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Book 5 Chapter 15

Bing Bai Feng and the Snow White Swordswoman's Final Trick

Is it a sword flower in the sky?

Or is it a sword rain to the earth?

Two sabers and a sword go hand in hand, and the unthinkable happens.

It sprayed a beautiful black color.


An enthusiastic cheer erupted from the stands.

The tip of Na Yerin's sword rushed toward Guan Xueji with a heavenly harmony. Indeed, as a woman who possessed the dual disciplines of the Four Great Sword Gods, her sword was filled with sharp foreknowledge and profound qi. But her opponent's sword skills were just as formidable. Na Yerin's final opponent was none other than the legendary Blue Snow Jade Swordswoman herself.

She was also the only daughter of Ice Sword Master Guan Chul-su, the master of the Heavenly Five Swords. She had an unusual appearance, and it was due to her hair. Her hair was a pale navy blue color, almost as if it had been bleached, and it was very mysterious.

Jeong Ha-kyung, the volcanic first lady who had hoped to win the sword fight, was sadly cut down by Kwan Seol-ji's sword in the semifinals.

It was already the final. There is only one obstacle left in the way of Na Yerin's sword. This would be the final showdown. Her tutor, Dokgo Ling, hadn't participated in this tournament to save his strength for "it" next year. She would have to save her strength for the next year.

A festival for the strongest of the strong, it was not a popular contest. The contest to choose a representative of the White City would not be easy. Even if you prepare a year in advance, you'll never have enough time.

"Hundred Thunderbolts!"

Once again, pure white sword light emanated from Na Yerin's sword polearm. The final battle had already begun. The power of the White Soul Sword Thunder Heavenly Sword Formation was indeed formidable. It was like a hundred strands of lightning striking down at once, a splendid and powerful sword herb. However, the swords of the Guan Shan Clan were no match for it.

From the beginning, she had remained steadfastly focused on defense, unperturbed by Na Yerin's blazing blades. If Na Yerin's sword was a spear, Guan Xueji's was a shield.

"Ice Spirit Guardian Spirit!"

I was terrified because the sword of the kansenji, which was loaded with cold ice energy, emitted a frigid chill that was enough to freeze my body, even though it didn't touch my flesh. I felt as if I had fallen into an ice cave when I approached it. Even as Na Yerin, I didn't dare approach.

But no matter how cold it is inside that ice cave, you can't win unless you pierce it. Na Yerin swung her sword as hard as she could, paying homage to her opponent's swordsmanship.

"Thunderbolt Day!"

Bing Bai Peak Na Yerin's sword technique today was fast, strong, and fierce, unlike her star signature. Every time she extended her sword, a faint thunderous sound resounded and lightning flashed. Like lightning striking the ground, powerful sword essence continuously erupted from the tip of her sword. Not a single one of them was unprofessional, as if Guan Xueji's sword techniques had been matched.

The fact that such high level and powerful swordsmanship is clashing in the same place and yet victory or defeat is not easily determined is due to the harmonization of the two swordsmanships, like the harmonization of yin and yang. One is an offensive sword, the other is a defensive sword! Spear and shield! That's why the battle is not settled quickly, and the battle is not settled for more than 100 seconds.

"Truly, you are the product of the progression of Sword Hu and Meng Zhu, to be able to wield such a peak sword art in a woman's body. Your every move is filled with awe."

It was no wonder that the old men in the judges' chairs were in awe. Na Yerin's martial power was strong enough to overwhelm the men, and her display of it exuded a noble air. The same was true for the Blue Snow Jade Swordswoman.

The confrontation between the two was beautiful and ecstatic, as if a celestial goddess was holding a sword and dancing a sword dance. The beauty of the two women's swordsmanship was such that even the flesh on the swords was melted away and forgotten.

It wasn't just the men who were mesmerized, but also the women.

"Watch out!"

It was Na Yerin who broke the silence with a burst of sword energy. She'd even warned you before you cast it.

White Soul Sword Thunder Heavenly Sword Style, Righteousness, True Heavenly Thunder.

At last, the tip of Na Yerin's sword erupted with a blast of peak sword essence. It was a powerful sword strike unlike anything she had ever seen before. It was like a wall of force that could tear the sky apart. It was a powerful sword qi that could hardly be considered a sword qi emanating from a woman's graceful and slender body. Guan Shuji's eyes flashed with light. A determination not to lose filled her eyes.

Ice Spirit Water Flow Sword Sword Cold Qi Five Righteousnesses Twelve Fourth Formation Cold Ice Wall!

Na Yerin's sword turned into a lightning bolt that tore through the sky and stretched out relentlessly, while Guan Xueji's blade split into dozens of points and emitted an icy chill. Na Yerin felt like she was facing a giant wall of ice. Cold ice swords were protruding from all directions, forming an ice wall in front of her.

When the best of both worlds collided in the same place, the momentum was terrifying. It was the Sword Cold Qi he had inherited from his father. Even if it hadn't been perfected yet, its power was astonishing. Even Na Yerin's sword herbs had not yet been able to break the cold sword net she had cast.

It was a defense that could be called an iron wall. In fact, it was the Ice Spirit Stream Sword, Guan Qianxiu's single-handed sword technique, which she was currently deploying, that showed a greater harmony than any other sword technique when it came to defense.

It was a defense-oriented sword technique created in conjunction with the Crimson Seventeen Flames of Yidao, which were originally designed for offense and destruction. It contained the ability to defend oneself as cold and hard as a ten-thousand-year ice wall. It was one of the strongest sword techniques in the past few centuries.

The Ice Spirit Stream Sword, which Guan Xunzhi learned from his father, the ice swordsman Guan Chulin, was a unique sword technique that used defense to break down opponents. It was also a sword method that had the opposite spirit of the Yin Dao method, which was to crush everything with destructive power beyond its limits.

The cold ice energy that rises from the tip of the sword and travels through you and your sword gradually paralyzes your opponent's nerves without them realizing it. Unaware that their movements have been slowed, they continue to attack recklessly, only to be met with attacks like water flowing stealthily beneath thick winter ice. It is a terrifying martial art that slowly eats away at an opponent's body and nerves.

"Wow, there's a lot to see!"

People were dazzled by the sight. The battle between the two beauties, graceful as butterflies and sometimes swift as swallows, was a spectacle so colorful and rich that it made your mouth water just to watch from the sidelines.

Their swordsmanship matched their beauty, so it's no wonder men would risk their lives for them.

Na Yerin was not the only one with followers. There are differences of taste in the world, and there were quite a few followers of the Blue Jade Swordswoman.

Na Yerin was Na Yerin, and Guan Shilin was Guan Shilin, each with her own personality and beauty. Moreover, their martial arts were so remarkable that they could not easily teach each other superiority.

Uncharacteristically for her, Na Yerin was surprised twice today: once by Guan Xueji's sword, whose icy coldness blocked her sword so perfectly, and again by the subtlety of her sword technique, which half-nullified Long An's abilities. It was as if his own sword energy was being sucked into the net she had set up.

It had been a long time since Na Yerin had faced an opponent. His skill was such that she had no choice but to submit. His swordsmanship was like an iron wall, yet it hid sharp thorns that baffled Na Yerin.

If it weren't for Long Yan's ability to use the Dragon Eye, which he didn't want to use but came naturally to him, he might have lost if he hadn't used the Cold Jade Spiritual Divine Sword. Besides, he hadn't even used his full strength yet. Both he and you may have been deliberately holding back a bit on the tip of your sword.

Even though she has a dragon eye, her ability is not absolute. In fact, the Dragon Eyes are strong at identifying an opponent's attacks, but weak at reading the number of defenses, which means that when she's in the attacking position, she's only able to exert half of her power. This is because defenses tend to be passive and change depending on the attack. The most effective way to use it is to seize the moment when the game changes from defense to offense.

However, her sword was a defensive sword, not an offensive one. It was a sword with a depth that was unparalleled in the field of defensive swordsmanship. In particular, her sword shield was as cold, hard, and thick as a ten-thousand-year ice wall. There was no way to break through it. It was her first experience dealing with this type of sword technique.

The same could not be said for Guan Xueji. She'd heard the rumors, but Na Yerin's sword skills were unexpectedly extraordinary. It was almost beyond the level of a martial artist! And she knew it. There was a sword technique that Na Yerin still hadn't used, sealed away!

Yes, there was a sword method Na Yerin wasn't using. From the beginning, she'd been wielding the White Spirit Sword Thunder Heavenly Blade, an offensive, one-dimensional steel sword that didn't fit her body well. As far as she knew, that wasn't Na Yerin's real swordplay.

Learn sword techniques from Yi Ok-san, the first female sword master!

Cold Jade Spirit Godsword!

The swordsmanship that should have been inherited by the heirs of Sword Hu's progress had yet to unfold in her hands.

"Why aren't you using that sword?"

I paused to catch my breath and asked, curious as to where this was going.

Unlike most men, he didn't run down the street yelling, "Why aren't you using it!", "Are you ignoring me!", "Let me die today!".

"I'm sorry. I can't use it without permission."

Na Yerin bowed her head slightly in apology. For a moment, I felt sorry for her. If done incorrectly, it could make her feel belittled. But she wasn't being condescending at all. On the contrary, she was nervous. She was just being restrained because she couldn't use the Priest's Feast without permission.

Even the sword method she was using now, though not suited to a woman's body, was the poisoned sword method of one of the Four Great Sword Gods, the Martial Saint Naguantian, and its roots could not be escaped.

"That's a shame, but it's the Master's order, so we'll just have to put it off until another time……. Shall we try again then?"

It was a good thing she didn't take after her father, whose personality was as cold as an ice pick. Once again, the swords and sabers of the Heavenly Maidens were harmonizing in unison.

"We're not going to win at this rate……."

To her, it looked like this was not going to be an easy match. Moreover, neither of them seemed to be eager to play. There was no sense of competition at all. It was as if they were just socializing and exchanging blows.

"Wow, their swordsmanship puts me to shame as to what the hell men have been doing these days!"

Hyo-Ryong, who was watching with Bi Ryuyeon, couldn't help but be impressed. At first glance, their swordsmanship was enough to make men stare down, many of them embarrassed by their own accomplishments.

"I'm going to have to train myself to fall off the wagon!"

She spoke a few words in passing. More and more, the rain dance was going the way she predicted. At this rate, there was only one conclusion.

After more than three hundred seconds of no victory or defeat, there was a stirring in the judgment seats, and the right hand of the elder of the entire Shaman Sect and the head of the Heavenly Martial Academy was raised. The judge then raised the two banners in his hands and declared. Bi Ryuyeon's prediction had been correct.


The judges realized that the fight could not go any further and declared a draw. They felt it was best to stop the fight before it got any more dangerous. The fact that they didn't use any more ultimatums after 300 seconds was seen as an indication that they didn't intend to force the fight either. If it had been men, they might have been willing to see it through to the end, even if it meant blood and gore.

As soon as the stop signal sounded, they both stopped their swords as if they had been waiting, and returned to their original positions facing each other.

"Hehehe! It is a great joy for the Heavenly Martial Academy and a blessing for the Martial Kingdom to have two such phoenixes! The five elders here, including Nodo, have reached a consensus that the skill of the two swordsmen is indisputably superior, so unfortunately, we have decided to declare a draw."

Hyun Hak-Jin, who was sitting in the judges' chair, stood up as the representative and said it with a generous smile. Neither of them had any complaints. At this rate, it was hard to tell if they were going to win or lose unless they were willing to throw their lives away.


The cheers were deafening. The reaction was one of gratitude that one of the two beauties hadn't lost.

A draw! It was an evenly matched game.

A few moments later, Qing Shui Jade Swordswoman Guan Xueji was walking down the aisle to cheers from the crowd, and was stunned by the unexpected turn of events.

A large man appeared and grabbed her slender shoulders, so suddenly that she had no time to react.


The words were shouted by a large man who grabbed his shoulder.

At first, she seemed very surprised, but then she calmed down. She knew exactly who she was up against. There was probably only one other person in the entire martial world with such an unusual appearance. It was Yan Dao.

She wasn't the only one who was surprised; her followers on the sidelines were stunned as well, especially Qinghui, who was watching from afar.

He was about to shout, "What are you doing?" when he saw the other man's face and shut up. He knew he wasn't the one to shout. However, he had to release his grip, which looked painful from the side.

That's when he met someone who solved his problem once and for all.


Ryuyeon, who had been watching from the sidelines, did something that stunned him. With all her might, she slashed at Yin's wrists with her sword.

Yeomdo's head jerked toward Bi Ryuyeon.

The original meaning was "Do you want to die?", but it didn't work for Bi Ryuyeon.

"What do you think you're doing, shoving such a nasty top in front of a young lady's nose so suddenly, so unexpectedly, that she freaks out, and you're lucky she didn't faint!"

These were Bi Ryuyeon's words, harshly reprimanding Yidao's mistake. The onlookers were stunned to the point of their hearts leaving their throats: who would dare to use such an insolent (though well-meaning) language against the king of the heavens? All of them thought that the king would have her tongue pulled out and her throat twisted at once. But instead, without saying a word to Bi Ryuyeon, Yan Dao took his hand off Guan Xueji's shoulder. It was a mystery.

Realizing his mistake, he quickly took a step back. But all the while, his gaze never left her. How could he not be agitated when the woman he had never forgotten appeared in front of him after traveling back twenty years?

Guan Shuji's beauty was extraordinary, as she took after her mother. Her skin was a dazzling white jade, and her eyes were reminiscent of black pearls from the depths of the ocean. Unusually, her hair was lightly bleached to a navy blue color. It must be a trace of the martial arts she inherited from her father. Yun Che's heart ached in his chest.

"What is your mother's name?"

Yeomdo asked in a shaky voice. This was not his usual self.

"He will be a revolutionary, a cow, and a cloud!"

It was the answer she expected. He was prepared for it, but it hit him like a blow to the back of the head. He'd been expecting it, but the confirmation from her own mouth had taken him by surprise.

It was a dizzying moment of confusion, as if the heavens and the earth had cheekily switched places without my permission.

"I see! You are the daughter of Soun?"

His voice sounded like dead grass. The way his shoulders seemed to slump was an optical illusion, a sadness that didn't look like Yeomdo at all.

Looking up at the sky, Yeomdo's gaze shifted back to Kwan Seolji.

"Is your mother well?"

His red, ghostly hair and his eyes, which were filled with memories that didn't quite match his face, made him look salty.

"Yes, you're still correcting me."

"Is that……."

After hearing a single word, he closed his mouth again and slipped into silence. It was so uncharacteristic of him that it was almost painful to watch.


Intrigued, Bi Ryuyeon's eyes alternated between the Yeomdo and the location. What could be the reason? She couldn't help but wonder, but she decided now was not the time.

"Come on, come on, let's go watch the semi-final bout that Hui is competing in, he might be surprisingly lonely for someone who looks so aloof!"

Of course, it was baseless. But when you're trying to lighten the mood, evidence doesn't matter. As if to prove that he was a human being who had nothing to do with loneliness, Mo Yonghui easily defeated his semifinal opponent and advanced to the final. The long-awaited showdown with the three-edged sword Qinghe was finally upon him.

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