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Book 27 Chapter 7

Live work permit

-Please do me a favor

Was it because of Ok's guidance?

After passing through the outer walls of the city, they were able to reach the area of the four branches almost unchallenged. Even from a distance, they could sense that they were getting closer. Not long after passing through the outer wall, they could smell the strong scent of medicinal herbs. They walked towards the direction where the scent was getting stronger and stronger.

The men of the Fourth Battalion were unusually dressed. Everyone wore white plain robes over their uniforms, so the men who weren't wearing white stood out.

"Oh no, aren't you Captain Jade!"

Two members of the Fourth Battalion rushed over to greet her, and the same sentiment flashed through Bi Ryuyeon's mind as she looked at their faces.

"Are these two really congressmen?

They were distractingly large, both with short, flat haircuts as if they had been scalped, and their faces bore three long scars. Each one was long and deep, and not the result of ordinary work, and their brawny forearms seemed more suited to beating people than saving them. I almost wondered if this was a councilman's den or a thug's den.

"And what's that blood?

Their white cotton robes were streaked with bright red blood. The white gloves on their hands, above the cuffs, were all red with blood, and they each held a sharp sword.

"What the hell was I doing here?

He looked like he'd just grabbed a bunch of people.

The more I looked at them, the more bizarre it was to see them smiling at Ok Yoo-kyung, but she didn't seem to mind, as if she was familiar with their appearance.

"Where is Captain Bullock?"

Ok asked.

"You're where you always are. You've been making progress on your research."

"That's something to celebrate."

"Yes, that's right, but these people are……."

The man with the scar on his right eyebrow asked as he scanned Bi Ryuyeon and her companions, his gaze lingering on Hyun-woon in particular for a considerable amount of time as she carried the Namgung Mountain.

In a flash, their eyes lit up.

It wasn't a life. It was a kind of aspiration. It was a physician's desire to treat patients with his hands.

He was ready to rush in to treat Sansan. They were about to rob the patient. But they held their ground, perhaps because they had Yue Jing with them.

"These are my guests. And as you can see, they're for Captain Bullock."

"Oh no… I'm going to tell the boss……."

"That's a waste."

"We can fix it just fine……."

At the mention of a patient who would be seen by the chief himself, the two men looked deeply discouraged.

"I see you haven't received a red cross, so you don't have a congressional license yet, do you?"

In the Fourth Generation, there was a strange tradition of carving a red cross of equal length on all sides for those who passed the council exam.

To receive a red cross, or red letter, is to become a full-fledged member of Congress. Then the two men cried out.

"No problem, you don't have a license either!"

"Sure, you need to see a lot of patients to improve your skills and pass your exams, right? The medical board exams are only two months away, and from now on it's going to come down to who has the most clinical experience!"

The group thought at the same time.

'No problem. There's a lot of them…….'

What was wrong with this generation of humans? It seemed that none of them had a normal way of thinking, not even Uihao House.

"You said Captain Bullock is always where he is, right?"

"Yes? Yes."

"I have a patient, so I have to hurry. I hope I pass my board exam."

"Yes! Thank you, Captain Jade!

Otherwise, there might be more innocent victims. That's why her students are always reluctant to come here to see her.

"Follow me."

As if she had been here many times before, she walked briskly forward, and finally arrived at a pavilion located in the deepest part of the Four Great Houses. The name of the pavilion was Sengsha. Stopping in front of it, she looked back and said, "I'm sorry.

"Did you see those two just now?"

Bi Ryuyeon nodded.

"Just think of the people in here as being many times crankier than those people."

Ok said as if it were a final warning.

What kind of people are these…….

Kiyibin. The door to life and death has been opened.

"Yuck, it's hot!"

Their first sensation was that it was hot, and their second was, "Yuck, that smell!

A terrible medicinal aroma emanated from within, unparalleled to the one he'd experienced when he'd entered the fourth generation's domain.

The scent was suffocating, and I wondered if it wasn't a medicinal scent, but a poisonous one. It was a terrifying sensation, like a black cloud pouring out.

Dozens of medicinal baths were lined up on the left and right, and all of them were lit, so that the place was as hot as a forge for quenching iron.

In the midst of all the black clouds and medicinal baths sat a man who must have been nine stories tall. The two men from earlier seemed like children compared to this man's size. His muscles were much more bulging and hard. Wearing only a thin, sleeveless robe from the heat, he stared at the medicine men.

"Didn't your sister tell you to be careful about opening the door when you're making medicine because it changes the firepower, and you'll need to have your eardrums dilated to wake up?"

The big man snarled and turned his head, his eyes more like those of a murderer than a councilman. But his gaze softened when he saw the man standing outside the door.

"What, it's Captain Jade. I thought it was our stupid assistant again."

"May I come in, Captain Bullock?"

He was about ten years older than her, so she was being somewhat polite to him.

"Come in."

"This is no Xu Tian.

That was her first thought when she saw his biceps peeking through his vest. Her second thought was, "Is he really a congressman?

A giant of a man, nine feet tall, with stitches running diagonally across his face and a handful of graying hair. Fingers so thick they could tear a sheet of steel like a sheet of paper, and muscles of steel that could surpass even the most skilled practitioners of the physical arts.

It was one of those things where you're like, "Is this a real congressman?" and you're like, "Is this a real congressman?

"You're a congressman."

He scanned the faces of the people, then spoke up.

"Well, how do you do that?"

People were stunned, as if they'd been caught red-handed.

"Because I'm used to it."

He was so used to seeing people's questioning faces that he could read the suspicion in their expressions.

Of course, Bi Ryuyeon wasn't surprised by this, but he was also quite intrigued by it.

"That's a great set of muscles, how come a congressman doesn't just practice medicine?"

It was a body I could never achieve by neglecting to train.

"Medicine is stamina. If you don't have the stamina, you're not going to be able to do much of anything. The medical field is a battlefield. Only the strongest survive the battlefield."

It was an unusual mindset for a congressman.

"Why would you do that?"

"Because it is the 'former' that I want to cultivate!"

There was no hesitation in his answer.

"War Doctor?"

But it seemed to have a similar but slightly different meaning.

"Yes, before the war, Congressman, before the war!"

He was always training his staff for the extreme situation of a war-like mass patient outbreak. In peacetime, there might be less than ten patients a day, but in war, there could be hundreds of patients in a single examination. Saving patients who are falling into the pit of death in the fastest way possible was the goal of the war.

In order to save lives on the harsh battlefield, you need to build a body that can cope with extreme conditions at any time. In the extreme conditions of war, a lawmaker must also become a warrior. It was an extreme way of thinking, but he was always training his men for the worst.

"Captain Jade, what are you doing here, during a state of emergency? I thought you were off the island, away from the council?"

Ok Yoo-kyung is about to attend a meeting of the chiefs, but is interrupted by a sudden visit from Jang Hong.

"Oh, I had an emergency at the time."

"Was it so urgent that you couldn't make it to the emergency captain's meeting?"

"Yes, it was as important as finding evidence that my husband was cheating on me."

"That must have been a big deal. If you ever need a poison to get rid of that cheating husband, let me know. Cause that's what's lying around here."

Hearing that, Jang Hong's face fell.

"Oh, that was just a metaphor. If that really happened, why bother borrowing poison when the sword in my hand is enough?"

"Sure. Then tell me if you want to know where I can stab you and it will only hurt and not kill you. I can always give you the anatomy."

Jang Hong's face turned pale beyond red at the blunt words.

"Uh-oh, so that was just a metaphor, but that sounds like a lot of useful knowledge, and I'll have to take a lesson later."

"I have a good book, I'll lend it to you later."

"Let's not say no then."

Jang Hong, whose face had already turned ashen, decided that he would definitely burn the book later.

"And does your visit here have anything to do with that urgent matter?"

"Well, I guess you could say that."

"Do you have any patients that are urgent, that you need to take care of yourself, that you want me to take care of?"

"Yes, yes, I have a patient, Captain Bullock, that I need you to see. A patient whose life is on the line."

"Any patient must have my permission to die in this room."

It was a rabid confidence.

"That's very Captain Bullock of you, I can believe it."

Yue Kyung made a gesture, and Hyun Yun stepped forward, carrying Sansan. His sharp gaze swept across Sansan's pale face.

"Hmm, fairly severe wounds, blast wound, back looks like a shrapnel wound, cause is shock, excessive blood loss."

In no time at all, they figure out the cause.

"Yes, that's right, he's been in a coma ever since he was caught in the blast of a cluster bomb. Can you revive him?"

At Hyun-woon's words, Bulakgukchuk made a face.

"Who do you think I am?"

He replied in an unpleasant tone.

"Sin, I'm sorry."

Hyunwoon apologized for the fumbling.

"Although this woman is on the brink of death, she can be saved if the councilor is willing."

"Go, thank you."

Hyun-woon bowed his head in pleasure at the prospect of being saved.

"But I'm not going to save it."

I cut to the chase and said.

"How can you say you can save him, but you won't, and you're a congressman?"

Hyun-woon's head snapped up and he shouted.

"She's not one of ours, is she?"

The question made Hyunwoon cringe.

"We are an official delegation from the Heavenly Martial Academy, and you are obligated to treat us."

"And an intruder."



"I can't imagine these wounds being inflicted by students. Besides, the scar on her shoulder and the abrasions on yours are from a fight with the South Sea King. These wounds, which are neither sword slashes nor spear impalements, were inflicted by his betrothed, am I right?"


A wound is a wound, and you can tell at a glance which wound was inflicted by whom.

"I can't help but notice that you're walking around proclaiming yourself an invader, and now you're asking me to cure the invader that has invaded this temple."

"Wait a minute, Captain Bullock, they did this for a reason."

Ok tried to explain.

"I'm not interested in reasons, Captain Jade."

All he cared about was fighting and beating the mysterious disease, which was the real game he was in.

"But you'd better listen, because you're one of the Fourteen Thousand and Three."

It meant that if you were sitting there, you were responsible, whether you liked it or not.

"Okay, tell me about it."

He didn't seem inclined to listen very carefully, but Yue Yun proceeded to recount the events that had transpired so far, especially the danger of the Heavenly Frightening Spirit's presence in this demonic pavilion and the fact that some of the captains might have already joined its ranks, and the identity of the man who had kidnapped the daughter of the Spiritual Master Nie Bai Tian, and that he was at the head of this place.

"Hmm, yeah. It's a curse……. I don't care, as long as we get a lot of fresh patients."

The response was quite unexpected.

"Captain, you can't be serious about that, can you?"

Her shout was filled with anger. She was ready to draw her sword if she had to.

"It was a joke, so don't get too upset. Excitement disrupts the flow of qi in the body and causes waste to accumulate. Excessive anger is harmful to the body."

"I didn't get excited, you did!"

Ok protested again.

"You used to be so much calmer, but in the few days I haven't seen you, you've gone into a temper tantrum, like a back-scratching wife. Did your husband cheat on you somewhere and then come back?"

"Well, how do you do that……."

Can a name really know that much about a person's personal history just by looking at their status?

"I know that was a joke, but did you really think that was a metaphor……."

With those words, Okuyukyung's mouth was shut. Behind her, Jang Hong muttered in frustration, "I didn't cheat, did I?" but no one was listening.

"Very well. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on the possibility of infiltration, but that's not the same as this."

By "this," I mean the treatment at Namgungsan Mountain.


Interrupting Ok Yoo-kyung who was about to protest, Bulakgukchuk said.

"But I've seen the look on your face, Captain Seventh, and I'll consider it if you grant me one condition."

Ok Yukyung didn't even listen to what was said.


That's when Hyunwoon stepped forward.

"What are those conditions? I'll do anything to save the mountain."

Hyun-woon assured him. Hyun-woon's face was filled with anxiety as he carried Namgungsansan, who hadn't even been laid to rest yet.

"You'd better not make such assurances so easily, young man."

Ok warned.


The answer was obvious.

"Why, because he's putting his life on the line."

Before Hyun-woon could answer, Bulakguk chimed in.

"Uh-huh, that sounds pretty epic when you put it that way. It's simple. I've got a drug I'm working on, and you can take it. I just need a clinical patient to see how it works."

As Hyun-woon was about to nod his head, Ok Yoo-kyung stopped him.

"You must have misspoken the poison instead of the medicine, Captain Bulakchuk."

Okuyukyung's retort stunned the others. Only Bi Ryuyeon's long bangs made it impossible to tell what kind of expression she was wearing.


Bulakguchuk shrugged his shoulders as if he couldn't understand their reaction.

"Medicine is poison in the wrong hands, and poison is medicine in the right hands. In the world of medicine, the distinction between medicine and poison is irrelevant."

"And may I know the name of the 'medicine' that the captain intends to feed you?"

Of course, there was no reason to hide it.

"Of course. The name of the drug is 'Mandok'."


To the horror of everyone in the room, the polite man exclaimed.

"Wait a minute, isn't that the name of a medicine, it's not a medicine, it's twelve poisons, and isn't that the name of something that smells so poisonous you'll die if you even run your tongue over it?"

"What's the big deal? I've told you before, medicine and poison are one and the same. Medicine can be poison if overused, and poison can be medicine at times. Is it so strange for a senator to study poison?"

He had said it was medicine, but he had subtly changed it to poison. Even Jang Hong cringed.

"This guy is……! That's not what's important right now!"

"What's not to like? Studying poisons means studying their antidotes, and it's crucial if we're to avoid falling prey to their tricks. Captain Jade is one of the Thousand Thirty-Three Captains, so he should be well aware of that fact."

He really was a man of few words. Okuyukyung sighed and replied.

"I don't think you're taking issue with the idea and the intent, you're taking issue with the method."

"What's wrong with the method? Do you think there can be progress without sacrifice? How many lives do you think need to be scattered like fallout before a single cure is found?"


"There is no progress without sacrifice. Don't forget that the treatment you're receiving has come at the expense of hundreds of thousands, nay, millions of lives. Medical advances made through endless failure and sacrifice. Don't you think it's wonderful that more deaths are necessary to increase human longevity?"

"Does that mean you have to do human trials…and use one of us!"

Hyo-ryong tries, but Bulakguchuk doesn't budge.

"Sure. We've already tested on animals several times. All that's left is humans, and I've been procrastinating because we haven't had any volunteers lately."

You must have said victims, not applicants……. Jang Hong shook his head in annoyance.

"You're wrong, this crazy congressman isn't communicating at all, he's just saying what he wants to say."

"I'm close to completing the poison. In order to do so, I need someone to volunteer to be a test subject, no more, just one, and I will cure her."

"Big, big, big."

There were groans from around the room.

"For your information, you'd better act fast. In the coming days, the young lady's life will be irrevocably lost. Now, what are you going to do? I won't force you to do it if you don't want to. But I have no further business with you, and I want you out of my company."

That's when Hyunwoon stepped forward and said.

"I'll do it."

His eyes were filled with hard determination.

"Good idea, don't worry about it. I'm a senator after all, and I don't play around with people's lives."

"You mean?"

"And, of course, there's the 'antidote'."

He pulled out a blue pill.

"You should have said that sooner, you dumbass nerd!

We all shouted that at the same time.

"Well, I don't know if they'll listen or not."


A small glow of relief spreads across the room, but then everyone's faces harden again.

"A poison is only complete when it has an antidote. A poison without an antidote is nothing more than death-inducing filth. Only a fool would create something he cannot control. The true test of a poison in the Martial Realm is not how deadly it is, but how freely it can be controlled by human hands."

An uncontrolled weapon was a double-edged sword that could destroy your body at any moment, and to mass-produce such a thing was simply the height of folly.

"So in order to complete the poison, I need to make an antidote to neutralize it. Do you understand?"

"You're telling me to take a red pill and then a blue pill."

"Right. If you eat those two and live, the poison is complete. If you die, it will remain incomplete. Would you still do it?"

In any case, Hyun-woon had to risk his life.

"I haven't changed my mind, we're running out of time, let's get started."

"That's quite the spirit, my friend. Good, I'll let that girl live whether you live or die."

"Thank you, that promise alone is quite reassuring."

At this point, Bi Ryuyeon, who had been silently observing the situation from the side, raised her hand to stop Hyun-woon. Although she was a suspicious councilor, she couldn't force herself to intervene because she had to save Sansan by making him use his hands voluntarily, but when Hyun-woon said something irreversible, she couldn't watch anymore.

"Are you sure you're okay with that?"

His voice was neutral, not heavy, not light.

"Yes, I can live with that, big brother."


Stars flashed before Hyun-woon's eyes.

"Big brother, big brother, go, why, why are you suddenly hitting me?"

"You stupid loan shark, let's get a few more hits in."

Bi Ryuyeon unceremoniously slapped Hyun-woon on the head for making such a big decision.


"Ouch, ouch, ouch, why are you hitting me?"

It's not every day that I get beaten up by my big brother, but when I do, I wish I knew why.

"Didn't I tell you that the hardest debt in the world to pay is the debt of the heart? Did I or didn't I?"

"Ha, you did."

What does that have to do with this? Hyun-woon had no clue.

"Tsk, tsk, then how much do you owe Sansan?"


"When Sansan comes back to life, he'll be so happy to know that you've been looking for him. What, you'll let Sansan live whether you die or not, and you're grateful just for the promise, you fool?"

"Well, that's……."

Hyunwoon was left speechless.

"You, you're going to make Sanshan feel indebted to you for the rest of her life, so that she'll be troubled for the rest of her life thinking of you? You're a very bad man."

Suddenly, Hyun-woon felt like the bad guy in the whole world. Hyun-woon had a point.

"But once you're alive, you're either going to suffer or not!"

Not realizing that my life was worthless, I shouted at Bi Ryuyeon. As soon as I shouted, I said, "Ouch!" and "Ouch!" but it was too late.

"That's right!

But it wasn't a fist that flew.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

Bi Ryuyeon once again clicked her tongue in disbelief.

"Dullness! I mean, it's not live or die, it's live or die! Don't die! Live by grit! Do you understand?"

With the intention of driving those words into his brain, Bi Ryuyeon dug her fingers into Hyun-woon's forehead.

"Well, that's a lot of pressure……."

"Or you'll die at my hands, and even as a ghost, you can expect to be beaten by me!"

A chill ran down my spine as I realized that if I were a big brother, I could probably beat up ghosts.

"Yes, Big Brother, I will survive."

Fighting back tears that threatened to fall, Hyun-woon replied firmly.

However, that assurance was short-lived once I saw the experiment in action.

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!

A rat goes on a rampage. It rampages, ready to smash the cage in which it lives. His eyeballs are white and his mouth is foaming at the mouth. His behavior makes people feel sick to their stomachs.

Boom! Boom!

The rat is blistered all over, like it's bubbling. More and more bubbles come out of his mouth, and they begin to melt the rat's body. The vesicles burst, and the ooze from them covers the rat's entire body, and it finally dies.

"This, this……."

The surprise came next. The rat's entire body began to bubble and slowly melt away. It was a terrifying phenomenon, as if a barrel of volcanic ash had been thrown at it. Soon, only a handful of blood remained in its place.

The whole process took only a few minutes. It all happened just a few hours earlier, after a man with a diagonal scar across his face had thrown him a delicious-looking red pill.

Pfft, pfft, pfft.

Watching the scene from the beginning, Bi Ryuyeon's group could only stare in disbelief. They didn't know what else to do.

"Yeah, why are you running your mouth like a breathless crucian carp?"

At this moment, everyone's hearts merged into one. Even Mo Yonghui asked in a trembling voice, as if his heart had been broken.

"Are you asking Hyun-woon to eat that?"

"Yeah. And?"

"But what's the big deal, if you melt down, you don't need it!"

I cried out, my politeness overwhelming me. "It's only if there's a body left to eat the antidote that the poison can be detoxified." That's right. The red pills he had thrown into the rat cage earlier were the "Man Poison" he had recently developed with great care. And you can see the result.

"Don't worry. It's just a 'thing' that happened because the rat was too small and its body couldn't handle the poison. It doesn't dissolve like that when eaten by a human who weighs dozens of times as much as it does. So rest assured."

What kind of a freakin' tenderloin are you, you conscienceless maniac?

Once again, everyone's minds were united.


A dry lump formed in Hyun-woon's throat. His throat felt strangely burning, and he was thirsty.

To his ears, the words sounded like nothing more than an invitation to die in peace.

"If you don't like it, give it up. I'm not going to force you to think about it, and I'm not going to test you on animals. Well, I won't cure you."

"That's called coercion, you crazy congressman!

Everyone in the group was cursing in their minds. Whether it was because of the bad land or the bad background, there seemed to be a lot of strange characters in the castle.


"Hmm, we're about 50\/50, so make a decision quickly."

After that time, it was time to give up on life.

"I've already made up my mind, please, I'll take that red pill."

Hyunwoon was determined.


Bi Ryuyeon didn't say anything. It was already too late to stop this fool. If she had a little more time, she might have been able to find a way to fix the mountain, even if it was just by beating this crazy councilor……. Time was too short, and the stakes too high, for such a cumbersome method.

"Yeah, good idea. Here, eat."

Hyun-woon glanced down at the red pill in his hand before looking up at Namgung San-san's face as he lay on the treatment bed.

"Sansan, if I wake up safely, I have a message for you: live, live, live, so I can hear your nagging voice again."

Then he looked toward Bi Ryuyeon.


But Bi Ryuyeon shook her head and turned away.

"I don't want to hear it."


"I'll hear the rest when you wake up, and I'm telling you, I'm not responsible."


"You're responsible for the mountain. I'm not responsible."

Suddenly, Hyun-woon realized. Dae-hyung knew what he was trying to say. That he knows what he's trying to say, but he's deliberately not listening.

"Yes, Big Brother."

Hyun-woon squeezed his eyes shut and swallowed the red pill, Man-dok.

The effect was immediate.


After swallowing the poison, Hyun-woon fell to his knees and began to convulse, his mouth gurgling and spitting out black blood. The accumulated inner qi in his body moved to drive out the poison, but it was too little, too late.

"What are you doing, not giving him his meds!"

Jang Hong shouted in an urgent voice, but Bulakgukchuk didn't budge.

"Wait. You're not fully poisoned yet. Right now you're just spreading the poison throughout your body."

Coughing up blood, Hyun-woon coughed for a moment, his whole body shaking and convulsing, then he clutched at his throat and moaned in agony as he choked. Somehow, he managed to open his mouth wide enough to breathe, but a poisonous liquid mixed with black blood and saliva oozed from the corners of his mouth. It was a horrible sight to behold, but only Bi Ryuyeon watched Hyun Yun without turning away. When Hyun-woon had no more strength to resist, he fell to the ground and flinched several times. Soon, his entire body was blackened to every inch of skin, and his long, stretched-out body stopped breathing.

"Hey, isn't that dead? It's not breathing! Use your hands, quickly!"

When Jang Hong saw that Hyun Yun's breath was gone, he clenched his fists and cried out, his voice shaking with rage.

"Don't fuss, he's not dead yet, he's just in a state of domestication. It's called 'total intoxication'. He may not be breathing, but he's taking very, very long breaths, and his heart is beating very, very slowly. The important thing is now."

Held captive, Bulakgukchuk drew a blue pill from his bosom.

"I'm going to administer the antidote 'Manhae' now."

The blue pill went into Hyun-woon's mouth. After hitting a few points, the pill turned to water and slid down his throat. How could he have the strength to swallow the pill when he was so beaten that he wondered if he had already stopped breathing?

Now Hyun-woon's life depended on the efficacy of the blue pill.

For the first time, Bi Ryuyeon's gaze turned to Bulakguchuk, who had been watching with clenched fists and not saying a word. Bi Ryuyeon smiled broadly, a smile on her face. Then she spoke in a dry voice.

"You'd better hope those pills work, or you'll be the next one lying on that floor, savoring how horribly foul your own poison tastes."

He was smiling broadly, but there was no doubt in my mind that his words were the absolute truth.

"Let's get them excited. Now, let's see the patient as promised."

He walked toward the bedridden Namgung Shanshan, and with a simple wave of his hand, a young man in a white robe rushed over and held out a leather pouch.

"This young lady is lucky to have a man who would lay down his life for her. We will begin treatment now."

He sat down in front of Namgung Sansan's bed and spread out a leather pouch beside him, filled with dozens of needles of varying lengths and thicknesses and dozens of differently shaped knives and tongs. Bulak Gücük flipped the namgungsansan over and removed her top. Her back, which should have been smooth and beautiful, was now ravaged by splinters of wood. Only the larger splinters had been roughly removed, but there were still many that hadn't been pulled out.


Bulakguchuk snorted once at the sight, then put on a pair of white gloves made of thin leather on each hand.


She handed him a long golden needle, and without hesitation, he plunged it deep into the nape of Sansan's neck.


The young man standing next to me pulled out a sodo from a leather pouch and handed it to me, labeled with the number three. Then, this time, he raised his left hand and spoke briefly.


The White Lady handed the tongs back to him. And with that, everything was ready.


Life and death boundary medicine (生死境界醫術)

Failure initiated!

At that moment, his hands seemed to split into six, and with great speed and precision, he removed the shards from his back.

'Ohpae' literally means to cut deeply, and it was a festival where surgeons were able to perform surgery as quickly as if one person had grown into three at the same time with the mysterious technique of life-and-death surgery. It was a medical method that came from the idea that quick and proper treatment can make the difference between life and death.


In a flash, the splinters were removed and the large wound closed with stitches. A bandage was quickly placed over it. He returned Nangong Shanshan to her original state, then fed her a tonic pill to restore her strength, and then poured blood all over her body. Then the color slowly returned to Nan Gongshan's face. His arms, which had been divided into six, also returned to their original form.

"You'll be fine now. You're a lucky girl to be alive."

After handing the medical instruments to the white-robed youth and ordering him to sterilize them, Bulak Gücük was satisfied. At that moment, Bi Ryuyeon, who had been expressionlessly scanning Bulak Gücük's medical supplies, muttered to herself.

"You're the lucky one."

Certainly, this man was eccentric, and his values were at odds with those of the rest of the world, but he was certainly skilled.

"That's great."

An exclamation of wonder burst from Jang Hong's mouth.

"Well, yes, but……."

Mo Yonghui was at a loss for words. He didn't know where to put his eyes. Exclamations once again flowed from Jang Hong's mouth.

"Mmm, this is amazing."

Yue Jing's entire body burned red with fury.

"You people, look away from me now! How dare you look at me, I want to die, you!"

Only then did Jang Hong remember, "Aha, that person was next to me," but it was too late. Bulak Gücük's body had been turned in the middle of his treatment, exposing Namgung Shanshan's uncovered chest. It was an unintentional accident, but the men who were confronted with this sudden turn of events were bewildered and unable to look away, so it was not unreasonable for them to incur the wrath of the Jade Lady. The Jade Lady's blood sword was already halfway out of its sheath.

"At the time, yi yi yi, I still can't get over it, yi yi yi yi!"

"Yes, sir!"


The spirit immediately replied, drawing his sword.

"Boo, ma'am, misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

Jang Hong, who had become contemplative, exclaimed in astonishment.

"Question and answer dance!"

And shouted.



The men had to do everything in their power to avoid the swords of two angry women. It was an incident that could have cost them several invoices.

"It's all about the boobs!

What kind of grudge did he have with Chest in his previous life that he deserved this? Jang Hong couldn't help but feel resentful. It was true that he had seen it, but even though he hadn't turned away, it was still an injustice. And since he hadn't warned her beforehand, it was clear that this was all a plot by him to kill her. But, of course, that excuse didn't work for Okuyukyung.

"Man, there's a lot of life and death talk today. Bulak, what's going on?"

If a voice hadn't been heard outside the clinic then, Jang Hong might have died today. When he saw the man standing outside the door, he was pleasantly surprised.

"What's the matter, Captain Nameless, you haven't stepped foot in our direction in a while?"

People were surprised to see that I was so much more cordial than they were used to.

Who the hell is that silver-haired woman?

Only Hyo-Ryong's face was extremely pale.

"Oh, I have a medical appointment."

At that, Bulakgukchuk looked puzzled.

"Captain Nameless, I can't believe you'd come to a place like this, where you never seem to get sick. You've never suffered a single wound, let alone a nagging illness."

He hadn't found a single councilor in the entire time he'd been here, ever since he'd arrived at the Martial Palace. He really wanted to dissect that phenomenon to see if he could figure out why.

"Oh, it's not me, it's this woman who needs treatment."

Bi Ryuyeon's eyes widened when she saw the woman in the man's arms.


The woman was undoubtedly the Na Yerin he had been searching for.

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