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Book 29 Chapter 6

Rise above the storm!

-Unstoppable flapping

"Six seconds, passed."

Na Yerin spoke in a quiet voice as she narrowly dodged the silver spear, which swung sideways in a great silver arc like a whip, then turned into a bell and struck down, falling to the ground like falling snow. She had already dodged several fierce spear strikes, and surprisingly, she hadn't broken a sweat.

"What, already?"

Gal Hyo Hyo looked at the sixth falcon Gal Hyo Min with a gaze that said, "Isn't that bullshit?

"Six seconds, passed."

Gal Hyo-min's eyes seemed to cry out as she answered relentlessly.

-You incompetent thing!

She hadn't even swung a few times, and she was already halfway there? Gal Hyohyo couldn't believe it. Na Yerin was so quiet and lightly gesturing and dodging that it didn't even feel like they were fighting, as they were about thirty thousand li away from the intensity she thought of as martial arts. Perhaps that was why she didn't feel like she'd already fought several herbivores.

"But no matter what, it's already been six seconds, doesn't that mean there are only four more to go?

If I had done something to counterattack, I would have already won, but since I was dodging back and forth, it was too late to win the game once and for all. I wasn't sure if I should be angry or sincere, and then Gal Hyo-hyo asked me in a slightly silly voice.

"Hey, did you ever learn this spear art before?"

"We don't teach spears at the Sword Academy."

The answer was common sense.

"You're lying. How are you so good at anticipating changes? It's like you've read the next one ahead of time, isn't it?"

Na Yerin calmly replied to Galhyohyo's disbelief.

"This is the first time I've used it today. Just……."


"It just looks like……."


It was a great dishonor and disgrace for a mere mortal to have his herbivorous ways so plainly seen, but Gal Hyo-hyo, who had kept his mouth shut for so long, did not express his anger, but rather laughed heartily.

"Hahahaha, that's funny, that's funny! And here I thought you were supposed to have super advanced escape skills?"

"I've just been taught that it's more martial to go with the flow and get out of the way than to brute force."

"Ho, look at you. With a pretty face, you can turn people around and swear at them. Yes, a woman of the martial arts must have that kind of temperament to get through this rough and tumble."

Rather than being angry, he seemed to be pleased. Na Yerin was a bit taken aback by Galhyo's cheerfulness.

"Great. We still have four seconds left, so let's go again!"

Suddenly, a lively cheer came from behind Gal Hyo-hyo.

"Waaaaaah, pretty sister, don't get hurt, I'm not going to lose to the big guy…… woof!"

Gal Hyo-hyo's body staggered for a moment, and when he turned around to see Hyo-myo, who had just received a blow to the head from Gal Hyo-min, he asked with a hard smile.

"Hey youngest, just out of curiosity, am I the pretty big sister you were just talking about?"

The youngest Hyomyo raised his eyebrows in question.

"……Who is this?"

The blow was more powerful than any he'd ever received, and it pierced Gal Hyo Hyo's heart.

"Youngest, you…… see you later!"

"Woo-woo-, I've already been beaten by my sixth sister!"

Hyomyo stuck her tongue out at him, thinking that he wasn't scary for a wait-and-see kind of guy. He looked so relaxed, it was like he was out for a walk.

"Uhm, Joe, okay, you said earlier that you could see all of my windows, so let's see if you can see this one, too."

Galhyohyo turned to Na Yerin, coughing repeatedly as if to pretend that what had just happened had never happened. The youngest member of the Shinmaga family was going to ruin their reputation.

"I'm ready to go."

There was no need to hesitate. In fact, it was exactly what Galhyohyo wanted.

"Then I'll take it!"

Chirp chirp chirp!

Three silver spirits rang out, making a clear bell-like sound, and the silver spear exploded out like a beam of light.

Gale Silver Spear (疾風銀閃槍)


Nine Rings Spear

With what seemed like a flick of the wrist, the spear flew toward Na Yerin, creating nine afterimages. The change did not end with the afterimages. The afterimages were repeated in succession. Nine streaks of silver flashes crossed back and forth, weaving a net of silver lances.

The Nine-Linked Spear was a truly terrifying herbivore, consisting of a single stab that produced nine spears, followed by nine more stabs, for a total of eighty-one stabs. This continuous stabbing attack, as tight as a net, was not easy to avoid, even for a master of the Divine Law.

But when Na Yerin lifted her feet off the ground and took a non-snowy step, her body transformed into a pure white blizzard, moving through a dizzying array of silver spheres without any restraint. It was indeed a strange and mysterious movement, like a whirling snowstorm.

"Great! That's a cool trick!"

He watched in awe as the illusionary blizzard concealed Na Yerin's new form.

"Then let's get this one!"

Gal Hyo-hyo extended his left hand forward and pulled his right hand, which held the silver spear, backward with a sharp jerk, and the silver spear was pulled backward like an arrow on a bowstring. Like a bowstring drawn taut, a terrifying momentum began to emanate from his entire body.


With a harsh sound, the wind began to suck her toward it, and the silver spear began to spin wildly as it caught the end of it. For a moment, a wry smile tugged at the corners of Galhyo's mouth.

"Lead the blizzard! I'll clean you up all at once, hap!"

Gale-Force Silver Spear (疾風銀閃槍) Misunderstanding (奧義)

Silver Wind Dance (銀風光影亂舞)



With a wind-splitting crack, the silver spear stretched forward. With a dazzling flash of silver, a gust of wind whipped up, sending a blizzard of snow in all directions.

The blizzard dissipated as if washed away, revealing Na Yerin, who had been cloaked in an illusion of snowy wind. Na Yerin gasped as the blizzard shattered with a single stab.

"A double whammy of suction and carbonization to create a storm……. No, it's more like spiraling, with a dash of warrior spirit thrown in for good measure."

Hearing that, a light of astonishment flashed in Galhyohyo's eyes.

"You've managed to grasp the essence of my one-man secret weapon, Jilpung Changkyeong, in one fell swoop! What kind of a fool are you?"

"Scary insight for her age! I'm going to have to revise my assessment of her.

Even though he was an enemy to be killed, Gal Hyo-Hyo couldn't help but admire his skill.

"But the blizzard can't hide you anymore. Why don't you just submit to your fate and get caught?"

In fact, Gal Hyohyo was pining for Na Yerin's beauty and talent. The mere existence of such a talent among the women of the strongest martial clans was a blessing in disguise. However, it seemed that the Jianghu Clan would no longer be able to enjoy this blessing.

"Surrender to destiny……."

Na Yerin muttered quietly, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

"What's so funny?"

Gal Hyo Hyo asked with a puzzled expression.

"Well… I think someone I know would have said, 'Destiny is what you make of it, so don't put your destiny in other people's hands, be strong, and never give up.'"


Galhyohyo's voice was stiff as he asked the question, but there was no hint of wavering in Na Yerin's voice, which had already made up its mind. All that could be heard was determination.

"I used to spend my life cursing fate, but nothing ever changed, and then someone showed me that curses don't change anything; you have to take your fate into your own hands! So I will change my fate, now and in the future, with my own hands, with my own power!"

Na Yerin's pupils glowed like the night sky with its countless stars. The dragon eye, which had evolved to the next level, had opened.

"That's great, but don't think that willpower alone will stop me!"

Gal Hyohyo carefully pulled back his silver spear and stepped into a stabbing stance again. It was disrespectful to his opponent to let him get away with it.

"I mean it with this blow!

Gal Hyo Hyo's eyes began to glow.


Her right hand, drawn back, was loaded with the wind itself, the very wind that enveloped the silver spear of Arya Silver Spear, a whirlwind of gusts far more powerful than the one from earlier.

"Even if you understood this, would you be able to stop it?"

To summarize, Galhyohyo said

-If you can block it, block it.

It was like a challenge.


The gusts of wind swirled around the silver spear and it began to glisten with silver. The power was incomparable to that of a moment ago. But there was not the slightest hint of fear in Na Yerin's eyes. Instead, they shone with a determination and a will to fight.

Na Yerin cried out as she braced herself against the spear, which hadn't even been fired yet, pressing against her body like a gale.

"No wind of that magnitude can break my sword, for a disciple of Sword Kak trains his wings in the storms of the South Seas!"

Gal Hyohyo echoed the sentiment.

"Onya, let's see how strong your wings are!"

Shouting in triumph, Gal Hyo Hyo thrust his silver spear forward with a silver gust of wind.

Gale Silver Spear (疾風銀閃槍)


Silver Tooth (銀牙) 疾風牙 (疾風牙)


A ferocious storm raged to mock Na Yerin's sword, to break it and taunt her. Instead of dodging, Na Yerin threw herself into the gale, kicking the ground like a leaping bird to soar through the storm.

Sword Palace Arcana

Divine Law Misunderstanding

Storm Emergency (暴風飛翔) Cumulonimbus (飛鴻貫雲)

It didn't snow in the South Seas, but the storms were relentless. Living in the South Seas, storms were an inevitable part of the natural cycle.

Storms are a fact of life. Unless you could ask nature to stop the storms, those who lived in the South Seas had to develop the strength to weather them themselves.

In stormy weather.

To soar on one's own wings in the midst of a fierce storm that uprooted trees and blew away homes, to soar above the storm, to soar above the storm: that was the test of a candidate for the four wings, the four wings of the Sword Gak.

In Kinkaku, this grueling test was called a storm emergency.

The implication was that only those with wings that could withstand the storm would be able to become the heirs of Sword Gak.

The test was given to Na Yerin by a messenger on her hand, the Poisonous Dragon. And now Na Yerin wore the coat of arms of the Four Horsemen on her chest. It was a sign that she had triumphed over her trials with Poisonous Lion.


Eunuch Zilpung and Na Yerin's wings exploded as they collided, sending turbulence in all directions.

And after a while.


"What the fuck……!"

The silver spear, which had been raging and roaring, stood still as it had always done. At the same time, the storm that had been raging quickly subsided.

"What the hell is this……."

Gal Hyo-hyo looked at his right shoulder and couldn't believe his eyes.

Before I knew it, a leaf was stuck in there.

"In the midst of the storm?

If that's true, then it's a frightening case of red-leaf flying.

At this moment, Gal Hyo-hyo flew through the gusting wind and was completely distracted by a single leaf that landed on her shoulder. And her action created a huge gap.

It was a hole too big for Na Yerin's solution to miss.

Her wings, stronger and stronger for the ordeal, flapped in full force. One of her wings was bloodied from her struggle against the elements, but it would not be broken.

With her sleeve torn to shreds by the fierce wind and her sword clutched tightly in her bloodied right hand, Na Yerin leapt through another storm, sending a frosty rain of sword energy toward Galhyohyo.

Cold Jade Spirit Sword (寒霜玉靈神劍)

Sword Qi Righteousness

Bingbai Bongdan (氷魄鳳舞) Nan Yi (亂翼)

The sword dances.

Na Yerin's dagger, Bing Lu, danced. His wings flapped like the flight of a phoenix, and he began to dance, cold and white as the frosty wind. A streak of white sword energy erupted from the tip of the sword, forming into a single giant ice-white beast, spreading its icy wings.

As Na Yerin began to dance a sword dance with her icy wings spread wide in the clear night sky, Galhyohyo's mouth broke out in uncontrollable praise.

"What a magnificent sword dance!"


Eun-ah's blow is deadly!

As large and powerful as the stance was, it was flawed in that if it broke, the caster was left defenseless.


A harsh sound erupted from the mouth of Gal Hyohyo, who was too loud to keep up and failed to retrieve the silver dragon spear. Na Yerin's eyes caught the moment.

"I'll take this one!"

A blast of white sword energy erupted from Na Yerin's flying sword.



Just then, a shadow appeared out of nowhere and stood in front of Gal Hyo Hyo, lightly blowing on the black cow he held in his mouth.


Beep, beep, beep!

A long, lingering flute sounded through the air, its unseen notes offsetting Na Yerin's pure white sword energy.

"Sixth sister, why are you interrupting!"

Gal Hyo-hyo nervously shouted at Hyo-min for helping her in her time of need.

"I will not forgive you for insulting my fight, no matter how civil your words are!"

Looking back at his sulking brother, Gal Hyo-min spoke quietly.

"I wasn't insulting your fight."


Gal Hyohyo shook his head. If Gal Hyo-min didn't do it, she didn't do it. But then why?

"Which deceased have you visited? If you have, why don't you show yourself?"

Even with Gal Hyo-min's mournful voice, the surroundings were silent.

"Sister Min, what's wrong?"

"There's someone else."

Gal Hyo-min replied with a stern face.


Galhyohyo asked in surprise.

"I don't know."

The answer surprised Gal Hyo-hyo once again. Of all the sisters, Gal Hyo-min's detection skills were exceptional. If she couldn't find it, it meant that her opponent was a great master.

"He who, in the midst of that storm, wounded you by blowing the leaf that was most susceptible to the wind, is no ordinary man."

"I suppose so."

At first I thought it was Na Yerin, but that didn't make sense either. Judging by the torn sleeve on her right arm, she must have had a hard enough time fighting against her own wind. There was clearly no time for leisurely leaf throwing.

"If there are two on that side, there is no shame in being two on this side, is there?"

"Well, that's not……."

What's more, the other side hid themselves and made an ambush. It was not cowardice for Gal Hyo Min to step forward. Gal Hyo-hyo rubbed her body. She felt sorry for yelling at her sister.

"Didn't I always tell you that you were too impetuous, Chilmae? Will you always be so impetuous?"


Galhyohyo bowed his head deeply.

"You're injured, so stay back for a while. I'll take care of the other two."

"This is just a scratch."

It's like he's been shot in the shoulder and it's no big deal.

"Do as I say."

Locking eyes with Gal Hyo-min, Gal Hyo-hyo realized that her sister had an ulterior motive: she was trying to use Nay-lin to bring out the helpers lurking in the shadows.

"Okay. I'm sorry, but I'm going to give the other two seconds to my sister."

Gal Hyo-min nodded and took a step forward.

The question was how to bring out the other one. Hyo-min Gal had an idea.

"There's no point in fighting anymore. Why don't you just give up and surrender, even if I say ……?"

Even as his quiet voice urged him to surrender, Galhomin's nerves were stretched in all directions.

"I'm sorry, but the answer is still no. Besides, the heavens seem to be helping me, and I can't let that help go to waste."

Na Yerin's answer didn't waver.

"I knew it. There's no wavering in your voice now, and I can't help but wonder if you'd rather listen to a punishment than a reward. Then listen to me play!"

Gal Hyo Min brought the black jade to the corner of her mouth with a cold expression and thought.

"If danger comes to that child, I will not be able to stand still.

Gal Hyo-min slowly breathed into the black cow.

Heavenly Demon Hymn (天音神魔旋律)

Righteousness (奧義)

Mourner's Call (無魂招靈音)

Her breath became music, echoing through the air.

As the flute began to play, Na Yerin's body suddenly stiffened, unable to move. An invisible web of sound seemed to envelop her.

The sound of the flute, imbued with psychic power, seemed to affect no one else, only herself.

"What the… is this……."

'It is the nature of sound to spread out in all directions, and it is possible to gather it and concentrate the effects of yin gong on just one person…….'

That alone showed how great a Yin Gong master Gal Hyo-min was. Her head ached as if it were cracking. She raised her Qi to resist, but it felt like a futile struggle. The haunting sound of the flute emanating from the black jade was eroding her spirit.

'You can't lose your mind, Na Yerin! You have to stay focused! If you lose your mind, everything falls apart.'

Shielding her veins with her jin, Na Yerin fought to regain control of her fading mind, and then her eyes flashed with understanding.

'That child, so young, so unmarried, and so strong, it's amazing that she's still able to hold on to her sanity at such a young age!

Gal Hyo-min was honestly impressed.


Gal Hyo Min's fingers on the black pearl-colored flute became even more dazzling. The qi in the sound grew stronger, producing a powerful tone.


Na Yerin's body swayed like a reed in the wind as her veins twisted all at once.

'Hurry up and spread your energy shield to block the sound, or else…….'

But the torrential downpour of sound was too much to handle.

'I definitely learned from Mr. Hong Lan, the master of Yin Gong at the Tianmu Academy……. What to do when fighting a Yin Gong master……. The fear of a real Yin Gong master…….'

I definitely learned that you should never give up the initiative to a yin gong master, that you have to earn it at all costs, and that the most important thing is to strike first.

I learned, but didn't get to use…….

My inexperience made it difficult for me to respond.

Her inexperience had caught up with her, as she had never fought a Yin Gong master before. Na Yerin's hand on the spirit began to tremble.

Against her will, her hand was about to release the sword.

"No! Stop!

Na Yerin commanded herself. The profound knowledge she'd gained when she'd been kidnapped and banned by Xu Tian was now at work. Her open hands closed tightly once more.


Gal Hyo Min was stunned; she had expected resistance, but she hadn't expected him to outright refuse her order to give up the sword and hold it tightly again.

But it was hard to move beyond that.

"Move, please, move, my body, my arms, my sword!

Na Yerin continued to command her body.

Her eyes began to shine like stars.

Deeply, deeply.

Little by little, Na Yerin's body began to move.

Her movements were slow, as she was moving but not completely out of the way.

But it was enough to frighten the two women.

"I can't believe I'm moving my body while listening to my sixth sister's unmarried cry!"

An exclamation that bordered on a scream came from the mouth of Gal Hyo Hyo, who had been watching from behind, unmoved by her trust in the sixth Hyo Min.

Gal Hyo-min, who had been playing the Muhon Choryeong, was equally surprised. She just couldn't shout it out loud because she was playing the flute. However, the note was slightly off. It was a humiliating mistake for Hyo-min, who never made mistakes.

"I've got to stop this nonsense somehow!

Right now, Na Yerin looked like a butterfly struggling to escape a spider's web.

"Oh, no, I shouldn't…… that……."

Galhyo Myo stamped his foot in pity. It broke her heart to see such a dazzling beauty suffering right in front of her. But even if he wanted to save her, he couldn't right now. Just then, the black cat perched on his shoulder lifted its right paw and nudged Hyomyo's right ear. The ebony cat's keen senses had picked up something hidden in the grass to her right.


Instantly, Galhomyo's eyes flashed and shone.

"Is this the end? No, don't give up, Na Yerin, don't give up!

Right now, Na Yerin was barely holding on, straining as hard as she could against her collapsing knees. There wasn't enough strength to break the web and free herself.

That was it.


A loud boom erupted from one side of the forest. It was loud enough to deafen my eardrums.

"Damn it. There!"

Gal Hyohyo's silver spear, which had been retreating, slashed through the grass to her right. At Gal Hyo-min's secret instruction, while she pushed Na Yerin, Hyo-hyo had been watching for any suspicious activity around her, ready to jump out at any moment, which is why her attack was so swift and powerful.

Poof! Poof! Bam!

Three stabs in quick succession, each accompanied by a white flash. Then a black spirit burst out of the grass and ran straight for Na Yerin.

"Sister Ryeong!"

Suddenly, joy flooded Na Yerin's face. It was the spirit that had saved her in a moment of crisis with a roar.

"Didn't you see her earlier?


However, Galhyo Miao, who had already noticed, flew toward the two of them.

"Do not disturb!"

The spirit stretched its hand out in front of it to grab Na Yerin. But it wasn't Na Yerin who was grabbed, it was Galhomyou's left wrist.

"Eek, I've been caught by Mrs. Eyeball! I'm scared!"

Despite his screams, Galhomyo did not hesitate to extend his right hand toward the spirit. One of the spirit's arms blocked the attack, deftly snapping Galhyo's left arm at the knuckles.

"Youngest, get out of here!"

Worried that the youngest might be captured, Gal Hyo-hyo hurled a silver spear at the spirit. However, he was unable to use his full strength because he was afraid that the youngest would be caught, so his power was greatly diminished.

The spirit turned back to Galhyo's back, still holding onto the vein in his arm. The silver spear that had been aimed at the spirit now pointed at Galhyo.


Stunned, Gal Hyohyo quickly retrieved the spear. However, his basic power was too strong, and he was unable to collect all of his experience in one fell swoop.


Gal Hyohyo's heart sank at the scream that erupted from the youngest's mouth.

"What, are you okay, youngest?"

"I'm okay, you big strong girl!"

Galhomyou, who was about to be skewered by his sister's spear, brushed off his right arm and shouted nervously.

"Phew, that looks good."

Gal Hyo-min, who was equally surprised, breathed a sigh of relief. A trickle of blood could be seen on his right arm as he brushed it off, but he didn't seem to be too badly hurt.

"I'm not okay! Do you think it's okay that I'm bleeding out of this island jade circle? No, more than that, I'm being held captive!"

The spirit snapped his arm with his left hand and pointed the sword in his right at Hyo-myo's throat. Gal Hyo-myo was held captive between the spears.

"Let go of my hand at once!"

Gal Hyo Hyo was about to lunge at him with his spear, but the spirit spoke up.

"Don't move!"

At the sound of a shrill whistle echoing through the air, Gal Hyohyo and Gal Hyo Min's feet stopped dead in their tracks as they moved toward the youngest. If they made a wrong move, the youngest could get hurt.

"Are you okay?"

With his gaze still focused forward, the spirit who had been engaged in a snowball fight with Galhyohyo asked Na Yerin in a blunt voice.

"Yeah, I'm good."


That was the end of the spirit's response.

"But Sister Ling, why did you come back to such a dangerous place?"

Na Yerin's tone was uncharacteristically blunt, but the spirit answered bluntly.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to save you, I'm just looking for something I forgot!"

* * *

Approximate triangulation.

"Uh, what about me, Sojae?"

Geum Young-ho, running through the puddles of flesh, looked around, realizing that Na Yerin was gone, and cried out.

"That can't be right, they were together!"

Running beside him, the spirit was stunned to realize that the ever-present Na Yerin was gone.

Even though they're on the run, they don't even realize Na Yerin is gone.

"No way, no way! No! No!"

The spirit cried out in panic.

Suddenly, she was overwhelmed with anxiety. Uncontrollable anxiety and worry sent her mind into a state of chaos.

"Buy! Buy! Buy! ……ah!"

When the spirit realized that she had unknowingly called Na Yerin a sailor, she was furious.

'What should I do? What should I do?

Everything was confusing.

"What are you going to do, shouldn't you go back?"

Yong Tianming's urgent question was met with disapproval from Maha Ling.

"No. Where are you going to go with a body like that? You can barely run when you're wearing a sajahu, and how are you going to fight those monstrous women!"

Today was the first time she realized that Kangho had such an amazing female high school student.

"By the way……!"

Of the people from the Heavenly Martial Academy, the only ones who were still alive were Qin Lie, Gong Gongzhihui, and Ke Yinghao.

Maharishi, Yong Tianming, Bai Muyoung, and Qingxin were in no condition to put up a good fight, as their internal energy had been nearly depleted by the blows they had used to escape earlier. Qin Lie had saved some energy just in case, but if they encountered the enemy again now, all they could hope for was annihilation.

It wasn't something that could be left to General Dam or the people from Black Island. Of course, it was also difficult to expect anything from Geum Young-ho, and that went for Gong Gong-jeol-hwi as well, especially since he was a Maharajah who wondered what the hell he could do, or even if he could do anything at all.

So far, nothing has helped.

"No, keep going. I'm sure Sojae would like that, and right now, every little bit of distance you can scatter the trace is helping him!"

It wasn't an easy decision, even for a Machian. That was then.

"I'll be there."

It was the spirit that spoke in a firm voice.

"……Can you really do that?"

Qin Lie replied with a smile. As long as Bi Ryuyeon was part of the Zhu Jia Clan, with her brother as the High Priestess, Qin Lie had to ensure Na Yerin's safety at all costs.

"I'm just worried that if I keep going, my dreams will get wilder, nothing else."

"So let's just say yes."

"Not just once, but actually."

After looking the spirit straight in the eye, Qin Lie lowered his head and spoke in a respectful voice.

"Take care, our ambassador."

"I'm not doing this because I'm being asked to… well, never mind."

The spirit nodded slightly, then turned away.

"Can you really trust that guy, he's so unnerving."

Geum Young-ho asked, unable to conceal his anxiety as he watched the spirit's backside disappear into the distance.

"If anything were to happen to the safety of the Archduke…… we would……."

What followed was horrifying to say the least.

"Hey, Mr. Gold Pig, are you worried about the great man, or are you worried about your own safety?"

Qin Lie looked at Ge Yinghao with a very unpleasant gaze and asked.

"Moo, sure, big, big, big deal, right?"

Geum Young-ho said, jumping up and down.

"Don't worry. The eyes don't lie."

There was an uncharacteristic conviction in his voice.


'When did you become so good at snowboarding? I don't believe you,' he said.

"Of course, so we all know you just lied!"

"Hmph, how about that…… hmph!"

Geum Young-ho was surprised by the words that came out of his mouth and stopped himself.

"Tsk, tsk, I knew it."

Cold sweat quickly trickled down his forehead like rain.

"Please don't tell my godbrother……."

Jin-ryung's response to Geum Young-ho's begging with both hands was very succinct.

"Because I see you doing it."

Hearing those words, Ke Yinghao's complexion turned very pale. He looked in the direction of the spirit's disappearance and silently repeated to himself that he was becoming more and more colored by his big brother.

'Yeah, she's not like you. That thing in her eyes, that's…….'

What Qin Lie saw in her eyes was a certain 'determination'.

And the people were so preoccupied with Young-ryung's voluntary departure and Geum-young-ho's and Jin-ryung's antics that they didn't see the upheaval in the corner. What they missed was the sight of Jade Yuk-kyung looking down at the place jade, which was somehow bunched up on the ground like a sack of stretched sackcloth.

The man responsible for dumping a dedicated unit leader like a piece of luggage was nowhere to be seen.

* * *

"Thank you, Ms. Ling, but was it you who saved me earlier?"

Na Yerin's surprise and joy were great, as she hadn't expected a spirit to come to her rescue at all. This was even more so since the Divine Gong she had seen earlier had reached an incredible level of skill.

"Well, what are you thanking me for, I don't know what happened earlier, I didn't come here for you, I just forgot something."

At Na Yerin's gratitude, the spirit turned its head elsewhere and replied in a blunt tone.

"Then what did you forget, sister?"

Na Yerin inquired in a light tone, a thin smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

"Mo, I don't know. Not you anyway."

It wasn't a very forthright spirit.

"Thank you."

Na Yerin thanked him again, a faint smile on her face. Despite the tic-tac-toe, the spirit's concern for her came through directly. And in her joy, she didn't realize that there was another being who had helped her earlier.

"Ooh, don't laugh. It's not what you think it is!"

Turning his head the other way, the spirit replied. A glimpse of her cheeks reminded him of his own.

"……Is that what you think?"

"I don't know. Don't sweat the small stuff!"

Na Yerin responded with another blunt answer, this time with a wry smile. Feeling uncomfortable and embarrassed, the spirit decided it was best to get out of here as soon as possible.

"You're holding people hostage and you dare flirt with them now, let the youngest go!"

Galhyohyo growled, his eyes lighting up.

"Oh my God, don't come any closer, I might make a mistake and hit my hand."

Then Galhomyo screamed in horror.

"Hehe, don't come near me, big sister, I don't want to get hurt!"

Only with Hyohyo's pleas and Hyo-myo's screams did the spirit manage to get out of the predicament and calm down. He'd rather be a vicious hostage-taker than be questioned like that by Na Yerin.


"I told you to stop! I'm going to slit your throat!"

Gal Hyo-min leaned forward with a worried look on her face and called out to Hyo-myo, and a terrifying word burst from the spirit's mouth, so ferocious that it froze Hyo-min and Hyo-hyo in place.


Gal Hyo-hyo gritted her teeth on the spot, unable to move forward or backward. It wasn't that she hadn't considered taking it by force, but she knew that if there were any more tears in her youngest's skin, her mother, Dan-hye, would not stand idly by.

"Don't worry, I'm only going to keep him with us until we get out of here to safety."

The spirit spoke in a calm tone, as if it had been shouted at before.

"You mean if I let you two go, you'll give me the youngest back?"

"That's what a big sister who loves her brother would do, isn't it?"

Gal Hyo-min bit her lip in response to the spirit's question.

"What if you don't want to?"

If you try to take it by force, a fight is inevitable.

"That's not a very good option, because ripping the throat out of a cute little girl like this isn't really my thing, and I'd rather avoid it."

The tone was calm, but the content was as chilling as a cypheran rainwater.

Gaze met gaze, and intangible sparks flew in the air.

"Okay, I'll do that."


It was Gal Hyo-min who nodded first. She couldn't bring harm to the youngest.

The spirit breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good idea."

There is a gap that cannot be bridged between resolve and actually cutting the girl's throat.

"Well, we'll have to go, but before we do, I'll give you this as a parting gift!"

Pulling a black ball out of her arms, the spirit tossed it toward Hyo-min and Hyo-hyo.


The black spheres rattled in the air, and suddenly there were seven of them.

"You fool, you think this jobbing technique will work!"


Thinking he had thrown a memorization, Galhyohyo swung his spear and sliced all seven flying objects in half in one fell swoop.


But when he saw the smoke billowing from the fourteen hemispheres still in the air, his eyes widened.


The next moment, the black hemisphere split in half and exploded, spewing out a thick black smoke.

An arm reached out through the black smoke and grabbed Na Yerin's arm.

"Here it is, the gap! Let's go, Yerin!"

In the thick smoke, the spirit grabbed Na Yerin's wrist and dragged her away, shouting, "Hot!" She was surprised when she realized she'd been talking in half sentences the whole time.

But there was no time to stop and make excuses. After a moment's hesitation, Na Yerin turned back to the running spirit and smiled broadly.

"Yes, big sister Ryeong!"


"Ew, what is this, it stings my eyes!"

Hyohyo exclaimed, her voice filled with irritation.

"No, it's not poison. I think it's a mixture of chili powder and black pepper."

The calmest person in the room was Gal Hyo-min.

What the spirit threw wasn't just a smoke bomb to obscure his vision, but a combination of chili powder, black pepper, and an unknown spice, the potent irritant causing his eyes and nose to ache terribly. The stench of these bombs was absolutely unbearable.

"What, chili? Damn, you're not spicy?"

"…… is a map."

Without another word, he flicked his sleeve wildly and began to blow out a gust of wind to drive away the black smoke.


A coughing fit and a runny nose followed, then a moment later.

As the black smoke cleared and he could barely make out his surroundings, Gal Hyo Hyo coughed and frowned.

"The youngest? The youngest!"

But when the smoke cleared, there was no sign of the youngest Galhyomyo anywhere. Of course, the spirit and Na Yerin were there, too.

Unable to contain his anger, Gal Hyo Hyo raised his silver spear and smashed it into the ground.


The ground shook with the roar, and it was clear how angry she was. But then Galhyohyo added another word.

"Damn, that's good."

The profanity aside, it's a strange story that was immediately followed by relief.

"So it's all going according to the Third Sister's plan now, huh? You almost took an unplanned prisoner, though it would have been worth it if it was my child……."

"Well, at least I didn't use a real special move, sis."

"Were you even going to show 'it'?"

And then it was like, what if something goes wrong?

"That's the same for the sixth sister, who almost used the Cut Sound Sword."

Gal Hyo-min doesn't deny it.

"So what do you do?"

Gal Hyo-min was not amused. Without raising an eyebrow, he retorted, "I'm not sure.

"Hmm, so it was real?"

Gal Hyo-hyo's eyes widened at this response.

"Yes, it's real. Is there a problem?"

I didn't know what to say because he was so confident.

"Oh, no, of course there's no problem, but……."

That's all I could say, even though I knew it wasn't.

"I've never seen a child of that age who can resist unmarried evil so well. You are indeed a remarkable child."

Muhon literally means to make the soul dance. It's a terrifying way to manipulate the mind and body with music, and it's an ascended musicianship of the Netherworld that I would never be able to play unless I had not only the depth of technique, but also a deep understanding of the music and the manipulative skills to use that understanding freely.

"In any case, you're going to have to get your act together from now on, because all of your rough and tumble behavior today… I think you're going to have to report to your mother."


Hyo-min's unexpected words came out of nowhere, and Hyo-hyo's mouth burst open like wind in her lungs.

"Oh, no, sister, don't you think it's a little too…… much for your mother? I'll do anything for you, just spare me this one time, okay?"

Hyo-hyo's face fell at Hyo-min's non-threatening threat to confess to Saran.

Hyomin's biological mother was his third wife, Saran, who was as strict as anyone about maintaining dignity and decency. It was Saran's role to uphold the dignity, decency, and family traditions of the Shinma family. From a young age, the eight Shinmai were all trained in strict etiquette by Saran.

Even at the time, my performance in teaching good manners was disastrous, but I couldn't let it go, so I had to suffer a lot of embarrassment every time I was caught. Even looking back, I can only remember struggling.

"Anyway, that's not enough, sis, you're going to drive her to the edge, we're sisters!"

Saran's characteristic prolonged scolding, with its quiet but frightening pressure, was a terror to Hyo-hyo. No matter how old she got, she didn't get used to it, only more afraid of it.

"Okay, in the spirit of sisterly love, we'll settle this between us later, just this once. But remember, there will be no second time."

"Sure. Sure, sure. Thank you, Sister Min."

Galhyohyo breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, realizing that he was finally alive.

"Be careful next time, I'll be watching."

"Yeah, sure. Oh, and by the way, that Na Yerin girl, she's pretty strong. I like strong girls. I wish it wasn't me……, don't you think?"

"Now you're changing the subject?"

Not falling for his brother's tricks, Gal Hyo-min sharply questioned him.

"Oh, no, no, no, that's not true. You know how rare it is for a young female swordswoman of her talent to be born."

And I meant it.

"Is that such a waste, her talent?"

"Of course it's a waste, and I'm going to have to kill that talent with my own hands."

"So you're quitting?"

"Sis, are you kidding me, you're a beast of burden, there's no way I'd do that."

He didn't show any signs of sympathy.

"No, you wouldn't, because as long as he's a blood relative of that abomination, his fate is sealed."

"Then…… big sister Ye Qing's fate will be the same, right?"

"……Let's not talk about that."


The two men were silent for a moment, as if they had made a pact. It was Galhyohyo who broke the silence.

"But we're so carefree, aren't we, when our youngest was kidnapped?"

Gal Hyo-hyo's words lacked any sense of urgency or urgency.

"I see."

Gal Hyo-min's answer was very calm.

"I can't quite put my finger on it, but something doesn't feel right, does it, sis?"

At Hyo-hyo's words, Gal-hyo-min nodded, her face serious.

"If you're worried about anything right now, it's that you're going to embarrass the third mother if the child gets a bite, not that the child is going to be seriously injured or irreparably harmed."

"……Naturally, there's no way he'd be so easily defeated, is there? He may be a jerk, but his martial arts skills are better than mine."

I nodded my head in affirmation.

"That's right, such a youngster, so easily taken hostage. What kind of child is he to be taken so easily?"

Galhyohyo shook his head in disbelief.

"Of course not, what a slug he is!"

He knew this better than anyone, since he had to go out of his way to catch them every time Galhyo Miao posted a medicine.

"Yes, even someone of your caliber often misses the tail of the youngest. Even if it was a surprise, how could you be caught so easily? The one-eyed girl who showed up later, I don't think she was stronger than you, and the one who interrupted you earlier wasn't necessarily her."

"Of course…… he's not, he's not, he's not……!"

Somewhere along the line, a look of disbelief and horror crossed Gal Hyo-hyo's face.

"As much as I hate to admit it, that's probably true. Nine times out of ten, it is. And not only that. I'm pretty sure it was the voice of the youngest."


Gal Hyo-hyo knew what that meant: it was one of Gal Hyo-min's unique abilities, her uncanny ability to read the emotions in a person's voice. That's why Gal Hyo-hyo had never been able to deceive her before, because she could tell if a person was lying or not just by listening to their voice.

"I missed the clues because I was in a panic, but I realized after my youngest was gone that her screams for help were not genuine. The pitch and timbre of her screams were very similar to the screams she used to make when she was being punished by her second mother."

He pumped his fist in exasperation.

"Gee, I thought I'd heard that one before! I should have just kicked her ass."

The blood gushing from my youngest's arm made me realize that I had made a mistake in stopping to panic.

"But the spirit child was serious. It wasn't a good idea to make a rash move."

Just as Galhyo-min's sensitive ears read the sternness in the youngest's words, they also read the sincerity in the spirit's words.

"And what about the youngest one, do we just leave him alone? Okay, he's being kidnapped, that's not voluntary taxation, that's kidnapping. You damned cat!"

Gal Hyo-hyo wanted to jump up and grab the youngest by the back of the head and drag her away. She felt weak for having been so angry at the hostage taker just moments before.

"Why, why did he do such a crazy thing, why?"

Naturally, the question was bound to arise.

"The child is not like us, perhaps it is……."

Gal Hyo-min nodded, and her expression was no different than her brother's.

"That? Oh, uh……! You mean that? ……Ha, ha, ha……."

Gal Hyohyo shuddered, not sure whether to laugh or be outraged at this.

"Why, at a time like this, would you want to…… that!"

"What can I do, he's already sixteen."

There was a hint of resignation in Galhyo Min's words, mixed with a sigh.

"You've grown so much."

"Yeah, you've grown a lot."

Of course, this wasn't meant to be a pat on the back. Besides, I still had bigger problems.

"I don't know how to tell my mother about this……!"

The mere thought of it was enough to make his eyes glaze over. He could be accused of failing to properly manage the youngest. In that case, even if I had a hundred mouths to feed, I would have nothing to say.

"I'll just tell you the truth. You'll understand."

"Would you? Would you? Would you? Would you? Would you……."

My heart wanted to accept it, but my mind kept refusing to let me.

"If anything happens to him, you can contact me at……."

"By then, half of Kang Ho will be burning with red flames, and I don't want to see that."

"Hey, sis…… we're going to burn together, right? ……Hahaha, I don't like hot things……."

Gal Hyo-hyo was so terrified that he could barely speak.

"……If it's the youngest's ability, he'll be fine. Was there even one of our sisters who could handle the youngest?"

"No. Who's going to deal with that troublemaker? Well, that's what I'm here for, isn't it?"

Only then did Gal Hyohyo's stony expression soften a little.

"Of course, nothing will happen. So let's get Saddam out of the way and get us started. We have to do what we have to do, what our third sister told us to do."

Gal Hyo-min quietly closed her eyes and slowly opened her sensitive ears, which she had been born with and had been cultivating ever since.


The sounds of the world began to flow into her ears.

"Did you find them? Where do you think they're going now, sis?"

Gal Hyo-hyo looked at Hyo-min, who had closed her eyes and was concentrating, and asked casually, as if she knew what the answer would be.

"You're out here, and you're moving away at a rate of one sheet per breath."

With her eyes closed, Hyo-min slowly opened her mouth.



Without hesitation, the answer came back. Northeast, where the gate is. It was an ominous direction.

"After all, the sixth sister's Great Wall hearing is amazing."

"No need to burn the kiln. It doesn't change the fact that you'll have to confront me later about your posture."

"Ugh, no way!"

Galhyohyo let out a lament that sounded like the sky was falling, but she was no Galhyo Min to be deterred by such a thing.

Mandarin Hearing (萬里至聽術).

A martial artist with an absolute sense of sound, Gal Hyo-min has acquired and honed her natural talent. It's a technique that maximizes the art of hearing, and when she casts it, her hearing instantly becomes ten times greater than normal, and she becomes an auricular detector, unable to miss the slightest sound.

Her ears, with their absolute acoustic sensitivity, could hear the faintest echoes in the distance as soon as she activated her Great Hearing, making her the best and most terrifying tracker of all.

"How far can the sixth sister hear?

Not even her sister, Hyo-hyo, knew how far Gal-hyo-min could hear.

"They don't call them hellhounds for nothing!

When it comes to talking about the sixth sister's backstory, Galhyohyo always vowed to keep it to herself or write it down.

"Come on, let's go after them!"

That's when Gal Hyo-min raised his hand to stop him from running away.

Gal Hyo-hyo looked at Gal Hyo-min with a "why?" look, but Gal Hyo-min didn't move, continuing to deploy the Manjiri technique.

"There's something there."

What did he sense? Galhomin's brow furrowed slightly.

"Huh? What's going on?"

There hasn't been a single instance yet where Galhomin has heard anything false.

"I see a series of swarms moving at high speed from southeast…… to west-northwest."

Na Yerin's group was moving northeast, which meant they were a different hand.

"Who the hell is that, southeast of here is the infinity direction with the Black Sky Blind, and if they're moving west-north, I don't think they're the enemy."

After listening a bit more and analyzing the sound, Gal Hyo-min said.

"The texture of the sound and the speed at which they're traveling tell me it's a mounted force. Furthermore, the heavy, harsh, earth-shattering sounds…… must be mounted troops in heavy armor. The momentum, the feel of it, must be heavenly."

It was Gal Hyo-min, who was able to figure out who she was just by the sound of her voice.

"A thunderstorm? That's not good. Isn't that in the path of those kids?"

"Yeah, we might run into them if we mess up, and we need to stop them before they're wiped out, because those kids still need to live."

It was very embarrassing to die before the walkthrough was over.

"We'd better hurry up, let's go!"

Gal Hyo-min moved to the front. It was a graceful movement, like a crane flying.

"Oooh, let's go!"

Gal Hyohyo followed, stomping the ground. Unlike Gal Hyo-min's graceful kung fu, this was a fast and powerful kung fu, as if a sturdy-legged jun horse was running on the ground.

Even if they were sisters, they were two very different people, starting with a single pore.

* * *

"You can go home now. I'm sorry for being so unruly."

After running with Na Yerin for a while, the spirit paused at a point where she felt it was safe to do so and released Galhyo Myo, speaking in a soft voice.

"Huh? You're letting them go?"

With a surprised look on his face, Galhyo Miao asked, studying Na Yerin's face. She couldn't believe that he would let her go so easily.

"Of course, because if the situation weren't so dire, she wouldn't have thought of taking hostages."

Indeed, the spirit hadn't even considered a hostage shield tactic until it burst out of the bushes to block Galhyo's silver spear as it rushed toward Na Yerin. If Galhyo hadn't jumped out at just the right moment and blocked her path, she would have fought on her own to the end.

"Me, I can't believe it!"

Galhomyo's body shook as if he had been struck by a great shock.

"So you're telling me we didn't look that evil?"

The spirits couldn't understand what they were seeing that made them react the way they did. But to make matters worse, she covered her face with both hands and started sobbing!

"Blackblackblack, you were just holding me hostage a moment ago, and you're already throwing me away because I've sucked up all the honeydew and am useless, blackblackblack!"

At the sight of Galhyo-myo's pitiful posture and the way he was stealing glances at her, the spirit's face turned sour, and she involuntarily raised her voice and shouted.

"Da, you sucked up honeydew and threw it away! That's a misleading expression if anyone hears it……, and above all, I don't think it's good for a woman to use such filthy language!"

"I'm fine……."

"Not this way!"

The spirit cried out in anguish.

"Go back anyway!"

If we stayed together any longer, it would get weirder.

"You can't do that."

The answer was beyond the spirit's imagination.

"Excuse me?"

At first, I doubted my ears, wondering if I had heard wrong.

"You can't go back, they're going to tell you to go back and then they're going to hurt you the second you turn around, right? Freedom for a hostage, that's not the case, black and white."

At that, the astonished spirit cried out impatiently.

"I'm not going to hurt you, if you're going to hurt me, I've already hurt you!"

Then Galhyo-myo said, "These sisters don't know what they're talking about.

"In the first place, freedom isn't just for the hostage, it's also for the hostage-taker: you can't just let them go unless they want to."

"Where is that nonsense?"

A hostage who didn't want to be released was unheard of.

"There it is."

Galhomyo replied immediately: He didn't want to be released.

"No, why?

No matter how much I thought about it, there was no reason for it.

"Has everything that's been happening lately driven you crazy?

But she was so refreshingly cheerful. Isn't he still playing with that black cat on his shoulder?

"Oh, and you can let it go, sisters, I'm only sixteen, hehe."

Galhyo Myo said with a cute and cheerful smile.


Youngling and Na Yerin asked, startled.

No wonder they were surprised. He was a direct descendant of the Martial Saint Galjoonghyuk, and although he looked young, he was actually very old. They had respected him because they thought he was at least thirty years old, with one exception.

No, that wasn't what was important right now.

"……Surely, you didn't get caught on purpose?"

"Well, I have no idea what you're talking about?"

Galhyo Myo replied to the spirit's suspicious question with a smirk.

"That's right!

The look on Galhyo's face was enough to convince him that his guess was correct, but then he was faced with another question.

"Taken hostage on purpose? No, why?

Even if you're sixteen years old, you don't start playing hostage because you're bored, but I'm still not sure why.

"You don't have a crush on Yerin, do you?

It was a ridiculous reason that made me laugh out loud when I thought about it.

"First of all, she's a girl, right?

It was clear from her neckline and fair skin, from her sweet demeanor and clear voice, that she was a full-blooded …… girl. Then another possibility flashed through her mind.

'Come on, you can't be in love with the same woman……!'

The spirit, face flushed, shook his head vigorously.

"No, no, no! Am I crazy? What am I thinking?

"Are you still thinking about it? Are you sure you don't want me to go back? I'm just going to give my opponent a huge boost in power, and I'm really strong, and I wouldn't send him back, ever."

It sounded like a threat that if I sent it back, they wouldn't let me go.

"Ha, what am I going to do?"

Unable to come up with a conclusion, the spirit turned to Na Yerin for an opinion, but there was no way Na Yerin could be so pointed in this situation.

"I can't, I have to take him."

"After all, my pretty sister knows what she's talking about!"

Galhomyo smirked, wondering what was so good about being a hostage.

With an unexpected hump on her back, Na Yerin returned with the spirit to where her companions were waiting.

Not expecting much, the rescuers were thrilled when the spirit returned with Na Yerin. They were expecting two or none of them to return, but they didn't expect a third.

"No, what the hell is that little lady doing here……."

Unable to contain his curiosity, the polite man asked the spirit.

"I don't know, it just followed me."

The spirit tilted its head to see if it was offended. He was not in a good mood.

"But isn't that little lady, the youngest of the Shinmaga?"

"That's right."

Na Yerin replied on behalf of the Torajin spirit.

"Did you kidnap me or something?!"

Confirming his suspicions, the polite man exclaimed in anger.

"Someone did a kidnapping or something, they just followed me!"

"But if things go wrong……."

Holding Galhyo-myo was like holding a bomb in their arms, as they were being hunted by Shinmaga.

"How polite of you, Confucius, then you can take it upon yourself to keep an eye on this little lady and look after her gently, so she doesn't get into any trouble!"

He shouted at the spirit's commanding words as if he were a senior.

"At a time when I'm supposed to be looking for and joining Big Brother Mo Yong, why should a man like me be forced to do the dirty work of a girl!"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

With a sharp crackling sound, the four swords were drawn out, emitting a cold glow, and pointed at Gong Yuehui's neck. The swords of the spirit, jade spirit, maha spirit, and zhen spirit, respectively, were flashing at the spoiled young man's neck with an instantaneous, daughterly energy. The word 'sissy' that came out of the blue junior's mouth had offended these women.

"What did you just say?"

A muffled voice came out of Yukyung Ok's mouth. In a cold sweat, she couldn't move her polite words.

"So, what do you want to do?"

The spirit asked with a high-pressure smile.

I was a confident politician, second to none, but I couldn't keep my mouth shut anymore. I had to stop thinking about rebelling.

"Ha, I'll do it……."

Somehow, Gong Zhonghui accepted the job. He knew he wouldn't actually slit her throat, but he felt like something terrible would happen if he didn't.

"Then you've been assigned a guard station. Take care, Mr. Zhenghui."

Na Yerin's calm words roused the politeness, causing him to jump to his feet and cry out.

"Yes, yes, yes, I'll keep an eye on it on my life's blood!"

Galhomyo simply stood beside Na Yerin, smiling innocently, as if everything that was happening around him had nothing to do with him.

"Nice to meet you, Gal Sojae. I'm Gal Sojae, heir to the family name of Gal Sojae."

Na Yerin's words spurred Gong Yonghui on, and as the heir to the Gong Yong family, one of the Eight Great Families of the Hundred Families, he approached Galhao Miao and spoke to her with a gorgeous smile. It was a refreshing smile that would make any woman fall for it, even if she wasn't as good as Mo Yonghui.

"Oh my God!"

With a wide smile on his face, Gal Hyo Myo turned his head towards Gong Zhenghui and said a refreshing word to Gong Zhenghui with a smile in his eyes.

"Get lost!"

His cheerful smile never wore off.

"I'm killing you, you bitch!

Just as he was about to ball up his fists in fury, Na Yerin's request from earlier flashed through his mind.

"Patience, patience, patience!

Swallowing hard, he mentally muttered the word patience and barely suppressed his anger. Just as he was about to scream at Gong Zhenghui's salting, Gal Hyo Miao pulled his index finger under his right eye and said, "Cut," and stuck out his tongue.

'I'll kill you someday! I must!'


It was a polite phrase that had been completely disrespected and trampled on, but now I could only swallow my bunrue.

"Whether this will be a blessing or a curse…… I can't predict right now.

Na Yerin, who had been observing Galhyo's behavior, sighed.

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