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Book 28 Chapter 22

Black Tenth Monument (黑天十碑)

-Break through the gates guarded by black dogs

"Tu, tu, tu? Ryuyeon, are you serious when you say that?"

Mo Yong-hwi, who is usually so flawless that he never shows the slightest hint of disorganization, stuttered, flustered.

"Sure, I mean it."

She said as she slipped the packet of biryodo she was holding in her left hand into her sleeve.

"Why? Why?"

"First of all, we're underpowered, and it's dangerous for us to go in alone, and secondly, we're alive, and judging by what the blue lady said, we're not going to kill her anytime soon, and we don't even know her, and thirdly, it sounds like everyone in the cabin escaped through a secret passageway."

"Well, apparently, the secret passageways of that god Yong Long's cup lead outside the city walls. Though it has rarely been used for fear of discovery."

Jang Hong confirms what Bi Ryuyeon said.

"See? If they're alive, we have a chance to rescue them again, and if we jump in now and they get us, we're killing any chance we might have later. What do you think, am I wrong?"

His words were cold and rational. But in most cases, rational judgment is not welcomed by emotion.


Mo Yonghui didn't look convinced. No, it's not wrong, but it's emotionally unacceptable.

"Huh, so you think you can beat that freaky little black dressed lady who's been eating both Yin and Bing Sword in one fell swoop? If you can stop her and her two little sisters, I'll see what I can do next. What do you say?"

Mo Yonghui was also a colorless man, a kind of obedience that Mo Yongzhengtian himself had trained from a young age, so he knew what kind of strength it was, and what it felt like to have it.

"Can you win?"

I didn't have to think long to answer.

"…I hate to admit it, but I'm not sure Grandpa could stop her, even if he were here. Of course, that doesn't mean you'll lose, Grandpa."

He was quick to clarify, as if he was a little concerned about his own words.

"Gee, does that mean……."

Jang Hong scratched his overgrown beard and muttered to himself.

"I can't believe that……."

Unbelievably, the same was true for the Namgungsang.

Someone who is a Tianmusheng.

With the exception of two mythical figures, they are legendary figures at the cutting edge of the martial arts, and even if one of them, Sword Sheng, were to come, I'm not sure I could defeat him, even if it was Mo Yonghui, his grandson, who said it.

Bi Ryuyeon pouted and grumbled.

"Mr. Dragon, you should have warned me about that scary, falsely young-looking, monstrous old lady. You've introduced an unexpected variable that will require a complete redraw of the entire drawing."

The appearance of the Three Great Nanglangs and the Shinma Eight Seers was an unexpected development, even for a non-Ryuyeon, and it was a huge disruption to the plan.

"So, you're agreeing to be bounced, huh?"

Mo Yonghui nodded reluctantly.

"But I have a favor to ask."

"What is it?"

"Don't you think that's a bit of a stretch? At least call it a tactical retreat."

Mo Yonghui was still concerned with appearances. This time, however, both Jang Hong and Nan Gongsang were in agreement.

"Uncle Zhang, are there any other hidden secret passages in Wuchang?"

"How nice it would be to have things fall into place so neatly and effortlessly, but the world often works the other way around."

"In other words, no. You're making a long story short. So where's the nearest gate to here?"

"Sometimes people like to make a long story short. And the closest gate to here is, of course, the South Gate."

"Well then, I guess we have no choice but to go through the south door."

Jang Hong was stunned by the words.

"You know who's guarding that place, but?"

"Of course. You're one of the Black Dogs, aren't you?"

"And yet you simply go there, to a place that might be guarded by a black-clad teenager?"

"The way things have gone, I'm sure the other gate is already being double- and triple-guarded by men of renown, so if you're trapped, you might as well go to the nearest one. Do you know, maybe they've been called up for an emergency?"

"That would be great, but……."

There was no time to hesitate. Any longer and they would be found out.

"Or you've already been found out.

Bi Ryuyeon looked ahead and stomped the ground vigorously.

'You'll be tied up for the time being until this master comes to your rescue.'

Then he unfolded the Divine Law and flew toward the south gate.

* * *

"Man, there's no easy way to skip anything. I'm a big fan of eating crap."

Bi Ryuyeon cast her gaze toward the south gate in front of her and smiled.

"You're good at laughing in these situations."

"This must be Uncle Jean's horse turning into a seed."

"Oops. So this is all my fault?"

"Of course, otherwise why would he be standing there?"

Apparently, things don't work out as luckily as Jang Hong had hoped, for standing in the middle of the tightly closed south gate, clutching a black rope, was none other than the Black Dog, the number one dog of the Black Thousand and Ten, the strongest of all.

"This is why you have to be positive in the world."

Jang Hong couldn't help but feel frustrated that he had to use the wrong words.

"Stop whining, what are you going to do?"

Liuyun Bi, Hong Zhang, Yonghui Mo, and Gongsang Nam.

As they raced toward the south gate, deploying the new law, no one slowed down.

"In a situation like this, I'm going to take it head on, what other choice do I have?"

Standing in front of the south gate, holding his poisonous weapon, a black rope called the Black Jade Dragon Sack, Black Dog was stunned for a moment.

The three intruders seemed to have no intention of slowing down once they realized they were there. That was taking the Black Heavenly Rain, which is famous in the Great South and North, too lightly. It was a castle that needed to be shown some respect.

"Stop, stop, stop, I'm arresting you all!"

The black dog leaned back and inhaled deeply, his chest swelling like a balloon.

"Watch out, it's a black dog!"

Jang Hong, who had a wide range of opinions, quickly covered his ears to get his attention. The Black Dog Hu was one of his solitary martial arts, a yin gong in the Sajia Hu family. Black Dog leaned forward from his bow-like reclining position and shouted with his inhaled breath.


Suddenly, a cry like the roar of a beast pierced the night sky and flew toward them, causing a gust of wind to whirl up a cloud of dust and gravel that shot toward them.

"Are you crazy, you can barely stop a dog from barking!"

Without slowing down at all, Bi Ryuyeon slashed his right hand from top to bottom. At that moment, a white thunderbolt-like lightning bolt fell from his superior arm.

Flying Swords Arcane Secrets Misunderstandings

Chapter 3: Breaking the Wall

Thunderclap (雷切斷音)


The white bolt of lightning struck the black hound like a shell of air, a sound like the tearing of grass-fed fabric echoed through the air, and suddenly the world went silent. It was an ascending move that literally cut through the waves of sound like lightning cuts through thunder.

"Get out of the dog's way, he's got a busy road to travel!"

The black dog's face spoke of bewilderment, disbelief, and anger as some kid screamed and ran right through the vaunted black dog.

In Wuchang, the existence of the Black Thousand and Ten Beasts had always been an apocryphal matter, and it had become common knowledge that everyone made concessions to him. So when would he ever be humiliated by someone as young as Bi Ryuyeon?

"How dare you call someone a dog! You have a liver sticking out of your stomach! I'm going to capture you today, cut open your stomach, and see how swollen your liver is!"

The black rope in his hand stretched and stretched, wrapping around Bi Ryuyeon like a net as he attacked from all sides, but Bi Ryuyeon didn't show any signs of agitation.

"If you call a person who writes Fucking Dog on their forehead a dog, what do you call them?"

He doesn't stop to reflect. The black dog's face was red and purple, going back and forth between hot and cold.

"Ino-oh-oh, how dare you! There is only one person who can call me a dog!"

As the angry black dog swung the ropes, the black ropes moved like living snakes, tightening into a net around Bi Ryuyeon. This technique was the Muksok Po Net, the first step of his poisonous martial art, the Thirty-Six Forms of the Peking Dragon.

A wry smile tugged at her lips.

"Well, who's going to get caught in this flimsy net? Even an elephant would slip through it."

These nets were too holy for his unauthorized finesse.

As if on cue, Bi Ryuyeon's newest creation stretched out and slipped through the black octopus's webbing, and then he spoke.

"Oh well, I don't need to write a bunch of scorch marks."

The Black Dog was astonished to see Bi Ryuyeon so easily escape the black rope encirclement. With Bi Ryuyeon as their guide, Mo Yonghui, Nan Gongsheng, and Jang Hong took turns escaping the Black Five Gourd Dragon Sac's attack.

Raising a hand, still not breaking stride, a grim smile formed on Bi Ryuyeon's lips. He shouted out loudly, his voice brimming with confidence.

"This is what a real net looks like!"

Flying Sword Misunderstanding

Chapter of the Silver Net Bag of Heaven

Tianla Silver Network (天羅銀網之勢)

Thunderbolt (雷網獄)

A bundle of thin silver threads flashed like a mirage between her five raised fingers.


The next moment, the black dog realized that he was trapped in a huge prison. A prison from which he felt he could never escape, a prison from which he felt his entire body would be torn apart if he took a single step. His body stiffened for a moment. One of the Black Heavenly Rain had stopped moving due to tension.

But its spooky, eerie life was as quick to disappear as it was to unfold.


It was Bi Ryuyeon's clenched fist, rushing in front of the black dog's eyes.

"This is the way to go for a dog!"

Misinterpretation of the Three Strikes Law

Return of the Horseshoe [回天末伏]

Three years of beating the dog (天地無犬)

From Bi Ryuyeon's curled fist, a terrifying eclipse of the Horseshoe Heaven and Earth Beast's terrifying killing blow exploded, and at three times the speed of a normal beating!

Tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut! Tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut! Tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut-tut! Dada! Snap! Snap!

The black dog was sprayed with blood and dropped out of the five bowels, and then he couldn't tell if he was dead or stunned. His fingertips were puddle-puddle trembling, but he wasn't dead. The remaining warriors stood around in awe as one of the Black Heavenly Blind teenage masters was so easily defeated. Their leader had fallen, and they seemed to be at a loss for words.

"This is it, open the door!"

Jang Hong shouted, not stopping running. The black dog's life and death were not their concern.

"How? Where's the opening device?"

Bi Ryuyeon shouted at Namgung Sang, who looked around in confusion.

"What's with the gateway device, no time, smash it!"

"Boo, break it, that's impossible, big brother!"

I thought gates were designed to withstand being pounded by giant siege machines!

"It's not impossible! I've got my sword ready! What's the use? If one strike doesn't do it, three will! It's a trio! Gongsang, Hui, and Uncle Zhang, open the way!"

Following Bi Ryuyeon's instructions, Nangong Shang was already instinctively unleashing the Thunderbolt Thunder, the pinnacle of the Thunderbolt Sword Technique, Jang Hong was unleashing a peculiar ash-colored sword steel of unknown origin, and finally, Mo Yonghui was unleashing the Milky Way Full Sky, the pinnacle of the Milky Way Sword Technique.

The sword cavities of the three peak masters shot toward a single point.

Quack, quack, quack!

Even the sturdy gates, which were supposed to keep out an army of ten thousand, were not enough to withstand it. The gates shattered in all directions with a thunderous roar, unable to withstand the power of the sword. Screams could be heard from all directions, and soldiers and warriors scattered as the fire barrels exploded into dust. It seemed that no one was strong enough to defend the gates against the Black Dog.

"Whoo-hoo, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this."

Bi Ryuyeon shouted triumphantly as she was the first one through the open gates, a bit roughly.

"Please call it an operational retreat, Ryuyeon!"

Mo Yonghui followed behind and asked for a word.

"Okay, then let's make a tactical splash!"

Ryuyeon Bi corrected herself.

"That's not it, Ryuyeon!"

Soon, the shadows of the four men were buried in the darkness of the night, with only Mo Yonghui's protesting cries remaining as an echo.

The wind-blown clouds blotted out the moon, leaving only darkness around them, and so the four of them - Bi Ryuyeon, Mo Yonghui, Nan Gongsang, and Jang Hong - disappeared into the darkness of the night.

* * *

After a while.

The scattered warriors gathered around the black dog, stretched out in a great circle, each of them bearing the black dog's crest on their right breast. A man in his early thirties, with an unusually white face, stepped to the front of the group, looked at the fallen black dog, and sighed heavily.

"How long are you going to lie there like that, Captain, before you go to sleep?"

The black dog that had been sprawled on the ground by Bi Ryuyeon's blow opened its eyes and looked at its commander, Baeku, and asked, "What are you doing?

"Did you go?"

Baek-gu, the leader of the Black Dogs, sighed and nodded. He knew it was a knowing question.

"You know the boss, they're all gone."

The black dog jumped to his feet and shook the dust off his body.

"How was my performance? Wasn't it killer? Didn't you feel like you really lost?"

The black dog's words, which sounded like a shrug and a boast, were once again met with a sigh of approval from Bai Gu.

"Yeah, that was a great loss. I was really wondering if the boss was going to get knocked out by that kid."

It was disingenuous praise indeed.

"Kahahaha, no way, I can't believe I lost to that kid!"

The black dog put his hands on his hips and roared. Suddenly, he was overwhelmed with anguish that welled up from deep within his bones and nearly broke his back.


The black dog stifled a scream that threatened to escape, and steadied his wobbly legs. He had the dignity of a black-blooded teenage master, and how could he be disgraced in front of his long-awaited men?

"What's the matter, Mr. Black Dog, you don't look so good?"

At Baek-gu's questioning look, he shook his head.

"Oh, no. It's nothing, I was just distracted."

The black dog gritted his teeth and pretended nothing was wrong, but he couldn't stop a cold sweat from running down his back. His whole body was throbbing.

'You mean to tell me that a simple punch pierced my black flesh?

The black dog frowned of its own accord.

He was confident enough to take a punch from Bi Ryuyeon as it came. The self-defense technique he had cultivated, the Black Flesh Self-Defense Technique, had already reached its peak, and he hadn't even suffered a scratch. A sword couldn't even scratch his skin, and he couldn't help but be astonished at the fact that his bare fist had smashed such a supreme self-defense weapon and caused such an impact.

'The shock is still lingering in the five organs, must have been too long in the doldrums…….'

The black dog decided he needed to warm up a bit more.

"But was it really necessary? You summoned all of us, even the Black Dogs, whom you've left alone for so long."

The black dog nodded his head in agreement with Baek-gu.

"Of course, it's necessary. It is the name of the Third Lady, not the other. The one they call the Zodiac Lady. There can be no mistaking her instructions. All is going according to her plan."

"That would be great, but……."

"Do you know what a good hunting dog looks like?"

"That's what makes a good hunting dog."

"Nope. A good hound is one that leads his master to the prey. It's not the hound's job to choke the life out of the prey. That's the master's job."

The master he was referring to was obviously the Nine Heavenly Maidens. The black dog muttered to himself as he looked into the darkness where Bi Ryuyeon and company had disappeared.

"Now, why don't you take us to a place where there's a white tiger named Zheng Tian Mengzhu."

His mouth curled into a smile reminiscent of a predator stalking its prey. He called out to his men, who soon gathered in unison behind him.

"Pursuit, Black Hound! It is the mission and role of our black hound, the Black Hound, to lead his master to the prey!"

As if to answer the call, a chorus of cheers erupted.

"Let the molting begin!"

At the boss's call, the black hounds began to run through the darkness.

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