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Book 5 Chapter 21


"What do you think?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked, smiling broadly.

The person who must answer this question is the person standing in front of him,

It still has the unique ability to mesmerize onlookers.

It was Na Yerin, a beautiful young lady of modest means.


At first, she couldn't answer his questions. Honestly, she didn't expect him to make it this far. But who would have guessed that he would actually win the Samsung MUJE!

"No answer……."

In a slightly withered voice, Bi Ryuyeon said. But if he was going to falter here, he was no longer Bi Ryuyeon.

"See what I did there? I won, didn't I?"


She replied quietly. As always, her voice was pleasant to hear. Even the music of heaven, the heavenly music, could not compare to this.

"Honestly, I was surprised. I wasn't expecting it to be exactly what you said."

"That's an honest answer."

Bi Ryuyeon smiled.


"So now you're going to apologize?"

Like a little child, she said.

"What do you mean?"

"For suspecting that I was the one in the crosshairs."

He had a smug air of entitlement. What an abomination!

Still, I honestly don't think he ever said he was the one who broke into the palace, just the one who broke into the palace. In fact, he was not the one who broke into the palace.

"I'm sorry, I was impatient and I apologize."

I was still skeptical, but she did apologize. She had fulfilled her outrageous promise perfectly (?). A promise was a promise.

"And the apple gift?"

She said as if she'd been waiting.


She stared at him, wondering what he was talking about, but he was now standing right in front of her.

'Didn't read it again…….'

She was not mistaken, not this time. Even at this close distance, with his hand gripping her wrist, whiter and finer than her slender pearls, she couldn't read anything despite the physical contact. It was unnerving, but also comforting.

Bi Ryuyeon's lips met hers. It was another unauthorized steal. It was still not as good as the first, but a shiver ran through her body like an electric shock. It was sweet. Last time, she had been too dazed to realize it, but this time, her mind was fully engaged, and she could feel the ecstasy.

For some reason, she didn't resist. After what seemed like an eternity, Bi Ryuyeon's lips parted from Na Yerin's. It was an event that, if known, would once again break the hearts of countless men.


Without warning, Na Yerin's sword flashed silver once more. But…….

"I see you didn't succeed this time."

Her eyes glowed strangely. I didn't cut a single hem this time.

"I made it!"

It was Bi Ryuyeon, still speaking casually with an innocent smile on his face. A smile that many would say was an abomination bloomed on his face.

"I guess you've paid for your apology, then, so excuse me!"

Her words were still unemotional. In this respect, I was also a little disappointed with Bi Ryuyeon. I wanted to see a more smiling face……. Her face was still completely devoid of emotion. It would be more beautiful than anything else in the world if it was filled with more emotion……. She turned her back and walked away from him.

"See you next time!"

She waved her hand and tried to ignore Bi Ryuyeon's voice, which was shouting loudly.

"I win!"

Geum Young-ho said with a look of satisfaction. A victor's smile graced his face. On the contrary, the dark shadow of a defeated man was on the face of the Cyclops Dao Guangxue.

"Yikes, I lost."

The opponent meekly conceded defeat. His eyes and judgment were correct after all. Dao Guangxue now stood there, dead and grassy.

"How did you know?"

Touro Dokwangseo asked, knowing that his opponent would never know.

"What do you mean?"

"How could you have predicted that kid's win, you didn't have a clue."

That was the most puzzling thing to me as a photographer. There was something about it that didn't seem right.

"Heh, heh, heh, without you, there's no one else? If you think so, you're sorely mistaken. It's always a game of one-upmanship, and I had it, and you didn't, and that's why I won. Say no more. Every gambler has a trick up their sleeve that they don't share with others. It would be rude to ask. It's a taboo. It's not like you don't know."

"Besides," I added to myself, "it's for idiots.

"Because there's a really horrible story behind it.

The story was a top secret that must never be told. The winner, Geum Young-ho, had a big smile on his thick face.

"Looks like my skills aren't rusty yet, so you'll keep your word, right?"

Dao Guangxi's face crumpled like a piece of used toilet paper. I don't want to, but I can't help it. The more he thought about it, the more disastrous it became.

"Why are you so aesthetic, you seem so stiff, and yes, it's been a few months, you didn't forget your bet already, did you?"

Geum Young Ho said in a disgruntled voice. A promise is a promise! A bet is a bet! Keep it, that's what he meant. Unbearable shame filled his heart. Dao Guangxue gritted his teeth.

"I, Dao Guangxue of the Blue Dragon Clan, bow before you, recognizing that my poor eyesight is inferior to that of Confucius of the Zhu Jia Clan!"

With this cry, he pressed his forehead to the floor three times and bowed nine times. He felt like he would rather die. Geum Young-ho, on the other hand, felt like he was in heaven with the joy of victory.

Geum Young-ho's hands are full of dividends. There were only three other people who predicted Bi Ryuyeon to win. And while it was unfortunate that the winnings were split, the amount of money he wagered was far greater than the other three, so he received the most. The money he had risked had bounced back tenfold. He had hit the jackpot, so to speak.

It also came with an extravagant dinner at Nanchang's first building, which he'd won separately from his bet with Dokwangseo. As the name suggests, it was an eye-poppingly expensive place by normal standards, and all of the money had gone straight into Geum Young-ho's pocket. It was a windfall.

"Kyaa! I'm making a bet for this!"

There's always a rush of exhilaration that runs through your body when you receive a top payout that leaves your hands heavy. It's the best feeling ever.

I won. My pockets are full. He'd even seen the Blue Dragon Clan's Dao Guangxue lying dead. As he walked back to the room where the members were gathered, his steps were light and airy. He was basking in the glow of happiness, so much so that he didn't realize that a misfortune of some sort was waiting to pounce on him. However, this misfortune was too inevitable to be blamed on his carelessness.

"Hey, you look like you're in a good mood, but that thing in your hand looks really heavy, do you want me to lift it?"

"No, it's okay… Kuck! Kuck! Kick!"

When he heard a bright, cheerful voice behind him, he responded with an unconscious smile, and his face quickly became as pensive as if he had encountered the Grim Reaper.

"No, why is that? Someone would think you were playing?"

Ryu-yeon's smiling face looked like a demon in Geum Young-ho's eyes. Her finger pointed to the heavy prize pouch that Young-ho was trying to hide behind his back.

"Who's to blame?"

The smile on Bi Ryuyeon's face deepened. At a time like this, one must never be distracted or think of anything else. Geum Young-ho was well aware that it was a red flag when the usual humbug turned into a gong-dae.

"What are you talking about?"

But Geum Young Ho had the courage to take a chance, and he had too much in his hands to give up without trying. The smile on Bi Ryuyeon's lips widened a little more.

"What? You really don't know, that's too bad, I'm going to have to go to the trouble of reminding you, who won this bet, I hope you haven't forgotten?"

Geum's eyes turned grim. His heart sank. Dae-hyung had come here knowing everything. He hated himself for being able to predict Daehyung's next move.

"Forget! Of course, it's all thanks to your wise and proud elder brother. How dare I forget your virtues? Even in my dreams, I've never forgotten……, and that's the end of language. Hahaha……."

Geum Young-ho's flattery has now reached divine proportions. His tongue ran smoothly, perhaps as a reward for selling his conscience, or perhaps because of the power of the unknown that erupts when lives are at stake. But his laugh had no power.

"Are you sure this is the victory I've been working so hard for?"


My mouth fell open, but I couldn't help but feel sorry for the underdog.

"Then there must be a cost, and if there isn't, wouldn't that be a jerk move?"

"Of course. How could it not be?"

He couldn't help but smile and say, "Why is there no spare time in life?" Even though he was in tears. Just thinking about it was too much.

"I'm going to expect a priest's mind!"

I didn't say anything about dumping it if it didn't meet expectations. Because they would know better. Experience has shown us that sometimes you can read between the lines.

"Blah blah blah!

Geum Young-ho's heart broke, and he was forced to pay more than two-thirds of his dividend to Bi Ryuyeon in tears. When he only gave her a third, he couldn't resist the look in her eyes as she smiled darkly at him. Bi Ryuyeon, the money he had collected for his labors was so much money that he couldn't hide the bitterness in his heart, to the point of weeping as he struck the ground.

Eye test!

There was no way she was going to pass up such a golden opportunity to rake in the money. In fact, the only reason she had met him that day was because he had gone to collect the betting money on her errand. Of course, it was in his own name, so the whole story of his meeting with Geum Young-ho had reached Bi Ryuyeon's ears.

This was because Yeomdo had returned and casually told her the whole story of his encounter with Geum Young-ho in front of Bi Ryuyeon. That was enough for her to understand the situation, and she kept quiet until the last minute, when she stretched out her magic hand. In this way, the cast members had no choice but to tear off their navel, which was bigger than their stomachs (also known as ping in slang).

Compared to the thousand or ten thousand steps of Ge Yinghao, Bi Ryuyeon's returning steps were lighter than a bird's feathers and as light as flight.

A month later!

Autumn was now ripe and ripe and about to fall with the leaves. But there was one place that was still bursting with life, and that was the troupe's private training ground south of the Academy of Heavenly Arts.



His body flew four or five chapters away and landed on the ground. Still reeling from the force, he rolled three or four more times to clean the floor of the smokehouse.


Yaldo shouted out loud, heat rushing through his body. It was a terrifying force to be reckoned with.


The next to draw his sword was Yun Yun, the Cloud Dragon, who was gaining depth with each passing day in his rigorous training. There was no more flying in unison, no more ugliness.

Yan Dao's sword and Lin Yun's sword came together in a wonderful dance of blue sword light and red light. Shen Yun was holding his own now. He didn't seem as desperate to block as before.

"That's a lot of growth! That's good."

Even in the midst of the battle, Yeom-do took the time to praise Hyun-woon as if it were nothing.

"Yes! I…, I apologize."

Qingyun replied with difficulty. Right now, it was hard enough to focus his mind on stopping the Yin Dao pottery.

"But this place is empty!"

The mournful crimson flames of the salt flats rushed into Qingyun's side, and with an 'ouch', he twisted his sword to block them. He didn't want his waist to be bisected at such a young age.


I stopped it, but I didn't have enough power. The timing was off by half a second, and the result was devastating. Hyun-woon flew out of Chapter 4 like a kite with a broken string, crashing to the floor. At least he tried to make amends by showing how many moves he was better than Nohak. To little avail, but…….


Yeomdo cried out again.

"Yes! Thank you."

This time, it was a man known as the Thunder Sword Dragon, and he was known as Namgung Sang.

"Don't let your guard down. Give it your all. It's almost the end of the year. The Three Kingdoms are already over. All that's left is to fight the Ice Sword Bastard's Blue Dragon Clan. Losing is not an option. You will win no matter what. Do you understand?"

The Yeomdo of the water roared in a furious roar. I could feel a shiver run down my spine from my fingertips to the tips of my hair.

"Yes, boss!"


Yindo shouted. Namgung Sang rushed at Yin Dao with a blast of pure white sword energy. Once again, the sword dance and the sword dance merged together. They were serious now, and no one could stop them.

It's been a month since Samsung Musee ended!

Yeomdo's training was becoming more and more intense, and the training was becoming grueling. Only Yun Junho, who was caught in the middle of it, was about to die. Once again, he passed out before the training was half over, sprawled out in the corner. It was a great improvement for him to have lasted this long. If most flying first-year students were to join them in their training, they would pass out before halfway through (about an hour). Yun Junho had already lasted nearly a full shijin (about two hours) before passing out. However, with his nose in the air, no one could afford to pay attention to him. The final battle with the Blue Dragon Clan. It was really not long now.

Hyo-ryong must also fulfill his duties as a spy. Recognizing your enemies was just as important as training, because they must know you and know you know them. He looked at the cloaked figure prostrate before him. He didn't have to risk his life to make his presence known and greet him in such a crisp manner, but the cloaked figure was unyielding. This was one thing he couldn't bend. He doesn't know about anyone else, but he's in a position where he can't be disrespectful, so he's forced to bow to him every time.

"You haven't figured it out yet?"

Hyorong asked in disbelief. Are you saying that even with the intelligence organization of the Mutiny Pavilion, there is still information that you haven't discovered?

"Yes! I'm sorry. I've been looking everywhere and can't find it."

Ilho bowed his head deeply in apology. He decided inwardly that he would have to clean up his act when he returned. It seemed that the discipline of the Kaku had become lax lately.

"What kind of secretive sect is this?"

Hyorong shook his head from side to side in confusion. He'd asked for a full investigation into Bi Ryuyeon's origins, and the only answer he'd gotten was a single word: unknown. This was a rare occurrence. She hadn't been able to figure out who she was based on what she'd seen so far, but she didn't have a lot of information either. Bi Ryuyeon hadn't been very forthcoming about her relationship. It seemed she would have to take more time than she had planned.

"Well, I'd like you to focus your research on the Three-Sectioned Sword Blueprint and the Seven-Sectioned Divine Sword Mobility Vocabulary, especially since you're two of the most likely suspects, so be careful and gather as much information as you can."

"Yes! I get it."

"Oh, and……."

As if on cue, Hyorong called out to Ilho.


Ilho replied sharply.

"Focus your energies on the above three people for now, but as a bonus, gather information on a guy named Jang Hong."

First, I had to get to know Jang Hong.


"And Cheong Hyeon and Mo Yong Hwi! Remember, they take precedence over all others, and their time is coming."

"I'll keep that in mind."

When Hyorong signaled for him to leave, Mu Feng's body faded into the darkness of the night. It was always a neat trick to admire.


With a sigh, Hyorong stared at the moon hanging in the night sky. Whether it knew his thoughts or not, the moon remained bright. The night was deepening.

<Continued from "Fault Tolerance" Volume 6

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