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Book 3 Chapter 11

An Interview with Sungon Jin and Sungjin Lim

"Tsk, tsk, what little energy I have left is being spent on something really useless."

Once again, you hear a gruff voice behind your back,

Bi Ryuyeon, Hyo Ryong, and Jang Hong's heads snapped back.

There he was, with a giant gon in one hand.

There was a huge man standing there.

The thick, short neck was impressive.

"Who are you?"

Hyo-ryong, who was standing next to Bi Ryuyeon, asked.

"Me? I'm Seongjin Lim, a third-year student at Tiankuan. Nice to meet you."

The man introduced himself with overwhelming power, with forearms and legs that resembled logs, a thick neck, and a huge face. I examined the black club in the man's hand and realized that it was made of steel and looked very thick and heavy.

"You're carrying an unusual weapon, aren't you? It must weigh a lot, no doubt?"

Heero asked, unable to contain his curiosity about the unusual and ignorant-looking weapon. There were many people in the Jianghu who wielded clubs as weapons, but none of them were as thick and heavy as this man. Usually, they were made of some kind of hardwood.

"Not really, it's only 50 roots."

He said it with a nonchalant tone. He seemed confident that he could swing this much weight like a willow branch.

"Fifty roots?"

"It's really no big deal."

The exclamations came from her friends, but the next words came from her. Sanae realized that she really didn't think it was a big deal. An unexpected and intrigued expression appeared on Lim's face.

"What's your name?"

"It's called a Bi Ryuyeon."

Smiling, she replied.

"Yeah, that's a cool name, but why are they fighting again? It's not every day, but somehow today is more dangerous than others."

The emotional clashes between the Sword Wedding and the Dao Bai are nothing new, but there hasn't been a time in recent memory when they've been as intense as today.

"That's something we don't know, but if I had to give a small trigger, I'd say it was this guy here, Hyo-Ryong, who was having trouble joining a club."

"What? Sign me up!"

Lim showed that he was very surprised, and then quickly said.

"You shouldn't go in there, you'll spend your days and nights fighting. It's best not to go into that kind of boring, boring, boring place. Cancer, yes."

Sungjin Lim shook his head skeptically. There was a hint of worry in his tone.

"Is that so?"

"Of course, if I go in there, I'm digging my own grave, which is another way of saying I'm carrying gunpowder and jumping into the fire."

In a stern tone, Lim interrupted me and gave me 22 reasons why I shouldn't join those two clubs.

"Do you get it now?"

Anyone who had heard Lim Sung-jin's rant earlier would have been convinced. Bi Ryuyeon and Hyo-ryong nodded. Finally, a satisfied smile appeared on Lim's face.

"Then do you have any recommendations, sir?"

Before she could finish, Lim spoke as if she had been waiting for the words.

"Sure. Join our club. We're the best club in the palace, the one that sets a man's heart on fire."

"Where is such an amazing place? If there really is such an amazing place, I'd do anything to get there… as long as I don't have to pay for it."

He asked, his eyes shining like stars with excitement. Originally, Bi Ryuyeon had an infinite interest in things that were free, or freebies, or what he called treasures. The problem was that everything else was beyond his interest.

"Rest assured, it won't cost you anything. Follow me and you'll see. Before then……."

Lim Sung-jin's gaze shifted to Xiao Chen and Gu Chang, who were still wasting energy uselessly. Their faces were covered in cold sweat, and they were still using up a huge amount of energy without making any concessions. It was unlikely that either of them would be able to survive much longer.

"I'm going to end that ugly thing."

When he finished, Lim walked over to them. It was a risky move. Rushing forward until he was right in front of the place where the intangibles were swarming, he didn't hesitate to thrust his kon into the space. Gradually, the kon extended forward. Soon, Lim's kon was slowly penetrating the fluttering intangibles.

He was now doing one of the things most martial artists dread: stepping into a space infested with intangibles. A wrong move could result in serious injury or even death. It was an act of great guts and courage.

He wasn't a peak master, so he wasn't emitting lethally powerful intangible energy, but it was still dangerous. It was certainly powerful enough to cause bodily harm.

Unperturbed by these facts, his iron blade passed very slowly between them. There was no hesitation, no holding back. Suddenly, the space began to vibrate violently. A third party had intervened in the tense tug-of-war, and the situation had changed. Lim Sung-jin's kun trembled violently. To penetrate between the two was tantamount to taking on their intangibles. Lim thrust his kun forward in a flash, slowly entering like the passage of time.


An earth-shattering roar erupted, raising a thick cloud of dust that surrounded them. An eardrum-splittingly powerful roar swept through the air, and a shockwave slammed into Bi Ryuyeon's body.

"Is he going to be okay?"

Curious about the outcome in the middle of the dense dust, Hyo-ryong looked at Bi Ryuyeon and asked.

"I'm sure he was confident enough to intervene. He didn't seem like the kind of guy who would do something like that." ……."

Looking at the epicenter of the impact, where the dust was slowly clearing, she said.

"If I die in there, it's going to be a real fucking death."

"I'm with you on that one."

The dust finally cleared like a dense early morning fog and the situation came into focus. Fortunately, everyone had been spared the death of the dogs, but it wasn't a complete disaster. Judging by the thin trickles of blood running down the corners of their mouths, both So Chen and Gu Chang had suffered some internal injuries. But they didn't seem to be too worried.

Their clothes were tattered. The only one who was intact was Lim Sung-jin. He was indeed a man who could be counted on. Seeing him standing tall and proud with his iron club straight in one hand, she let out a short exclamation of admiration.

"You're so ignorant."

"It's radical, but it works."

Im Sung-jin said with a smirk. They must have heard him. I expected them to say thank you, but instead, Sochun and Gu Chang closed their mouths like clams, turned their backs, and went their separate ways.

"Tsk, tsk, he just walks away without even saying thank you. I didn't think he was that rude."

Jang Hong sourly criticized their rudeness. After all, it was only natural for them to be grateful to Lin Shengjin for ending their confrontation, but to walk away without a word of thanks from someone who might have saved their lives was just plain rude. With an expression of incomprehension, Jang Hong shook his head.

Im didn't seem too hurt by their rudeness. After finishing his business, he looked back at Bi Ryuyeon and her group and said, "I'm sorry.

"Here we go!"

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discord ko-fi