will show you here today the results of my Hundred Days of Training, the power of a name you can never imagine in your wildest dreams, the essence of the great old sect, the Qing Sheng Sect!

His honor and reputation were more important to him than his life. It was a match that he must win no matter what. With his face stiffened, his eyes fierce, and his heart full of determination, Wei Zichen raised his sword. The pure white sword shone with white light…….

Bi Ryuyeon, the final decorator of the Three Musketeers, and Wei Zichen, the Sun Wind Sword Dragon… ‥.

When they found out that the other finalist was the rumored first-year brat, Bi Ryuyeon, they all nodded their heads and took it for granted. When they found out that the other finalist was the rumored first-year brat, Bi Ryuyeon, their faces contorted in a very bizarre manner, forming question marks. They wondered if it was really possible, and if he was joking. …….

As far as Wei Zichen was concerned, Bi Ryuyeon's advancement to the final was both fortunate and unexpected. He had been humiliated right under the nose of the woman he had longed for with all his soul, and if he couldn't make up for it now, how could he bear the shame that would haunt him for a thousand years!

That's why, when he found out that Bi Ryuyeon was competing in the Samsung Martial Arts Competition, he abandoned his specialty, the sword, to compete in this event. Wei Zichen would like to argue that what happened to him that day was clearly a mistake made in the heat of the moment, and he was right to feel that way (though it remains to be seen if he had the energy to unleash his sword cavity).

Bi Ryuyeon looked at Wei Zichen with a strange gleam in her eye. It was rumored that he hadn't been seen for a while, and she wondered if he had gone off somewhere to cultivate. However, the energy emanating from his body was different from before. It felt like a well-honed sword. An amused smile crossed her lips. It had been a long time since she had faced someone like this. Should she put away the golden koto?

Looking at Bi Ryuyeon, who was pacing back and forth, Wei Zichen smiled a smile of conversion. It was a smile filled with poisonous energy and resentment. When he first received the bracket, he was inwardly disappointed and anxious. If he and Bi Ryuyeon were to compete in different fields, or if he were to lose in the middle of the competition before they had a chance to meet, he wouldn't be able to meet her even if he made it to the finals. Of course, she was confident that she would continue to win and reach the final. Wei Zichen, who still had doubts about Bi Ryuyeon's ability, was understandably worried.

As if to put his worries to rest, Bi Ryuyeon walked onto the final stage in fine form. Now it was time to show the results of her bone-crushing training.

"The time has finally come to avenge the disgrace of the day. Prepare yourselves!"

With a voice full of roses, Yu Zichen exclaimed. How far he had come to shout this one word!


But when she heard his venomous voice, Bi Ryuyeon nonchalantly replied with the Maiden of the East.


The sound of teeth grinding was so intense that it could be heard even in Bi Ryuyeon's ears more than five zhang away. Wei Zichen's eyes shone bright blue. It was a ferocious gaze that an ordinary person wouldn't be able to stare into for even a moment.

"I will return the humiliation you received that day, tenfold, today!"

"If you're confident, you should do it."

Faced with Wei Zichen, who was bubbling with a mixture of killing and fighting qi, Bi Ryuyeon remained relaxed. This laid-back demeanor actually stirred up Wei Zichen's ambivalence. He could feel something stirring in his heart.

"You're crazy!"

"It's just reality."

The urge to punch Bi Ryuyeon's twirling face and crush it to dust rose in Wei Zichen's heart.

"I'll make sure you never say those words again. For his sake, you must disappear."

A blatant life force radiated from Wei Zichen's entire body. His sword began to emit a blue sword Qi, as if in sympathy with his life force.

"I feel like I'm facing life and death!"

The judges watching Wei Zichen's dark flesh couldn't help but feel worried, the difference between the two of them was too great in their eyes.

"Isn't that dangerous?"

The person who spoke up was the Iron-Blooded Heartless Swordsman Kang Haoyun, who is also the director of the Sword Marriage Center. Right now, he was worried about Bi Ryuyeon's safety. It was unthinkable that there would be casualties at the Heavenly Martial Festival celebrating the Heavenly Martial Three, and such a thing had to be prevented at all costs.

"Shouldn't we stop them, death penalty!"

He cautiously spoke to Gongsong Yilquan, the leader of the Heavenly Sect and a member of the Senate. As an expert, he had sensed the life and speculation emanating from Wei Zichen's body. It was only natural for him to be worried about the safety of Miu, Gou, or his disciple, Bi Ryuyeon.

The Windswept Sword Dragon Wei Zichen was already one of the most prominent cultivators in the world, and he knew it well. He didn't know if the troublesome Bi Ryuyeon would be able to withstand such a technique. In fact, he had decided inwardly that it was almost impossible.

"We haven't even started yet, stop? That's ridiculous."

Watching from the sidelines, Moon Ilgi said.

"What's going on with that kid, he's only a first grader and he's spewing that kind of flesh?"


No one had a straightforward answer. Everyone put their heads together and started to think.

"Look at that!"

Moon Diary pointed a finger at the offstage.

"Oooh, that's great, that's an accomplishment at that age!"

More than one bluish sword steel had just emerged from Yu Zichen's sword. It was an intimidating sight to behold. All the martial artists on the sidelines forgot their worries for a moment, and their hearts were filled with admiration. They even felt proud.

"He's going to go all out, shouldn't we stop him now, it's not too late?"

Now that Wei Zichen had unleashed his sword arts, the match would be even more terrifying. With the Sword River, it was nothing to send a young life to the heavens.

You may need to stop it before it poses any more risk.

"No, the bimu must go on, let's go on, just force it!"

It was Yeomdo who loudly interrupted. Everyone's eyes turned to him. He was the first to speak up in this competition. He glanced at the workers, who were looking at him curiously, before speaking again.

"Don't worry, you can't just scare him into stopping, and besides, if you do stop the match, who's going to win?"

"Of course…….."

Kang Haoyun was about to say, "Wei Zichen!" but he clamped his mouth shut. They hadn't officially fought yet, and no matter how much they could see Wei Zichen's victory in their eyes, they couldn't be too sure. Besides, it was unlikely that the other side would accept it easily. Especially at such a young age…….

"Do you think this child, Bi Ryuyeon, will be able to receive that Wei Zichen's sword qi?"

Now, Kang is worried about the safety of Bi Ryuyeon, who is also a student in his dorm.

Yeomdo shed pisic silicon.

"Who are you talking about? That guy, Bi Ryuyeon? If it's him, don't worry, he's the kind of guy who can survive any extreme situation! Let's not worry and continue the match."

I left out one line after Yeomdo.

"If only I could make it that bad.

If he had, he could have cut it off with his own hands a long time ago……. Why did he make all those useless promises and put the shackles around his own neck……. I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about that day.

"Please lose, lose, lose!

As far as he was concerned, Bi Ryuyeon was not someone who would fall so easily and miserably; she was someone who had defeated his way of life by any means necessary. He couldn't think of losing. If she thought she would lose here, it would mean that she was weaker than Wei Zichen, which was ridiculous.

I couldn't say it out loud because I was in front of the elders below Guanju, but I was more worried about the Yeomdo of the water than I was about Bi Ryuyeon, who exuded her life force from the front and back of her body.

"What's to kill……?

There was no rest for the wicked.

"Then let's speed up the match!"

Moon said.

"Let's do it. It's not like there won't be a transition!"

He had something like a beanstalk in his eye……, probably because he was from the same Cheongsung sect. Yeomdo was a bit skeptical of Kang's opinion, but didn't bother to refute it.

"Then let's just pretend it's decided and watch the game."

Finally, the prefect authorized the match to begin.

"The match is on!"

The judges' seats were closed, and the stage was once again reserved for Wei Jichen and Bi Ryuyeon.

"I Sojae……!"

Offstage, Bi Ryuyeon smiled broadly and waved to one side of the audience.

His attitude was that it was none of my business whether or not he unleashed his sword steel. Bi Ryuyeon suddenly called out for Na Yerin, causing Wei Zichen to lose his chance to slash at the start.

In the direction Bi Ryuyeon waved, Na Yerin, looking very uncharacteristically awkward for her, was sitting with Dokgo-ryung and Jin-sul.

"Wow! Sis, he guessed where you are, too! Give him a wave!"

Qin Shui waved to Bi Ryuyeon first. As if in response, she waved back even more excitedly.

"Jinshen, don't be foolish!"

It was Dokgoryeong's words that alerted Lee Jin-sul. Na Yerin's face was slightly agitated by Lee Jin-sul's unexpected behavior.

'This kid has no shame…….'

She hadn't been to many of Bi Ryuyeon's matches since the first one, but today she couldn't resist. Today was the day of the finals, after all.

To be honest, I never thought she would make it this far. It was just a weird feeling that day that made me say it out loud. I thought it was impossible. I was just trying to warn her that she was making fun of the martial arts, and I had no other intentions. I knew she would apologize if I said that. But they said they would. Stay tuned…….

'And here we are, unscathed!

I have to admit, he's got a lot going for him. But what was in him?

"Can we win this one?

Even in Na Yerin's eyes, Wei Zichen looked like a different person, displaying a martial prowess that was unbelievable for the man who had been chasing them around and annoying them. It was a clear indication of how strong he had become.

And she still, still, still couldn't read anything about Bi Ryuyeon, so she might as well have been embarrassed in front of the man. But she knew one thing: it didn't require the power of the Long Haired One.


It was the only thing she knew. She didn't want to admit it, but…….

"How rude! How dare you assume knowledge!"

Wei Zichen shouted, his face turning red and blue. As he watched Bi Ryuyeon wave her hand in front of him to see if he and Yi Jinxue were right, he couldn't help but feel a twist in his stomach. He himself still choked up whenever he was in front of Na Yerin, unable to speak properly, yet this bastard standing in front of him unhesitatingly called out to his idol and goddess.

And when one of her two closest friends waved, it was as if she was waving back, which made me even more jealous. Her skin seemed to have gotten twice as thick as it had been a moment ago. Bi Ryuyeon, who had been waving enthusiastically, stopped and looked back at Wei Zichen and smiled brightly.

"You're not a lowlife, so maybe you can afford to listen to me play one of my songs."

If you interfere with my performance, you're a lowlife, a lowlife, and a lowlife. It was a sound that turned Yu Zichen's stomach. The entire Five Elements were about to change places.

"I'm not busy enough to listen to that crap!"

"Ho-ho, you mean you're afraid of my taboo, oh my, what a shame……!"

An emotional Turo said.

"Who are you scared of?"

Yu Zichen shouted at the top of his lungs.

"If not, could you at least show me some grace for one song? I mean, I'm kind of disappointed that you haven't played it properly yet, and there's people watching, so shouldn't you be able to show that much?"

In fact, during this Samsung Festival, his mukgeum had yet to be used as an instrument once. Without waiting for an answer, Bi Ryuyeon plopped down on the floor and placed the mukgeum on her lap.

"Then let's get to work.

Her hands rested on the golden strings. Then she began to play the zither, flying over the strings. Deciding to see what he was doing, Wei Zichen was stunned by the sound of the golden notes. There was no hint of yin gong yet. However, Wei Zichen's shock was nothing compared to what Yin Gong had done to him.

"This, this song is……?"

His hands were shaking involuntarily.

"No! Not this song! No way……."

Wei Zichen wasn't the only one who was surprised. Even Na Yerin, who was rarely surprised, had a surprised look on her face when she heard Bi Ryuyeon's song. Seeing this, Lee Jin-sul didn't wait to speak.

"Wow, you never cease to amaze me! Sis, he's a better player than he looks, isn't that a nice note?"

Of course, he was very good. It showed that being able to play gold to this level is not an ordinary skill. Isn't Hong Lando Bi Ryuyeon over there in the judges' box marveling at the fact that she can play so well and so beautifully right now? She pinches her own cheeks vigorously…….

But that's not why she's surprised: it's the very song he played in that carriage on the day he stole her first kiss.


Yu Zichen was biting his lip until it bled. For a moment, he almost lost it. Before he knew it, Bi Ryuyeon's performance was tearing his mind apart. Bi Ryuyeon's notes had instantly penetrated the holes in his mind.

Before I knew it, my whole body was being affected by the tune. My head was dizzy, my mind was confused, and my heart was pounding like crazy. It was a wonder he didn't explode at once. The hand holding the sword trembled. My flesh pierced the air.

But I couldn't move my feet. I couldn't swing my sword. His feet would not leave the ground, and his shoulders were as still as stone. As I listened to the forbidding sound of the biryū smoke wafting through the air, the nightmare of that day seemed to come alive before my eyes. The shame of that day, the disgrace of that day!

The man approaching, the lips meeting, her not resisting. Infinite jealousy exploded in his mind, racing through his body like a madman. His eyes filled with blood and began to glow red. But still he could not move, as if caught in a net.

"That's great! I can't believe you've been able to do it all on your own and still have that kind of skill……."

This was Hong Ran's assessment of Bi Ryuyeon's performance, and she was equally impressed.

"That's right, that's very good!"

Wen Yi echoed Hong Lan's admiration. It was hard for him to believe that it was Bi Ryuyeon who had burned Hong Lan's insides all those years.

"No, what I mean by brilliant is that his playing has completely penetrated the opponent's psyche and is beginning to affect the psychic. Look!"

The tip of Hong Lan's slender cinnabar pointed at Wei Zichen.

"It's not my finger you're looking at, it's that kid, Yu Zichen!"

A flushed Hong Lan squealed as Moon Diary stared frantically at her fingertips.

"Humph, pretty fingers, humph……."

Letting out a federal gasp, Wen Yiliqi let go of his regrets and directed his gaze to Wei Zichen.

"I'm shaking like a leaf, and my eyes are red and bloodshot, but I can't move my body, and that's proof that the notes are completely under the control of my mind and spirit, and that's why I can't move even if I wanted to."

"Ho-ho? Indeed, I hear you."

Wen Yiliqi looked at Wei Zichen in disbelief. Indeed, his vitality was soaring and his fighting spirit was tremendous, but the two auras were mixing uncontrollably, and his whole body was trembling like an aspen tree.

"But there's something weird!"

"What do you mean?"

He was a master of the sword, but he was no expert in the art of yin.

"That kid, Wei Zichen, he's a Kowloon master, and he's even got a sword, but he was so easily and quickly taken down by Yin Yun. A kid of his caliber should have been able to resist it………."

"Then there's only one thing I can think of. Bi Ryuyeon must have inflicted quite a bit of mental trauma on that Wei Zichen, and then perfectly pierced through the gap in his mind that was caused by that trauma, which is why Wei Zichen fell once and for all."

"Hmmm……. I thought he was just a bad hair day, but it looks like he still had one!"

After hearing the explanation, I couldn't help but be impressed.

"I knew she had a knack for pitch, but I honestly didn't expect her to be at that level……, and she's only been studying music for half a year."

"What? Hongmae, is that true?"

This time, Moon was also surprised. He knew that even if he didn't know much about yin gong, he wouldn't have half a year to get into the proper state of yin gong.

"Heh, who's your red hawk?"

In the midst of the chaos, Hong Lan, who hadn't missed a word that had slipped out, shouted at Barak.

"Huh? Did you notice, there's no gap, Hong Mae!"

Now it was an open protest. I was already in a lot of trouble with Bi Ryuyeon, and I didn't think it would be nice to add another headache to the mix.

"It's not a red hawk! You're such a shameless……."

Not wanting to waste any more time arguing, Hong Lan quickly changed the subject.

"There are only two conclusions: you're either a master at hiding your skills……, which isn't very likely, or you're a genius. Neither of which makes sense, phew."

I sighed as I remembered what Ryu-yeon had done in class.

"It hardly makes sense to be a genius, so if……. I hate to admit it, but you're a genius?"

Moon's face quickly frowned.

"I hate to admit it, but……."

"I agree!"

For the first time in a long time, they agreed. They both said that they could recognize the skills in front of them, but they would never admit to any assumptions. While the two of them were arguing about their opinions, Bi Ryuyeon's performance continued.

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