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Book 5 Chapter 17

Orbital Duel and Jerky

"Wow, that's a lot of people!"

Bi Ryuyeon opened her mouth to speak.

There are always a lot of people at a big game like this.

The Zhu Jia Clan's Zhen Ling, who had accompanied them, frowned slightly at the delicate Ami.

"Ugh, the smell of sweat!"

Even in the dead of winter, they would have been sweating, but it was early fall, and the heat of the summer hadn't yet worn off. There was no way they weren't sweating. If they hadn't mastered the internal arts and controlled their metabolisms, the situation would have been dozens of times worse.

At least they were able to prevent sweating, as many of them had reached the point where they didn't sweat in the middle of summer and didn't get cold in the middle of winter. But not the odor. A fishy odor, also known as man odor. It was natural to cover your nose and frown. Indeed, the interest in the final match of the Sword Battle between Mo Yonghui and Qinghe was enormous.

"Can you give me directions?"

Bi Ryuyeon said, looking at Yeomdo.

Yeomdo didn't say, "No. I'm not good at this!" He didn't say anything, he just squirted flesh out of his body. He patted the man in front of him on the back with his flesh.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

One of the guards turned around, ready to shout, "What a son of a bitch!" only to gulp in air. A pair of frightening red eyes glared at him as if they would eat him alive. A chill ran down his spine, a sense of urgency that he might be beaten to death. He had to get out of here somehow, and the others had no choice but to follow suit and make way for him, however gently or forcefully.

She was reminded that being a disciple is so useful in so many ways.



Bi Ryuyeon stretched out her hand toward Namgungsang. He could only stare at her blankly. I have to give you something here……. Looking at Namgungsang standing in the distance, Bi Ryuyeon clicked her tongue.

"I'm so clueless, how am I supposed to navigate this harsh world……."

"I'm sorry."

He apologized first, not knowing why he was so embarrassed.

"Jerky (肉脯)!"

Bi Ryuyeon spoke again and again, character by character. Nan Gongsheng's face turned vague.

It couldn't be. What kind of jerky is this?" Namgung Sang was speechless.

"I wasn't prepared!"



Ryuyeon's hand was unforgiving. Luckily, his blow was so fast, and everyone's eyes were focused on the two offstage, that no one noticed it, so the Southern Palace Master was spared the embarrassment of being humiliated in front of so many students. Well, as a Bi Ryuyeon, he had taken care of himself (?).

"What have you learned, what have you felt? You're not making any progress."

Bi Ryuyeon spoke in a calm tone and rebuked Namgung Sang. Her tone was truly pathetic.

"Sorry, big brother!"

Poor Namgungsang, the object of my anger. He only shook his head and apologized. If it's a sin to not be able to meet Daebak, it's a sin, and I didn't do anything wrong…….

"Look, this kind of fighting is best done with a piece of jerky! Pretending is worth three thousand, and you still haven't realized such a simple reasoning?"


For a moment, Namgungsang had to squint and roll his eyes to make sure he hadn't misheard.

What a day! It was the final round of the sword tournament, where the up-and-comer Mo Yonghui and the unstoppable triple-edged sword Qinghui would test their martial arts skills against each other. In the face of such a rare agency, it's hard to believe that it's just a jerky tale… …….

Without a care in the world, Bi Ryuyeon had reduced the duel between Mo Yonghui of the Sevenfold Divine Sword and Cheng Heng of the Threefold Divine Dragon to a mere marketplace brawl. To think that the Southern Palace Chief, who has such a person as his big brother, would feel so outrageous and ridiculous!

"What in the world are you doing, looking for jerky before a showdown where you're going to be sweating your ass off and forgetting to breathe?

But before she could raise her hand again, Namgung Sang ran to get the burinake jerky. He had to get the damn jerky before the real fight started. He would be the laughing stock of the neighborhood if he said he couldn't watch this duel of the century because of the jerky.


The voice that stopped him as he was about to run like an arrow, was none other than Yeomdo, who was sitting next to Bi Ryuyeon. Namgungsang felt like he had met Kwangmyeong.

Namgung Sang looked at Yin Do with a hint of anticipation. It didn't make sense that he would miss an opportunity to observe a martial artist of this caliber over a piece of jerky. As the master in charge of teaching, he had hoped that Feng Shui would keep Bi Ryuyeon from acting immaturely. But it only took one breath to realize that expectation was fleeting.

"Bring me some when you come!"

That was the end of it. Then he looked back at the offstage area in front of him. It was a sign that the job was done, and that he should go. Bi Ryuyeon glanced at him, his eyes a little suspicious.

There was definitely a look in his eyes that said, "Are you going to play ball now?

Yeomdo tried his best to ignore her stare. The reason he was here now, and not in the comfortable, vantage point judging seats, was all because of her. She had the foresight to realize that the final round of the sword tournament would be quite crowded, so she had dragged him over to secure a good seat. Predictably, when he showed his face, the guards made way for him. This proved to be a great example of how Yido's big personality can come in handy in many ways.

Namgungsang had no time to waste.

Given the circumstances, it was clear that the two would remain at odds for some time. But first, I had to get a package of jerky somehow. If I literally came back with just two pieces of jerky, I was going to be told, "You can't do what you're told, you're too stupid and inflexible to realize that.

At least a bunch would have to be saved. The clock was ticking. To miss such an orbital duel was unthinkable as an unattended person. Nangong Shang drew up his Qin Qi and stamped his feet to accelerate his body even further.


I didn't even have to say it, it just came out.

The battle between Mo Yonghui, a young man rumored to be the heir to the rising powerhouse divinity and one of the three Heavenly Martial Emperors, Sword of the Seventh Day, and Cheng Heng, the current supreme martial artist of the Guzheng Clan and one of the top martial artists of the Guzheng Clan, was enough to arouse the interest of the world.

It almost felt like the rest of the competitions were just bridesmaids to this one, which meant that Bi Ryuyeon's run to the finals was not getting any attention at all, which is a testament to how special and big the interest in the final of the Sword Battle was, even though his run to the finals was certainly remarkable, shocking, unexpected, and unseasonable.

Not only the students, but also the masters and officials of the entire academy were paying close attention. It was said that the White Sword Martial Sect had even sent someone to judge these two directly. It had no intention or desire to include them in the competition, so the final round of the Sword Battle had all the makings of being the center of attention.

The blood coursing through his veins felt like it was running amok. My heart rate was more than twice as fast as normal, and my body temperature was rising as if my blood was boiling.

"Am I nervous, or am I excited?

In recent years, Mo Yonghui had never felt excited or nervous in front of an opponent. He had always analyzed his opponents coldly and responded accordingly. But now, his heart was pounding furiously, as if he had thrown away all his training. He had to admit to himself.

'This is excitement! Every nerve in your body is a testament to the fact that you are relishing this showdown.

Mo Yonghui had never fought a true opponent in a stronghold before. His true opponents had always been family elders, brothers, or grandfathers. However, this brilliant Qin Yong could sense how great the people of their family were when Mo Yonghui appeared in the stronghold.

No one was a match for him. Compared to the elders of the family, everyone else was nothing to him. Ever since Mo Yonghui had first seen Qingfeng compete, this duel had been inevitable.

It was only when he stood here that Mo Yonghui realized it. The opponent who had first agitated him, the one who had come to Jianghu, was now standing in front of him like a mountain. For the first time, he recognized the existence of defeat.

Qingfeng's current state of mind was no different from Mo Yonghui's.

It was no exaggeration to say that in the three years since he had entered the Heavenly Martial Academy, there were very few people who could be his opponents, except for Huo Zhu. There were only a few seniors whose faces were rarely seen, belonging to the Heavenly Martial Four Sword Spirits. Even among the upperclassmen, he could count on one hand the number of people who could match him.

But now that he was facing Mo Yonghui, he was no longer willing to belittle his opponent. Indeed, the unusual prayer was indeed a masterpiece.

"Is this really the prayers of a first-year student who just entered the Heavenly Martial Academy?

It was awe-inspiring. I finally understood why Mo Yong-hui was so talkative from the beginning. After admiration, there was expectation. It was the anticipation of being able to showcase everything he had against this opponent that excited him.

He hadn't given his best effort in any of the martial arts since his last sword acquisition. They had all been no match for him. But today, he recognized that he had to give his all to the man in front of him. His eyes gleamed sharply. A long-forgotten excitement took over his body. It was Qinghui who spoke first.

"You've finally made it this far. What a great sword technique."

Even though he didn't have his sword drawn, he was able to read his opponent's level by his stance alone.

"You're great, too. I can't help but admire you."

"Hahaha, it's an honor to hear such praise from the heir to the Sword Saint Mo Yong Great Council."

"How can I put pressure on my grandfather's name, I'm just immature, and it would be a shame to be mentioned alongside him."

"No, you don't. I don't know about you, but your grandfather would have been proud of you. Who could spare a creature like you, a flesh and blood creature."

That was Cheonghun's honest sentiment.

"That's a little too much praise for me."

"Hahaha! You don't have to thank me for the compliment. I'm a bit of a prude myself."

"I don't think there's such a thing as slack. Even if I give it my all, I feel like it's not enough."

Sincerely, Mo Yonghui thought so.

"That's nice of you to say. Give it your all, then. Let's have a spirited, no-holds-barred fight. I'm sure you'd like that, and I can feel your sword begging for it."

Mo Yonghui nodded silently. It is the fate of those who wield the sword to always want to cross swords with the strongest.

"I am well aware that your sword hopes for the same thing that my sword hopes for."

Qing Shui gave him a look of recognition. A thin smile spread across his face.

"Glad to hear you know, don't let me down, shall we get started?"


Finally, their swords left their sheaths and shone brilliantly in the sunlight. At the same time, a terrifying momentum began to emanate from their bodies. This was the beginning of an epic battle.

For Mo Yonghui, this was a must-win match. He could clearly feel the extreme nervousness eating away at his heart like never before.

To lose this match would be to dishonor the name of his grandfather, the Sword Saint Mo Yongzheng, the most revered martial artist in the world. Being only a first-year student is not a legitimate reason to lose, for he has been tutored by a man who is revered as the god of the sword.

This was a man who had performed in an environment where he had been given far too many advantages. That's why he always tried to win. To protect the name and honor of the Sword Castle…….

This was an appointment with a sword saint, a sword saint on par with Mo Yongzheng Tian. He had to show it. He had to prove that he was worthy of the glorious name. This was true even if his opponent was Qing Shui, the Ninefold Sword of the Celestial Dragon.

For Mo Yonghui, the thought of his grandfather's brilliance being tarnished because of him was an unthinkable, unimaginable horror, so he must win this battle at all costs to protect the honor of the Sword City.

He was not only the last disciple of the Great Martial Sect, but he was also one of the three great martial practitioners of the old school, meaning that in the absence of his master, he represented the martial power of the old school of the Heavenly Guan Dao.

Even though he was not a member of the Gunung Palace, he had to fulfill his responsibilities in the face of Mo Yonghui, who was technically representing the Gunung Palace (or so everyone thought). His mission was to win the Sword Battle and protect the honor of the old clan.

Both Mo Yonghui and Cheng Huan had fought a battle in which honor was more precious than life. In their minds, there was no such thing as defeat. All that existed was victory, and the belief in the necessity of victory.

Their auras rose up, wild as waves, fierce as wildfire, sharp as sword rings, and filled the offstage area.

"Hey, that's something to see!"

Ryuyeon Bi chimed in.

"That's pretty good!"

Yeomdo's words.

"I like it because it's colorful, there's a lot to see, and it's good for the eyes!"

He was treating the swordplay of the masters as nothing more than a trick of the eye. Yin Dao simply nodded in silence.

"Uh-oh! He could get caught in the rear end if he goes out like that……. Whee's going out too fast!"

"I can see everything," said Bi Ryuyeon as she watched Mo Yonghui sweep across Qing Shui with a starlight sword qi. Qing Shui's complexion was still calm as he received Mo Yonghui's sword.

"I don't know the tip of Grandpa's foot yet, but I'll have to work harder to get to his waist!"

Neither Yeomdo nor I could keep still, throwing in a word or two here and there, but neither of us was able to keep the jerky out of our mouths.

"You guys better watch out! There's no one in the Blue Dragon Clan stronger than them, so if you can beat them, you can beat them all! How's that for a challenge?"

No one answered. Suddenly, a sharp light flashed across Yeomdo face.

"You don't sound confident."

Ryu-yeon worked hard to fan the burning house.

"Are you saying you can't do it now?"

The red patch of Yeomdo began to flare like a blazing fire. It was an unconscious trigger of his Jin Chi.

It was dangerous. They quickly shook their heads in unison. These days, a single explosion was more salty than a Bi Ryuyeon. He was the one who was teaching them to shit blood. His respect for Guan Qianxu was unparalleled.

The main cast members had to live a relatively hard life. Bi Ryuyeon could only watch and enjoy from the sidelines.

The Yeomdo is polished, and the Bi Ryuyeon is fluid and…….

The only ones caught in the middle were the poor cast members.

All eyes were on this high-profile sword battle final, including the Guanzhou Iron Fist Maginot and the Senate's Wenzhou Swordzone Politeness.

"How do you see it, Gumzon?"

The overall final of the Complete Heavenly Three Musketeers was the Sword Battle, and it seemed as if the winner of the Sword Battle was the winner of the Complete Heavenly Three Musketeers. There's nothing wrong with that……. In fact, in the Baekdomu Forest, where more than 9% of the people believed in swords, it was a fixed stone, a conventional wisdom, and a common knowledge that the highest number of swords was actually the highest number.

The best in the world always came from the gate. Without exception, the greatest masters of the heavens have always been swordsmen. Of course, the previous Heaven's First Master, Mu Xin Yue Lin, used a sword and a dao, but he could still be considered a swordsman. His right hand held a sword, albeit a half-sword.

"You are indeed Zheng Tian's grandson! You've managed to defend the latter's sword to this extent……."

Gong Gongquan sighed. Inwardly, he envied Zheng Tian for having such a child as his successor.

"Shouldn't I have a second child? I'd love to have him, too.

Polite gazes turned to Qinghe, who stood proudly across from Mo Yonghui. Clearly, Qinghe was the master of this final, and Mo Yonghui was the challenger, proving that Qinghe's bowl was bigger.

"Truly, a masterful display. You're proving to us all here today that the Sevenfold Divine Sword isn't called that for nothing, and the Threefold Divine Sword Blueprint over there is just as terrifying."

The white-robed middle-aged man sitting next to the two of them exclaimed in admiration, the three swords on his chest proving that he was from the Hundred Sword Martial Sect.

His name was Hundred Sword Chu Hyun, a man who had graduated from the Heavenly Martial Academy here at the top of his class twenty years ago and had enemies in the Martial Alliance, and his current position within the Martial Alliance was by no means insignificant. The rumors were true, and the reason he was here was to look for talent for the future. In particular, he wanted to see with his own eyes the prowess of Qing Shui and Mo Yonghui, who he had only heard rumors about. To prepare for the battle against the Heavenly Pavilion, which was only a little over a year away…….

"Kaaaah! Damn, that's frustrating!"

Hyo-Ryong spoke up nervously. Nearly a hundred seconds had already passed, but the battle was still far from over. Both of them had unleashed their ascending swordsmanship, unable to disguise their superiority. There was nothing remarkable about each of their attacks. It was truly a battle of the dragon tigers.

Is he worried about Mo Yong-hui? We can interpret Hyo-ryong's expression as "I'm dying of worry" or "Please help me.

"I hate being on the sidelines like this, watching helplessly, unable to do anything about it. I hate this position, where I have to look on, where I can't be the master of my own fate and the fate of others. It's so out of character!"

His face was set and his eyes were serious as he spoke.

"Don't worry too much, Long, a swordsman named Mo Yonghui is more than capable of forging his own destiny without the help of others. He'll do fine without you worrying too much. He's not behind yet! Give him the benefit of the doubt! If Ryuyeon were here, she'd tell you that it's a waste of energy to pay attention to a brat like him. Hahaha!"

As he patted himself on the back, Jang Hong's words hit home for some reason. He had always felt more like a close older brother than a classmate, and that was a relief.

'Yes, a friend is only a friend if you believe in their abilities. A true friend, but…….'

Suddenly, Hyorong felt a little bitter when he thought about his own position, and maybe that's why he was cheering so hard for Mo Yonghui now, to get away from that feeling. Hyorong's eyes widened as he looked nervously at the offstage, and an urgent cry erupted from him.

"It's dangerous!"

However, Qing Shui's sword was already spinning in the air, flying towards Mo Yonghui with a terrifying momentum. Qing Shui's sword technique was unheard of, to the point where one wondered if the Wudang Sect even had a sword technique that could be triggered like that.


Then there was a roaring sound, accompanied by a swarm of white light.

Two swords spun at blinding speed and charged.

I dodged the first two, but it looked like I would never be able to dodge the next one.

The inevitable cut!

There's only one way……, and that's to break it by bashing it…….

Mo Yonghui unleashed his full strength and unleashed the ultimate Galactic Meteor Sword Technique. He didn't care if it took a toll on his body or not. Now was not the time to consider that.

"Meteorite Dance (流星轟天舞)."

"Quack, quack, quack!"

Clusters of light burst forth as sword qi clashed with sword qi, and a thunderous roar erupted that you wouldn't expect from a clash of swords. The two of them stumbled backwards for a dozen steps before they managed to keep their footing.

"This is great!"

A thin smile tugged at the corners of Qing Shui's mouth, and a trickle of red blood dripped from the side of his smile. He had suffered some internal injuries in the clash just now. Mo Yonghui was not unharmed. He, too, was barely able to swallow his wounds, and his clothes were torn in several places, no longer in their usual neat state.

Qing Shui was now genuinely admiring this junior. Mo Yonghui was equally impressed by his opponent's high cultivation.

"You're great, too. I am truly impressed."

The final match between Qinghe and Mo Yonghui, which had become the center of attention, was already drawing to a close. Despite the fact that both of them had performed countless techniques with their swords, there was still no clear victory or defeat, and they were finally recognizing each other.

"I'm not very good!

It was time to pull out all the stops.

Mo Yonghui cleared his throat and held his sword at an angle. Qingfeng drew out all three of his swords. The three swords began to spin in front of his chest, taunting each other. This was the real thing.

"Now it's time to show you the last thing you've been saving!"

Cheong Hyeon said with a smile of admiration on his face.

"My sword is based on the Three Emotions Taijiquan Sword Art, which was created by my master when he entered the True Sword Realm in his tenth year. One of them is the Triple Lotus Circle Flying Sword that you just blocked. And the other is the supreme sword art of the Mu Pole Sword.

I, too, have not long ago begun to train in the Three-Sectioned Sword, and, though weak, I have come to hold a sword in my heart. It's my fourth sword, my last. Now that sword wants to show off in front of you!"

Is it the confidence that you can give away everything and still win? It's a sword in the heart……. I had no idea how terrifying it would be. What I did know was that it was unimaginably terrifying.

Mo Yong-hui also responded with a cheerful voice. He didn't speak much, enough to be suspected of being a mute, but the voice that came out was surprisingly beautiful.

"It's great that you already have a sword in your heart."

Your opponent is trying to use your best season to compete with you. It would also be polite to reciprocate.

"When my grandfather faced 'him' 120 years ago, along with two friends and a silversmith, he realized his limitations and set out to find a new sword technique to pass on to future generations. Fifty years ago, he abandoned all of the family's arcane sword techniques and succeeded in creating a single technique, which he named the Galactic Stream. Through fate, I inherited it, and today I will demonstrate my lack of skill, so please don't laugh at me."

Although he spoke with humility, Qing Shui did not dare to belittle it. Fear, excitement, and joy crossed his mind at the same time. He knew very well who the "he" was that Mo Yonghui was talking about. It was a name he didn't even want to say because it was terrifying.

In a nutshell, Mo Yonghui's words are that he will unleash a sword method that was created by the Sword Saint Mo Yongzheng, the head of the Heavenly Martial Triad, after painstakingly and painstakingly creating a sword method to defeat "him," the so-called Heavenly Demon God.

Even stronger than the Galactic Meteor Sword Technique, which is still one of the strongest sword techniques!

I had no idea what form it might take. I say it's a small thing, but how can I not be afraid, and how can I not be happy as a swordsman, to have a glimpse into the depths of swordsmanship that my idol has attained in his ten thousand years of life. Qing Shui's body trembled as if struck by lightning.

I've never heard of a shaman using three swords. There is no such thing as a twin sword, much less a triple sword……. But Qing Shui was carrying three swords.

The Three Jewels!

It was the name of the martial art he had learned.

People think that the current strongest person in the Wudang Party is Zhang Wenyin. This is probably the common sense of the average person. But it's not true.

Rather than a master who is swept up in factions and busy overseeing the affairs of the sect, the martial prowess of a former master or former elder who has already passed the mantle of master to the next generation and is in retirement is superior. This is because they are not swept up in factions, and they only focus on the sword path.

It was natural for him to be stronger than a jangmun who was doing all kinds of chores and didn't have enough time to practice. Of course, this doesn't mean they're weak. A common reason why the elder masters or leaders of each clan are the strongest is that in most clans, only the elder masters inherit the clan's secrets, or secret techniques.

Of course, this varies greatly from sect to sect. It is a secret that belongs only to the Zhang Clan, so how strong must be the previous generation of Zhang Clan members who inherited it!

Qinghui's actual immediate past master was not the current master of the Wudang Sect, Yun Shengjin; although he was technically a student of the current master, he was trained in swordsmanship by the previous master, Gen Sword Master.

Thirty years after the great martial artist of the previous generation of shamans, Zhang Ziyin, took up the Taoist Wisdom Sword as a hobby in his later years, he had an epiphany and created a sword method. However, it was a sword method that was different from that of the current shamans. The current swordsman, who was overjoyed and bitter at the same time, could not bring himself to take it to his grave. So he asked Zhang Ming, "What is it?

"Master, an old master has acquired an insignificant skill in his ten thousand years of life, and to whom do you wish me to pass it on? But if I master it, I shall have no leisure for other swordsmanship. Furthermore, it's very difficult, so it's hard for ordinary people to master it."

Yun Shengjin, the current master of the Shaman Sect, hesitated for a moment before choosing Qing Shui and handing him over. From that day forward, Qing Shui, who was just about to enter the ascendant realm of the shamanic sword, put aside all other sword techniques to learn the Three Emotions Taijiquan Sword Technique created by the current sword master. It was a sword method that had a different trajectory from that of ordinary shamanic swords.

While the shaman's sword was based on the Tao, the unity of yin and yang, the Samjung T'ai Chi was based on yin, yang, unity, and heaven and earth. It was a sword art that drew in, not out. Moreover, it was not the kind of swordplay that involved holding a sword in your hand.

The Three Jewels of the Tao Te Ching is divided into two main parts, the first of which is the three-ringed flying sword. This was a kind of two-handed sword. Of course, it wasn't a perfect Yi Qi Sword, but it was a sword method that stood at the beginning of the Yi Qi Sword. Of course, if he could master it, he would be able to wield the three swords as if they were limbs.

However, just a moment ago, Mo Yonghui had executed one of the Galactic Meteor Sword Technique's ultimate moves, the Flowing Meteor Heavenly Dance, to block his own Three Circling Sun Sword.

As powerful as it is, the Three Spirit Sword also has a weakness, which is why it is rarely drawn. Once unleashed, it is difficult to find an opponent who can stop it, but it is extremely draining.

A ki sword can only be held for so long, as it is extremely draining on Divine and True Qi.

Now that the Three Circling Swords had failed, the only thing left to do was to unleash the true teachings of the Samzheng Taijiquan Sword: the Five Righteousness Sword.

Qing Shui had yet to wield all three swords at once, but his mastery of the Three Elemental Taijutsu Sword did not mean that he had abandoned the basic swordsmanship of the current shaman. It was enough for most opponents. But now it was time to show the real thing. The last trick in his arsenal was about to be activated in his hand. It was the first step in the rewriting of the Shaman's swordplay.


Mo Yong-hui was overwhelmed by the prayers of Cheonghyeon, which pressed down on him like a mountain. He hadn't even performed the flag ceremony yet. He hadn't felt any pressure since he had appeared in Jianghu, and now he was feeling pressure that he hadn't felt in all his years as an unarmed martial artist who had come to bear the name of the Seven Feast Divine Sword.

It was a pressure I hadn't felt even when I was surrounded by five Black Moon Society masters in Noshan.

He had never met anyone his age who could put so much pressure on him and make him tense every muscle in his body. How could he not be grateful?

'It's a big world out there.

Today, once again, I was reminded of the vastness of the world.

As a courtesy to his juniors, Mo Yonghui was the first to raise the flag.

Mo Yonghui drew his sword close to his chest and touched the hilt with his left hand, entering the Galactic Stream Opening Sword Ritual. Qing Shui's face quickly stiffened as he prepared to cast the Samzheng Taoist Sword Hai Mu Pole Sword. This was because he sensed an unusual aura emanating from the opening ceremony.

In particular, not only the sword, but also the heavy and enormous aura from the point of his left hand. It was as if two auras were colliding and about to explode in one place, and that alone was enough to make Qing Shui dare not be afraid.

Just like the Martial Sword, the Galactic Stream was not a low-level martial art that was bound to a herbivorous form; it was a martial art that had already passed the stage of being bound to a herbivorous form.

'This is indeed the best sword technique that Sword Sheng has worked on for ten thousand years! The pressure is unparalleled.'

An immense pressure seemed to crush his entire body. It was as if his body was being sucked into the tip of his opponent's sword.

'C'mon, you have to wake up. You must not be possessed by the sword.

Without a fourth sword, he would be doomed. Qingfeng began to counter Mo Yonghui's sword pressure with his own.

All three of Qing Shui's swords were drawn out and rested in front of his chest. Without anyone holding them, the three swords floated in midair and slowly began to spin. At last, Qing Shui had decided to demonstrate everything he had learned and broken.

The three swords spun around and around in front of him like a three-pointed star diagram, each spinning in unison with the other, gradually increasing in speed. By increasing the power of his own three swords, Qing Shui hoped to drive away Mo Yonghui's energy.

Triune Unity! 先天無極(先天無極)!

In accordance with the teaching that yin and yang are united, and that heaven and earth and people are harmonized, returning to nothingness to form the Great Tao, Cheng Hsin-hun set the qinqi in motion. As the swords rotated in accordance with the tenets of the Three Elemental Taoist Sword Wisdom, they began to merge and sublimate into a single energy.

The Three Elemental Taijiquan Sword rotated in front of him, creating another aura. As the three auras merged into one, the increasingly powerful aura gradually took shape and began to take the form of a sword. The sword that emerged from Qing Shui's heart and materialized in the middle of the three swords! That was his fourth sword, the Mu Pole Sword.

"Huh! What the hell is that? That energy that looks like it's both a sword and not a sword……. That's a clear form of sword strength like mine……. Is that the Three Elemental Swordsmanship that priests are said to have attained in their ten thousand years of life……."

The polite man who was watching burst into heartfelt exclamations. It was a skill that could not be considered a youth's skill. Even some of the current powerhouse masters would be no match for them. As a master, it was a great pleasure to see such an accomplishment.

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