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Book 5 Chapter 12

The Keen and Beautiful Sword

"At last, I hear that even the trusted warrior has been defeated!"

Qingfeng said over two teacups.

"That's right, you lost!"

Baek had already heard the reports.

It was safe to say that unless it was Mo Yong-hui's match, there was nothing they could do about it.

"I'm pretty sure he was beaten up pretty badly……."


At Cheong Hyeon's question, Baek Moo Young couldn't help but let a bitter laugh escape from his mouth.

"They said I'd be out for three months. A warning letter has probably been sent to Bi Ryuyeon. He's a guy who holds the honor of the prestigious family like the sky and worships them……, but he's not up to par after what happened to him! Maybe the rumors are true……."

Bai Muyoung's body stiffened as he listened carefully to Qing Shui's words.

"You mean he's not lying about his skills?"

Baek asked, glaring at Cheonghyeon.

"I can't make a clear judgment yet, but it seems that you're not weak, and you're past the point where you can win through luck and skill alone. That makes five!"

Qinghui's voice was slightly subdued.

"I'm going to have to impose sanctions soon!"

"What's in it for me?"

I realize this is a silly question to ask, but I couldn't help but ask it to get an answer.

"At this point, someone has to get in his way. We should plan for the worst. Five wins in a row already!"

"I'm sorry," said Qing Shui, holding up a teacup that was emitting a rich, multi-flavored aroma. But there was a relaxed expression on his face, as if the strange air currents, though they were forming, were not yet strong enough to attract his attention.

"If that's the case, don't worry. There's that fellow who finally broke out of the closet!"

Cheonghyeon's eyes sparkled at Baek Moo-young's relaxed words.

"Oh yeah, he was there. I'd forgotten about him because he's been so out of sight lately. Good to know, then."

"He's already won five in a row. If he keeps this up, he'll be facing off against that Bi Ryuyeon in the finals. She's been studying. And he seems to believe that she'll make it to the final."

Bai Muyoung's words were very unexpected for Qinghe. For the proud Wei Zichen to be so sure of Bi Ryuyeon's identity, what could he possibly be?

"If he says so, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt."

She had no choice but to trust him; he was one of the few people in the building who could cross swords with her.

"Well, that's good, but I'm very surprised he's so willing to represent Samsung at the Chinese New Year."

"Honestly, I'm surprised he's so willing to accept our offer!"

Cheongheon nodded in agreement with Baek.

"Maybe there's some truth to the rumors!"

"I don't believe it. A kid who's only a first grader has that kind of power?"

Bai Muyoung's judgment was cold. However, Qing Shui, who had seen the sword in person, knew better than anyone how deep his sword cultivation was.

"Well, we'll just have to wait and see! Anyway, he asked for it first, so we can't begrudge him, and we'll welcome it with open arms. That should put the Samsungs at ease."

"We had to change people and change tactics in a hurry to get him on board, but it was worth it."

"Muyoung! I saw him the other day……."

Qingfeng must have something to say, because he opens his mouth uncharacteristically cautiously.

"I felt it too!"

Before Cheonghyeon could finish, Baek Moo-young spoke up.

"So you felt it too!"

"Of course. One thing's for sure, you're not dulled by women."

"It made me feel sharper and more alert."

Cheong Hyeon nodded in agreement.

"That's a good thing for us, because it proves that his closed-door training wasn't in vain! That's right, he wouldn't lose a fight with anyone now!"

So, for now, the Samsung side was safe. Now it was time to focus on the other side.

"How did the sword fight go? Na Yerin Sojae has already made it to the semifinals! How was it?"

"Strong and beautiful!"

Cheong-heon candidly shared his feelings. Baek was too busy to see the progress of Samsung Muze in person, and often read about it in writing, so it was up to him to actually go and see it and make a judgment. Moreover, for Baek, Cheong's discernment was more reliable than anyone else's.

"That's the highest praise I can give you! I was relieved to hear that Dok An Feng wasn't participating, but I didn't realize there was such a variable……."

Bai Muyoung's complexion darkened slightly; her strength was beyond her imagination.

"I can tell at a glance that you have mastered the sword to a very profound degree. It was a blade of dazzling beauty. Men would give their necks for it and not even realize it."

Hearing his admiration, Baek smiled broadly and said.

"Hahaha, she's going to be very jealous when she hears that, yeah!"

Qing Shui's cheeks flushed slightly. In terms of martial arts, Qing Shui was almost unrivaled within the Nine Kingdoms, but he was still weak here. It was like a deep vein.

"I'm not going to let you go anytime soon."

"Hahaha! It's so scary that you're so emotional, she's already in the semi-finals. At this rate, there will be two phoenixes fighting for the jade throne in the final. It's a pity that Zheng Sojae fell, but I can't do that for you! Was she still cold and beautiful?"

Bai Muyoung continued to tease Qing Shui with the bright smile he only occasionally showed to Qing Shui. This time, the woman he was referring to was not Na Yerin, but another woman, and it caused Qing Shui to blush. Qing Shui, who could casually dodge a flying white sword, was still helpless against this kind of defense.

"Of course! Her sword is still cold, but her heart is still warm. No one can predict the outcome of this sword battle!"

At Cheong Hyeon's words, Baek Moo Young could only nod silently.

After a few moments of silence, it was Cheonghun who spoke up again.

"And any news from the owner?"

"Not yet!"

Baek Moo-young replied lightly. It also meant that he didn't know anymore.

"Well, then, I'll leave you to it. Thank you for the tea. Your tea ceremony skills are always impressive!"

Cheung-Heon left without asking any more questions about Hoju.

"High praise! Take a look!"

Now that you've had your tea, it's time to fulfill your responsibilities.

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discord ko-fi