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Book 3 Chapter 12


The Aesop Society is an organization that has grown out of a number of interests.

It was a prime example of one of those silly clubs.

To give you an idea of what they do and why they were founded.

It was a beautiful girl love club.

It smelled fishy from the get-go.

One of the most important and essential skills there was stealth. The art of concealing oneself, covering one's tracks, and chasing one's opponent was the foundation of what is now known as the Assassination Society.

So why did the survival of the Society and the art of stealth become inextricably linked? The answer can be found in the history of the Society's activities.

In this context, a lack of stealth (or stealthiness, for short) skills could result in being stabbed or sold to the wrong women, so those who were not masters of stealth were forced to refrain from full-fledged activities. If they made a mistake and were disliked by the women in the entire academy, they risked being uprooted from their club, which was said to be frosty in May if a woman harbored a grudge.

It was a place where you always had to be mindful of resentment, curses, and retribution from women. What is the most important thing in the art of silence? Nay, what was the best of the art? It was harmony. When you become one with the world and the water, you can hide yourself most completely. Of course, it's not as easy as it sounds. Tricks of the eye, such as optical illusions, were only the lowest form of stealth.

As you know, the world is made up of the five elements of yin and yang, which have branched off from the Tai Chi, meaning that everything, no matter what its nature, is made up of a combination of chi and therefore emits a specific wavelength. Only those with some specialized training could feel it.

The human body is a tiny microcosm of chi. When you assimilate your chi to the wavelengths of the world's emissions, or your own chi, you are able to hide yourself from your opponent, even from under their nose. Or, more accurately, you can prevent them from noticing or recognizing you.

Initially, it was a gathering of people who wanted to realize the harmonious laws of the art of silent sleep. The organization had a proper name at the time: the Hermit Society.

However, when the eighth head of the Jingyun Society, the Demon King Chang Chang, attempted to use the stealth skills he had learned in a constructive way for his hobby-which many criticized as the bastard child of the misuse and abuse of martial arts technology-his personality changed so drastically that he changed his sign. He was a severe, severe beauty queen maniac.

Since then, the society has been renamed the Aesogae Society, and has been transformed into a club that focuses on obtaining information on the identity and traces of young girl Sojaes under the belief of sharing the beauty and fragrance of women with many people who have not benefited from them.

It was here, at the doorstep of the Association, that Jin Shenggon Lim had taken Bi Ryuyeon and her group. He was one of the most conscientious members of the Association. Jang Hong clutched his head in his hands as if he knew something.

A huge, shaggy body that looked like it would be hard to move, a gaunt face with eyes, nose, and mouth that looked like he was burying his head in his hands, a small, flat nose, a mouth that looked like it was about to start drooling, and a triple chin that looked hot just by looking at it. It was a face and body that tested the viewer's squeamishness and patience. It would be hard for someone with a weak stomach to even look at her. Fortunately, Bi Ryuyeon has a very strong squeamishness and a very active curiosity.

He was Bi-yeon-tae, the head of the Association for the Advancement of Women. This man, whose name at first glance could also be read as Pervert, sat sullenly in the corner of the building, his face a mask of indecision. His surroundings were dreary and grim, as if he was absorbing the sunlight that surrounded him. How a man of his size could dream of stealth and execute it was beyond me.

After a brief introduction by Lim, Ryu-yeon and her group took their seats at Lim's invitation. The building was covered with hundreds of paintings of beautiful women, dazzling the eyes and minds of the audience.

"Is this a virtue signaling?"

Hyo-ryong asked, pointing to the hundreds of beautiful prints covering the walls and ceiling. Lim shook his head.

"Nope. We don't deal in fictional women. All the paintings here are of real women who have lived. With very few exceptions, it is customary for them to be replaced after the age of 25."

Sure enough, when I looked at the painting, I saw the age of the woman and the date it was created. Apparently, when she reached the age of 26, the artist ruthlessly removed the painting and replaced it with a new one.

"Is this celadon?"

Bi Ryuyeon pointed to a round blue porcelain on a shelf.

"No, that's an outline."

Lim replied nonchalantly.

"What, you're in the syllabus business, what's with all the syllabuses on the shelves?"

"It's a special syllabus. It's a favorite of a certain Sojae. He had a hard time getting it."

They really were ridiculous people to collect such things. Are we really supposed to admire them for collecting such things? Bi Ryuyeon had to think seriously for a moment.

"What is this?"

A pause. She pointed to a tightly sealed steel box off to one side. I was curious to know what was inside and why it was so tightly sealed.

"Don't touch it."

I'd been wondering if it was a creature because it had been sitting there so sullenly with its mouth shut, but now that it was talking, it was definitely human.

"What is this?"

"Crystals of my blood and sweat, my treasure."

That big thing, that thing made of human blood and sweat……. Hyorong suddenly felt nauseous. "I will never open that thing," Hyorong vowed.

"I'm curious, though."

A sneaky bastard. There was no way she was going to let him get away with it, as she believed that locked boxes were meant to be opened. When she showed no signs of giving up, Lim Sung-jin looked at her and winked. It was a signal to try again.

He seemed to think about it for a moment, then decided to try his luck. Finally, the tightly sealed box creaked open.

"Ooohhhhhhh……. What is this?"

Bi Ryuyeon made an incredulous sound and pointed her index finger at the box. With all the emphasis and pampering, she assumed it would contain something amazing, but when the lid was lifted, she realized how wrong she was. Bi Yantai was unconcerned.

"How's that, cool? In addition to that, we own countless collectibles and information, objects that are impregnated with the indelible scent of our women. Do you have any idea how much sacrifice and effort it took to assemble them?"

"I have no idea."

She couldn't understand what was so important about a few colorful silk cloths and a bundle of papers. It was eerie to see him wrinkling his nose and smiling grimly as he held up a thin strip of silk cloth on a string, the use of which was highly questionable and even suspicious. I couldn't help but wonder what he was so excited about, holding a thin piece of silk fabric with a string attached to it. Upon closer inspection, I realized that each piece of silk had a piece of paper attached to it. The red silk cloth with the lotus flower pattern had the following written on it

Name: Gahui Jin

Date of acquisition: 7\/20\/99 by force of arms

Location : Women's dressing room on the 3rd floor of Muryounggak

The powerlessness refers to the period after the establishment of the Heavenly Martial Academy. In fact, although Bi Ryuyeon didn't know it, the thing that Bi Yantai was currently holding in her hand was a nameless woman's secret weapon. It was an infinitely soft and resilient material used to cover the things of the seedlings. Of course, the more unwashed it was, the more valuable it was. The paper lying next to the silk cloth probably contained a portrait of the owner and a detailed history.

"Is that really a good thing?

I'm not a dog, and I'm not going to be able to find my owner by smell, so I'm not sure why I keep sniffing like a dog, and personally, I'd like to see some restraint. Of course, it's unlikely that such a request would work.

"Our goal is to discover and nurture the best in the world that will be recognized by all powerhouses in the future."

It was a serious tone, unbecoming of someone whose behavior is far from graceful and dignified.

"That's great, are you going to have a beauty contest?"

"That's a great idea. Maybe we should have a beauty contest for this festival."

"It's not easy."

Lim said. He was well aware that this was almost unrealistic.

"He's gathering all the beautiful courtesans in the province and holding a contest. I don't know him, but he's a big shot."

Is she still not giving up? She's surprisingly persistent.

"If it's all , does that mean blackness too?"

"Of course. There is no black and white distinction in beauty. Beauty is universally beautiful, regardless of whether it is black or white."

"I think that's a risky idea."

Hyo-ryong chimed in.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again: you can't get anything done if you're stuck in the mold that society has set for you. After all, beauty is a universal value."

The idea of trusting a man who holds his insides as if they were treasure - a pervert, in other words - makes no sense in the first place.

"No beauty escapes our eyes, and we chase them to the ends of the Dead Sea. Until we know everything about them."

"You're not going to look at that and call me a pervert?"

Hyo-ryong whispered in her ear. Bi Ryuyeon nodded in agreement.

"So this is a place filled with the perverse desires of men."

Bi Ryuyeon's criticism was sarcastic. Hyo-ryong nodded in agreement.

"Hey, hey, hey, I think that's a little harsh. That's what men are for. It's part of being a man to be attracted to women's beauty."

Sungjin Lim countered.

"When it gets that bad, it becomes a disease."

Hyo-ryong said undeterred.

"Hey, we're here."

Two men with childlike smiles on their faces walked into the room where we were still arguing.

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discord ko-fi