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Book 28 Chapter 20

Yeomdo and Ice Sword vs. Nine Heavenly Maidens

-Horror! A shaky ice-white heart

"Big Sis, I don't see why you need to get involved, we'll take care of it from here."

The second wife, Dan Hye, stepped forward and spoke. Saran, the third wife of Binglian, also spoke up in agreement.

"I don't think it's necessary for the Kamo of Shinmaga to be involved in this."

It was an insult to two of the most renowned masters in the world, but Salt and Ice Sword didn't vomit or retort. It wasn't that they wouldn't, it was that they couldn't. After all, they had only just wrestled two of their daughters to the ground.

Muhua shook her head at the thought of her two siblings thinking of her.

"I know my two younger brothers want to give me a break. But I'm going to deal with these kids myself. I have a connection with them, and it's up to me to break that connection."

Nine Heavenly Maiden Mu Hua walked with a dignified and majestic gait and stood in front of Yeomdo and the Ice Sword.

At the sight of her, Yeomdo and Binggum swallowed hard and dryly. It was a natural reflection of their atrophied bodies.

A wistful look came into her eyes as she looked at the salt and ice sword.

"Come to think of it, it's been a while since I've had to face you two."

Despite the fact that they had come to rescue their enemies, there was no hint of hatred in her voice; rather, there was a wistfulness in it.

"It's been over twenty years since we last saw each other."

Bing'er bowed politely and replied. It had already been that long since 'He' had ascended, and since they had appeared in the Great Hall.

"Has it come to that already? I must be getting old."

Binggum waved his hand in the air.

"Old? That's too good to be true. It's been a long time since the river changed hands twice, but you're still beautiful, the same as you were then."

It was the most unexpected thing to come from the usually cold and stern Binggum. After a moment of silence, she shook her head heavily and spoke.

"No, it's changed; it's so different now than it was then; my son, who was there twenty years ago, is not with me now."

For a moment, Yidou and Iceblade had to suck in their breath. Suddenly, their chests felt tight and heavy. The emotion of grief she felt invaded their lungs like a river overflowing and covering the land.


They dared not open their mouths; what could they say, what could they do to comfort her?

It was now suspected that the man who had taken her son from her was their leader, and no one else. In fact, even they were not sure if it was true or a frame-up. Moreover, there was not a single witness, and none of them were in a position to vomit under the weight of the words.

Considering his loyalty to Gal Zhonghua and Gal Zhongtian across the three generations, it was extremely unlikely that he would have lied.

"Do you know the despair of a mother who has lost her child, the pain of a celestial circle broken?"


Neither of them could answer. They couldn't give a quick answer to something they didn't know.

"Do you have children?"

"I'm still on my own."

Yeomdo replied, and after a moment's hesitation, Iceblade answered.

"…I have one daughter named Sulji."

Mu Hua's gaze shifted to the ice sword.

"Is she pretty?"

Binggum nodded vigorously in agreement.

"What father doesn't think his daughter is lovely and pretty?"

Mu Hua asked, his eyes piercing through the ice.

"So… if someone stabbed your daughter in the back and murdered her, and you saw her rotting in a coffin with all the blood drained out of her body, a hole in her chest, a single, emaciated corpse…… how would you feel?"

Bing'er's complexion darkened instantly. It was a question he never wanted to think about, never wanted to hear.


Binggum didn't answer. No, he couldn't. Something was beginning to eat away at his mind, something he never wanted to imagine-no, something that drove him mad just thinking about it.

He was terrified of what would come next. Even more terrified that if he answered now, he would no longer be able to refute her words.

"The pain in my short intestines that I am experiencing now…… will be a thousand times, nay, ten thousand times stronger than the pain in your heart right now."


Hearing her voice tremble slightly with pain, Bing'er suddenly felt the weight of it, the pain of it. His breath caught in his throat, not from the energy she exuded, but from the pain in his heart.

"And yet will you stand in her way?"

A stern voice pounded against Yeomdo's eardrums. For a moment, Feng Shui felt as if his body had been weighed down. He couldn't open his mouth. Especially Bing'er's complexion was so pale and dark. But he had to speak.


I clicked my tongue, and the first thing I said was Yeomdo.

"I'm very sorry, I'm very sorry, but I don't have any children. I had someone I wanted to marry, but I couldn't. But even if I don't have children, I have disciples. They're like my children, so I can't back out, can I?"

Binggum was surprised that Yidao had shown such determination. It allowed him to open his mouth.

"There must be something wrong, my lord, he would never do such a cowardly thing, there must be a mistake, there must be a conspiracy!"

Ms. Gutcheon's reaction was cold.

"Really? I'm going to strike the beast in the throat, strip it of its bones, and then ask the corpse if there's any mistake!"

Further persuasion was futile. They realized that words alone could never break her will.

"Then we can't back out either, forgive us."

Binggum silently begged for forgiveness in a calm voice. His shaken heart seemed to have calmed down again. Mu Hua's face, on the other hand, was smiling with cold fury.

"Forgiveness? The blood and flesh of that beast is the last gift a mother can give her child who has gone before her, and I will never forgive any of you who stand in my way!"

The stinging poke of flesh was enough to remind me that the warning was real.

Yeomdo and Ice Sword tensed their bodies as they drew on their internal energy. In an instant, they pushed themselves into an extreme combat stance. The tension of facing a life-and-death enemy raced across their faces.

"That's silly. Do you really think you're good enough to stand in her way? There's no point in going at her separately. You're a nuisance, and you'll have to face her together as before!"


This was no such flirtation; her deep-set, manifest eyes spoke the truth.

Yeomdo and Iceblade's faces stiffened simultaneously. Their hearts tingled.

It wasn't a wound of anger; it was an old wound with a certain tinge of longing. A wound that hadn't healed in twenty years.

Twenty years later, she stood in front of them and said the same thing: they were still immature children in front of her. But now, their bond was useless.

"I was really scared to death back then, but……."

Muttering, his brow furrowed deeply, he shrugged his shoulders as if to shake off the chilling memory, then took a step forward.

"I'm not a kid anymore, and I can do it on my own."

When she saw him, Lady Gutian frowned and sighed. She was feeling pathetic.

"Is it really enough, or do you just not want to fight it?"

"I don't like……."

Yeomdo frowned and said. His body was getting heavier and heavier with the aura emanating from Mu Hua's entire body.

"Okay, let's see you get yours!"

Blah blah blah!

As Yeomdo pushed his Fire Spirit Divine Skill to its fullest, the red flame of his mourning sword was engulfed by the flames of the sword spirit and began to burn fiery red. A tremendous amount of heat radiated from his dao, incomparable to that of his fight with the twins. Hyorin and Hyojin frowned at the fact that they had been outnumbered.


He sucked the wind around him and began to spit out hot air, the hem of his red robes fluttering like flames in a furnace.

"Here we go!"

Yeomdo kicked the ground in a frenzy of heat, stabbing the red flame toward the Nine Heavenly Maidens with terrifying speed.

Crimson Seventeen (眞紅十七炎)

Sword Energy (劍焰氣)

Righteousness (奧義)

Feverish Red Lance (熱風紅蓮槍)

A spear of flame, wrapped in skin-searing heat, rushed toward the Nine Heavenly Maidens' face. Stabbing was a much quicker attack than slashing, though it carried a higher risk of failure. Yeomdo had chosen to take the risk of stabbing, hoping to make this a close fight.


The Nine Heavenly Maidens reached out toward the spear of flame that was piercing through the sharp pole of Yeomdo, and grabbed it.


The sight stunned him to the point where his eyeballs popped out of his head.

Mu Hua's right hand, clutching the searing flame spear, was as black as obsidian.

She clutched the spear of flame and pulled her hand back.


The flame within the Mourning Crimson Flame was snatched up and torn out by the hand of Fig, and it was a sight that could only be described as such. The torn out flame shattered into tiny embers.

Paparazzi! Pee-pee!

In the mourning flame, the flame had been consumed, and it was gone.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

The Yeomdo was alarming.

For him, the Sword Flame was both a sword to defeat his enemies and a shield to protect himself from them.

This searing heat discouraged people from approaching it, as they were likely to be burned if they got too close. It is no exaggeration to say that the true power of the Crimson Flame comes from its spear and shield, the Sword Flame. However, the flame lost its meaning in the presence of the fig.

Yeomdo felt like a limb had suddenly fallen off.

"You idiot, look ahead!"

Iceblade's urgent shout brought Yeomdo to his senses, but by then the world was spinning.


Her right foot struck his ankle. It was a light gesture, like a woman dipping her toe in a stream before dipping her foot in the water, but its power was astonishing.

Feeling the impact of his ankle snapping, he twisted the shinshin to right himself. He managed to do so, but his left foot, which had been hit earlier in the game, was in excruciating pain.

With a whimper, Yeomdo's left knee buckled.

The next moment, Mu Hua's heartless right hand flew like lightning toward his face and grabbed his skull.

"It is finished."

A short farewell. Nine strands of black aura flickered behind Mu Hua's back. It was the same technique that had claimed the life of the Color Demon Emperor Chu Yunlac in the mountains not long ago and reduced him to dust.


Yeomdo screamed as he felt the energy rapidly drain through his Heavenly Spirit Dog. His body shuddered as if struck by lightning.


My whole body felt like it was being poked with 10,000 needles.

"Am I going to… die?

Consciousness was slipping away.

"-Hee (姬)!"

In the distance, he heard someone shouting. Yeomdo flared in his fading consciousness.

"Bastard, don't call me that!"

At that moment, his mind snapped back into focus. Suddenly, everything around him seemed to brighten, as if things were charging at him.

Suddenly, Mu Hua's grip on his Heavenly Spirit Dog was loosened, and between him and Mu Hua stood a silver-blue-haired swordsman wielding a blue sword that emitted a pure white chill. The sight of his backside made Yeomdo frown.

Because it made him feel bad. That he had been saved by the hand of the Iceblade.

"You icy bastard, I told you not to call me that!"

Then Binggum said, without looking back at him.

"You owe me, don't forget."

The frown on his face grew even wider, and he bellowed.

"Don't worry! I won't forget you, man! Anyway…… I know it was a stupid thing to do, but I'll at least thank you."

Yeomdo grunted and pushed himself up. His body staggered again, and he fell to the ground. He had no strength left in his body from being drained by the Nine Heavenly Princess earlier.

"Gee, I don't think you even have the strength to stand, do you need me to help you up, Hee?"

Turo Iceblade sneered at the staggering Hwindo. Yeomdo's face flushed red, and he jumped to his feet in anger.

"I told you not to call me that, I'd die for you!"

Suddenly, Yeomdo was standing tall, as if her earlier stumble had been a lie.

"Do you want to fight alone, too? You're still alive, so you two can try again."

But Binggum shook his head and said.

"He's fighting alone, and I can't be the only one fighting."

"He's a friend… you think he's a friend?"

"I don't think so."

Binggum shook his head furiously again.

"You will regret it."

It was ambiguous as to whether he regretted saying he fought alone or whether he regretted saying he wasn't a friend.

"Let me see what I can do."

Binggum said, raising his beloved sword, Bingbai Ruihuan, to the middle pole. A blue sword so long that it was usually called Bing Lu or Bing Bai. Master liked the name Bing Lu, but he liked the name Bing Bai better. Bing Lu was too feminine, and he hated the idea of tears.

The ice sword slammed into the ground as he curved his body like a bow and thrust forward in a fierce slashing motion. Like an arrow, his new form shot toward Mu Hua.

His divine arts were much faster than Yeomdo, and he could use them at will.

"That's pretty fast, but do you really want to risk your life with this righteous attack?"

She didn't bat an eyelid as the ice sword's momentum rushed towards her, and she stretched out a glowing black hand. Her right hand, glowing black, pierced directly into the heart of the ice sword.


But at that moment, the new Ice Sword disappeared like snow scattered by the wind. Suddenly, the new Ice Sword appeared behind the fig tree. It was the Snow Wind Walk, a technique that blends ghosts and alter egos together.

"I already knew that!"

They knew they shouldn't go in head-on.


A streak of frigid sword Qi shot out from Bing Bai's ice sword, piercing through the Nine Heavenly Maiden's entire body. The next moment, however, her afterimage had vanished from the scene.

"Then did you also know this, that she too can move?"

It was behind his back that he heard the voice. Before he knew it, his back was turned.

Bing'er struck again, turning three times and traveling at high speed, but she couldn't shake off the fig leaf.

"That's it!"

Fig's hand reached out to grab him by the nape of the neck.

Binggum spun his body at high speed and swung his sword in all directions.

Ice Spirit Stream Sword (氷靈水流劍)

Sword Chill

Life-Saving Calls (奧義)

Ice Spirit Shroud (氷靈之盾)

With a sword that emitted an extremely negative sword qi, a black coldness, he unfolded his sword shield, and in an instant, a shield of ice enveloped his entire body.

Originally, his swordplay was more specialized for defense than offense. No matter what attacks came at him from all directions, they would not be able to pierce his shield of hundreds of strands of Cryonic Sword Qi.

But Mu Hua didn't hesitate to plunge his hand into the tangled sword qi. No matter how you looked at it, it could only be seen as a suicidal gesture to say, "Take my hand away.

But the next moment.

The shield of ice shattered like a porcelain bowl dropped to the floor, and the shock of its destruction, unable to overcome its own inertia, was transmitted to Iceblade, shaking him to the core.

"Oh, no……."

Before he knew it, his sword was in the hands of a fig, glowing with a faint inky light. It was humiliating for a swordsman to be caught with his blade at full strength.

At the same time, his sword began to drain rapidly of qi.

"This is the power of aspiration!

The Absorption Method! A martial art that absorbs an opponent's energy and makes it your own. It is a legendary martial art that is extremely difficult to master and is said to be nearly impossible to achieve.

It was as if a hole had been blown in the jar of monoelectricity, and it began to leak out at a rapid rate. No, it was no mere tremor; it was his very life.

The ice sword coughed up blood, unable to withstand the impact of the shaken Five Elements.

'Twenty years of enemies, and it's only this much……. Was the title of Heaven's Five Swordsman merely an illusion…….'

He tried to release his hand from the sword, but it wouldn't come off like glue. His body was out of his control. The right to live and die had been given to someone else.

"You idiot, you shouted, and it's ugly!"

Wheels of flame, engulfed in red flames, flew across the air.

Crimson Seventeen (眞紅十七炎)

Sword Energy (劍焰氣)

The New Righteousness

Flying Sword Fire Wheel Charms

If she held on to the ice sword, the wheel of flame would still cut through her arm. Muhua lightly released her grip on the sword.

Then, unable to overcome his momentum, he retreated five steps. His legs lost their strength and he was about to fall to the ground. A hand grabbed his shoulder as he was about to fall.

"Hey, why don't you be careful, you almost ran into me?"

Still holding Binggum's shoulder with one hand, Saltwater grumbled.

"Unorthodox……. You're using something you don't normally use."

Glancing over at Red Flame, who was now back in Yeomdo's hands, he said.

"I've been working on this for someone. It's incomplete, but it's worth saving one of your guys' lives."

That someone was, of course, Bi Ryuyeon. To be honest, I was afraid to get too close, which is why I used non-dojo techniques even more.

"I hate to admit it, but you saved my life. I thought it was going to be different than yours."

His silver-blue sleeves stained red as he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"This pays off the debt, and I can pay it off quickly, so that's one good thing."

In a blunt tone, Yeomdo said. The mere fact that the debt accumulated by this ice cube had been liquidated was enough to satisfy him.

"By the way, how long are you going to hold on to this hand?"

Binggum said, pointing to Yeomdo's hand as if he had seen something ugly.

"Hey, do you think I'm doing this because I want to grab someone! I'm only holding you because if you fall you'll hit me, and you're so smug you can't even stand on your own!"

Yeomdo quickly became frustrated and pulled his hand away.

"Don't worry, you're back on your feet."

Mu Hua sighed as he watched the scene unfold.

"You guys are still fighting each other to the death. Forget it, forget it, you can't do it anyway, just come all at once now."

Yeomdo and Binggum looked at each other in serious consideration, displeasure written all over their faces, but they both knew that any further pride would be a slap in the face.

Because it's her and no one else.

But neither of them spoke up first. They didn't want to be the first to ask to join. That was the last bit of pride, or stubbornness, they had left.

"Um…… hey, icepick, I've been thinking about this for a while, but it's his name, so he's not our doctor, right?"

For a moment, Bing'er's eyes flashed.

"When you put it that way, yes."

"So, Mr. Nose. You're not our doctor, but you're like our mother-in-law, so we have to follow your orders, right?"

"For some reason, you're saying all the right things. We certainly don't have a clue, but if it's his orders, we have no choice but to follow them."

"So there's nothing you can do about it?"

Yeomdo took a step forward, sidestepping Hong Yan and standing next to Bing Yan.

"I can't help it."

'I'm not sure,' Bing said, raising his sword, his eyes fixed on Muhua. Then he said at the same time.

"You've been waiting a long time!"

"Wow, it takes a really long time to make a joint, what was that all about?"

She had the chance to strike again and again, but she let her hand slip. Yeomdo and Ice Sword stiffened their resolve and spoke.

"If you go all this way and lose, what do you have to say to us? Kill or be killed, it's up to you."

The Nine Heavenly Maiden Muhua nodded her head in agreement.

"Good, now you've got something to fight for, and you're going to do your best to make sure you don't have any regrets when you get to the other side!"

'My throat is burning…….'

Iceblade felt his throat burn with thirst.

Has breathing ever been so hard?

Binggum could feel the presence of death up close, something he had long forgotten. Perhaps he was not alone in this feeling. Judging from the pallor on his normally periwinkle-red face, it seemed that Yidao's situation was just as bad, if not worse, than his own.

"It was a mistake!

Binggum realized in hindsight.

"We can't change the outcome of the game, even if we play together.

They were already bound by dozens of strands of intangible energy released by the Nine Heavenly Maidens. Now they were like butterflies caught in a spider's web before they had even swung a single sword. At this rate, defeat was inevitable.

Like a giant iceberg in the North Sea, his ironclad composure was cracking in countless places, and fear and terror were creeping through the cracks.

'I can't believe it. My ice-white heart is shaking…….'

The Bingbai Shenqing was a spiritual practice that allowed one to have unwavering equanimity. It allows for cool judgment in any situation and gives you the power to act in a timely manner. But now his icy heart was about to break. With his icy white heart broken, the power of the extended Spirit Stream Sword would be reduced to a fraction of its usual five branches. As for Yeomdo, although he had made a great noise a moment ago, he had similarly hardened when faced with the opponent again.

'If you don't do something…….'

Binggum gritted his teeth and sent a telepathic message to Yidou.

"Hey, Hee, can you hear me?"

The response was immediate.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that! You fucking icy cold-blooded human!"

Yeomdo's fury blasted through the air and directly into Iceblade's eardrums.

"You must be feeling a little freer, seeing as how you can be so outraged."

"Huh? Come to think of it, …… does."

His anger at the title erupted for a moment, and he seemed to have overcome her pressure.

'Looks like I got some bad wisdom from my young master too…….'

It's a method I would never have used in the past, but it's not quite there yet.

Binggum continued to send a message to Yin Do.

"So, you're saying……."

Listening to Bing'er's words, Yeomdo's expression stretched, frowned, and twisted.

"I was just thinking about you a moment ago."

"Awww, I can't believe you owe me for this!"

Yeomdo's blunt retort came back. His bad mood seemed to take some of the pressure off Muhua.

"Miraculously, it happens sometimes, and I couldn't believe it either."

"What, are you done talking?"

That last one broke the ice.

"There you go. Mark my words."

It was time to fight back.


From the ice sword's hand, the love sword Bing Bai shot out like an arrow. Mu Hua dodged his flying sword with a small flick of her shoulder, but the Ice Sword's blade circled through the air and soared into the sky.

"Ikigai Sword Art!"

An exclamation burst from the fourth Hyorin's mouth.

Iguana Swordsmanship.

The art of Iaijia Swordsmanship is the use of Qi to control a sword at will. Furthermore, the Ice Sword's Yi Yi Sword Technique was not simply an entry-level step to controlling a sword with Qi.

"Pour it on! Bing-bing!"

A silvery-blue glowing sword imbued with a polarizing sword energy split into dozens of pieces in midair, sending down a torrential rain of ice spears.

Ice Spirit Stream Sword (氷靈水流劍)

Sword Chill

Advanced misconceptions

Ichigo Sword Art (以氣御劍之術)

Ice storm (氷暴雨)

The ice white that soared into the sky exploded with condensed extreme yin sword qi, and dozens of ice spears rained down on the Nine Heavenly Maidens.

"Don't make the first move, you iceberg!"


His dao, poised to attack, sparked and burned.

Crimson Seventeen (眞紅十七炎)

Sword Energy (劍焰氣)

New Advanced Misunderstanding

Bicha (flying car) Hua Lun Lam (fire wheel)

Yeomdo swung his arms wildly, hurling searing crimson flames.


After leaving Yeomdo's hand, the red flame transformed into a gigantic wheel of flames, rolling towards the Nine Heavenly Maidens at a furious speed. Anyone who stood in front of this gigantic wheel of flame would be completely annihilated and crushed to dust. It was incomparably more powerful than what he had shown earlier, a terrifying force that felt like a chariot of flames ridden by a spirit god charging toward an enemy.


Ice and flame clashed fiercely in one place, generating a tremendous amount of water vapor, and the explosive force kicked up a cloud of dust.

It was a rare occurrence to have both black cold and black heat poured into a single target. It was a terrifying power.

"Wow, did we go too far?"

Yeomdo muttered to himself as he stared at the rising clouds of dust and water vapor.

They weren't the little kids anymore, and just because they couldn't win then didn't mean they couldn't win now. Maybe I was deifying the past too much.

However, Bing'er's expression was still cautious.

"Well, maybe it was too little, too late. You can't even see their faces, can you?"

Iceblade's hand gestured to Danhye, Saran, and their daughters.


Turning her gaze toward them, Yeomdo stiffened in surprise. They were looking at the place where the Nine Heavenly Maidens stood, their gazes unwavering and calm.

It was then that their gazes met with their third sister, Saran. She was looking at them with eyes of immeasurable wisdom.

It was as if the purification of the Great Icefall had been revealed in his eyes, and his transparent and unwavering pupils were like sharp ice spears, piercing through people's hearts and shattering all illusions. Just by looking at them, one's heart felt like it was freezing, causing Bing'er to be stunned to the point of faintness.

"Is that an icy heart eye?

Ice Heart Eyes, or Ice White Heart Eyes.

Said to possess the unwavering composure of an ice cube and the cold, sharp insight of an icy blade. But the reason for Bing's surprise lies elsewhere.

'No way…….'

Just as suspicion was welling up in Bing'er's mind, Saran looked at him with a piercing gaze that seemed to penetrate his heart, and silently sent him a telegraphic message.

"You look idle; do you think you can stop him one step at a time with this? How foolish and foolish you are."

It was a quiet rumble with no highs or lows, but like a mirrored lake, there was a calmness in it that never wavered.

Bing'er's face tensed at the cold echo, and she looked over to where Nine Heavenly Maiden stood.

And the eyes of two men, salt and ice, widened.

The steam and dirt cleared away, revealing the figure of Gutcheon.

Surprisingly, she wasn't pierced by a spear of ice, nor was she hit by a wheel of flame.

Bing Bai, the ice sword that had transformed into dozens of ice spears and rained down on her, was still in her right hand, and Red Flame, the mourning flame of salt that had transformed into a wheel of flames and tried to crush her, was still in her left hand. Both of her hands now emitted a black radiance that was incomparably more powerful than they had been a moment ago. In contrast, the auras of Red Flame and Ice White had vanished as if washed away. There was no wavering in her demeanor as she stood there, not taking a single step back from the spot. She was untouched by any damage.

"I can't believe……!"

"No way!"

A simultaneous exclamation of disbelief erupted from Frozen Yeomdo and Iceblade's mouth.

"How could this be so stupid?!

Just a moment ago, the two of them were at full strength.

Even if she hadn't been killed, they had thought that serious injuries were inevitable, so the shock of seeing her unharmed was even greater. Holding the Red and Blue Sword, the Nine Heavenly Princess looked at the Ice Sword and spoke in a nonchalant voice.

"Well, that's better than your pathetic self a moment ago. A way to deal with the Nine-Linked Sucking Star. Did you come up with that?"

Meeting her gaze, Binggum flinched involuntarily and replied.


"A fish sword technique…… wasn't a bad idea. If we don't make direct contact, there's no way the energy will be absorbed."

Displaying the Red Flame and Bing Bai held in his two hands before them, Mu Hua said.

"If it had been a little sharper, it might have cut the skin, not just the hem."

Lady Gutian lifted up both of her sleeves and said. Her sleeves were raggedly torn, as if she had been assaulted.

"I never thought you'd catch……"

That was Binggum's honest sentiment.

"After all, it's a type of illusory sword, and if you can see through it, it's not impossible to capture it with the Muk Lin Heavenly Hand. Not to mention this Wheel of Flame, whose trajectory is simple and its power is ignorant. What is this, a bunch of unfinished food?"

As Mu Hua's gaze suddenly turned to him while he was talking to Bing Sword, Yeomdo's face flushed deeply with embarrassment.

"Sin, I'm sorry."

I said it reflexively. I couldn't figure out why I should be yelling at my opponent in the middle of a life-or-death struggle, and why I didn't have any complaints about it.

"Take it."

Mu Hua threw the Red Flame and Ice Bag he was holding to Yin Dao and Ice Sword. The two of them caught the flying dao and sword in their hands and asked with puzzled faces.

"Does this mean……. You mean you're going to let us go?"

Mu Hua shook his head and said.

"Be not mistaken. How can the mistress of Shinmaga take the lives of unarmed children?"

In other words, it was time to pick up the weapon and give it one last go.

Still, the attack from earlier had worked, so Salt and Ice Sword felt like they had gained some ground. Had he read their minds? Mu Hua looked at the two of them with his deep blue eyes and quietly opened his mouth.

"There's nothing to like. You don't really think her martial arts are just a single cultivation technique, do you?"

Her words hit both of their eardrums like a thunderbolt.

"I will teach you with my sleeve, Ben Sang, why your star sign is called the Nine Heavens."

He looked over to where his daughters were standing and commanded.


Then Gal Hyo-yin, the eldest daughter of the Eight Immortals, who had been silently watching the fight, opened a rectangular box on her back and took out an object that looked like a long stick wrapped in a cloth. Hyo-yin walked over, respectfully supporting it with both hands, carefully unwrapped the cloth, and held it out in front of Mu-hua.

"That, that's……."

The eyes of Yidao and Iceblade widened as they waited to see what terrifying recruit was inside. Wrapped in layers, it was the wooden sword of a Saccaman.

"…Isn't that a wooden sword?"

It was a slightly curved wooden sword with no hilt.

"Aye, it's called the Heavenly Ink Sword, and it's been decades since I've pulled it out to face an enemy."

Raising his Sacramental Wooden Sword and Xiantian Silk Sword, Mu Hua said with a wistful gaze.

"Haven't you heard from your master that her organs are the sword arts?"

Such a thing was out of the question. But neither of them had time to argue now.

Standing in front of them, holding the Heavenly Silk Sword, her aura was reminiscent of the dark night sky. Just from the way she stood, it was obvious how much of a sword master she was.

"The Nine Heavens of Breathing is only a manifestation of the Fourth Heaven of the Nine Heavenly Divine Gong, the Beiming Heavenly Sea Divine Gong. Now I will show you the eighth of the nine heavens, the Eighth Heaven, the Sword Heaven."

He turned to the two stunned faces and added, "I'm sorry.

"You can go to the afterlife and boast about it, having died under the sword of the Sword Heaven, the Nine Heavenly Genius Sword!"

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