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Book 27 Chapter 8

Ryuyeon Bi meets Moo Myung

-New Law Showdown

"What, I'm a Sojae?!"

Why would Na Yerin, the girl who had been kidnapped, suddenly appear in this place? The group's heads turned toward the unknown in unison, startled by Bi Ryuyeon's shout. Held in the arms of a silver-haired man who appeared to be in his late twenties or early thirties was unmistakably Na Yerin.

At that moment, Bi Ryuyeon's body turned white, and she suddenly appeared in front of Mu Mu's nose. At the same time, she stretched out her hand towards Na Yerin.

It wasn't too late to figure out this man's identity after I got Yerin back, but something strange happened. I thought I had made contact, but his hand was stealing through the air. The nameless man had taken half a step back.

"You've seen my pure body!

The technique he had just performed was simple, but it was so fast that to the casual observer, it would appear as if he had disappeared with a poof. It's called "teleportation," and it's only attainable by those who have reached the peak of their cultivation. Those who surpassed it were said to have attained the 'Shrinking Land', but that was only a legendary state, so in fact, Shunshin was the ultimate divine law.

Furthermore, Bi Ryuyeon's hand had also extended into a square that he felt he could not dodge. Even a peak cultivator shouldn't be able to defend against a move like that, and yet that nameless person had just seen through it completely. It was the first time since his time as a master that a technique had been so completely exposed. He was no ordinary person.

"Are you the same damn Seocheon?"

Looking straight at Mu Myung, Bi Ryuyeon asked.

"Seocheon? What does seocheon mean? I'm not that."

Mu Ming shook his head. She had no idea what the hell Bi Ryuyeon was talking about.

"You're asking me if you're the West Heavenly Destroyer, and you're not going to tell me you don't know who he is?"

"Well, I know it's a spirit, but I'm a bit forgetful, and unless I've forgotten that, I don't think I've ever been a ninja."

"Ho-ho, you're going to deny it and see, is that it? If so, I guess I'll just have to force it to blow."

In the windless weather, Bi Ryuyeon's robes began to flutter wildly.

That's when Hyo-ryong interrupted.

"Wait a minute, Ryuyeon!"

"What's the matter, Dragon, can't we talk about this later, unless it's urgent?"

Right now, Bi Ryuyeon had an urgent need that she wouldn't trade for anything, but Hyorong shook his head.

"He's right, Ryuyeon. Captain Nameless was the founder of the Heavenly Pavilion. I'm not afraid of him."

The capabilities of the Unknown Captain were truly unknown. The bottom was unknown. It was extremely dangerous to fight now.

"That's true, but you seem to know me, and I wonder if we've met before? Well, come to think of it, I kind of recognize you……."

Hyorong hastily turned his face to the side.

"Oh, no, I only said it because I'm familiar with Captain Nameless' name."

"Is that so? That's weird……."

Hyo-Ryong patted his chest, thinking that his forgetfulness had never been so fortunate as today.

"Wow, I can't believe our captain has a proper name, all this time we've been teasing him about being a demented captain, blackblackblack!"

Hyo-ryong's words moved Jang Ji-ok, who was practicing next to him, to tears.

Of course, not only had he met Mu Ming, but he had also studied martial arts under him. However, there was no benefit to revealing that fact now.

After a moment's thought, she asked again.

"Okay, so let's assume you're not, and if you are, why are you carrying a stunned Yerin?"

It's no wonder her eyes widened at the sight.

"That's just a coincidence."

The mute didn't hesitate to answer.

"Accidentally? You expect me to believe that now? That's the kind of thing that makes me laugh out loud."

"Believe it or not, it's true. Most things in the world happen by chance and coincidence. It's only in the world of stories that things are inevitable."

Moo Myung thought it was even weirder that it was Bi Ryu Yeon who was arguing.

"Then we'll get our Yerin back, okay?"

She didn't like the fact that another man was carrying her. To get her back, she walked in front of him and extended her left hand. However, her hand was quickly blocked by an unknown hand.

"Lol, that's a no-no."

Mu Ming laughed as he blocked her hand. Bi Ryuyeon's body stopped flinching, and his voice lowered a notch.

"Ho-ho, why not?"

"Why do you want to take her away? I can't give a fainted girl to just anyone, not once I've picked her up."

The atmosphere was starting to get even more tense.

"Why take her? Because her place is beside me, and it's only natural for things to go their own way."

Bi Ryuyeon said with a bright smile on her face. All the while, their arms remained crossed and unmoving. Although they seemed to be at a standstill, there was a fierce struggle going on between them.

"That's even more suspicious, and besides, that's your word, not hers. How do you know if you're her friend or foe?"

"Isn't it a coworker, and you can tell by the way he looks?"

"I don't even recognize Chuck, but I can't hand her over to a bunch of strangers anyway."

The air is pulled tighter and tighter and vibrates as the mute begins to insist.

In a subtly sinister atmosphere, Jang Hong marveled at the silver-haired man's skill.

'Author, Ryuyeon, I can't believe you blocked that friend's attack so easily…….'

The current battle seemed simple enough, but invisible forces and momentum were clashing furiously at a single point in the air. The skill of a nameless person blocking an attack from a person of Bi Ryuyeon's stature with one hand, while holding a person, without moving a single step, was astonishing. Above all, there were only smiles on their faces. No, the more violent the momentum became, the more violent the smiles became.

"Well, I don't need permission to go to Yerin in the first place, I just take what I can get, and that's the best thing for someone who can't talk."

At that, Mu Myung laughed, as if he was actually amused.

"Ho, ho, you're going to take it on the chin? That's fun. That's going to be fun, hahahaha!"

Bi Ryuyeon smiled back.

"I'm glad you're having fun. Here, let me get Yerin."

Withdrawing her clashing hands, Bi Ryuyeon quickly stretched out her right hand towards Na Yerin again. Her right hand had already been stripped of the Mighty Dragon Ring, so its speed was no match for her left hand.


Her right hand sliced through the air like a bolt of lightning, its speed like a flash in the darkness. This time, I've succeeded, she thought.

But to his surprise, a nameless right hand blocked his, and his left hand was quickly drawn back to embrace Na Yerin.

"It doesn't work! I shouldn't have said no!"

But even as they spoke, they were both surprised.

"You just blocked a blow!

"You made me use my right hand!

Neither of them could believe what was happening. If I hadn't been holding Na Yerin, I would have had to use both hands.

She was the first to get out of the way of the impact, so she was the first to move.

Bi Ryuyeon used the climactic phrase "soon-shin" again to pressure Moo-myung again.

"I said no."

The mute had stepped back a chapter, holding Na Yerin in his arms. It seemed to say, "I've already seen your tricks.

"That's an amazing trick for holding a person."

The voice came from behind her back. Before she knew it, she was on his back. He stretched out his hand toward the defenseless man, but his hand flicked through the air in vain.

"I appreciate the compliment."

The words startled Bi Ryuyeon, and before he knew it, Mu Ming was behind him, carrying Na Yerin. He was quite confident in the Divine Law, but he had been caught out twice in a row.

"You're a bit of a circus performer, aren't you?"

"You too."

Although there was no victory or defeat, in the new law, Bi Ryuyeon was outnumbered by half, for she was carrying a person, and her movements had to be slowed down accordingly. Still, she couldn't catch up.

"I should really do this."

Held back by an unknown person, Bi Ryuyeon's newborn split into four and surrounded the unknown person.

"The four alter egos!"

Inwardly, Mu Myung was surprised by the new products that seemed to have sprung up everywhere at the same time.

"Here, give me Yerin back."

Bi Ryuyeon's hand stretched out like lightning from east to west and north to south, but just as she thought she had it, the nameless shadows scattered like a mirage.

"An illusion!"

The eyes of the four Bi Ryuyeons turned to the air. There, about two zhang away from the ground, stood the figure carrying Na Yerin. He quickly stepped out of the five zhang with five kicks, as if he had a foothold in thin air, and landed on the roof of the building across the street.

"Empty steps!"

It was an ascending form of tumbling that used the air as a springboard to move at high speeds. It was a festival that combined the two.

There were different levels of practice, depending on how many footholds you could use to move your body freely in the air. According to Kang Ho, the highest level of the Kunlun School's self-discipline, the "Yunlong Daegu Style," is the nine changes in the air.

But five times in midair while carrying a person, and it's all done with such lightness that it doesn't seem to hurt.

"Don't belittle me."

How to use the Flying Thunder Gate Poisonous Moon Divination Technique

Phoenix Dance Righteousness (奧義)

Phoenix Bun Tian (鳳凰飜天) Five Ceremonies

Bi Ryuyeon kicked the air in succession. Five kicks later, she was on top of the man's head.

A tooth for a tooth and a tooth for a tooth.

Phoenix Wing (鳳凰分影) Phantom Wing (幻想翼)

Finally, Bi Ryuyeon's new foothold in the air, not to soar upwards but to slam downwards, split into six in an instant.

Going straight from empty promises to alter egos.

Bi Ryuyeon's six new forms rushed toward Mu Ming, one palm outstretched in front of his nose.

She didn't hesitate.

Lightning Blade Sword Qi Righteousness

Chapters in the Book of the Phoenix (片翼鳳凰)

Five Thunderbolts (五雷刃)

Three beams of light erupted from Bi Ryuyeon's right hand. It was a swift attack that Mu Ming, holding Na Yerin, could never dodge. Finally, Mu Mu let go of Na Yerin in his arms. Now he just needed to catch her before she fell.

At that moment, a pair of nameless hands moved bizarrely in the air, drawing a perfect circle. The next moment, five streaks of lightning bolts shot out in all directions. A rush of attacks with wall-like speed had been dispelled in a single blow.

"Huaqing? No way!"

A view that bends the senses?

Originally, it would have been correct if the bolt had pierced the hilt. This is because a normal bolter would never be able to stop a lightning bolt.

After shaking off O'Loughlin, Mu Myung tried to pick up Na Yerin again.

While I was shocked that the blade had bounced, I wasn't about to let a nameless hand take a chance on Na Yerin.

"Here you go!"

She unleashed two bolts of lightning at Mu Mu again. This time, Mu Mu ducked out of the way of the two flashes, and a wry smile appeared on her face.


This time, it wasn't about attacking a nameless person. As the thunderbolt wrapped around Na Yerin's falling body, Bi Ryuyeon, who had been waiting for the moment, immediately tugged on the thunderbolt. Na Yerin's body floated into the air, light as a feather.

"Oops, I meant to say 'I'll take it,' my bad."

Bi Ryuyeon descended from thin air and picked up Na Yerin with care and tenderness, as if she were handling the most precious treasure in the world, and then she landed on the ground with the weightlessness of a feather.

Looking down at her sheepishly, Bi Ryuyeon gently brushed Na Yerin's disheveled hair behind her ear with one hand. A gentle smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.

"It's been a while, Yerin. It's good to finally see you again."

It was only a day, but it felt like a decade.

"Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?"

Mu Ming tilted his head in bewilderment.

"It's gone, why?"

He looked dazed, as if he couldn't believe what had just happened. He wasn't the only one with a dumbfounded look on his face. His second-in-command, Zhang Ziyao, also seemed to be in disbelief that the captain he trusted like the sky had just lost a bout. Although his forgetfulness bordered on dementia, he had never been pushed around in martial arts before.

"Errr, I didn't think I made a mistake, why?"

Mu Ming crossed his arms and pondered for a moment. Even if he hadn't used his full strength, he still couldn't understand how he could be outclassed by such a young man. His confidence had rarely been shaken before. Suddenly, his interest in the mysterious young man with the long bangs covering his eyes was piqued.

"Why don't you come fight me for 'real' once?"

With a twinkle in his eye, the nameless man said. As if the fight hadn't been real. As if he hadn't given any power at all.


His answer was emphatic.


Mu Myung replied, his face quickly turning grim.

"Because, of course, we need to heal Yerin."

Taking her in, he checked her vitals and found that she was fortunately only severely wounded, but not shattered. Bi Ryuyeon had learned some basic medical skills due to her master's absurd insistence that she should always be prepared to deal with any emergency in order to save on medical expenses. If she had to swallow the red pill like Hyun-woon, she wouldn't have to.

"In that case, don't worry, I'll ask Mr. Bulak to do you a favor. Isn't that right, Mr. Bulak?"

People were surprised to see a stranger, who looked to be in his early thirties, hesitantly refer to a man who looked to be in his forties as a "child." But even more surprising was Bulak Gücük's reaction.

"Haha, I'm a captain now, and I'm no longer the kid you taught, so please stop calling me 'kid'. But if you're asking for it, I can't help it, I'll treat you."

People were horrified to see this eccentric madman nodding meekly to an unknown voice.

"Who the hell is that silver-haired man and what is this insane zealot doing leading his legions around like innocent sheep?

It was a sight you wouldn't believe if you didn't see it.

The only ones who didn't question this strange sight were the Seventh Captain, Okuyukyung, and Hyo-ryong.

"Okay, are we good?"

I asked him to heal me, so we could fight again.

"Well, I'm the kind of guy who doesn't pick fights that don't benefit me."

In fact, once Na Yerin was treated, there was no reason for Bi Ryuyeon to fight.

"Gain? There's that."

He smirked, as if he was glad to be nameless.

"What is that?"

Mu Ming said, smiling widely with an expression so innocent.

"The lives of your friends, of course."

For a moment, Bi Ryuyeon's expression hardened slightly.

"What does that mean?"

In a calm voice, Bi Ryuyeon replied. Whether he realized it or not, Mu Ming continued nonchalantly.

"You're the invaders who came to each of these places today, aren't you? I don't know about you, but you're under orders to be killed. I, for one, am one of the captains of the Thirteen Thousand and One, and what I see is what I get."

There was no change in his expression or in his eyes when he said he was going to kill everyone. It was as if he had no interest in human life and death. No, it wasn't that he wasn't interested, but rather that his eyes seemed to be outside of life and death.

But she intuitively knew that if he said he was going to kill, he was going to kill. He was so close to life and death that he had no qualms about ending a person's life.

"Oh, don't make that shit-faced face. I haven't killed you yet, and I don't like to bully the weak, so if you can get my 'three seconds', I'll overlook the fact that I met you here. You'll save your friends' lives, too, and that's a good enough trade-off, don't you think? All hail, all hail."

His eyes were saying, "Well, if they don't accept it, we can kill the rest of them and then fight." His eyes were as clear and innocent as a child's on such a subject. They looked as if they could kill a man without a speck of flesh in them, and there was no anger in them at the thought of him killing them. It's ridiculous, but I intuitively felt that he was speaking with the innocence of a child, without any malicious intent.

"Hah, you know how to make a deal, I'm going to have to take you up on that."

Bi Ryuyeon said with a sigh. Another useless exercise. There was no reason to fight unless the author was Xu Tian anyway. The problem was that there was no this side, but there was that side.

"Well thought out. You're a smart guy. You'll save me a lot of trouble."

Mu Myung smiled broadly, satisfied with Bi Ryuyeon's answer.

Bi Ryuyeon looked into the eyes of an unknown person.

Eyes that are clear and clean, yet deep and boundless. His eyes are somehow empty. His eyes are empty, perhaps because he is not seeing reality.

Eyes that could hardly be considered human, eyes that were beyond even the basic human emotions of the Five Elements. Despite their seemingly foolish appearance, Yi Yun was unable to recognize their depth.

"Can something with eyes like that be called human?

She had never seen anyone with eyes like that before.

His eyes seemed to see through the world at a glance. How did he see the world? It was a different kind of eye than Na Yerin's.

"Life and death?

No, no, no… I shake my head. Such snow was the stuff of legends. There was no reason for it to be rolling around like this.

But there was a part of me that wasn't so sure.

If it is the one of legend, this fight will not be easy.

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