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Book 5 Chapter 14

Tang Wentian vs. Bi Ryuyeon

"Are you really planning to use poison in this bimu?"

Dangsam asked in disbelief.

"What do you think?"

Dangsam felt foolish for asking.

I didn't have to ask, the answer was already there.

Originally, poison was not used in bimu competitions. It would be difficult to detoxify, and it would only lead to being labeled a coward. Therefore, Tang masters refrained from using poisons in bimu competitions and instead used mnemonics, palm leaf swords, or just ink.

Tang Wentian's tricks and flying sword techniques were just as famous as his memorization and poison. However, there was one man in particular, Tang Wentian, who used poison and memorization in secret, whether in a martial arts tournament or a duel. Tang Wentian was a man who could not be silenced.

His poisoning skills were so stealthy that no one realized he was using poison. Besides, the rules of the tournament didn't say you couldn't use poison. Of course, there was also no rule against memorization, only that you couldn't kill your opponent. The rest was up to the individual's discretion, especially for those from Sichuan Tangmen who used poison for fun.

If it weren't for the fact that he was from the same family, he wouldn't have cared what happened. However, it was his own True Green Robe that had brought him here. Sitting in front of him was Tang Wentian, who was also wearing the same colored robe.

It was reserved for the elite of the Sichuan Tang Clan. While Tang Wentian was happy to be favored, he didn't want to see anyone in the dark green robes publicly humiliated. Given the nature of the death penalty, if they knew he'd used poison, they'd pay him back tenfold. That is, of course, assuming they didn't get poisoned.

"You'll regret it."

Although Tang San sincerely advised him, Tang Wentian wore an arrogant expression and didn't listen to him at all. It was as if he didn't care at all. It was nothing short of Maidong-style.

"Hmph, advice from the mouth of a guy who hasn't beaten me since I was a little kid, what plasticity."

Tang San's face turned to stone at Tang Wentian's contemptuous mockery. True to his words, Tang San had always played the role of losing to Tang Wentian on social media, and he had done so very faithfully……. So it was only natural for Tang Wentian to look down on him now. But now, if he had the chance, he would let him feel how much he had changed. It seemed quite frightening before, but today, it seemed like nothing, which was surprising even to him. To be honest, the current Tang Wentian didn't put any pressure on himself.

"I warned you that you'd regret it, and you'd better make other arrangements quickly, or else……, you're definitely going to lose to him."

Tang San's blade-like words caused Tang Wentian's face to turn red.

"How dare you……."

Three coins were scattered forward from his hand. Since direct descendants were not allowed to use blood-calling memorization, they instead used coins as a means of discipline. Even if they were ordinary coins, in Tang Wentian's hands, they could be more terrifying than any memorization. Tang Wentian believed that the three coins he had scattered would naturally bring down the hand of discipline on the arrogant Tang San. As of yet, Tang San had never defeated him!

The three coins circled in the air, moving forward and backward, staggered left and right, and flew toward the ginseng. It was a three-circle flying trick with the essence of a line table. However, Dang Chul-young, called Dang Sam by his peers, was no longer the Dang Sam of old.

Tang Wentian, the Tang San he knew was the Tang San before he went to Amishan, and the Tang San standing here now was the Tang San who had seen hell in Amishan, and was still seeing hell from time to time these days. The difference in their skills was as great as the difference between heaven and earth.

To Tang Shan, who had suffered the hardships of bone-cutting in the Amishan Mountains and was still stringing beads every day, this change was nothing. It seemed like a child's play. Besides, the Tricycle was a trick he already knew and could now perform twice as complicated. The three coins flying around, changing positions from time to time, were clearly visible as if they were suspended in midair. Tang San was rather surprised at his accomplishment.

Tang San turned his body three times, and with three flicks of his fingers, he destroyed Tang Wentian's Tricyclic Secret Technique.

Tang San's eyes widened in surprise at Tang Wentian's sudden inaction.

"Yes, you dare to block my Tricyclic Flying Spirits……. You've improved a lot, Cheol-young!"

"Don't be surprised if it's nothing."

Tang San said bluntly. Tang Wentian's forehead furrowed. He had a feeling of resentment.

"Go away! I don't want to see you."

A decree of celebration was issued. Tang San had no desire to be here any longer. He had already done his duty.

"I have come for the sake of my blood and the honor of my family, and this is the end of my responsibility to you. Once again, for the last time, I warn you that it would be better for your reputation if you did not use poison tomorrow, and do your best from the beginning. That will be the only way to preserve your honor."

Having said all that he had to say, Dangsam turned and walked away like the wind, as if he had done his job and was no longer needed.

Only the grinding of Tang Wentian's teeth could be heard behind him.

"I got pissed and went to……."

He never forgot to say a word.

It is said that you can tell a disciple by looking at his master. In that sense, Tang Wentian was very dangerous. There was a high probability that the poison he boasted of would be ineffective. It wasn't as if he hadn't made up his mind to try the poison after being angered by Amishan. I had even practiced with a weaker poison. But it didn't work. For some reason, the poison didn't work at all. I couldn't figure out why. But I did have the experience of almost dying in return.

Somehow he knew, and he immediately identified himself as the culprit. It's a horrible memory that sends a chill down my spine just thinking about it. It wasn't forbidden to use poison in a martial arts tournament, but it didn't look good. It was Tang San's hope that his cousin, Tang Wentian, would not bring any more disgrace to the family name, but his worries aside, the day of the semifinals had come and gone.

"Do you think you can win? My opponent is none other than Tang Wentian, a notorious venomous beast among the fourth year students, and I'm not about to lose to a first year brat."

The one-eyed heroine looks out over the backstage area where the semifinals are about to begin. I ask Samae Na Yerin, a fierce woman of prayer with a patch over her left eye, who sits quietly next to me. The patch on her left eye, which would look ugly on anyone else, makes her stand out even more.

"We don't know the outcome yet. There's no guarantee that senior Tang Wentian will win this match."

Na Yerin couldn't seem to agree with Dokgo-Ryung. Moreover, her words were unexpectedly assertive.

"Hao……, that's unexpected, coming from you, who is said to have the most accurate eyes in the world! If that's the case, does that mean that that first-year is good enough to compete with Tang Wentian? In fact, the Poisonous Beast Tang Wentian is good at other techniques besides martial arts, which are more challenging for his opponents. Besides, just because it's an unarmed contest doesn't mean he's sparing or restrained, and yet he's still worthy of a fight?"

Na Yerin remained silent, then nodded slightly. It was an unspoken affirmation.


The old woman's eyes lit up with open admiration. She knew better than anyone that her sister-in-law was a man who would never lie.

"But, that first-year student, you don't like it!"

"Did something happen?"

As far as she could tell, there was no reason for a solitary old man to be in contact with a man named Bi Ryuyeon, and she was not a great person to interact with such a strange (and unfortunately, that was Na Yerin's current assessment of Bi Ryuyeon) man.

"I've seen you with a couple of them. Rumor has it they're a pair!"

"I see."

She nodded in understanding. It meant that this man, Bi Ryuyeon, was a member of the Little Sisters' Society. Of course, that was something she was familiar with, as she had been in the Society and swung a sword, but the thought of how much he hated it made her crazy. She had always treated the members of the Society as nothing more than bugs.

She'd heard all about the organization's considerable notoriety (among men, but especially among women). Not only had she heard, but she had become their relentless target. There was no way the Association would leave such a rarely seen beauty alone. But their efforts were thwarted by her guards, and they failed to accomplish their goal.

Naturally, she had no choice but to like the place. Moreover, it was a place where women were treated as if they were the most important public figures!

She suddenly remembered the items taken by the intruder who had entered her room a few days earlier, and though she didn't show it, she secretly blushed and felt hot. Being a woman, she couldn't remain indifferent to it.

Based on the traces she left in the room, she was the most likely suspect. Unfortunately, she had the psychosis but no physical evidence. There was also the incident on the ferry that she didn't want to remember. The more I tried not to remember, the more I remembered it.

The man standing on the offstage right now, Bi Ryuyeon, is up there to fulfill a promise he made to her back then. Even though that promise was very much against her. To be honest, even she didn't expect him to make it this far.

It was almost instinctive for him to realize that he had become an unusual person since he was no longer captured by his own dragon, but I never thought he would make it this far……. Apparently, it wasn't a fluke that he had defeated the Sun Wind Sword Dragon Wei Zichen back then.

"If that skill is real……."

He might actually keep his word.


What would happen if that happened? What would she do about it? She didn't have a clear answer yet.

However, not only Dokgo Ling, but also the witnesses who were currently waiting for Bi Mu were all negative about him. Everyone was enjoying themselves, thinking that they would finally be able to see that arrogant brat's ugly face. It's a miracle that he's still here, after all, he didn't even have much skill, just sheer luck!

The common consensus was that he was a child of fortune and poor skill, hence the ridiculous nickname of Yunsu Daetong (擊打琴).

In fact, if you look at his five previous matches, there are no glimpses of his skill anywhere, and the only time he showed a bit of it was against Jeon Ok-ki in the quarterfinals.

His bouts were always about something bewildering, empty, and pulse-pounding. He was like a shapeless phantom, with no power whatsoever, and yet he always won, and no one seemed to notice that he did it in a short amount of time, and that was the most important thing.

It's like a bunch of illusionists.

Tang Wentian, from the Sichuan Tang Clan, stood arrogantly, his fluttering dark green robes flapping in the wind. Only members of the Sichuan Tang Clan were allowed to wear the deep green robe.

The jade green robe with the four lions of the Sichuan Temple was not something that anyone could wear, nor was it something that anyone could afford. Only the direct descendants of Sichuan Tangmen were allowed to wear them.

All of the major clans have their own colors and patterns. This helps to distinguish their origins, and it also prevents accidents. Even if you don't speak, you can still identify each other with a quick glance.

Once a faction has chosen its official colors or symbols, they don't change them unless something happens. It's a funny thing to say, but it's true that there have been many fights over it.

"Is that okay?"

Hyorong looked at Jang Hong and asked. He couldn't help but feel worried. This was the first time Bi Ryuyeon had ever dealt with someone who used poison. Jang Hong's expression, who knew more about Tang Wentian than he did, was currently hardened.

"…we have no choice but to trust him……."

I gave all the advice I could yesterday. Of course, I had my doubts that they were listening, but now I just had to wait for the results.

Bi Ryuyeon stared directly into Tang Wentian's eyes, who was looking at her in a very arrogant manner. Tang Wentian was uncomfortable with Bi Ryuyeon's gaze, and his expression slowly changed.

I was told by Jang Hong yesterday evening what kind of body the child in front of me had. His ears were still tingling. Jang Hong had grabbed his ear and warned him to pay attention.

"When you get old, you worry more.

That's exactly what Jang Hong looked like yesterday.

Bi Ryuyeon hadn't liked Tang Wentian's smug, pouty demeanor from the start. She had decided from the moment she saw him that he was an asshole.

At first, I thought that he was the only one who had the prestigious superiority syndrome, but now that I saw that Tang Wentian, who was standing in front of me, was also from the same clan, it seemed that there were not many people with this condition.

There are often assholes in the world who think that if they have money, background, and power, they can do anything. Add to that a certain amount of martial arts, and you have an asshole of an asshole.

They are a race of human horsemen who have a great delusion that they are the chosen ones, and treat the weak and common people like dogs and bugs. In their eyes, the weak are not worthy of life. Otherwise, they take it for granted that they are just creatures made to obey and serve them. Such was the case with Tang Wentian, Bi Ryuyeon's opponent standing before him now.

If you're a master, you're a master, and if you're the last disciple of a master, you're a disciple. What good does it do? Does he think that the sign will protect his life until he dies of old age? If he does, I can only describe it as a truly infantile and stupid idea. I don't know what else to say.

But now, Tang Wentian, one of those people, was standing in front of Bi Ryuyeon, pretending to be smug, pretending to be powerful, pretending to be Zen. This was the kind of person that Bi Ryuyeon hated the most. There was no way she could be at ease. She couldn't bear to look at him like that anymore.

Tang Wentian was still glaring at Bi Ryuyeon with an arrogant attitude. Statistically speaking, this kind of people are clueless and dull because they don't have the slightest bit of consideration for others.

He doesn't realize that he's shoveling hard for a place to die. He doesn't seem to realize that he's shoveling himself to death.

Ryuyeon Bi asked

"I thought you said it was poison."

Tang Wentian nodded proudly, as if he was proud of the fact. It was the kind of attitude that said why ask for the obvious?

"Ahhhhh, then you're an idiot!"

Tang Wentian's heart sank as he listened to Bi Ryuyeon's final words. He had never in his life seen anyone act in such an abrupt manner in front of him.

"You bastard, how dare you think you know who I am!"

Tang Wentian's eyes glowed as he roared with rage. It was a clear indication of how furious he was. Bi Ryuyeon's heart sank as she watched Tang Wentian. There was another person here who was just like him.

"What's that, that knowing your background, power, or status makes you twenty times as powerful, or makes me one hundredth as weak? If that's what you're thinking, I'd advise you to throw cold water on it, because you're grossly mistaken."

The tip of Bi Ryuyeon's tongue was as venomous as a viper's. Tang Wentian's face grew increasingly grim as he listened.

"What, what, what… what, are you done?"

"I'm not done yet, just wait."

Bi Ryuyeon replied bluntly. Tang Wentian's anger only deepened.

"Come to think of it, that's what Master said!

Now that I think about it, he was right. Not a single thing was wrong!

It's poison……!

Now that I think about it, once upon a time, Bi Ryuyeon asked me about poison.

Bi Ryuyeon's consciousness jumped across the river of eight years, ignoring the presence of Tang Wentian in front of him.

When Bi Ryuyeon was 14 years old, she asked her master .

"Master, what kind of people are those who use poison?"

The master hesitantly replied.


"And what about the guy who uses rote memorization and poison?"

"Wimpy fool!"

"What about the guy who uses male and female?"


"Then what about the guy who knows he shouldn't, but runs straight at you?"


It was a straightforward answer. It was also very easy to understand. This aspect of the teacher is worth emulating. This is what I want from ……, nothing else!

"Ahhhhh, I see!"

Ryuyeon Bi clapped her hands together. It feels so good to understand and realize something.

"So the next time you come across a weakling, a fool, an idiot, an asshole who uses a combination of poison and rote that doesn't work, take care of him!"

The master nodded in agreement. He even complimented me on how well I understood the words.

"Yes, it's very simple, it's a hard poison anyway, and if the first attempt fails, you're done, especially if you don't know you're dealing with a non-poisoned opponent and you try to use poison to win."

"It's kind of like a master."

With a look of understanding on her face, Bi Ryuyeon said.



As if waiting in anticipation, a fist flew out and smashed into Bi Ryuyeon's head.


It brought back bad memories. In return, he's dead.

"What do you want to see?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked, not bothering to wipe the smile from her red lips.

"What are you playing at?"

Tang Wentian, who was in a state of confrontation, asked in disbelief. He had only one thought in mind, to slaughter this arrogant brat as soon as possible.

"Do you want it to be four days ago or five days ago?"

Regardless of the other party's reaction, Bi Ryuyeon continued to ask questions that forced Tang Wentian to make a choice.

"Cut the crap and get on with it, you're bothering me!"

I was no Tang Mingtian to answer questions I didn't understand, and I had no answers to give.

"I thought you said you'd do whatever I wanted."

Tang Wentian couldn't help but be offended by the smiling Bi Ryuyeon.

"What have you done for me?"

"So I'm kindly asking you if you want to see what you ate four days ago, or five days ago, or whatever, and you're just going to dismiss my kindness like that? This is not the case."

Tang Wentian's twin heartstones shot up into the sky in an instant, and sparks flew in his eyes.

There's no way he could have eaten three days ago and still have undigested food in his stomach, let alone five days! Bi Ryuyeon's words were meant to say that he would beat you so hard that everything in you would come out. Naturally, Tang Wentian's eyes lit up and the faucet turned.

The lid had already been lifted, and there was no point in trying to talk. Rationality was nowhere to be found, and Bi Ryuyeon was still as easygoing and relaxed as ever. Tang Wentian could only wonder where this outrageous confidence came from.

Tang Wentian felt that if he could turn the man in front of him into a handful of blood, the Hundred Poisons would be worth it. However, since he would be disqualified if he sprayed his opponent to death, he decided to use a weaker poison. But even though it was weak, it was a pectoralis major poison that would cause the muscles of the entire body to contort when poisoned. He smiled sinisterly as he secretly lowered the poison.

Tang Wentian had no doubt about Bi Ryuyeon's poisoning, but that was his most fatal mistake. He had made a mistake he should never have made. He should never have used poison as a means of attack in the first place.

"You…, you…, you…, you…, you…!"

Tang Wentian's eyes widened in horror, and he pointed with a trembling arm. Or rather, stuttered was a more accurate description.


It was a nonchalant response, as if nothing had happened.

"Why, why is everything okay, uh…, how is he still standing there?"

Normally, she would have been on the floor screaming and clutching her spontaneously twisting muscles. But right now, he was acting like nothing was wrong. Moreover, there was no sign of poisoning anywhere on his body. Clearly, the choice of poison and the reading of the wind direction were both correct. It was a praiseworthy and flawless execution of the poison, and yet his opponent was just as nonchalant as if nothing had happened in the face of the renowned poison of the Tang Clan.

"So I told you, you're an idiot!"

That's all she had to say.

"Uh…, how did this happen to……?"

Tang Wentian was stunned by the unbelievable reality.

"If you're going to try to do anything to my body, you might as well give up early, so you're just listening to a weakling idiot."

It was one of those words that he never forgot, even to the point of salting.

Tang Wentian couldn't give up here. Tang Wentian of the renowned Sichuan Tang Clan of the Eight Great Houses could not give up and sit idly by. He drew the inkwell from his waistband. If not poison, then memorization and martial arts. Bi Ryuyeon's demeanor was relaxed, as if she was ready to face him at any moment.


Tang Wentian was now breathing heavily, tired of the weeding. His exhaustion was evident. He swung his saber and sprinkled memorization every chance he got, but none of it penetrated Bi Ryuyeon's body. Her memorization bag was getting lighter and lighter, and her shoulders were aching, but her opponent didn't seem to mind.

For the first time in his life, Tang Wentian tasted the emotion of devastation. Perhaps Bi Ryuyeon's body was a demon, an illusion, or a mirage that he couldn't reach, otherwise, how could this happen?

When she looked at Tang Wentian, she saw that he was breathing hard and his complexion was pale, and he looked very unwell. When she saw that, a beautiful (?) thought suddenly came to her mind that it was easy for Tang Wentian, who had worked so hard to give her so much poison and memorization, to rest. After all, one must rest when one rests. Pushing yourself any further will only harm your body.

Bi Ryuyeon pumped her fists in the air, wishing Tang Wentian a pleasant, relaxing, and long rest. It had been quite a while since she had used this.

"That, that…, that!"

Watching, Tang San narrowed his eyes. The other members of the troupe did the same. If he saw it again, it would bring back memories he'd been trying to forget.

The Three Strikes Law (三伏毆打拳法)!

It was a name that would never be forgotten in Zhu Zhaodan's mind.


A long squeal followed, followed by a squeal like a pig being slaughtered. It was the kind of voice that could chill a listener to the bone, and thanks to Bi Ryuyeon's rough hands, Tang Wentian was able to get quite a long rest. It was an unexpected break, as if he had suddenly fallen from the sky.

Now Tang Wentian didn't have to dedicate himself to hard martial arts training. No, even if he wanted to, he couldn't. Now he would be stuck in bed for at least a month or two. This was all thanks to Bi Ryuyeon's compassionate (?) consideration. Was it too much kindness……?

It was an example of how excessive kindness can cause significant damage to others.

Finally, Bi Ryuyeon was through to the final. But there were no cheers, only silence. It was an insignificant tribute to her achievement.

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