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Book 29 Chapter 5

Na Yerin's Resolution

-Rage! Falling down!

'Why did I say yes? I don't like heights!

Her face was blue in contrast to her proud, upright posture. Thank goodness it was dark, she cursed under her breath.

He hated being up in the trees. It wasn't that she was afraid of heights. No, in a sense, it was similar and different, because the branches brought with them a sense of insecurity that they could not hold her 'being' and could break at any moment. It was an uneasy feeling, as if she were standing on an unstable tower of sand.

"I can't just go back down.

Maharaj knew better than anyone that Yongchun's decision to allow himself to be president of the General Assembly over the objections of his closest friends could not have been easy. It was a difficult decision for anyone to make, to hand over the power they held to another. She could not stand idly by while he threw himself into such danger.

"And I've already been found out.

I'd barely made it to the top when I realized I'd been spotted, carefully shifting one foot in front of the other.

"You're a lousy stealther, how are you going to pull off a good ambush?"

Gal Hyo Hyo looked up at Maha Ling and shouted with gusto.

"Bluffing is……. You didn't even realize it until I pointed it out, did you?"

Gal Hyo-hyo chuckled and shrugged as the lesser Gal Hyo-min gave him a pinzan.

"Oh, let's not sweat the small stuff, big sister."

"Is that a small thing? You really do leave me at a loss for words sometimes."

Gal Hyo-min shook her head at her older brother's words.

At the sight of it, Maharishi cursed once more inwardly.

Surprise is the lifeblood of an ambush, and it can only work if your opponent doesn't see it coming. However, the Maharishi had already advertised his impending surprise to the world, so the advantage of surprise had been taken away.

"Kahahaha, young lady. If a grown woman stays in a place like that, her ass will be so heavy that she'll break a branch! It's dangerous, so why don't you come down quickly?"

The black dog that had accompanied the Divine Eight Horsemen, the leader of the Black Hound's Jay Battalion, had managed to close the circle and come a little closer than he had earlier, cracking a silly grin and throwing a pile of farmland at him.


A collective laugh erupted from the mouths of the rest of the Black Dogs gathered around.

"Well, well, well, she's going to have to lose some weight to keep standing there."

"Kahahaha, even if you have an ass so big it could break a tree branch, I can still hold you in my arms!"

There was a lot of mocking banter here and there.

Even the faces of the women, including Qin Lie, who had been watching the scene from the secret passage, turned bright red. It was more out of anger than shame.

As a black dog, this would have been part of a psychological attack to shame and embarrass the opponent. But they didn't realize they had touched something they shouldn't have.

Not out, not in!


A lion's roar echoed through the forest.

"You lowly things, who do you think I am?!"

A terrifying aura emanated from his entire body.

The Blackhawks had to look up at the Mach number and inhale with a gasp after laughing so hard for so long.

Upon the tree stood a Nachal, a terrifying creature with blue auras flashing from his eyes.

His blue naturalization flashed, and his eyes turned to the blind dog.


The momentum was so fearsome that even the most veteran members of the pit bulls and blackhounds couldn't help but cringe.

"Heck, that's a big one!"

Even Yong Tianming's complexion grew even paler, and he vented his urgency to Qing Shui, Baek Muyoung, and others.

"Hold on to your hats, this is getting out of hand……!"

Before it was over.

"Two-thousand-and-one! Die!"


He struck the branch and leaped into the air.

"Ten thousand (萬)-root (斤)-chu (錘)!"


With a terrifying crash, he tore a fault in the air and his body shot upward.

And just as her ascent seemed to be slowing down, her body began to plummet toward the ground like a cannonball.

A fierce dog would bleed to death on the spot if he were struck by that shot; but her fall was too honest and upright to reach him.

'What…… what, you're just getting carried away…….'

Ducking quickly, the dog shouted.

"Hmph, stupid bitch, yeah!"

No matter how powerful you are, if you don't get hit, you're useless! A look of relief appeared on the fierce dog's face as it relaxed for a moment from the explosive momentum of the Mach force.

Just as the Mach force began to fall vertically and the fierce dog ducked and sneered, Long Tianming urgently called out.


At Yong Tianming's signal, Qingfeng and Bai Muyoung leaped to their feet. As high as they could jump.

At that moment, a smile of conversion appeared on his face as he dropped like an artillery shell, a smile that said, "I'm sorry.

"You're dead now, you son of a bitch!


The Mach's two legs, propelled by the force of the Great Pole, struck the center of the encirclement on all sides.

Heavenly Axis Yugasin Gong (天竺瑜伽神功)

Advanced Visions

Incremental secret (增量秘功)

Manjushu (萬斤錘) misunderstanding (奧義)

Earthquake angle (地震脚)

Waves of the Great Land


The earth shook as a terrifying tremor scorched the earth, followed by a deafening roar.

Suddenly, the earth rippled, and its surface spread out in concentric circles in all directions. Then a ripple of earth spread out in all directions like a wave.

Earth Wave was an area-of-effect strike that sent a shockwave through the earth at a true angle, effectively shaking the ground beneath the feet of many enemies. The ground beneath the feet of the Black Hounds surrounding them shook as the wave of earth surged outward, knocking them off balance in unison.

"Now! Let's go!"

From the entrance of the secret passage, which had begun to completely collapse, a ragtag band of rescuers rushed out just in time. Like lightning, they scattered in all directions, unleashing a barrage of attacks on the Black Dogs that surrounded them.

While Earthwave is a difficult skill to deal a single fatal blow to an enemy, it can be very useful for temporarily and surprisingly shaking up a siege. The moment a camp is disrupted, even momentarily, it ceases to be a camp.

The difference between those who were prepared and those who weren't was huge, especially for those who were waiting for the moment to take advantage.

The rescuers' barrage of attacks quickly disintegrated the half-hearted black lab, Jaydae.

"Oh, my God, how can such a heavy attack come from the body of a wench!"

The hound groaned in frustration. He had somehow managed to hold himself upright, but his men were in a miserable state, stumbling this way, falling that way, rolling over and over.


The inelasticity of it all made his blue tendons bulge.

"How dare you make a comment about a woman's weight, you must be dying to die, you lowly thing!"

A terrifying fleshly energy surged through his entire body.

"A hawk is medicine for a man who has eaten his civility!"

Standing firmly on the shifting ground, the Maharishi shouted.

"No, slim and aristocratic Sojae, I was just making a lighthearted joke a moment ago……."

A chill ran down the dog's spine.

"Woe to the man who bites off the weight of a woman!"

Maharishi laughed murderously and stamped the ground with a thud.

Heavenly Axis Yugasin Gong (天竺瑜伽神功)

Righteousness (奧義)

Borosan Township (崩山镇脚)



The cracks in the earth rushed out, and the ground on which the fierce dog stood rose like a vaulting board toward Mach. The earth was rising up from the ground, and it was almost as if it could crush a mountain with a single strike.

The dog's body flew like a ball toward the Mach number. It looked like the earth was trying to throw her a gift.


Maharishi laughed and gladly took the flying gift in his fist. Then a heavy impact, like a mountain crashing down, struck the fierce dog's entire body.


Pow, pow, pow!

A horrifying scream rang out, accompanied by the sound of bone and flesh separating.

And after a while.


He lifted his paw over the fallen dog's white-knuckled body. With a single trample, he was on the verge of killing it.

"My lord, ah, no, sir, let me tell you a little story……!"

His eyes flashed open and he cried out like a dog with a premonition of death.

"Mr. Sojae is busy. Goodbye."


With a crisp voice, the maharajin's gravitational pull dropped toward the dog's head.


"Hee-hee! Quack!"

But it wasn't the dog's head that left deep footprints, but the ground beside it. It was a deliberate miss. Nevertheless, the dog had already bitten into a crab bubble and was completely stunned.

"Hmmm, a small subject."

With the dog half dead, she turned and walked away from the encirclement. Compared to the other rescuers, she had a much easier time moving through the center of the ripples.

"We're running out of time, let's break the encirclement before they can regroup."

Na Yerin exclaimed.

With the majority of the Black Hounds down, this one moment of weakness was enough to break the siege.

Ouch! Crack! Ouch! Crack!

Screams echoed from all directions.

From the lion of the dragon's head to the magnitude of Mach, the members of the Black Dogs, having twice recovered from their shaken spirits, were once again knocked down like straw dolls by the rush of rescuers. Still, the rescuers had their hands full, and no one was killed.

Perhaps after two or three weeks of cultivation, I will be cured. That was the strength of the hand they were dealt. By now, most of the rescuers had nearly broken through the siege.

Among them, of course, was Jade Yukyung, who wore a cotton robe, and Mu Myung, who wore a fainting place jade around her waist. But everyone was in such a panic that no one noticed their presence.

Then, in unison, all the men ran as fast as they could to break the siege, and the rescuers barely managed to break through the ambush and escape.

Except for one person, Na Yerin.

* * *

"Wow, it's so pretty!"

The youngest member of the Divine Demon Eight Saints, Galhyo Miao, was overwhelmed with admiration as soon as he saw Na Yerin standing in front of him.

"Youngest, what are you talking about? Don't diminish the dignity of the Shinmaga."

"But you're really pretty, aren't you? My sisters are pretty, but none of them are as pretty as me. Except for Hyohyo, of course!"

"Oh, sister, I'm the exception, does that mean I'm prettier than her?"

Galhyohyo replied with a smile.

"What are you talking about? Of course Hyo-hyo is the only one who isn't pretty."

"Hey, were you trying to argue with me!"

Gal Hyo Hyo shouted in frustration, but Gal Hyo Miao was too busy looking at Na Yerin to answer.

Ignoring the two less helpful people, Gal Hyo-min asked in a slightly surprised tone.

"You've got a lot of nerve to remain a single man, and you don't think the so-called white knights have left you behind as a scapegoat?"

Na Yerin shook her head.

"No. If I had told you I was going to do this, you would have stopped me."

In her consultation with the Maharishi, Na Yerin deliberately avoided explaining the last part of the escape plan, saying only that she would leave it to him. For the escape plan to be complete, someone would have to stay behind and hold the pinnacle masters at bay.

"Well, shouldn't someone stay behind and stop the three of you from catching up?"

"It's not three, it's two, my sisters will be enough, I won't attack the pretty one!"

Galhomyo interrupted with a flourish of his hand and a smirk.

"You're out of your depth, youngest, and that's what you say to the enemy?"

Galhyohyo rolled his eyes and pushed the immature youngest aside, then turned to Na Yerin.

"Anyway, so that's why you applied on your own, without telling the other kids?"


Na Yerin quietly affirmed. Gal Hyohyo's smile, which had begun to falter, quickly turned into a mirthful chuckle.

"Hahahaha, even though I'm going to be a dead man walking?"

Unlike the laughter, the words were deadly. Translated, it meant you're going to die.

"I'm not willing to be a deadbeat."

"Pfft, that's a lot of confidence! I'd be all right if it weren't for the fact that I'm a badass, good-looking, kick-ass, family man! It's a shame, because even I, a woman, get excited."

I heard a small voice behind me say, "Pervert. It was clearly the youngest. Gal Hyo-hyo turned around to glare at the youngest, but Gal Hyo-min spoke up instead.

"A girl as beautiful as you must have made a name for herself, so let's hear her name."

"I'm Na Yerin."

Not in the mood to hide her name, Na Yerin spoke up.

"What, you mean you're the daughter of that hateful dog mongrel Nabaxian!"

His head whipped around, and a whirlwind of hatred and rage hit Na Yerin like an explosion.

"I think you're mistaken."

"Huh? So your father isn't that four hundred thousand dollar dog mongrel?"

"With all due respect, my father loves and cares for this powerhouse more than anyone. He would never do such a thing."

The words echoed in Gal Hyo Hyo's ears now.

"Shut up! It is cunning of you to speak of my blood! You must have realized that, as the daughter of that abomination, there is no way for you to live today."

The stinging flesh rushed toward Na Yerin's entire body, but she remained steadfast, staring at Galhyohyo.

"I promised one person that I would not neglect my life and my body, so I'm not going to throw my life away here."

Galhyohyo was left speechless by Na Yerin's bold declaration, a mixture of exhilaration, anger, and nonchalant admiration for her brazenness.

"……Ah, that's it! Go for it! Well, there's one of you and three of us, so what are you going to do? Well, you don't mean all three of us at once, since you're going to be going at it alone, do you?"

Gal Hyo-hyo asked with a smirk on his face, not sure if he was being sarcastic or sarcastic.

"We'll deal with you as you see fit."

The corners of Galhyo's mouth tilted up at one side at Na Yerin's cracking words. But it was more reminiscent of a beast's smile than a sneer.

"Ho-ho, really, if that's what you're saying, you can stop them all by yourself?"

"If you need to."

When Na Yerin replied with a determined face, Gal Hyo Hyo couldn't hold back any longer and burst out laughing.


It was a raucous, boisterous laugh that could hardly have belonged to a woman.

"Ho-ho, what a device! It's not every day that I get to meet a girl with a wall like yours. Good! I, Galhyohyo, the Seventh of the Eight Divine Elders, will deal with you directly! You deserve it! Cancer or no cancer!"

With a bold assurance, Gal Hyo-hyo took a step forward, holding the silver, and at this moment, his hatred of the enemy's blood was more than tempered by his admiration for the man himself.

"Chilmae, you're speaking out again, at such a critical time!"

Galhyo Min, the sixth, scolded in a harsh tone. Galhyo Myo, standing next to him, pouted with a fat face.

"Alas, sorry, sorry. But when you've met such a lovely young lady, shouldn't you see what you can do? It's a tragedy that you're destined to be a cold invoice anyway."

The way he spoke was not at all out of character for a man.

Gal Hyo-min wasn't about to ask him to take back his words. Besides, it wouldn't make much difference whether she did it this way or that way.

"You have ten seconds to finish, and then I'll go after the other beasts immediately."

"Only ten seconds? Isn't that too short?"

"That, too, is generous. Have you already forgotten, Chilmae, that our time is short? Will you keep your grieving mothers waiting any longer?"

Gal Hyo-min's words don't take no for an answer.

"Well, that's true, but it's still ten seconds…… first daughter."

"What did you say?"

"No, nothing."

Galhyohyo removed his watch and looked away.

"Ten seconds……. All three of you better catch more than that."

Na Yerin warned in a calm tone.

"Two, two, I don't attack my pretty sister!"

As if to make his presence felt, Galhomyo suddenly interrupted with a flourish of his hand.

"Don't you dare get in my way, you spineless cat!"

Grabbing the youngest by the hindquarters, who had interrupted again, he sent him back like a cat being herded, and Galhyohyo sipped his drink.

"It's a shame that I didn't have more time to hang out with you, but what can I say, if she's an asshole, she's an asshole."

"That's okay, we're chased by you, but everyone is always chased by time."

It was a sign of understanding.

"You're a fun kid, that's great, and I'm going to give you the full force of my recognition."


Gal Hyo Hyo stood up and slammed the silver gold she was holding to the ground, and with a loud thud, two long sticks shot out of the gold into the air. She reached out with both hands and snatched the two sticks like lightning, then connected them together with an iron clang.

Bung-bung-bung! Zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

He spun his long spear like a windmill in the air and pointed it at Na Yerin, the silver blade quivering like a cicada's wings, and she cried out, her momentum so great that a gale of wind spread from her center in all directions.

In Gal Hyo-hyo's hand was a silver spear, both the body and the tip of the blade shining silver-white. Dangling from the tip of the spear were three unusual silver bells, along with a reddish colored water droplet.

Chirp, chirp, the three silver spirits shook and the clear bells rang out. It seemed to whisper, "Come play with me.

"Is that silver spear yours?"

"Yes, it's gold, it's just something I learned as an extra in my priestly classes. This spear is my real power, something I've been honing for decades."

Surely, even though she was merely holding the halberd, Na Yerin could feel an intangible pressure pressing down on her entire body. A tension filled the air, the kind of tension that could only be felt when one met a swordsman of great power. Gal Hyohyo, she was a master spearman.

"Come on, let's hang out."

Just as we were gaining momentum, Galhyo-myo called out from behind us in an impatient voice.

"Big sister, don't be so hard on pretty sister!"

Gal Hyo-hyo's legs nearly buckled at the sound. He momentarily wondered if he should start the fight with the youngest, but luckily Gal Hyo-min shouted at him in a stern voice.

"Youngest, you've gone too far! Do you think this is a joke? Have you forgotten that your roots are in Shinmaga? Have you forgotten who your big brother's beast is?"

Gal Hyo-myo's shoulders slumped at the sound of her tirade and she closed her mouth in a sullen manner, but Hyo-min sighed inwardly at the sight.

This was a journey to avenge his big brother's death, and he must never lose sight of his purpose. The blood of the unwashed must be stifled, and their pelts must never be left behind, even if there were favorites among the beasts. But this unruly eighth child had spent little time with his big brother in the first place, and was radically different from the other seven.

'Besides, I'm only sixteen, so…….'

He was so pampered that he became mischievous and spoiled. Even though he has a natural talent for radishes, I still can't help but care about this little guy.

"Youngest, you will never step forward again. Because if you get hit by me, or your sister, or that kid, we'll all get hit by your mother."

Keeping his eyes on Na Yerin, Galhyohyo struck a blow without looking back. It wasn't a joke, it was twelve percent true. Hyo-myo and Hyo-hyo were born to the same mother, but sometimes they were really discriminated against. But she was too old to be resentful and foolish about such things.

However, punishing her brother for breaking the Shinmaga code or crossing the line was a different matter, and Gal Hyo-hyo didn't want to be the one to do it. If she didn't punish according to the law, she would be reprimanded, and if she did punish according to the law, she would surely incur her mother's wrath later.

"My, when did I tell you to let go, let's just go and grab that pretty girl, it's not like we have to hurt her right now, is it?"

Still, Galhyo-myo, as if he would never lose, was still saying immature things as an excuse.

"Hah, there's no way this place is going to listen to us.

Gal Hyohyo shook her head excitedly, as if she had known it would happen. Gal Hyo-min sighed lightly.

"Oops, I made you wait a long time, I was being a dick."

Standing in front of Na Yerin, Gal Hyohyo coughed in vain, as if to ask her to forget the words of Hyo-myo.

"Come on!"

At last, Na Yerin would fight Galhyo, the Silver Spear Maiden, the most skillful spear-wielder of the eight gods. But strangely enough, she felt no fear in her heart. Instead, she was filled with confidence.

"I can do it!

Did they get that confidence?


Her dragon eyes opened, and the information of the Three Realms began to pour into her. She could clearly perceive everything around her, every tree, every blade of grass, and even the flow of air. All the information around her seemed to be in her hands.

Her tolerance was deeper than before, her vision now reaching into realms that the culprits couldn't possibly see.

"Longan is completely open!

She could vividly feel her body and everything around her being sucked into her.

I felt like I could see everything and know everything.

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