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Book 3 Chapter 13

Thinking Man's Thousand and One Spirits

The two men who walked into the Association building saw the

Tang Qianqi and Tianqi Gate from Sichuan Dangmen

They were both from the mischievous

He was grinning from ear to ear.

They didn't seem to be able to sit still for a second.

Judging by the way Lim welcomed them, they were members here too.

"Allow me to introduce you to Tang Qiqi of Sichuan Tang Gate and Tian Xiaohai of Tian Qi Gate. Both masters of tracheal techniques, they are the rare mishaps and headaches known by others as the Tianmu Twin Ghosts. Say hello."



Tang Qilin and Tian Xiaohai waved and greeted him playfully. Politeness was apparently not their main concern. Tang Qilin pulled out a piece of paper with a beaming smile on his face, and said proudly, "This is the first time I've ever seen this.

"I finally figured out the three-size figure for a non-flatback Sojae. It's been a while."

"Oh, really?"

A smirk of satisfaction crossed Bi Yantai's thick lips.


Tang Qingshi's hand dipped into his pocket, where he held a piece of light green silk cloth with a butterfly pattern, the same one we'd seen in Bi Yantai's collection earlier.

"Ohhhhhh, this… this?"

Tang Qianqi and Chen Xiaohai recounted the route they had taken, like a tale of a hero who saved the world. Bi Ryuyeon, who had been listening, suddenly asked.

"Won't people hate you for doing that?"

"They hate it."

Dang Cheolgi replied, as if it were obvious.

"And yet you continue?"


Tang Qilai clenched his fist and said determinedly. Is this what it takes to ignite your will that much?

"What's the point of paying attention to the small minds around you when you can do something big, and I've stopped paying attention to that."

"That makes sense."

Only then did she realize that the people in front of her were partly her own kind. As she thought about it, she suddenly felt familiar with them. It would be fun to be in a place like this and spend time with them. It would be fun to be in a place like this and spend time with them.

"We won't give up until the day we know everything there is to know about the world."

He was burning his bridges for nothing. There was nothing she could do to stop him, so she decided to take the position of a bystander.

"Hmph… but this information is expensive."

Tang Qilin's furtive gaze sneered. Bi Ryuyeon's ears suddenly perked up.

"Does this really make money?"

"Of course. I don't know about you, but there are a lot of horny men out there who are dying to know. We help them satisfy that urge as an act of service, with a few exceptions, of course."

"Let's sign up."

She immediately replied. The duo were surprised by her sudden change in demeanor. She quickly wrote her name on the application form and semi-intimidated her companions into signing the application form as well. It happened in a flash.

After completing the signup process, Bi Ryuyeon asked Dang Cheol-ki out of pure curiosity.

"But who is the most beautiful person in the world?"

As a man, I was curious to find out who the world's most famous person is, who has been the topic of conversation for a while now. But the answer was surprising.

"We don't know that."

What kind of ghostly forgetfulness is this?" Tang Cheolgi's answer puzzled everyone in the group.

"What? That's ridiculous, how could the Association, which has the backs of all the hottest girls in the world, not know that?"

No matter how logical I thought about it, it didn't make sense to me.

They were the owners of perverse desires, taking pleasure in perverted and fanatical collecting of all things female. Of course, there are degrees of difference……. But how is it possible that the most researched and compiled list of the most beautiful women in the world doesn't have one?

"It's a shame, even for us. But we're not fortune tellers."

She was here to find out about Cheonha Jeolmi, not to get her entertainment fortune told. What was the connection between a fortune teller and Cheonha Jeolmi? She couldn't help but wonder.

Cheolgi continued to explain.

"The best of the best is yet to be determined, which means there hasn't been a woman who has been hailed as the best of the best with absolute, overwhelming support, which means it's still to come."

So unless you're a fortune teller, you don't know who the next best thing will be.

"Ahhhh, I see."

He nodded with a look of understanding. I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to ask them if they were already in place, but I was disappointed that they weren't.

"But it will be decided in the future. A flower among flowers, a queen of beauty. We have several women in the Heavenly Pavilion who are the most beautiful women in the world, among them Bing Bai Feng and Sojae. Truly, her beauty is an illusion."

Just thinking about it made Chen Xiaohai's eyes sparkle, a testament to her beauty.


Suddenly, Bi Ryuyeon felt a strange aura and was puzzled. Looking around, it seemed that she wasn't the only one who felt it. In particular, the contrast between Tang Qianqi and Tian Xiaohai's never-darkening faces had decreased.

"Who is she that exudes such a life that can be transmitted through walls?"

I was curious about Bi Ryuyeon, so I asked Dang Cheol-ki. He seemed to know the woman outside.

"Ho, ho, how quick you are to recognize that it's a woman out there. Well, maybe it's a ghostly woman who's madly in love with me."

"I don't think so. You forgot to mention that she's a close friend of the Back Sojae."

Chen Xiaohai, who was beside him, said with a bitter smile. But even if I had known, I wouldn't have given up.

"In any case, I think it would be wise to stick my neck out before the one and only fraternity building is destroyed."

The life force that was transmitted through the thick stone walls was fierce enough to knock down a building if it had to. Tang Qianqi and Chen Xiaohai didn't want to risk destroying the many treasured collectibles they'd amassed, so they decided to head out early.

As the two ghosts opened the door and walked out, Lim Sung-jin and Bi Ryuyeon followed suit. Just outside the Aesop Society building, an unexpectedly beautiful woman stood there, emitting a frosty, pungent aura.

"Well, well, well, Dingo Sojae, what brings you to this dingy place?"

Tang Cheol-ki greeted me cheerfully.

"You! Don't ask me questions when you know the answer."

Dokgo Ling was not in the mood for greetings right now.

"If you keep getting angry like that, you're going to wrinkle the corners of your only eye, and you need to think about your beauty."

Unfazed by her momentum, Tang Qianqi sneered. If she were to compile all of her reflections into a book, it would be more than ten volumes long. Moreover, the number of organs they had used and destroyed without authorization was more than a dozen. They were like that.

"I'm killing you."

Frozen flesh the color of North Sea snow radiated from her. Only one blemish marred her beauty: a single black patch covering her left eye. She was unusually affectionate.

"Who is it?"

Bi Ryuyeon asks Lim about a very interesting woman in front of him.

"Don't you know, she's one of the most famous women in Heavenly Pavilion, Poison Eye Feng. An unusual woman, with an ice-cold heart and a fiery temper. She's one of the worst people to deal with, very difficult to make enemies with."

"Umm… but from the way things are going, I'm guessing you've made an enemy?"

It didn't look like a close, friendly relationship. Bi Ryuyeon's judgment was correct.

"Exactly, we're the group she hates the most, because she's convinced we're the enemy of women."

With a bitter smile, Lim conceded. He was on her list of the five evil enemies she had to overthrow.

"Don't be such a dick about it, you're making my chest heave and embarrassing everyone around you, which is fine by us."

I overdid it to the point of recklessness.

"I'm going to kill you."

She rose, full of dark flesh.

"Dude, don't you think you're going too far? He's the man of the hour."

It was like throwing gunpowder into a burning house. It was the epitome of recklessness, but those around him weren't inclined to praise his novel-and courageous-action.

'That guy, he's probably getting a kick out of her reaction. Scary guy.'

As far as he was concerned, it was a very real possibility, given the recklessness of his provocative behavior.

"If you're so fond of sticking your neck out at the beginning of a crisis, that's not a healthy hobby to commend.

However, I was careful not to interfere with anyone's hobbies, so I didn't say anything out loud.

"What will happen?"

"I'm not going to fight her, because there's nothing to be gained by fighting her. Same old, same old."

"As usual?"

"Well, it's not like it's been a day or two. Don't worry, they're as good at running away as they are at operating engines. Besides, we're a state that doesn't fight women and people under 16."

"Do you fight old people?"

"Of course. It's inevitable since most of the strongest masters are old and weak… or rather, old and strong. There are many demonic beasts that grow stronger with age, even in our Heavenly Martial Academy, so old people are an exception!"


According to Lim, the average age of the best players in the game was 52, while the average age of the best players in the game was around 90.

Cheon So Hae gave Tang Cheol Gi a signal with her eyes, and as if he understood, he pulled something out of his arms and threw it in front of her one-eyed gaze as if he were about to draw and swing a sword at any moment.


The sound of something exploding was accompanied by a thick plume of smoke that obscured her vision. The smoke was smoke, but the smell was also foul and irritating, further confusing her senses. Her eyes stung and her nose burned. This was bad smoke tear gas.

"Kolokolok. Is that a smoke bomb……?"

She panicked through stinging tears and uncontrollable sniffles, but it was too late. The afternoon breeze blew away the smoke and diffused the odor, but tears still pooled in her only right eye.

There was no trace left of the Heavenly Spirit's existence.

"These… these assholes……. at it again."

This was the fifth time. But she was not one to give up; she was not merciful enough to turn a blind eye to such evil. While she was renewing her resolve, Bi Ryuyeon and her companions slipped away, knowing that they would not be seen in a good light. They didn't want to be seen with such a fearsome woman. There was also the possibility that she might take out her anger on them in retaliation for losing the Heavenly Spirit Tang Qianqi and Tian Xiaohai. Wishing Tang Qilin and Tian Xiaohai well in their future pursuits, they left.

Through a series of coincidences, Bi Ryuyeon, Hyo-ryong, Jang Hong, and even Yoon Jun-ho became members of the Association.

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