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Book 5 Chapter 16

Castle Wars Final

The excitement and cheers are building around the offstage area.

It was filling up.

The climactic moment came offstage.

I've been kneeling over a lot of uninhabited people, and I've been trying to get the

It was the undefeated Tao that came up.

Amidst all the excitement, the eyes of the entire academy were focused on the prospect of winning the city.



A gasp escaped everyone's lips as they watched the final of the City Battle: the battle that had just taken place had been nothing short of spectacular.

Ha Yun-myung, the Storm Sword of Shindo Gate, and Yoo Yeop-sung, the Clear Stream Sword of the Qingcheng Sect, were the main players in the finals of this year's City Battle. To everyone's surprise, they came from the sword-oriented Qingcheng school, and they made it all the way to the final. Previously, Yu Yuxing's methods were merely adaptations of the Silent Sword Method of the Qing Sheng Sect, but his methods in the finals were far more than just adaptations of the Silent Sword Method of the Qing Sheng Sect.

As an enemy disciple of the Xin Dao Gate, the First Sword Gate of the White Dao, Ha Yunming could feel it more than anyone else. He himself had initially rushed in without a care in the world, and now he had suffered this fate. He couldn't tell if the impact of the clash was greater than he expected. His guts seemed to be bruised. Judging by the sensation of the collision, the same could be said for his opponent.

"Ho-ho! I just did that!"

It was an exclamation point as I watched the epic battle in the finals of the City Battle.

"That's right. Did you know?!"

"Aldamada. Isn't this the only arcane martial art of the Qing Sheng Sect, called the Immortal Sword!"

"Indeed! Your discernment is remarkable, recognizing it at once. It is said to be almost dormant. Qingliu! I thought it would be a great way to lead our Chinese New Year tournament to victory, but maybe I was expecting too much……."

Clear streams!

The one and only secret sword method of the Qing Sheng School!

He believed it was just the thing to win him the championship at the Gungwoong Falgae Society, where the dao was much more advanced than the sword, so he had high hopes for Yoo Yeop-sung, who was a practitioner of the Qingluxin.

"You've managed to pull off a trick out of Qingcheng. It's an arcane skill that's hard to demonstrate. You must have been afraid to show it to others."

Cheonghyeon said one word in a tone of wonder. No matter how you look at it, Bai Muyoung's methods are nothing short of brilliant. In fact, in some ways, the competition is a double-edged sword. Whether you're participating or just watching from the sidelines, bimu competitions can broaden your horizons and improve your skills. It's a treasure trove of learning.

But with every advantage comes a disadvantage: the risk of leaking secrets. It was common knowledge amongst the masters that once a technique was demonstrated, its power would be halved by a third. Moreover, there were countless other masters around with their eyes lit up. It's not just the spectators who need to be aware.

They might even have to worry about the eyes of the elders and laborers from other sects sitting in the judges' seats. That's why masters try not to reveal the festivals in these competitions and try to be as sparing as possible. They fear that secrets will be revealed. A mistake in the moment could bring the entire school into disrepute later on. Some people even deliberately create fake loopholes. Of course, it's not a real loophole. It's a perfect trap.

In such a dangerous place, it's never a bad idea to be cautious. Especially the Arcane Seal Technique, which requires great secrecy. Although the repercussions may not be felt for a while, there are many instances where it could come back to haunt you one day.

The same goes for life-saving herbs. A skill that's been revealed to everyone else can't be a lifesaver in a last-ditch effort to save your life! A skill that's already known doesn't qualify. However, as the level of your opponent increases, it becomes more and more difficult to hide your true skill.

This is why the intelligence organizations of the various factions are more active than ever in these martial and heroic competitions.

Bai Muyoung decided to risk it all. He had to use all his tricks to steal the championship from the Sindo Gate and the Hebei Fang Family, who were both part of the Sword Saint Hahu Clan.

In fact, few schools are as disconnected from the sword as the old schools. Except for the Shaolin Temple, most of the old schools took up the sword for training and cultivation, and kept the actual sword out of their lives. Therefore, although they always won the other battles in the three festivals, they had to hand over the victory to the Warriors' Falcons in the City Battle. Therefore, the City Battle was the last remaining pride and last bastion of the Warriors' Falcons.

Bai Muyoung wanted to take advantage of it somehow, and if he could win the city battle, he would be able to completely crush the Gunung Palace. This time, he took great pains to bring out the Clear Stream Scars.

It was a daunting task to find a martial art to counter the Driftless Sword Art of the Xin Dao Gate and the Five Tiger Gate Sword of the Hebei Fang Family. After many twists and turns, he finally found one, and was granted permission through a rigorous process. Our expectations were as high as our efforts.

We were hoping for a win……. Unfortunately, we had to settle for a draw. The walls of the city were high. In fact, even a draw was technically a victory for the Guzheng Council. The draw was the last blow to the pride of the Gunung Palgahae.

"A satisfactory achievement. Anything more would be greedy……."

What's done is done. It was wise not to dwell on it.

"Hahaha! I'm always amazed at your wisdom, to have such a trick up your sleeve."

Qinghun was honestly impressed. His friend sitting next to him was like a needle in a haystack when it came to handling things.

A draw in the battle for the city!

It was a satisfying result for Jirong Baek, who is very interested to see what his rival, Dan Mokgi, looks like now.

"Oh my…, no way, we're going to lose the city!"

The Heavenly Qi Dragon Danmu couldn't believe what had just happened. His complexion was visibly pale, showing how much he had been affected. His companion, Island Dragon Tian Yazhen, was also visibly shaken.

He hadn't realized that his absence would mean the city's victory would be lost. Blue blood spurted from the back of his clenched hands. He was holding in his grief.

For nearly a decade, Samsung had always lost, but that was a story of overall evaluation, and it had never handed over victory except in the battle for the city. This time, we were confident of victory. However, they had to settle for a draw. As a military organization, it was as good as a loss.

I didn't expect the sword master, Qing Shengfa, to come out with a sword! From the very beginning, everyone's expectations were turned upside down. The Qingliu Sword, the only unarmed sword technique of the Qing Sheng Sect, was indeed terrifying in its power. He had never imagined that it would be able to block the first of the Drifting Sword Techniques of the Divine Sword Gate Festival.

If there was one consolation, it was the fact that while they hadn't won, they hadn't ceded victory either. Technically speaking, however, it was no defeat for Gungwoong, who had always won the battle of the city without handing over the victory to Guzheng, so Dan Mok-woo's discouragement was overwhelming.

Now all I had to rely on was my vocabulary.

Both the Sword War and the City War ended in a draw. This was a very rare occurrence in the history of the Heavenly Martial Academy. Everything now depended on the outcome of the Sword Battle. Up until this point, no one had paid much attention to the Great Sword Battle, which had already been decided in favor of Wei Zichen.

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discord ko-fi