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Book 3 Chapter 10

What are affinity groups?

At the end of Ok Hyun Jin's Introduction to Budo class.

A break in the action with some leeway.

Once again, I was reminded of the old story of Ok Hyeon Jin-in.

Hyo-ryong walked up to Bi Ryuyeon, who was sipping her drink.

"You're afraid of him, aren't you?"

"Who? I never knew there was someone in this world I had to fear……."

Smiling, she said. Her answer, of course, was not what Hyo-ryong wanted.

"Knowing but why. That's him, that's him."

She couldn't bring herself to name him directly, so she used a pronoun. Was he so great that he could strike fear into Hyo-ryong's heart? Bi Ryuyeon had to feel a fresh sense of wonder once again.

"But why should I be afraid of him?"

"That… that's……."

Hyo-ryong couldn't find an answer to Bi Ryuyeon's sudden question. He couldn't think of the right words to convey his vague thoughts to her. To be honest, he wasn't sure what to say either.

"He is feared by all the martial artists of the Black and White Transfer."

Hyo-Ryong's exclamation was met with a strange gaze from Bi Liu-Yan. Looking at Hyo-Ryong as if he were a strange creature, she said.

"You're not trying to make the argument that because all the Murimans revere and fear him, I should also fear him, are you?"

"Nothing… of course not."

But I wasn't convinced by his words. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't heartened by his words.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that. I was worried you were too stupid to make such a foolish claim."

"That was an exercise in futility."

Hyo-ryong smiled awkwardly, trying to hide the cold sweat running down his body, and then he was honestly impressed.

"You really aren't afraid of him."

He had yet to meet anyone who wasn't afraid of him and his forces, or more accurately, their coming. Even the most renowned of martial artists and peak masters harbored a small amount of fear of him, buried deep within their hearts. To him, Bi Ryuyeon struck him as an anomaly.

"It's true what they say, ignorance is bliss."

Hyo-Ryong's monologue about admiring the wisdom of the ancients did not reach Bi Liu-Yan's ears. Bi Ryuyeon laughed heartily.

"You admire me for nothing. Why should I be terrified of a being I have yet to meet? Have you ever met the Heavenly Blood God?"

Hearing Bi Ryuyeon openly mention the name of the Heavenly Demon God, Hyorong's complexion slightly shook.

"Don't mention his name so easily, of course I haven't met him."

It was a no-brainer.

"Yes, that's true, and so am I. But why should I get my panties in a bunch about a being I've never met, and have no expectation of ever meeting again? I shouldn't be able to do such a nasty thing just because I've heard a little story from the past."

In the case of Hyo-Ryong, as well as Jang Hong and Yun Jun-Ho, it wasn't just a one-time story. Like most children, they had heard about him and his organization from a young age, like nails in a coffin. But I had to admit that Bi Ryuyeon had a point.

"It's not a tale of old, it's true. Even if it has become a legend."

"Well, I doubt I'd be terrified of him even if I met him in person. The only thing I'm afraid of is the life of a poverty-stricken, handyman disciple, and you shouldn't waste your energy being afraid of useless things either."

After she finished, Bi Ryuyeon's gaze swiveled to Yoon Jun-ho.

"And you, too."

"Yes? Why?"

Yoon Junho, flustered by the sudden point, asked.

"You've been flinching every time the name of that… what is it… Heavenly Demon and its Blood God is mentioned, okay?"

At her heartfelt (?) advice, Junho Yun reluctantly nodded. The reason for Bi Ryuyeon's infrequent thinking activities now was due to one fact.

'Taegeuk Shin-gun… I've heard of him a lot… …….'

Ryuyeon scratched her head, thinking about a person she'd heard about in class earlier in the day, someone who had appeared in a story about the history of the Murim. She felt like she had heard of him somewhere, but she couldn't place him.

'Well, it doesn't matter…….'

Trying to force his brain to remember something he couldn't remember was not one of his hobbies, so he soon stopped thinking about it and forgot about it. For the time being, it would be the last thing on his mind.

"It'll come to me someday."

She was a platitudinous bully.

He did not die either. He was the first person to advocate for the establishment of the Heavenly Martial Academy and the need for it, and he became its first master, striving to cultivate talent before suddenly retiring and disappearing into obscurity more than thirty years ago. Although he was relentlessly pursued by the Martial Academy and the Heavenly Martial Academy, his path remained obscure.

"Hmmm, maybe the unions are conspiring to bore me to death."

Bi Ryuyeon grumbled in a sigh.

Finally, the day's classes are over. However, one of the few classes that wasn't as interesting as the first hour's tale of a demonic spirit. The second hour was about 'non-daoist applications'. It was a subject that Bi Ryuyeon didn't need at all.

"Try to imitate my vocabulary. How eager are you?"

Mo Yonghui was so eager to learn that he never let go of his quill in class. It was terrifying for everyone watching. Bi Ryuyeon shook her head excitedly.

"You might as well ask me to die, because that's not going to happen, even if I die and wake up twice."

"Hoo-hoo, don't be silly. You're listening because you're interested, and you shouldn't complain when you're taking a class that young people from all over the country can only dream of."

Jang Hong warned him. The class was a martial arts lecture at the Heavenly Martial Academy, a place where powerful people would pay ten thousand gold to attend.

"Is that……."

Even after hearing Jang Hong's caution, Bi Ryuyeon still looked unconvinced.

"Come on, if you're more bored than that, I'll take you somewhere fun."

It would be utterly foolish to exchange views with Bi Ryuyeon any further, so Jang Hong quickly changed the subject.


Bi Ryuyeon asked coldly, his mind no longer filled with thoughts of lessons. His curiosity had always been as vigorous as an ever-flowing spring.

"Follow me and you'll see."

The sight of Jang Hong's back as he strode down the street, striding at a brisk pace, only amplified Bi Ryuyeon's curiosity.

Jang Hong took them to a strange place where dozens of small and large buildings were lined up around a main street. The streets were bustling, noisy, and full of life. A large number of people were gathered there. With so many people in one place, the hustle and bustle was overwhelming. It was almost overwhelming.

Each building was adorned with large and small banners and colorful decorations in front of their buildings to attract people. Long banners made of white cheesecloth proclaimed, "Absolutely welcome! To the dream of the best way, the Hundred Splendors!", "Sword Zhongzhisheng! All who wish to reach new heights with the sword are welcome!", "Toward the path of Zhong Zhisheng!", "Flying Sword Wind Cloud! For a swift and deadly blow!" and so on, all written in a single handwriting, the banners were filled with dazzling, provocative, and inciting words. As if the banners weren't enough, there were also several Kwan Daoists in front of them, enticing people with various temptations.

The general consensus was something along the lines of

"Anyone who wants to reach the highest level of martial arts through the Tao, please join us. The end of the Tao is here. If you want to reach the most powerful and effective extreme of the Tao, don't hesitate. The door is always open. But the time to enter is until tomorrow. Don't be foolish enough to hesitate any longer."

Their weapons were all swords, and the propaganda on the other side was different: they all wore nothing but swords at their waists or on their backs.

"That's a big fat lie. The pinnacle of martial arts is the sword, no matter what anyone says. There's a story that even a three-year-old snot-nosed child knows: the Hundred Days Spear, the Thousand Days Sword, and the Many Days Sword. Who would dare to throw up on the fact that the King of the Ten Thousand Armies is a sword?"

The tale of the Hundred Days Spear, the Thousand Days Sword, and the Ten Thousand Days Sword was one we had heard in the days of Amishan in the Bi Ryuyeon Year. The minimum time to master a weapon was said to be a hundred days for a spear, a thousand days for a sword, and ten thousand days for a sword - three months, three years, and thirty years, respectively. The advice was that it was difficult to master a sword and that one shouldn't assume to know it. In place of this instruction, there is one more phrase in the text. The phrase "one hundred million days of flying swords" is an expression of fierce confidence in the ability to learn beyond birth and death through more than three hundred previous lives. It was a phrase that was typical of Bi Ryuyeon.

The propaganda wasn't over yet.

"All martial arts are gathered around the sword. For the sword method is the true martial art, one that focuses on one's own cultivation rather than the lesser reasons of effective killing. How can any other sword dare to be compared to the sword? So, do you want to become the ultimate master of the sword? If you have a burning desire to become the best sword in the world, join our Sword Soul Society. New heights of sword mastery await you. Sword Qi, Sword Wind, and Sword Strength will all be available to you."

The voices came from two of the biggest buildings and most crowded places. The propaganda was loud and clear. I didn't care about the immorality of false advertising. It was clear that the rivalry was fierce. It was clear that they were all out to get each other, and it showed in their propaganda. Others were also engaged in fierce competition to get people to join their hobby, albeit with different content. There were many different types of propaganda, and the content varied.

"What the heck is this crazy place, I'm not going to die from being quiet here."

It was an unfamiliar sight for Bi Ryuyeon to see so many young late-stage exponents gathered together and talking furiously.

"Where the hell am I?"

Unable to contain her curiosity, she asked Jang Hong again. It was her logical thought that since he was the one who had dragged her here, he would surely know the answer to her question. And her reasoning was fortunately not wrong.

"Uh, didn't you know, this is the Street of Fellowship, one of the specialties of the Tianmu Academy."

"The distance of the affinity group?"

The three exclaimed in unison. Jang Hong kindly explained to the three of them.

"Today and tomorrow are club sign-up days. That's why we're here. Don't you think you should join a club of some sort?"

"Oh, so today was the day to sign up for the club."

Hyo-ryong clapped his palms together to indicate that he understood. But Bi Ryuyeon was not so sure. His knowledge of the Heavenly Martial Hall, as well as of the Jianghu in general, was on par with that of a five-year-old toddler who had just begun to grow up.

"What is that day for, and what the hell is a club?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked, looking slightly offended.

"A fraternity is a group of individuals who are interested in a particular field of study."

"What's so complicated?"

Bi Ryuyeon said in a slightly disgruntled tone.

"It's simple, it's just a group of people with similar tastes and hobbies, and they work on their own, on their own initiative, in their own fields of interest. With no help from labor or management. Well… maybe some advice, but the idea is still to encourage self-reliance amongst the members, though it has changed a bit over the years."

Despite Jang Hong's kind and detailed explanation, they still didn't understand. Seeing their faces, Jang Hong couldn't help but sigh.

"You don't understand at all, so I'm going to explain it again, and I hope you get it this time. If I make you repeat the same thing three times, I'll have to apologize, and I won't be able to save face."

With the attitude of a good listener, the three of them listened to Jang Hong.

"As you know, the founding purpose and educational philosophy of the Tianmu Academy is not to improve one's skills through the introduction of new martial arts and the reading of non-classical texts, but rather to enhance the student's personal understanding of the existing monotheistic martial arts, and to refine and improve them, and that has not changed. After many years of trial and error, the Heavenly Martial Arts Academy has realized that one-sided instruction in a large number of martial arts is not conducive to personal development. If you want to discover a new water source, you need to dig down deep in only one likely place, not poke here and there in vain."

"I get it, go ahead."

Bi Ryuyeon rushed to explain.

'"But when I started teaching my students, I realized that teaching was still a one-way street," he thought.'


"How can we cultivate incense and self-reliance in our students, while also cultivating a sense of cooperation. The Tianmu Academy wanted to kill two birds with one stone, and the students also wanted to come together in their areas of interest and enhance their understanding through martial arts and martial science exchanges with other schools. Stagnant water will eventually rot. They knew that even if they practiced zazheng guantian, they would only end up with frog bedbug porridge. Besides, there's no other example of so many schools of thought coming together in such a closed and powerful society. So they could see eye to eye."

"So what you're saying is that you can just do that and go to……."

"Yes. That's how so many clubs sprang up in the academy. Those who loved swords studied sword techniques, those who loved the Tao studied Tao techniques, and those who loved training passing skills studied passing skills. For poison, there is poison; for memorization, there is memorization; for kung fu, there is kung fu; for jinsik, there is jinsik. Countless clubs have sprung up around a myriad of interests, and along with them have come some very silly clubs."

"I get it now."

Bi Ryuyeon, Hyo Ryong, and Yun Junho suddenly had a look of understanding on their faces. Seeing hope, Jang Hong's heart relaxed.

"That's good to know."

"In other words, I don't need it at all."

Ryuyeon Bi agreed.

"You don't understand at all."

Jang Hong lightly criticized him.

"What? Did I say something wrong?"

"Sure. You said the wrong thing about that, too."

"But it's true."

Bi Ryuyeon spoke up and tried to break away from the group.


Bi Ryuyeon turned around with a look that said, "Why are you calling me?

"You're being impatient. What the hell did you hear at your induction?"

Whether he dozed off or not, the memory of it was almost non-existent in his mind. He was probably dreaming about flying or something along those lines, but he couldn't quite remember.

"It is mandatory for every celestialist to have an enemy in at least one club, no exceptions."

Jang Hong's words were not mere threats. It was clearly stated in the academy's bylaws that every student at the Tianmu Academy was required to join one or more clubs.

She had to think again.

"Hey, you."

Just then, an unfamiliar voice came from behind them. The voice was clearly directed at Hyo-Ryong.

"Did you call me now?"

Hyorong turned and looked at the man who had called out to him. The powerful gaze of the young man in yellow robes and his regal yet unruffled demeanor suggested that he was a man of considerable cultivation. A five-colored pale sword with a red hilt was strapped to his waist.

"Why don't you join the Sword Marriage Society, the largest and most powerful club in the Heavenly Martial Academy?"

The man said.

"You mean me?"

Hyo-ryong pointed his index finger at his chin to confirm.

"Yes, you."

The young man in yellow robes nodded. On his left chest was an embroidered sigil with five swords and five dragons surrounding it. Five Sword Dragons! They were martial arts geniuses who were said to surpass even the most powerful disciples of the great sects. They were one of only a handful of martial artists within the Heavenly Martial Academy.

"Who are you?"

"Oh, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Qingfeng Sword Xiao Chen from the Blue Star Sword Sect. I'm in my third year of Heavenly Pavilion, and I'm a member of the Four Great Swordsmen of the Sword Marriage Society."

Judging from the way his chest heaved when he said the words "Four Great Swordsmen", he must have been a very high ranking member of the Sword Marriage Society. But unfortunately, even if you have a high enough status to brag about, it won't have any effect if the other person doesn't know it.

"Bulcho is said to be the Hyorong of the Tae Eul Moon."

Hyo-ryong responded with a bow. Since his opponent had revealed his crest, out of courtesy, he revealed his own.

"Tae-Eul Gumun? I don't recall, due to my lack of knowledge. Was there such a sect?"

When Xiao Chen tilted his head in question, Hyorong smiled and replied.

"No wonder they don't know. They're a one-man clan, so it's no wonder they're unknown."

"Hehe, isn't that right? There's a lot of hidden talent in Kang Ho. Yeah, that's what's interesting about Kang Ho."

After nodding at Hyo-Ryong's words, he looked at Hyo-Ryong again and asked in a serious tone.

"Your musculature and posture suggest that you are well trained in the art of the sword. How about joining our Sword Marriage Society? We are the largest, strongest, and best club in the Heavenly Pavilion, with countless swords and sword ghosts. If you were to join us as a single swordsman, we would expect you to make great strides. It will only do you good, and certainly no harm."

"A black-tie affair?"

"The largest, most powerful, and most prestigious club in our academy. It's where the best of the best late-stage masters gather to study and develop the mysterious truths contained within swords. I can assure you that your presence here will help you reach new heights of sword mastery."

His rhetoric was full of confidence.

"Is it really that great?"

"Of course. No matter how much you learn about swordsmanship, it's all for naught if you don't understand it. One-sided instruction can only go so far, and that's what clubs are for. Everyone is required to join at least one club. It's a written rule in the student code. What do you say, join?"

"Hmm… do you think so?"

Hyo-ryong is intrigued. However, something soon happens to dampen his excitement.

"You might want to revisit that misjudgment."

All eyes turned toward the source of the voice, which, it was clear, could not have come from among them. At the source of the sound stood a rough-looking young man in black ginseng with a crude-looking sword at his waist. With his thick, dark eyebrows and strong jaw, he exuded an aura of dominance. Seeing him, Xiao Chen's face frowned slightly.

"What are you doing here?"

Xiao Tiankun asked bluntly.

"I am the apostle of justice who has come to the rescue of the one lamb in your midst."

The black hemp youth sneered sarcastically. The young man's chest was also embroidered with the same number of Five Sword Dragon symbols as Xiao Chen's, proving that he was indeed an expert.

"It is perverse to hear such words from the mouth of a ragtag band of swordsmen, united by ferocity and ignorance, you work-shredder!"

With a voice filled with hostility, the Blue Feng Sword Xiao Chen fired back as if it were nothing. His opponent did not lose.

"My dead ancestors must be laughing their asses off to hear that from a member of the Sword Marriage Society, the epitome of deviousness and cunning. How ridiculous."


Xiao Chen and Gu Qiang snarled as if they were going to eat each other, the ferocity of their confrontation rivaling that of a beast. The two men had always been on bad terms. In fact, even within the Heavenly Martial Academy, the Sword Marriage Society and the Dao Bai Society were as badly matched and as fiercely competitive as the enemies of the Immortal Gods. It was rather strange that they were getting along so well.


Gu Chang pointed to Hyo Long and said.


Hyo-ryong stammered a reply. Not knowing what was going on, he couldn't make out the words. Gu Chang's gaze traveled to his twin swords and lingered.

"That swordsman over there seems to be trying to seduce you, and I have some advice for your future: what good is a fancy, gaudy sword if it's only for show? Shouldn't a man of strength learn to use a sword that combines power and speed, a sword synonymous with strength? Reject that impractical club right now and join ours. It's never too late to start over. A man of strength is a man of sword."

"Shut up. He's a great swordsman, no matter what anyone says, and he's reached a level of mastery far beyond yours. It's ridiculous that you're trying to force him to learn a way of life that is ignorant, murderous, and devoid of grace. Don't be ridiculous. You!"

The last words were an invocation to Hyo-Ryong.


"Don't listen to that ignoramus. You're a great swordsman, no matter what anyone says. My eyes can't be deceived. I can't see you falling down the rabbit hole of ignorant and ugly martial arts. You're giving up on your path. Don't listen to such an unworthy man, and join us immediately."

"Huh, so what am I supposed to do, join a sorority that won't give a shit if I join?"

"What are you trying to frame me for this time?"

In a cold tone, Xiao Tiankun said.

"Hmph, who doesn't know that your club is a front for the rotten Nine Sects? No matter how talented you are, if you don't belong to the Nine Sects, you'll be marginalized and ignored."

Gu Qiang's words were sour. Xiao Chen's complexion visibly hardened. It seemed that Gu Qiang's words weren't too far off the mark.

"I don't."

"Well, just because you're not, doesn't mean everyone else is. Besides, you're just as suspicious."

Suddenly, Xiao Chen's mouth shut like a clam. His complexion was sullen, as if he couldn't find the words to refute. In truth, Gu Chang's words were almost true. The Sword Honor Society was almost a shadow and alter ego of the Nine Ordinances Society, and if you weren't a member of the Nine Ordinances Society, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who wasn't a member of the Nine Ordinances Society. But this was also true of the Dao Bai Society.

"What goes around comes around, and so do you."

"Hmm, so you're admitting that you guys were a bunch of bullies."

His mouth twitched and sagged.

"You're being ridiculous, don't be ridiculous."

"You're absolutely wrong, and you know it. We're a group of people from the Eight Families and the Warriors' Association, and I don't want you to compare yourselves to those of the Nine Sects. He's definitely not a member of the Nine Sects, so he shouldn't be in our group."

The Daoist Order was created to oppose Gufa's alter ego, the Sword Marriage Society. This organization was created to prevent Gu Fa from dominating and to check its power. It was here that the Eight Families, led by the Eight Great Families, and other major and minor sects joined forces.

So they put up a sign saying that they were studying swords and the Tao, but in reality they were engaged in a power struggle. As a result, both organizations had people who were not related to swords and the Tao joining them, meaning that if you were a person of the eight generations, even though you wore a sword, you would put aside the Sword Marriage Association and join the Tobaek Association. Neither side could deny that they had deviated from the original purpose of the club by about thirty-four thousand zhang. So it was no wonder that they couldn't mix like water and oil, or like a good friend and foe, and were always at odds.

They seemed to have an uncanny knack for hurting each other's feelings. One of their specialties was to growl whenever they saw each other. No matter when or where they met, they could instill enough ill will in each other.

The two largest and most powerful clubs in the Heavenly Martial Arts Academy were the Sword Honor Society and the Dao Bai Society, both of which studied the two most widely used weapons of the great powers, so it was only natural that they would have the most members. The number of members, power, and skill of the two societies was so vast that it was difficult to determine the winner every year. Nowadays, it seemed that the Sword Honor Society was always one step ahead, and the Dao Bai Society was making every effort to catch up.

That's why the Sword Honeymoon Society and the Dao Baek Society are always snarling and competing for power. Both organizations are united in their pride, and with the interests of powerful families involved, reconciliation is unthinkable.

"Frail Swordmaster!"

"Ignorant lawbreaker!"

These were some of the most frequently used insults used by members of the Black Wedding Society and the White Wedding Society to tear each other down. Of course, when they exchanged their canned insults, they were furious.

"What, you cocky little bastard!"

The atmosphere around them was growing more and more murderous. The air began to vibrate with life.

"A formless spirit."

Jang Hong said, his eyes shining. The term 'intangible technique' referred to an intangible sword technique that could only be used by a Peak Adept or higher. It was not a skill that anyone could easily use. Moreover, its power was comparable to that of an old master.

"Man, it's going to be hard for both of us to get out of this alive."

Jang Hong clicked his tongue. He could feel the invisible intangible energy between the two of them intertwining fiercely. After all, they were technically classmates, but it was not a very desirable phenomenon.

"You're gaining momentum, this isn't going to be easy."

Their skills seemed to be at a standstill. With neither of them in a position to gain the upper hand, a battle of strength using intangible energy was as dangerous as a duel with a ball. But neither of them seemed to be slowing down, only getting stronger and stronger.

"Hey, Hyorong, who do you think is going to win, the ignorant dojab over there or the hunky swordsman over there?"

Her judgment of the two was unrelenting. It was another of her hobbies to enjoy this kind of murderous atmosphere as if looking across a river. If she had the chance, she would sometimes even try to create such an atmosphere on purpose.

"I don't know, maybe the Blue Feng Sword Sect over there has a slight advantage."

"Hey, aren't you taking sides with the same swordsman?"

"No, it's a very objective assessment. I'm not a fool enough to inject my personal feelings into the fate of a match. I can see that Brother Dao Baihui over there is excited, both in appearance and speed. But Mr. Xiao Tian of the Sword Marriage Society may be acting excited on the outside, but he's as cold as an ice cube on the inside. His crystal clear eyes say it all. He's obviously cultivated quite a bit. It's hard for most people to reach that level."

Hyorong was honestly impressed. But there was only a hint of admiration in his tone, no hint of admiration at all. His tone was relaxed, as if he had already reached that point long ago.

"A bloody fight would be exciting, but from the looks of it, they're just going to piss each other off and call it a day."

Hyo-ryong's wistful tone, like that of a child who missed a fireworks display, made him sigh.

"Come on, the last thing I need is to get into a fight at the beginning of my first year. I've had enough of that at the Swordsmen's welcome home yesterday. Yesterday felt like a year's worth of incidents crammed into one day."

He characterized yesterday's events as the culmination of a year's worth of accidents, but unfortunately, the real accidents hadn't even happened yet. Compared to what would happen around him in the future, yesterday's incident at the Hocheon River was as insignificant as the blood on a bird's foot. But Hyo-Ryong, who didn't have the gift of reading the future, had no idea what was coming, and that was true of Jang Hong and Yun Jun-Ho as well.

"I don't think there's room for both in there."

Hyo-ryong nodded in agreement.

"I see, I don't think he's going to have any nerves left if he's always like that."

The game was still not won, and the momentum was only getting worse.

"But at the Heavenly Martial Arts Academy, it's mandatory for each person to join a club. Whether it's an academic club or a martial arts club, it's up to the individual to choose. But don't forget. Wherever it is, you have to join one."

Jang Hong said firmly. Bi Ryuyeon and Hyorong began to think again about what kind of club they should join.

"What about a bido club?"

Hyo-ryong recommended a place, which I had always been interested in.

"I'll pass on that one."

She shook her head.


"I don't think there's anything more to learn from you, and I've got more than enough vido to go around. Let's find something else."

Bi Ryuyeon himself had a biryodo. Having mastered the biryodo, the ultimate in flying swords and katanas, further training was pointless. Everything else was child's play in his eyes.

When I tried to decide where to join, I was overwhelmed. There were dozens of clubs lining the sidewalks, but none of them appealed to me.

Even as they talked and exchanged opinions, the intangible darkness between Xiao Chen and Gu Chang was growing more and more intense. A sensation that could be felt even two zhang away. He could feel the sharp anticipation piercing his skin as their Intangible Qi clashed. Now they were unleashing their full intangibles and glaring at each other.

Things had gotten so out of hand that they were now very difficult to clean up. Anyone who dared to step into the tangled realm of the Intangibles risked having their veins cut and dying. It was no exaggeration to say that the space ruled by the Intangible Qi was already a different space. It was said that peak masters could kill a person with this intangible energy alone, so you can imagine how powerful it was. Ordinary people would die just by looking at it.

Their pride and competitive spirit were so fierce that they had no regard for the virtues of concession. Their attitude was to fight to the death.

"Hey, hey, you guys are watching something interesting."

Yun Junho jerked his head back in surprise, for he hadn't felt a thing despite the fact that the voices behind him were so close to him. In real life, he would have been decapitated and lost his life, but Bi Ryuyeon, Hyo Ryong, and Jang Hong were nonchalant, as if they already knew everything.

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