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Book 5 Chapter 18

Galactic Barricade

Now the mockup is also unleashing an unknown force, the

I didn't dare to let go of the aura of the blue haze.

Mo Yonghui's posture was unusual.

A dazzling surge of strength was emanating from the sword body, which extended horizontally from the ground, and it was being sucked in and concentrated at the point where the sword pole and sword point met. The sword clasping finger was causing condensation, concentrating the sword power emanating from the sword spirit into a single point.

He currently had to focus all of his energy on polarizing his Condensation and Meteoric Strength Qi and concentrating them into a single point. If he made a mistake, all the energy he had generated would crumble like a sand castle in an instant.

Galactic Stream Opening Sword!

The core and essence of this martial art was that when different energies were concentrated in one place and exploded, they instantaneously generated tremendous destructive power. Like the universe at the beginning of time, the endlessly gathered and compressed energy would burst forth at once.

The reason why Mo Yonghui was emitting different auras on the left and right was to concentrate and compress the auras into a single point. The sword force generated by the sword is being concentrated into a single point by using the pressing force of the sword point. If the same amount of energy could be gathered around a point smaller than a speck of dust, how powerful would it be when released?

It was a sword technique that Sword Saint Mo Yongzheng had learned from the martial arts of the Taiji God Army's Martial God Xue Yue Lin during the bloody days of the Heavenly Blood Tax, and had studied, developed, and perfected it in his later years. After gaining profound knowledge, Mo Yongzheng refined and sharpened the Galactic Meteor Sword Technique in his later years.

But the idea of simultaneously generating opposite energies in the same human body was esoteric. No matter what, the process was impossible. However, after witnessing the Taoist deities emanating both spirit and ice white energy from the same body, I realized that it was possible.

In fact, it was more of a theoretical martial art. Once created, the theory was perfect, but the human body was unable to accept it. One didn't need to see Sword Saint Mo Yongzheng's sigh to realize that.

The whole point and essence of the technique was to collide two different forces, concentrate them beyond their limits in one place, and then explode them in an instant to unleash a tremendous amount of power. To do this, he needed someone who could draw two opposing energies from a single body, and there was no one who could do that.

At first, he thought he would have to give up swordsmanship as well; a martial art that cannot be mastered unless one has an unusual constitution is of little use to a martial family. But there was only one person in his immediate circle who could master it, and that was Mo Yonghui. Only Mo Yonghui could unleash two opposing forces at the same time. Naturally, the Galactic Stream Opening Sword was passed down to Mo Yonghui.

This is where his love for the sword art of Mo Yonghui began. However, when Mo Yongzheng realized that this was not for him, he had to come back to the city to create a new sword method.

Now, for the first time ever, the Final Technique of Swordsmanship and the Festival of Shamanism are about to be presented to the powerful. Even though the momentum before the triggering was terrifying, everyone was drawn into this terrifying and beautiful world of swordsmanship without a second thought.

Bi Ryuyeon's eyes flashed as she casually picked at the jerky.

"Wow, that's dangerous! That's a real exhaust!"

Bi Ryuyeon, who was still picking at the jerky, let out a gasp. His mouth was still busy breaking down the jerky.

"Cover your ears, everyone, and shiver to protect your veins!"

He loudly commanded his disciples. As soon as he gave the order, they all quickly shielded their hearts by raising their energy. How strong were these energies that they needed to protect their heart veins with earth energy?

At that moment……. Finally, two great forces collided in one place.

The Tai Qi from the three swords spinning in front of Qing Shui's body merged into one, and the intangible strength turned into a sword and flew out like a beam of light. It looked like a being with a will. Qing Shui's fourth sword was a kind of Yi Qi Sword, a terrifying technique that, unlike other Yi Qi Swords, sent out the intangible energy formed by the sword steel.

It was a technique that should have been called Yi Qi Sword, not Yi Qi Sword. The power of this intangible sword formed by the merging of yin and yang was undoubtedly powerful, but it required a great deal of internal energy to cast, and it was not yet fully perfected, making it extremely difficult to use.

Faced with an unknown energy that seemed to have a will of its own, Mo Yonghui activated his Sword Qi with all his might. The concentrated energy that had formed in front of Mo Yonghui's body coincidentally exploded, sending out a terrifying aura. It was a terrifying power that could shatter the heavens.

Qing Shui was shocked, as if darkness had descended upon him. The sensation of his existence being swallowed up by the pitch-black night sky was something he had never experienced before in his life. Mo Yonghui was also under the illusion that the lightning bolt was piercing through him like a thunderbolt.

"Chirp! Chirp! Chirp……."

An earth-shattering roar erupted, accompanied by a blinding flash of light. It was a force that seemed to vibrate the atmosphere and tear the sky apart.

The heavens and earth exploded, and a gust of wind whipped through the crowd. For a moment, spectators thought their eardrums were going to fall out, and they had to brace themselves to keep their guts from shaking in the aftermath. It was a deafening binge. It was a clash that could hardly have been sword to sword. Some of the less learned first-year students even coughed up blood.


After they switched places, Qinghui coughed up a bowl of blood first. His complexion was pale as death. It was a battle that squeezed every last drop of Qi out of him. If he was okay, that was abnormal.

The offstage area was also torn apart by a massive collision of forces.

"This, named……. Cool!"

Blue bites into his bloodied mouth. He was barely holding back the blood that threatened to burst. He hadn't expected to lose this badly.

"Galactic Stream"…, the final secret of the Opening Sword …… Galactic Star City, the Cosmic Red Flame! Kuluk……. "And your sword? Kuluk! Kuluk! Kuluk!"

The same was true of Mo Yonghui, who had a stern demeanor and a complexion like a corpse. It took a tremendous amount of patience to get each word out of his mouth, and the blood pooled in front of his eyes. All of them came from his mouth, which had been swirling around inside his body just a moment ago. It was an amazing feat of will to be able to speak with such a body.

"Threefold taijiquan sword wisdom, no-pole sword, true intention ……, unity!"

Qinghui finished, barely able to swallow the flood of blood.

A thin, satisfied smile formed on their faces. It was hard to believe that this man had suffered such severe internal injuries. Words of praise were already meaningless to them. The mental connection they'd already shared as their swords clashed and their bodies felt was enough.

After exchanging the names of the final cuttings, they both smiled, and their bodies slumped forward simultaneously. The enormous internal wounds had left neither of them with the strength to hold on.


The referee declared loudly. At the umpire's gesture, He Zhuoyun, a senior member of the Medicine Pavilion, leaped to his feet and began to administer first aid with his skillful hands, his fingers slicing through the two men's bodies like a lightning rod without missing a beat. If he made a mistake, the internal injuries could seep in and damage the bone marrow. Once again, He Zhuoyun signaled, and emergency personnel jumped onto the offstage area, carrying Qinghui and Mo Yonghui on stretchers after completing the first aid procedures.

The place was abuzz with noise. A draw in a sword battle……. After the city battle and the sword battle, the sword battle ended in a draw. It hadn't happened in decades.

Bai Muyoung's pale face could be seen through the commotion. No matter how calm he was, he couldn't seem to cope with his best friend's injury. His eyes were filled with worry, which was uncharacteristic of him. It was a battle that brought unexpected results to everyone.

It was at the very moment that Mo Yonghui's sword clashed with Qing Heng's sword that Yin Di discovered it. Even in the midst of the heaven-devouring roar, Yeomdo's eyes didn't miss it.


Yeomdo's eyes widened as he withstood the shockwave of the sword to sword clash at its highest level. Even through the chaos created by the massive clash of qi, he could see. Mo Yonghui's left and right sides were emitting different auras!

It's not something that just anyone can do, and he's only met one other person in his life who can do it. Maybe one in a thousand, maybe one in a million, is the person he's looking for.

"Be sure to find a Taoist talent to harmonize yin and yang!

Suddenly, the last words of my mentor, which I had been trying to forget for 20 years and had given up on, popped into my mind. He suddenly felt a lump in his throat. The thought made his blood boil. But he quickly shook his head.

"What's the point of thinking about it now, it's all for nothing……."

Furthermore, your opponent is publicly recognized as the blood brother and heir to the Sword Castle.

"It's not even a sure thing yet…… plus……."

Even if he's right, there's nothing I can do about it.

"Did Binggum see that? And if he did, what's he thinking now?

Rather, it was the Yeomdo that was more curious.

"Tsk, tsk, how ignorant of you, to actually bump into me for breathing……. You're lucky you're not dead, Yonghae, Yonghae, Yonghae!"

Distracted by the sound of voices beside him, Yin Dao turned to look at Bi Ryuyeon. In the midst of all the commotion, he couldn't help but notice that Bi Ryuyeon hadn't taken the jerky out of her mouth, but instead continued her vigorous cutting and dismantling. Just like that, the final round of the Heavenly Martial Academy Sword Competition ended in a draw, leaving behind a legend.

"I was right on the money, hahahaha……, from now on you can point to me and call me a genius!"

Offstage, when the chaos had finally been cleared and the heat had died down, Geum Young Ho boasted. Even Namgungsang didn't vomit at his words.

"I see, you're right. All that's left for Big Brother to do is win the Three Kingdoms War. His opponent is the Sun Wind Sword Dragon Wei Zichen……, so it's not a tough opponent!"

Ke Yinghao stopped talking and nodded cautiously. As for the Sun Wind Sword Dragon Wei Zichen, he was also a variable that could not be taken lightly. Although he had a reputation for being a womanizer for a while (and still is), he was once known as one of the Three Greats, along with Qing Shui of the Three Absolute Swords and Bai Muyoung of the Mountain Diary. It was rumored that he had recently returned from training after spending several months frantically cultivating the Closed Pavilion for some reason. He was a man who could never be caught off guard.

His performance in some of the bouts during this year's Samsung Festival was nothing short of astonishing, as he officially proved that his swordsmanship hadn't rusted, but had only gotten sharper.

"Is that okay?"

Geum Young-ho said in a cautious voice. It was only one more step to the top. If he failed here, he might suffer an irreparable blow. He couldn't give up.

"Trust me, you're down one, anyway."

Surprisingly, the results so far have been much better than expected. Mo Yonghui's inaction had far exceeded their expectations. None of them had expected Mo Yonghui to make it this far, not Young Ho, Namgung Sang, or Hyun Yun. Hyun Yun was especially shocked. He had just drawn a draw between his esteemed opponent and his biggest rival in his heart, Qingxing, and the newcomer, Mo Yonghui. Even he hadn't been able to predict the outcome of the match yet. Moreover, today's display of ineptitude made him fear that he might not be able to win, so his shock was understandable.

Mo Yong-hui proved himself to be on par with Cheong Hyeon in this match.

As it turned out, Geum Young-ho's prediction was correct: the match between Qinghe and Bi Ryuyeon was unwinnable, which is why he stayed up late at night thinking about it. But then Nan Gongshan's words sent a shiver down his spine. Nan Gongshan had thankfully seen something that Ge Yinghao had not. It was the existence of Mo Yonghui, and his presence was enough to make Young Ho's mind up. It was a gamble. Of course, he was gambling. Betting is also a kind of gambling!

Although he couldn't predict the outcome of the battle between Qinghe and Bi Ryuyeon, he knew that Qinghe, who had undergone Mo Yonghui's training, would be no match for Bi Ryuyeon. Although it was only a single three-sword battle, it was enough to see the depth of Mo Yonghui's cultivation. Moreover, he was the grandson of the Sword Saint Mo Yongzheng. It was worth taking a chance.

From Geum Young Ho's point of view, Mo Yong Hwi's role was to undermine Cheung Hyeon's power, but Mo Yong Hwi had drawn with Cheung Hyeon as if to prove that the child of a dragon was a dragon and not an imugi.

By the looks of it, neither of them would be playing in the next match. And it was a draw. The rule was that in the rare event of a tie, the winner would not compete in the overall championship.

It was a prelude to her victory.

Unusually, this year's tournament ended in a draw. None of them were able to teach the game. It was the first time in 48 years that there were three draws at the same time. It was now just one step away for Bi Ryuyeon to win the title.

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discord ko-fi