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Book 5 Chapter 11

Recollections of Ryu-yeon Bi

If I recall correctly, the

I must have been about fifteen at the time.

I had gotten quite a bit bigger, and that day, I was able to get my first

I went with my master to Hong'aru, an upscale liquor store.

Suddenly, money rolled in. The master had gone out for a walk and caught a tiger. It was strange. Of course, tigers are worth a lot of money when sold, so he could afford such a luxury. Soon after, the master came here to drink his favorite Sichuan liquor, Jade Leaf.

It was a rare luxury for a master. My master was quite poor, and whatever money I earned on the grueling industrial labor front was often blown on the master's liquor. It was a great wastefulness and shortcoming on the part of the master, to be so frugal in other things, but not in drinking, and it was a fatal blow to his economic condition.

That's why I can't do a single transmission. I had to do all the work because the priest wouldn't come in. Why did it have to be a single line? If it's a two-part story, what's the point?

At one point, I asked my Sifu, "Can we not do the two-armed sword," and then gave up when he said no, with his eyes wide and his fists shaking in a frenzy. I hadn't expected him to be so furious. I'll have to think about that later.

There are many inconveniences of being a one-man show. It's not just because I have fewer students, but because I only have one, there's no money coming in, and if something happens, I have to take the blame alone. I have to bear the brunt of the master's criticism, the master's mood, and the master's waste.

Alas, my unhappy youth……!

Anyway, the thing that struck me as odd was that there was still a tiger in the hills. And I was puzzled by the fact that he had attacked his master. It had never happened before. Maybe the tiger was an idiot from another mountain, so he was stupid enough to attack the master. …….

When Wang Ho appeared in a flurry of activity, his master's delight was palpable. He probably shouted something like

"What the hell!"

He would have beaten him to a pulp. Wang Ho was at fault for not knowing what he was doing.

The more I think about it, the more I feel like an idiot from another mountain. The beasts of prey around here, starting with the Amishan behind us, would never dare to attack a master. The mere scent of him from two hundred yards away will send them scurrying away. If the master smells or recognizes them first, they will be his food from then on. At that moment, their lives are reduced to money. If you run away from him, you will not be able to escape. Only by fleeing 200 zhang away can you save your life.

Originally, the king of these mountains was a giant white tiger. But he had just appeared in front of me, unafraid. I wasn't foolish enough to let the windfall in front of me pass me by, nor was I lacking in skill.

I thriftily disposed of the white tiger that day, leaving not a bone, not a scrap of liver, and turned it all into money. That's how proud I was……!

After the white tiger passed away, the king of the mountain must have been left vacant, and that's when the fierce battles among the beasts to claim the throne began. The rumor spread to other mountains, and beasts gathered to claim the throne of this mountain, now known as Mujugong Mountain.

Judging by the size and strength of the tiger (and the fact that he'd been skinned), it was clear that he was a king of another mountainside. Bam, bam, bam, greed has struck. No wonder the white tiger blocked the Master's path, which he had been avoiding at the first sign of trouble from three hundred yards away!

Anyway, as the old saying goes, the dead tiger left behind tradeable pelts and other valuable items, and the master, who had made an unexpectedly high income, had taken up residence in this expensive hong aru for a change.

The old inspirational titan climbed into the expensive Hongaroo, and as if the jade liquor called Sichuan First Liquor wasn't enough, he even called a prostitute to join him. Without even trying, the poor state of the monk's economy is spurred on and accelerated, so it's a wonder…….

It was a huge waste of money, but I shrugged it off as something that might happen from time to time. But here's where I ran into an unexpected problem. For some reason, each of the courtesans I brought in took one look at me and bowed their heads. Then they never looked my way again. I swear I didn't do anything. I just gave them a quick glance to see where they were looking.

The maiden who had been summoned had her head bowed low and was pouting and squirming, so there was no way she could be entertaining. So the master called for another maiden to replace the one who was helplessly immobilized. This time she took one look at me and bowed her head low as well. I've rarely been so uncomfortable in my life. Her face seemed to have turned blue for some reason, but was she suffering from a fever?

"What is it, her, offending you?

It was very poor manners to turn away after one look without explanation. The master was forced to call in another maiden, Sojae, to replace her, but the same thing happened again.

After the seventh or eighth time this happened, the master gave up on her. He even rented a private room to try to cheer himself up, but it all went to shit. Then, as I sat there sipping and sipping and sipping, in front of the sumptuous liquor cabinet, thinking, 'When will I ever have such a luxury again,' he burst into a fit of rage. I've never felt more frustrated than I did then.

"You! Ryu Yeon-ah!"

"Yes, Nyam… Sabu Nyam…."

I asked, chewing on the beef tongue I was eating. The master, whose mood had been soaring just a moment ago, suddenly changed his mood and glared at me with his no-ki eyes. I should know why…….

"You bastard, don't you run away with all the ladies, how will you be responsible?"


"Well, that was a very emotional blow!

Having been hit many times before, I quickly recognized the difference. This was a very emotional slap. I was offended. So I opened my mouth and said something corrective.

"Should a minor be responsible for that?"

Not one to be deterred by a good argument, I stood up and spoke my mind. My sensei's eyes lit up and his fist balled up. Ugh……. The younger me endured.

"From now on, you will grow bangs to cover those two eyes! Do you understand?"


At first he seemed to think of something to say, but then he realized that he couldn't cover his handsome face for no reason.

"If the master says it, you will say it, but why do you complain so much? Your eyes are a bad influence on women, and you should cover them in future. You have seen how the maidens turn away from you when they see you."

I thought it was the old master, but was it the young, fresh me? From the sounds of it, it was. If so, it must be a big deal. I got a little serious.


I adopted the attitude of listening to my master for the first time in a long time. Seeing my cheerful demeanor, the master spoke to me with a serious face.

"It's all because of your eyes. I never thought that the effects of the Thunder Spirit Divine Technique and the Spiritual Heart Connection would manifest themselves in such a way. From now on, you should grow your bangs out and cover them up, because all women will run away when they see your eyes."

"Yes, Master!"

I'm not sure if it was an illusion or not, but after that I grew my hair out and covered my eyes. I was already past the point of relying on my eyesight, so the narrowed vision was not a hindrance. Moreover, the thickness of a hair was not a hindrance. On the contrary, it enhanced his other senses.

From then on, I didn't have to follow my master to the liquor store like beans in a drought, or avoid women when they saw me. It was a great relief, and I have worn bangs ever since.

When she could think of nothing but the horrible past, she pulled her mind out of the lake of memories, and when she lifted her eyes to look ahead, she saw Jeon Ok-ki, who was still standing there in a shambles. She felt sorry for him, and said a word.

"What are you doing not jumping in?"

Bi Ryuyeon said, sounding pathetic.

"If they're distracted, you're supposed to take advantage of that, you're supposed to pounce on that, you're supposed to pounce on that, you're supposed to pounce on that, you're supposed to pounce on that, you're supposed to pounce on that, you're supposed to pounce on that, you're supposed to pounce on that."

He was relentless. Of course, he could see through her, too. His gaze (though hard to see through his hair) seemed to be looking elsewhere. But he didn't lunge. He didn't have the so-called prestigious pride of not being able to leave first.

"A disciple of a great master does not poke at the weaknesses of others. He always fights fair and square."

"Talking out of both sides of your mouth……. Now that you're awake, get in there! What have you been doing? You're wasting your time! That was our last chance to make a move……."

Rather, he was unhappy that he hadn't jumped on the bandwagon.

''Red and white is also an oily water source! How dare you, nameless sect disciple, comment on the topic…….''

It was a ridiculous time for me.

But, as she said, his steps were never far from where he stood.


He didn't know what the word meant, but he felt an eerie sensation on the bridge of his nose, accompanied by a popping sound, and then a stream of blood gushed out of his nostrils, soaking his face and body.

Hong Lan jumped up from her judging seat. She couldn't recognize the words. Her eyes were filled with horror.

"You can't be serious! You mean you've already reached the level of a tannoy merchant?"

But she quickly shook her head. The first 'ting' didn't carry much power.

Tanaka (彈音傷人)!

There was no way he couldn't recognize the most advanced techniques of Yin Gong, which literally bounced sound waves around and hurt people. So what was going on? The question was answered by a single word from Bi Ryuyeon, but it also raised a new question.

"Oops, oops, the string broke!"

He scratched the back of his head and smiled apologetically, but Jeon Ok-ki couldn't believe his ears: a broken string could fly in such a neat semicircle, with such eerie foreboding, and the string had already been retrieved by Bi Ryuyeon's hand, as if it had always been there. As if nothing had happened in the first place……. It was obviously deliberate.

"If the end of that string had been aimed at my neck, would I have been able to dodge it?

Goosebumps ran up and down his back. Blood gushed from the bridge of his severed nose. The pigment was rapidly draining from his face, leaving him as pale as a corpse.


The sound of his own heart dropping echoed in his ears as loud as thunder.

"Heck, what did I do yesterday!"

Zhen Okki's complexion had turned so pale that it had surpassed that of a corpse. The events of yesterday at first base flashed through his mind like a beacon.

If this was a nightmare, I couldn't wait to wake up. But the nightmare wasn't over yet. No, it was just beginning. Looking at the dazed Jeon Ok-ki, Bi Ryuyeon asked.

"Do you know what shock therapy is?"

"That…, what is that?"

"So, in a nutshell, it's a type of treatment therapy that seeks to improve certain symptoms by applying a slight shock to the body!"

The smile on Bi Ryuyeon's lips grew thicker and thicker. It was proof that something very dangerous was about to happen.

"What symptoms do you mean?"

He still had no idea what Bi Ryuyeon was talking about. He was still dumb as a box of rocks. Blood was still oozing from the bridge of his nose, as he hadn't thought about stopping the bleeding.

"It's almost a cure-all! It's good for a lot of different things, especially for a prestige narcissist like you."

"Shut up, you cheeky bastard!"

Even though Jeon Ok-ki shouted, she wasn't about to quit. In fact, she had lost more than half of her will.

"Ho-ho-ho, that's great for a terminal illness like this, it's almost the only treatment that exists for that kind of condition."

His face was as red as iron in a brazier. With blood dripping from it, it looked grotesque.

"The effect is……."

Before he could finish his sentence, Bi Ryuyeon's body moved like lightning, his movements blindingly fast and leaving no room for defense.

"See for yourself!"

As he spoke, a silence fell over him. By now, she had given up on the tantrum and was not even playing. It was as if she was about to swing the saber.

Without giving him a chance to declare his surrender, Bi Ryuyeon's mukkeum crushed his snout without a word. Crushed would be a more accurate description. The enormous impact knocked out all of Qianye's teeth in a shower of blood. In an instant, he was unable to eat anything but porridge for the foreseeable future. This is why the old sages repeatedly emphasized the need to beware of the three-toothed tongue, the source of all evil. Normally, this would have been the end of the story, but not this time.

"Puck! Puck!"

With an excruciating pain hitting his left cheek, Jeon Ok-ki's body jerked to the right and then to the left again. This time, the excruciating pain struck his right cheek.


Once again, the silence swept through his legs like the wind, and with a pain that felt like his calves were breaking, his body floated in midair, horizontal to the ground. As if in anticipation, the Bi Ryuyeon silence rose vertically from top to bottom.


With a pain that felt like his back was being ripped out from under him, Jeon Ok-ki floated for more than a sheet in the air before falling back down. As he floated and fell, Bi Ryuyeon coolly struck him with her silken sword.


A loud bang echoed offstage.

Have you ever seen a stone bounce off the surface of a lake? That's exactly what happened to Jeon Ok-ki. After bouncing off the offstage floor for the third time, Jeon Ok-ki's body flew out of the arena and crashed into the lake with a loud crashing sound. He then bit into a crab bubble and deteriorated. It didn't die because the force was moderate(?). Emergency personnel rushed to Jeon Ok-ki, whose limbs were stretched out like an octopus, biting into a red bubble. The people from the medicine exhibition were on standby in case something happened.

It was a clear victory for Bi Ryuyeon. In the end, Jeon Ok-ki had to suffer a terrible defeat, unable to move a single step from his position.

Even the referee was dumbfounded by the situation for a while, and only after a while did he come to his senses and raise his flag to declare Bi Ryuyeon the winner.

"Bi Ryuyeon, you win!"

Everyone in the audience could not help but gape at this unexpected turn of events. The trusted Eight Divine Swords had been sacrificed under Bi Ryuyeon's blows.

''Hahahahaha! Refreshing! Well done! Very well done! I feel like a decade's worth of traffic is coming down today!''

It was Hyo-ryong, who had been upset by Jeon Ok-ki last night, who was singing his praises. In front of them was a full bar. Hyo-ryong was buying them drinks in exchange for helping them get out of a ten-year old traffic jam.

This drinking party was held to commemorate the death of one of our own, a man whose pride is a mountain with no visible peak, and whose vanity is a valley with no visible bottom.

"No wonder! It's impossible for this body to lose against such a dullard."

Bi Ryuyeon craned his neck and said. He was currently holding a chicken foot in his left hand and a pork trotters in his right. He was picking at them for snacks.

"Oooh, what a heavenly, heavenly, heavenly, you-only-one!"

Jang Hong clapped his hands like a child. Apparently, there was a lot of alcohol in it. It was uncharacteristic of him to respond to something like that. …….

"Hooray, the first man in the universe!"

It was Hyo-Ryong who shouted from the sidelines, his whistle blowing long and loud. He couldn't stop him, but rather encouraged him. He had drunk beyond his limits and was now at the point where he was eating people. Can these guys be called true friends?

Let's drink today, even if our pockets are empty," Hyo-ryong ordered two more bottles of liquor. Everyone clapped and cheered. It wasn't the kind of party that would turn down a free drink.


Once again, laughter erupted among the three. As the night wore on, the three of them giggled even more.

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discord ko-fi