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Book 29 Chapter 7

The wheels of war set in motion

-Yeomdo and Iceblade Agony

Food Gain!

A hawk with large wings landed on a woman's arm, folding its wings.

"That's right. Good work, black boy."

Galhyorin, the fourth of the Shin Magical Eight, smiled as she stroked the black feathers of one of the many warblers she kept at home.

"It's from the Sixth Estate. Where, where."

But as soon as she folded her wings and descended, she removed the letterbox from her ankle and glanced at it, and as if waiting for her, another one landed. From the looks of it, it wasn't from home, and it wasn't from her sisters.

"What's going on with Meng Yue?"


Without even waiting for the black sword to rise, the Fierce Warrior Spirit swooped down toward Galhoulin. Gal Hyo Lin quickly dispatched the blackness, then stretched out her arms to catch the blade.

"Yon-seok, you need to take your turn."

Gal Hyo Lin gave the flying Jeon Seo Nguyen a nod of approval, then pulled out a book from her library and began to read.

And after a while.

The fourth Galhyorin, who had read the entire book, waved urgently and began to run.

"Sister! Sister! Third sister!"

"What's all the fuss about, falcon?"

The third, Gal Hyo-hye, who had spotted the fourth, asked with a glint in her clear eyes.

"I just got a call from my sixth brother."

"I hear you did a good job with the bait?"

"Yeah, I'm going to follow up on that."

"Yeah, that's Min, handling it like a champ."

But that wasn't all she needed to hear.

"More than that, a thundercloud has moved. Toward the shaman!"

Even Gal Hyo-hye, the so-called Lady Je-gal, was quite surprised to hear that, as she hadn't expected it.

"Ten thousand troops?"


"How can you say that without the second-in-command of the Great Black Sky, who decided to go to war, that the Senate acted with impunity?"

Then Galhyorin's complexion darkened.

"That's because… I've received the approval of the Black Heavenly Twin Dragons……."

Gal Hyohye snorted in disbelief.

"Now that my eldest brother is dead and my father, the Martial Lord, is gone, who would dare to…… the Martial Lord Jade Bird, the Black Heavenly Twin Dragon, to grow up in such a position?"

Galhyorin hesitated as she fiddled with the tome, watching the furious smile spread across her third sister's face.

"That's… that's……."

Even the most fearless fox twins were scared of this third sister. I was very reluctant to show it to her because I knew how much it would make her laugh even harder.

"You're the same guy, aren't you?"

After a long pause, Galhyorin narrowed her eyes and asked.

"……Honey, how did you know that? That's right, the Lord of the Rings is temporarily……."

"Temporarily what? I'm stuck, give me that."

"Hey, here……."

He held out the book to her, and she snatched it up like a fish out of water.

After a while……

"Hoo-hoo-hoo… hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!"

A bewitching smile spread across Gal Hyo-hye's face. An incredibly bright smile that had been appearing more often lately. Gal Hyo-lin was afraid of her sister like that.

"Even the Council of Elders seems to have lost their minds. How dare they decide such an important matter in the absence of the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth! Moreover, our mothers are here, and you're sending them news in a single letter?"

Hyorin was well aware that a great deal of anger was brewing beneath that smirk.

"That, well, I don't really know, sister."

"Well, if you want to get paid posthumously, you'll have to pay me posthumously."

Her smile grew even wider and culminated in a posthumous settlement. Hyorin had never known anyone who had offended her third sister who hadn't suffered afterward.

"We'll go to Meng to settle the posthumous settlement. It's an all-out war……."

"I would have razed that white island to the ground to avenge my brother's death, but I would not make such a sudden move.

Gal Hyo-hye frowned, wondering if there was another invisible hand at work.

But for now, none of the ideas I've come up with have a happy ending.

"Heavenly Pavilion Lord Eunuch Eternal, was he always this impetuous?"

She had known him as a thunderbolt, a flash of lightning in a thick cloud, and while he was an unknown quantity, and there was no one else who could wield such influence at the moment, he was by no means a man of action as he was now.

"I can't believe it's him, the interim leader……."

Of course, his abilities are excellent. Even my great-uncle, the Black Heavenly Master, Gal Zhongtian, honors him by calling him his teacher, so I've said enough.

But when asked if he was trustworthy, Gal Hyo-hye couldn't help but shake her head.

Neither would he, for she had never seen his true face.

"Under the mask, have you seen it?"

Because what lies beneath the mask of Macheon Gakju is of interest to Chomi, whether black or white, Gal Hyo-hye once asked her father, the mushinma Gal Joong-hyuk, about it.

"Of course there is. I've seen them, and so has your big brother."

"How was it?"

The answer was this.

"You'd rather not see it."

"Is it that terrible?"

"No, quite the opposite."

"The opposite?"

"Yeah, he's so super handsome that even Song Ok and Ban An would cry."


"It is covered because it is a magical beauty that does not discriminate between women and men, and steals the hearts of all who see it."

"No, you're kidding, right?"

"I don't know, is he joking or is he serious?"

"Besides, even if that's true, that was a hundred years ago, and you're probably old by now, right?"

"Grunt. I don't know, old or not old?"

What did he mean by that?

Gal Hyo-hye still wasn't sure if her father was joking or serious.

I don't know if the two of them did, but in any case, she didn't see it. She had only been told. She could not trust a man who could not show his bare face, not as a leader, not as their chief, not as a substitute for her father, Galjongchuan.

Despite the word "temporary" in front of it, war was considered a super emergency. There was no telling when or under what pretext the two letters 'temporary' would be removed.

"How dare you……! There's already someone in that position, someone who's been in place for a long time!

No matter how great a martial artist he was, he couldn't give up his seat to Meng Zhu. Furthermore, it was too dangerous for a Martial King to be a Black Heavenly Mage, as they would not be able to check each other. No one would be able to restrain him afterward.

"I can't easily hand the position over to someone else.

She was raised to be a royalty from a young age. A genius whose talent could surpass even her brother Gal Zhongtian.

She has no desire for power and is currently in hiding out of respect for her older brother, but if the next Black Sky Lord were to be found, the only one who would take his place would be "him," the man she had raised to be her leader since childhood.

"Is it finally time, time to call the second!

She's been waiting all this time.

A guide to lead them to the hidden Nabaxian.

When the guide finally leads them to the Enemy of the Undying.

When you can plunge your sword into the heart of your enemy.

And the day when the royal family she nurtured would be crowned king.

Meanwhile, Salt and Binggum, who were held captive next to them, could not help but be amazed at the stories they were exchanging.

How can they not know ten thousand, and a thousand more!

They knew all too well what it meant, what it really meant, and that's why their voices trembled faintly, unable to conceal their excitement.

"And where is the thundercloud headed?"

Ice Sword's voice was extremely serious. At first glance, his expression appeared to be calm, but that was only a surface effect of the power of the Frozen Heart Technique. Inside his mind, a tornado of turmoil was raging.

"Are you asking because you don't know, or are you asking because you do?"

Bing'er's brow furrowed at Gal Hyo-hye's retort, still smiling.

"You're a shaman, aren't you?"

Gal Hyo-hye smirked again.

"It can't be anywhere else, can it?"

Binggum's face contorted in dismay.

'I was hoping it wasn't that, but I was hoping it wasn't that…….'

If they had been used to chase after the Spiritual Master Nie Bai Tian, who was currently being pursued, they would not have been so desperate and discouraged. The implications of this series of shows of force were significant.

"It's going to be a bloodbath on the river."

"Do I have to see that horrible sight with my own eyes?

Iceblade let out a long sigh and muttered.

"Ha, how pathetic."

It was a despondent tone that reeked of helplessness.

"Hey, iceberg, has the sky fallen or the earth gone out? Why are you sighing on a topic that normally wouldn't raise an eyebrow if the sky fell? You're an asshole. Don't stop!"

Yeomdo, who had been captive next to him, asked in a blunt tone.

"Who says you're cold? You're the one who's wearing red on your face. Don't you realize how pathetic you are?"

Yeomdo shook his head in disbelief.

"Me? I'm not listening."

Maybe it's because I've been hanging out with Bi Ryuyeon too much, but the Yeomdo of my facial skin has really thickened.


He didn't have much to say, since he was so shamelessly ignorant. Suddenly unable to stand it, Bing'er shouted.

"You may not feel pathetic about yourself, but I feel pathetic about myself. Do you feel better now?!"

"No, no, no, no, what's up with you icy little bugger screaming at me today? Get away from me!"

Yeomdo frowned and opened his mouth in disbelief.

"Hey, iceberg, I hate you, but I've never thought of you as pathetic. You're just an asshole."

Otherwise, it would have been a consoling gesture, but Binggum was just plain freaking out.

"Is that what you call consolation, or is it just simple salting?"

"Salted, of course."

Turo Yeomdo blurted out, "Why would you ask such a question?

"It's pathetic, really pathetic, to be tied down and unable to do anything at such a crucial time, when the fate of Kang Ho hangs in the balance! If that's not pathetic, what is?"

Binggum grumbled, but Yeomdo retorted.

"Wait, doesn't that mean I'm just as pathetic as you?"

"Sure. You've always been pathetic, so what's new? But I'm different. I'm different!"

"You son of a bitch, if only the rope was loose, you'd be in my hands!"

He couldn't help but resent the ropes that tightly bound his hands.

"I've heard you say that a hundred times, and I'm still alive and well. Bluffing."

At the sound of Iceblade's other words, Yin Dao roared in agony, still chained to Ye Yixing.

"You son of a bitch, you son of a bitch, you son of a bitch!"

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Thinking that if you don't have teeth, you have gums, the salts kicked out with their bound feet.

But it was short-lived.

Sadly, the furious kick didn't reach the opponent due to the short interval of time his legs could move.

They weren't bound as tightly as his hands, but they were tied so that they couldn't be more than shoulder-width apart, making his kicks look shallow. Bing'er stomped her feet with a pathetic grin on her face, easily dodging the short kick.

"What do you think, let's stop, it's ugly, and I think I can forgive myself now that I see how pathetic you are."

Yeomdo exclaimed with a snort.

"We'll see!"

"Sure. I'll take it anytime, as long as you untie this rope."

By now, Binggum had fully recovered his strength.

"Yeah, if I can just get this rope untied……."

The problem was, of course, the ropes that bound their bodies together. It didn't change the fact that they were still powerless. As it was, they could not preside over history, but only stand in its way.

That was not what their esteemed master wanted them to do.

To be the guides of history, to be the ones to steer the course of the river of history so that its waves are directed in the right direction, and to be the ones to stop it from taking a wrong turn at crucial moments, was what their master wanted them to do.

But still, they were stripped of their freedom and in the palm of Gal Hyo-hye, the Zodiac Lady.

"What a disgraceful thing to say! How pathetic it would be if the Master saw it!

Binggum lamented to himself again.

"Damn it, this is why I can't raise my face in front of my master's shrine!

Yeomdo also lamented inwardly.

The eyes of Salt and Iceblade met. There was a flash of lightning and a miraculous connection between the two enemies.

"Is there a good way to do this?

'There it is. What do you want?

'……I don't believe it.'

After all, the deep river of distrust was not going to dry up anytime soon, but they were now in a situation where they would have to work on resolving the conflict and mistrust.

'Trust me, there is, and I learned it from my young master. Will you do it?

'Okay. Let's do it.'

"Okay, this sucks, but only this once.

'This is what I say. The humiliation of joining forces with you is enough for once in my life!

"What, Inum's ice cube!

"Do you want to try it, Firefly?

Another seed of conflict is about to sprout.

'Forget it. It's just this one time, anyway.

"Of course, I'm going to do this twice!

Yeomdo and Binggum compromised as best they could. They couldn't afford to be dragged around like dogs in the middle of nowhere anymore, so they made a dramatic deal.

Ice and fire, two people about to join heaps for the first time in their lives. When it works.

When we try to do something we're not used to, we often get frustrated.

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