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Book 28 Chapter 21


-Unfinished harmonization

"I'll give you one concession before I wield the Sword of Heaven and Earth. Here, unfold it, the Jian Gong Sun Moon Combined Sword!"

Nine Heavenly Maiden's words stunned Yeomdo and Ice Sword.

"How did you get that martial arts……."

Few knew of its existence, for it was a "secret" left by their master.

The last image of his master burned like an etching into Yeomdo's mind.

"Realize the extremes of the white and ice spirits, so that you may unite the Tai Chi as one……."

His last will and testament, his maintenance, they had turned a blind eye to. For the past twenty years, they have been constantly……. for the sole reason that they hate each other…….

Yeomdo's body trembled as he struggled to control his rage.

"What's the matter, you're not going to let me finish that one, too, are you?"

I didn't hear back for a while.

"……mo, I couldn't."

Their voices were barely audible as they opened their mouths.

"You mean to tell me that you haven't attained the pinnacle of white and ice souls… yet?!"

It was only after attaining the pinnacle of the Light and Dark Souls that he could unleash the Jiankun Sun Moon Combined Realm. Somehow, Mu Hua even knew that.


He had no answer for Yin and Binggum.

A blast of shaped glow erupted from the fig's two eyes.

"Yes, you bastards, you dared to oppose her without getting that, what a bunch of lowlifes!"

Fig Tree Hill Gate was an abstraction. She was genuinely angry.

Yeomdo and Ice Sword's bodies shrank further and further. Right now, their hearts were filled with guilt and remorse for their master, so they didn't dare to come up with any excuses.

"What more need I say, come, I will take your lives this day with this one sword, that you may no longer defile His name!"

Mu Hua said in a stern voice.

-We're sullying Master's name?

It was the most intolerable insult to them. But when the words came from the mouth of the Nine Heavenly Maidens, and no one else, they had a different weight. The meaning was different.

Salt and Ice Sword realized how much they had sinned against their master. Their hearts sank, and bitterness welled up from the depths of their hearts. Along with unbearable shame.


Hot tears of remorse poured from the eyes of the salt and ice sword.

Gu Tianxuan said with a hint of sarcasm.

"If you regret it, it's too late; do you think you'll lose to the immature things that play left and right? Your master had no eyes to see, no eyes to see!"

"Do not insult your master!"

Yeomdo exclaimed in an exasperated voice.

"I don't mind you insulting us, but I can't stand your insults to Master!"

Binggum looked at Mu Hua with a sharp gaze and said.

"If we are really offending the Master, we will give you anything, even our lives, so please don't offend him."

Yeomdo and Iceblade exclaimed in a hushed voice.

"Foolish ones, it is you who insult your master, not me!"

A silent but heavy flesh exploded out of Mu Hua's body as he raised his Heavenly Silk Sword.

Crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle!

A chorus of grotesque screams came from all directions. Several of the warriors in the encircling circle were unable to withstand the terrifying force and fainted in the bubbles.

"Good. Then take this sword of mine!"

Yeomdo and Ice Sword tensed their bodies and stared at the saccharine wooden sword she had slowly raised, the Shen Tian Silk Sword. There was no sharpness from the swords like there was from the rookie; this pressure on their minds came from the depths of the kendo she had mastered.

Fig was silent, her eyes closed. As if this was the last time she would ever see them, as if she was trying to put her past behind her.

After a moment, the closed eyes slowly opened. Then, a pair of deep black eyes emerged from within.

Gu Tianxuan slowly drew back the Xiantian Ink Sword. It was so slow that her every move was imprinted in their eyes. Mu Hua slowly thrust her sword forward.

Before he knew it, black flames were rising around him. It was the harmonization of the Xuan Tian Ming Qi.

Slowly, ever so slowly, the tip of the Sword of Heavenly Ink, wrapped in black power, moved toward them.

It was so slow that it was exhausting to watch, but somehow I felt like I would never be able to dodge that second. It was as if all my defenses were held at the tip of the blade.

If it's unavoidable, there's only one thing left to do.

'Dangerous! We must stop it!

An eerie shiver runs down your spine, a savage instinct rattling your nerves, warning you.

Yeomdo moved the red salt.


You feel strangely heavy. You move slowly, as if you're tired.

"Was the red salt this heavy?

I don't think I've ever felt so heavy with erythema before. It felt like he was holding a heavy iron pillar. At this rate, the black flames in that saber would pierce his heart before he could even lift it.

Yi Yun gritted his teeth and swung his red flame with all his might.



For a moment, the flame seemed to lighten, and then he drew the trajectory of the flame.

Crimson Seventeen (眞紅十七炎)

Sword Energy (劍焰氣)

Superlative Righteousness

Honglian Wall (紅蓮之壁)

Its trajectory enveloped them, forming a wall of red flame. It was nothing compared to the power of the Red Flame's shield against the twins.

As the walls of Honglian enveloped them, Bing'er felt the sword pressure that had been weighing her down weaken a bit. Taking advantage of the moment, Bing'er swung the Bing Bag.

Ice Spirit Stream Sword (氷靈水流劍)

Sword Chill

Superlative Righteousness

Polarized Star Wall (極光星連壁)

An iridescent light flashed from the tip of the ice bag, and the blizzard-like sword qi of the North Sea that erupted from it formed a wall of diamond-hard ice around them.

A double barrier of fire and ice.

"No sword can break through this defensive formula!



The Nine Heavenly Mistress's silken sword pierced through the walls of Honglian with such simplicity that there was no surprise. A gaping hole appeared in the walls of Honglian, as if it had been cut through. It was as if the heavy sword had been eaten away. The figure of Mu Hua was nowhere to be seen, only the black flame-encased saber.


It had pierced through the ice citadel of the Extreme Radiance Starry Wall so easily. The ice sword was stunned. His absolute defense, which was solely dedicated to defense, had been pierced so easily.

"I can't believe it! I don't feel any resistance! How can this be!

When something hits you, you're supposed to feel resistance as a reaction, so it was strange to feel no resistance at all when the Xuan Tian Silk Sword was right in front of you, piercing through the ice ramparts as if they were a wall of air. But his thoughts could go no further.

"You are clumsy! Die under the Sword Heaven!"

Mu Hua's stern voice sounded like a distant echo.

Nine Heavenly Gems (九天玄玄神功)

The Eighth Heaven

Nine Heavenly Women's Sword (九天玄女之劍)

Muklin County (墨燐玄玄)


Black flames exploded from the sword's twitching tip as it expanded.

In an instant, a jet-black darkness enveloped the area in front of Yeomdo and Iceblade's eyes. The sky seemed to be enveloped in a black curtain. They couldn't make out the source of the sword blades.

Everything was black. It was as if the light had gone out of the world.

There was nothing but a dark abyss around him that struck a deep and abiding fear.

The next moment.

A tremendous shock shook Yeomdo's body.


Blood gushed out with a pitiful scream as his insides shook.

It was like the life was being ripped out of them in every direction.

Their consciousness was cut off by the shock of their bodies being ripped apart.

Everything went black.

It was as if a ray of light had fallen on the darkness. When his eyes adjusted to the light, he muttered to himself.

"Is this the afterlife……."

I heard Binggum groan next to me.

"This must be hell to be in the same place as you."

Yeomdo grumbled, his tone a mixture of subtle frustration and displeasure.

"With you, everywhere is hell."

The moment he heard Bing'er retort, a tremendous wave of anguish surged through his body.


Yeomdo coughs up blood.

"You're hard on yourself, even though you're the last one to withdraw your hand."

From somewhere, the cold voice of Lady Gu Tian could be heard.

They forced themselves to sit up. The sensation of dozens of needles piercing their bodies made them let out a loud groan. When they finally managed to get up, Mu Hua spoke again in a cold voice.

"Get down!"

The two men obediently knelt at her command.

It was one of the most devastating defeats in his career.

Mu Hua's eyes glowed with a chilling coldness as he stared down at the two men kneeling over their own vomited blood.

"You guys blew your last chance."


Yidao and Iceblade had no answer, for what could they say when they had no face?

Looking at them with a cold gaze, she slowly raised her saber.

"Do you have any last words? I did not kill you with a single sword because I wanted to bury them, so that there would be no more regrets."

Black light gathered in her hand, shimmering with a gentleness that was almost palpable, and then it formed into a sharp blade. This was the highest level of craftsmanship, the ability to bend steel like tofu.

"I will ask you again. Do you have anything to say?"

Muhua asked, his voice once again subdued.

The blade of strength, black as midnight on the pure white cinnabar, looked like a gleaming guillotine on a scaffold. Yeomdo and the Ice Sword closed their eyes in disbelief as they saw the blade shining like the night.


What could I say to them in defeat, I only regret that I could not restore their master's honor.

The tips of Gu Tian's eyebrows twitched slightly.

A past connection had briefly swayed her.

Little did she know, she would be the one to break his chain.

But she shook her head again. I have sworn, I will not stop, no matter what, until my vengeance is complete.

Once again, the grief of losing her son washed over her, shaking her to the core. Her hesitation vanished in the face of the pain that tore her heart into a thousand pieces.


Like a black guillotine, the fig struck down the raised capital.

The black guillotine fell.

But the heads of Yeomdo and Iceblade still rested on their shoulders.

Fig frowned slightly. Then she looked at the person who had stopped her from slapping her hand away. Before she knew it, Saran had grabbed her wrist.

Saran shook her head silently at Muhua, who looked at her with a reprimanding glare.

"Not yet."

Saran's eyes told a lot of stories as he said that.


"These two are still useful, and……."


"I'm uncomfortable with this because I think it's going to affect my oldest sister more than anyone else."

"It's that 'uncomfortable mind of yours' again."

But no one in the Shinmaga dismisses Saran's "uneasy feeling," knowing full well that it's a warning from a deep, huge chunk of her intuition.

Saran added in a calm voice.

"If the time comes when I must kill them, I will take their lives for my eldest sister."

After a moment of silence, Muhua slowly spoke up.

"I'll do as you say. These guys are lucky today."

I let out the deep breath I'd been holding.

"That's their destiny."

Bam! Bam!

The faces of Brine and Iceblade, who were kneeling like criminals, snapped back. They stared at her blankly, feeling their cheeks burn. In the past twenty years, they had never been beaten like this before, but they couldn't protest, for Mu Hua's eyes upon them cut off their words.

"This was done on His behalf. If he had chosen to kill him, I don't know, but if he chose to live, I must give him orders. You foolish men of the world! Weren't you his right hand and his left hand, and what do you think you're going to do when the left and the right fight? Do you have any idea how sad he'll be when he finds out about this?"

Her rebuke weighed heavily on Yeomdo and Ice Sword's hearts, especially when she mentioned their master, making them feel like the most disloyal people in the world.

"Hyohong, fetch the dragon muscle saw."

"Yes, Mother, this is the Colonel."

Gal Hyohong, the second of the Eight, held a rope made of an unusual material in both hands and approached with a somewhat distant gait. His gait was very quiet and somewhat shy.

In general, the attributes of the martial arts in a person's body would correspond to their temperament. This is because the martial arts were influenced by the person's temperament, and the martial arts were chosen and practiced according to the person's temperament. Therefore, a person who had mastered a martial art of the Fire Element would be as fervent as a roaring fire, but would sometimes have a short temper, and when it got worse, it would explode.

But she was called Hyohong, and she seemed strangely calm.

Judging by the redness in her hair, her training in the Heat Elemental Realm must have been quite deep, yet she was so calm and quiet that she didn't look like a woman who had mastered the Heat Elemental Realm martial arts to the highest level.

"Tie it up."

Muhua commanded.

"How can I use a foreign man's body to……. I'm not good enough, but if you are, I'll follow you."

Hyohong replied with a slight blush of embarrassment, but he was surprisingly skillful in tying the salt and ice swords together. It was done in the blink of an eye.

"All tied up, Mother. I did the best I could with my unskilled hands."

Hyohong said, his face still red.

"Well done. Stand down."

Hyohong returned to his seat, looking somewhat wistful.

"Will you try to untie it? I assure you, you will never be able to untie that rope."

Fig looked down at the two tied up and said.

'This is about as good as a rope…… as fast as rotten copper wire…….'


Yeomdo fought the dragon until his face was as red as iron ore.

After a while, nothing unusual happened, except for a flush on her face. A vaporous steam rises from her entire body, but it quickly subsides.

"No way!

While Yin Dao made a big show of breaking the rope, drawing attention to himself, Bing Gum, who was secretly trying to cut the rope, couldn't help but be alarmed.

"I can't believe the pendulum isn't swinging right……!

Next to him, Yeomdo was now covered in sweat and gasping for air.

"It doesn't matter, my second sister's rope tying skills are unrivaled, and she has a special technique that involves both tying and acupuncture at the same time."

Gal Hyo-hye, one of the women who had been watching Yong-do's shenanigans without any other inhibitions, explained with a bright but frightening smile.

"Furthermore, as I'm sure you can attest for yourself, the rope that binds you is no ordinary material. They don't call it strength for nothing."

When the pendulum didn't work, I tried to use muscle power, but I couldn't use it properly because it stretched just enough to keep it from breaking, but when I released it, it went back to its original state.

Hyohong, on the other hand, was quite surprised to see Yin Dao, who was bound by his Yi Yun Binding Technique, exerting his power.

"I… Big Mother. I think I tied you up a little loosely because I was weak, but do you want me to do it again? I didn't think you were going to move………."

The second, Gal Hyohong, raised his hand and said ashamedly.

"How can you tie it any tighter?!

Salt and Ice Sword cursed inwardly; if they were bound any tighter, they would be strangled by the ropes. The ropes were wrapped around their bodies, digging into them like a living imugi with great force.

"No, thanks. That's good enough, leave it alone."

The second, Hyohong, bowed with regret and retired.

So the two men were taken captive and brought with them.

The chances of obtaining the Nine Heavenly Masters were even less likely.

"Godfather, we're in trouble! The glass is empty!"

As soon as Yeomdo and Ice Sword were captured, Sun Danzhu, who had gone in to search, came running back to report.

"We were completely surrounded on all sides, how could……."

His face was pale with remorse and fear, for it was he, and no one else, who was in charge of the siege. But the faces of the Three Great Nanglangs and the Zodiac Lady Gal Hyo-hye did not show any agitation when they were told that the room was empty.

"That's great."

"Yes! Yes? What do you mean, it's great?"

She muttered to herself, ignoring the hand clasped in surprise at the unexpected answer.

"Sure, great, it's all going according to plan."

A terrifying smile appeared on the face of Gal Hyo-hye, the Zodiac Lady.


While Sun Danzhu was still confused as to what it all meant, the Nine Heavenly Maiden Muhua, who had been standing silently, spoke up.

"Are you ready?"

Gal Hyo-hye politely replied.

"Yes, Mother, I've already sent the sixth Hyo-min and the seventh Hyo-hyo, and they're probably waiting in front of the exit of the secret passage with the black dog team, Jay-dae, right now."

His ice-black and salt-white complexion spoke for itself. It seemed that the number of Divine Eight Adepts was insufficient, and for good reason.

"Yes, I see, you're always so organized."

At Hyo-hye's unhesitating answer, Mu-hwa nodded in satisfaction.

"Yes, ma'am. Everything is on schedule."

As she said this, a big smile was still on Gal Hyo-hye's face.

* * *

"…What can we do now, Ryuyeon?"

After hiding and witnessing Ice Sword and Yin Dao being captured, he sneaked out, and Mo Yonghui stiffened and asked. His face was pale, as if he had seen a ghost. It was as if he had suffered a great psychological blow.

The nearly invincible Salt and Ice Sword have been defeated.

This was a profound shock to the rescuers from the Heavenly Martial Academy, who had come to rely on them as a source of strength, especially to Mo Yonghui, who had come to think of them as his other masters.

"Well, this is really unexpected."

The possibility of Salt and Ice Sword being trapped hadn't even crossed Bi Ryuyeon's mind.

"Shouldn't we go get him?"

Mo Yonghui was ready to run out the door the moment she nodded. Bi Ryuyeon put her hand to her chin and thought. There was no doubt that she was in a lot of trouble.

"Hmm, how do I……."

It was no exaggeration to say that at this moment, the fate of the salt and ice sword rested on Bi Ryuyeon's words. And finally, a conclusion was reached.

"Okay, I've decided!"

Bi Ryuyeon exclaimed, pumping her fist.

"Let's go!"

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