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Book 5 Chapter 13

Carrier Strike

Bi Ryuyeon has an unwanted reunion with Wei Ji-chun.

I did during Na Yerin's semifinal match.

Of course, I didn't meet him because I wanted to.

I'm stuck next to Na Yerin, and I can't help but feel like a hunchback.

It was just a face-to-face meeting, and it didn't mean much more to her.

The others, who had flocked to see Na Yerin's secret dance, dared not approach her for fear of Wei Zichen's gaze.

He knew all too well what Wei Zichen would do to him if he dared to do such a thing. Wei Zichen's defense was too strong for the flower. However, there was someone who casually crossed the line of death. Upon seeing this, Wei Zichen's face immediately crumpled. Duke Goryeong's face was also slightly distorted. Only Na Yerin remained expressionless.

"Hi, it's me, Sojae. It's a beautiful day."

It was Bi Ryuyeon who smiled and said hello.

"Can I help you?"

Na Yerin replied in a quiet voice. It was a voice that was always pleasant to listen to. Bi Ryuyeon could feel herself growing more amused.

"What's up, I'm here to cheer for Sojae, keep up the good work."

At first glance, this may not seem like a big deal, but no one has ever come right up to her before a match to give her words of encouragement like Bi Ryuyeon did - there are too many eyes on her, and her defense is too strong. Yet, as if laughing at all of this, Bi Ryuyeon casually approached her and spoke to her. She didn't turn away either.

"Thank you."

I was told this without any change of expression, but it was a great achievement. This was a rare privilege. Watching this, Wei Zichen's face couldn't help but turn even more grim.

"Whoa, who's this? Eh…, so…, what's his name?"

Looking at Wei Zichen as if she had only just noticed him, Bi Ryuyeon asked with a puzzled expression. Hearing Bi Ryuyeon's question, Wei Zichen's face turned grim again.

"You! You mean you forgot already?"

She can't even remember his name, let alone the things she knows about him after she's done with him! Bi Ryuyeon turns Wei Zichen's outfit upside down with a single word.

"I'm Qing Sheng Sect's disciple and the master of the Ice Peak Guardian Film School, the Sun Wind Sword Dragon Wei Zichen!"

It was quite a lengthy introduction, and Bi Ryuyeon clapped her hands when she realized that Wei Zichen's name had been included in the words.

"Aha! That's right, that's right, that's senior Wei Zichen, I've seen you around a lot."

In fact, this was only the second time I'd seen Wei Zichen since we met in early spring, so it had been nearly eight months. The flowers of spring had already faded, and now it was autumn, the season of fruitful harvest. Yu Zichen's existence had been a blur in Bi Ryuyeon's mind from the beginning, as he was perceived as an insignificant figure.

Unable to recover from the shock of his defeat for some time, Wei Zichen decided to train in the Hundred Days of Training, a difficult discipline that was meant to wash away the shame of the day. He began training with the sole intention of defeating Bi Ryuyeon.

Wei Zichen, who had just finished training for the Closing Pavilion to participate in the Heavenly Martial Triad, was delighted to hear about Bi Ryuyeon.

The rumor was that Bi Ryuyeon, a heavenly sinner who had committed a heavenly crime, would be participating in the Samsung Dance Festival. He immediately checked the authenticity of the rumor and soon learned that it was true.

He smiled a smile of conversion.

The opportunity to avenge the disgrace of a momentary lapse in judgment had arrived. He could finally show the results of his bone-cutting training. So he signed up to compete in the Samsung Mujae, despite the fact that he mostly used swords.

Only to fight Bi Ryuyeon……. And to defeat her in the most devastating way possible……. Then, I will rebuild the honor that has fallen to the ground. He was determined to do so.

"Oh, hi, it's been a while! I thought I recognized you from somewhere, and it turns out I do. By the way, I'm glad to hear you're doing well."

Bi Ryuyeon remembered who Wei Zichen was, but she was still nonchalant.

"What do you mean?"

Wei Zichen stiffly replied, trying to suppress his anger. The mere sight of Bi Ryuyeon's face caused a fiery fire to boil in his heart.

"I was so worried that you hadn't been able to handle the day again and had taken your own life. I need to see you more often."

Bi Ryuyeon hurriedly threw the salt at Yu Zichen, who was holding back his anger.

"Yes, you……."

I was so angry I couldn't speak. If I hadn't been in front of Na Yerin, I would have stabbed her.

"You can't act like that when people are being sincere, isn't that disrespectful?"

Wei Zichen's impression was strangely distorted. It was impossible not to be dumbfounded by the fact that he had finished the salting by himself and was laughing and smiling as if nothing had happened.

"I will make you pay for that disgrace. See you in the finals."

Wei Zichen threw out the words like a shot, and then took the attitude that he didn't want to deal with them anymore.

"Why am I facing you in the finals, I wonder?"

Yu Zichen's face twisted ferociously once again at Bi Ryuyeon's innocent reply. Her words proved that she didn't care about his existence at all. Either that, or she was playing with herself…….

How can you not be outraged by such a complete disregard for your own existence as the biggest challenge of the Samsung War and the favorite to win it?

"Of course, that's because I'm competing in Samsung Mujae. Unfortunately, you and I are in separate groups, so we won't meet in the middle, but if you don't fall, we'll meet in the finals. Don't lose until you crumble under my hand."

Bi Ryuyeon must be defeated by her own hand, not by anyone else's. And in the most miserable way possible…….

"Ho-ho, I see you have the skills to make it to the finals. Wow, this is a great discovery, I had no idea, did you eat something good in the meantime?"

Isn't this completely calculated and mocking? Yu Zichen's eyes sparked with fire. This was an unbearable insult. However, the fact that he could not dare to be disrespectful as long as she was standing next to him still held his ankles and reason together.

"I'll definitely be up there, so mind your own business, then……."

He smirked and turned his attention to Na Yerin, as if he didn't want to talk to her anymore. Wei Zichen was in the middle, so they didn't get to talk. But Na Yerin was on her way to the backstage area to compete in the semifinals. Bi Ryuyeon shouted at her back as she walked up to the backstage area.

"I'm Sojae, good job!"

Seeing no reason to be here now that Na Yerin was already offstage, Bi Ryuyeon waved a hand at Wei Zichen and ordered her disciples to return to their assigned positions.

Wei Zichen's clothes were already inside out.


Only after confirming that Bi Ryuyeon had completely disappeared from his sight could Wei Zichen let out a deep sigh. Even though he had disguised himself as Bi Ryuyeon, it didn't stop his body from shrinking and tensing. Even if you didn't see it, the sweat in his fist would still be cold. Compared to the reputation he had built up so far, this was ridiculously embarrassing, which made him hate Bi Ryuyeon even more.

"Confucius above!"

The Bingbong Movie Guardians asked.

"Why would you let such a rude guy go?"

"Final bimurrah, is that some kind of gadanki? A first grader should know my subject."

"That's right. The championship belongs to the Great Duke!"

"Sure, sure!"

The three of them chattered in unison.

"Boom, you guys don't know how scary that guy is!"

With a hardened face, Yu Zichen spoke out.


"Watch, I'm about to unmask him. Over there offstage……."

Having experienced it firsthand, he couldn't easily agree with those who underestimated her abilities. What would happen if he lost to such a person? As much as he wanted to deny it, there was no way to change what had already happened. Bi Ryuyeon had left the worst stain on his life. He could never forgive her.

'I still remember that day, the disgrace, the shame, the anger. Be prepared, Bi Ryuyeon!

It was a terrifyingly fiery Wei Zichen!

The sword-fighting semifinals ended as everyone expected, with Na Yerin taking an easy victory.

"What the hell are you thinking?"

Two days before the semifinals, Jang Hong had to say something he had been avoiding.

I've been holding back my curiosity, but I've had enough.


"Yeah, thinking, you didn't do that reckless thing without thinking, did you?"

Jang Hong spoke in a questioning tone. Still, there was a gleam of concern in his eyes.

"Reckless? What? You won like a champ! You don't use the word reckless when you do that, you say well done."

"So far it's just been simple luck!"

Even Jang Hong, who had been with Bi Ryuyeon for more than half a year, couldn't help but think so. In his own mind, he thought he'd found a loophole in his opponent's defense, who was looking down on Bi Ryuyeon as a first-year student, and hit him with the unusual attack of the mukkeum.

"Do you know what the other guandos are calling you now?"


She shook her head.

"It's called the fortune-teller's batting cage. Huh……."

Jang Hong said with a sullen expression. I couldn't help but sigh. However, Bi Ryuyeon, who was listening to Jang Hong with a distant expression, burst out laughing.

"Kahahahahaha, why not, it's a great name, what's wrong with being lucky?"

Jang Hong's face hardened even more.

"Is that a laughing matter? Everyone's calling you a goody two-shoes. Why aren't you using your organs?"

"Organ? What's that? I forgot!"

Bi Ryuyeon replied with a look of natural virtue.

"What, you call that a horse?"

Jang Hong was dumbfounded by Bi Ryuyeon's retort, and without having to think about it, it was clear that Bi Ryuyeon was making fun of him.

"Do you happen to remember what my organs are?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked as she turned to Hyorong, who was standing next to Jang Hong as if to provide support fire.

"Of course……."

Hyo-Ryong was about to say something, but then his mouth shut like a clam, and he realized that he couldn't remember any of the martial arts that Bi Liu-Yan had used.

The only martial arts I'd ever demonstrated was the one I showed in the dormitory on the day of my enrollment. It was barely enough information to navigate the gate. Besides, I was willing to bet my entire fortune that it wasn't real.

"See, you don't know, and I don't remember because I forgot!"

She shook her head from side to side, giving them a 'I don't know anything' look. It meant that she didn't have the heart to talk about it, and in their eyes, she looked even more insignificant. After all, even between parents and siblings, there were some sects that had to be hidden, so it was grossly impolite to ask someone who was unwilling to tell you.

"Then why on earth are you doing this seemingly reckless thing, give me a clue, you're just frustrated!"

Jang Hong didn't give up and asked again.

"What's the point of getting frustrated over something like that? Don't worry about it, it's just an experiment, an experiment!"


Hyorong and Jang Hong asked in confusion.

"Yes! A kind of self-experiment, to see how far I can go with my yin gong!"

Jang Hong and Hyorong were becoming more and more dumbfounded as they listened. Was he expecting them to believe what he was saying? Moreover, they also heard his skepticism about whether the martial art he had been practicing could really be called Yin Gong. Rather, it was a new kind of martial art that should be called kung fu.

"Phew, I was right to be reckless after all!"

He let out an earth-shattering sigh. Exhaled was more like it.

"Is that why you're standing offstage with your koto? With nothing to show for it?"

Jang Hong asked pointedly, always trying to be the big brother.

"Barely! That's rude! I'm serious enough as it is! Do you know how easy it is to use me as a guinea pig! What a holy spirit of sacrifice!"

"Chet, it's my fault for getting into a tongue-in-cheek fight with you."

Jang Hong finally surrendered. The victory in the Snow King's Battle was awarded to Bi Ryuyeon.

"But let me warn you."

Jang Hong said with a serious expression.

"I'll listen!"

"If you continue to wield the instrument as you have been doing, you will not attain a single note of Yin Gong in a hundred days."

"Advice, to the bone. I won't forget it, but what can you do when the gap between theory and practice is wider than you think? Maybe next time it will be better? Let's hope so."

What hope is there for them anymore, when they are pushed into a pit of worry and anguish and looked down upon by Bi Ryuyeon, who has done nothing but work on her own.

"But who's your next opponent?"

"Well, well, well, remember your friend's next date. If you don't want your friendship to crack. Alas, I hear the crack of a friendship!"

Once again, it was Bi Ryuyeon making exaggerated gestures.

"So who are you?"

Bi Ryuyeon looked straight at Jang Hong and declared proudly.

"I don't know!"

"What the hell!"

No more words came out of their mouths.

Today's showdown with Bi Ryuyeon ended in a disastrous defeat for both of them. Apparently, Bi Ryuyeon wanted others to memorize his name because he couldn't be bothered to memorize it himself, and it's unlikely that anyone would have heard of him.

"Stir, I know."

The three heads turned toward the source of the voice, where Yoon Junho, whose presence was still faint, stood. How long have you been there……. While everyone was puzzled, Yoon Junho opened his mouth. His face was slightly flushed, so it was obvious that he was not comfortable speaking.

"Hey, you're helpful sometimes, too! Who are you?"

"That's why it's called Tang Wentian……."

He fumbled for a name, then mouthed it.


Hyo-ryong and Jang Hong were in disbelief.

"Ugh. Are you really saying that Ryuyeon's next opponent is that bastard?"

Jang Hong's voice suddenly became high and harsh.

"Do you know him?"

Yoon Junho asked with a puzzled look.

"How do I know you're an evil bastard!"

Yoon Jun-ho was taken aback by Jang Hong's sudden reaction.

"You mean you know!"

The silent Bi Ryuyeon spoke up. He didn't know who it was anyway, but he had to ask as a matter of courtesy because there was someone else who did. If she didn't ask, how frustrating it would be for someone who wanted to show off their knowledge, or someone who wanted to teach her what they knew. That's why she asked.


Jang Hong nervously answered Bi Ryuyeon's question.

"He's so wicked that some people say the name of the Sichuan Tang Gate weeps for him. He breaks the taboos of the Tang Clan and uses poison in martial arts competitions. That's why he's a poisonous hand! He's just as poisonous as the Tang Clan. The Tang Clan doesn't know what he's doing, so they don't take him in……."

"You must be a pretty funny guy!"

Compared to Hyo-ryong and Jang Hong's fierce reactions, Bi Ryuyeon's was a mere whimper.

It was like they didn't even care.

"What, poisonous water!"

Geum Young-ho's shaky cries drew the attention of all the cast members to Tang Sam. As a member of the same Tang clan, he was asked to say something.

Dang was as speechless as a honeyed mute, and he knew all too well why his coworkers were so surprised.

The reason Tang Wentian enjoys using poison everywhere is not because he is weak enough to need to use it. It's because it's fun and stimulating. He was also very unpleasant to Tang Ch'ien-ying, as he was a very subtle violator of Tang taboos. Even if they were cousins, it was the same, and he wondered why there were no family sanctions against him.

In fact, he knew all too well why, as he was a descendant of the Sichuan Tang Clan, and it was because his qualities were so outstanding. Enough to cover up his ferocious personality……. However, it was unclear whether Tang Wentian's venomous tactics would work on his big brother. He was not at ease.

"He's not a big deal."

After listening to the explanation of Tang Wentian for a long time, Bi Ryuyeon said.

"You're so carefree."

Jang Hong stuck out his tongue and said.

"It's in my nature, leave it alone! I have so many friends who worry about it for me, why should I have to worry about it myself, and it's disrespectful to them if I start worrying about it myself."

"That makes sense, but it's still weird!"

Hyo-ryong smirked and said something.

"But I can worry for you, but I can't win the game for you!"

Jang Hong said as if to caution him once again. Whenever he saw Bi Ryuyeon's boldness, he felt uneasy, as if he were throwing his child out to sea.

"It's called selling your worries, or buying and selling them. Jang Hong sometimes has a bad habit of worrying about things that shouldn't be worried about at all, just like you. Haven't you ever heard of the old saying to look at things like that and lean in?"

She was the kind of person who would gently point out if she didn't realize that others were worried about her. It's a great place to start, and it's a great place to end. If they could just get inside and open it up, their curiosity would be satisfied. …….

Once she shouted it out loud, I had no choice but to believe in her ability to break common sense.

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