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Book 27 Chapter 6

National colors (傾國之色)


"Now, why don't you back off?"

"What are you talking about, you're the one who needs to back off, not me!"

"Ho-ho, let's try this, shall we?"

"As you wish."

"Chil-young, you really are a friend who doesn't value life."

"Oh Young, your greed knows no bounds. You did it once, but you want to do it twice."

"We both got one, so it's a tie, you and me, one each."

And this was the second time. It was a golden opportunity to legally bring a meal to a beautiful woman imprisoned in a cage.

So neither of them backs down. They're both already mesmerized by her beauty.

I think it's called a gyeonggukji color?

Neither of them took even half a step backward. Decades of friendship were meaningless in the face of this moment.

"Okay, game on!"

The two put everything they had into the fight.

Scissors, Rock, Paper, Scissors!

The battle was finally won.

Zhang Aoyoung was overjoyed. He'd just won another round in the battle of who would bring the meal.


He was a henchman, a henchman in the service of the Western Sky. Unlike his colleague Lee Chil-young, who had remained a virgin for thirty years, he was not a virgin; he had already experienced many women. But even now, his heart was pounding like a fifteen-year-old boy in love for the first time. He wondered if his eardrums would be damaged by the pounding.

When it's your turn to eat, you can't resist a glimpse of her face. You can see her at…….

At first, it was purely out of curiosity that he opened the small watch window in the iron gate and peered inside. What kind of woman is this that his lord is so obsessed with? He might be a jailer, but he had ears, and the conversation between his master and the man behind the bars was clearly audible to them. He just pretended not to hear. Because that is the wise thing to do.

If it's just a peek, a look, who's to say it's not a look?

And Zhang couldn't look away; he was nailed on the spot.

His face was turned slightly to the side, so it was hard to see, but I could make out his slightly bowed face, flowing hair, willowy arms, and slender legs stretched out in front of him.

Boylac Malak, Boylac Malak.

I felt like if I could just get a little more hair out of the way, I'd be able to see his face properly.

Zhang Aoyoung was consumed by an insane thirst.

It was like being sucked into it. It's like a drug, and once you see it, you want to see it again. I wanted to watch it over and over again. I would have given my heart for it if I had to. But there was a restraining order on that jade.

So I tried to create that opportunity somehow.

And finally, the opportunity has come again.

Now you can see her once again…….

Once again…….

Zhang Aoyoung's eyes were open, as if he was in a trance.

"I've got your meal, Sojae."

A polite voice that doesn't sound like a rogue jailer guarding a prison.


But there was no answer. I didn't hold out hope that I'd hear a voice-although I'd feel like a real windfall if I did.

"Help!", "Let me out!", or even "Help!", the most common cries of captured Sioux, were never heard from her. So let go of those expectations and just take a glimpse, just a glimpse, of the figure sitting in the distance.


Zhang Aoyoung swallowed dryly and opened the surveillance window.

I stood there, frozen in place.

Like my soul was blown away in that one moment.

The moment he opened the door to the surveillance room, two pairs of eyes, black as the night sky, faced him.

You're looking straight ahead. Right in front of him, without looking away. She had walked to the limit of the stretch of the chains that bound her slender ankles and wrists, and stood there, looking up at him, proudly.

Finally, Zhang Wuying was able to see Na Yerin's face properly for the first time, and his mind had already turned white.

"What's on my face?"

Na Yerin asked, her face impassive and expressionless. It was not a friendly tone at all. It was also somehow majestic.

"Oh, no. I don't think so."

Zhang Aoyoung shook his head urgently.

"Okay, that's good to know."

Zhang Wuying was relieved that he hadn't offended her. Even though it was Na Yerin who was imprisoned in the cage and Zhang Woying who was the jailer, she looked like the empress of the imperial palace, and this gate felt like a palace gate that no one else dared to open.

"Is this, like, a meal?"

"Yes, yes, yes. It's a meal!"

With a nervous straightening of his back, Zhang answered.

"Yeah, and did you bring all the meals from the other day, too?"

"Yes, no, of course I got it all."

Betraying his friend, Zhang Wuyong said.

"Really? Thank you."

For a moment, Zhang was stunned, as if he had been punched in the head. What he saw.

It was a shadowy smile that tugged at the corners of Na Yerin's mouth.

"Oh, it's beautiful!

He sincerely thought so; he didn't have the language skills to say more than that, and there was never a moment in his life when he regretted that he hadn't studied writing more than today.

For a moment, it was as if a white flower had blossomed out of the icy rock.

Zhang was completely devastated.

Say anything, I will follow you for life, I am your servant forever, rattle, rattle.

It was reason, it was a command, and it had long since been erased from his mind.

"But the air is a little stale, and my chest feels tight."

Na Yerin said, her face expressionless, as if she'd done it before.

Although she had promised herself that she would try to use her kishil, she had no idea how to make a colorful face or what posture to use to make colorful movements. The best she could do was to try to smile as much as possible and then say that her chest was tight. On the inside, she was trying hard, but on the outside, there wasn't much else she could do or say, but it worked.

"Go, go, boobs?"

Perhaps it was the nature of a sad man, but the word "boobs" caused Zhang to react violently. His eyes were so red and bloodshot that I was worried that his eyeballs would pop out at any moment. He looked like he was about to have a nosebleed.

"Yes, breasts. Is there a problem?"

Looking directly into Zhang Wuyoung's eyes, Na Yerin said in a blunt but dignified voice.

"No problem, no problem, no problem, no problem."

Zhang Aoyoung felt as if his soul was being sucked into those deep, mysterious eyes, as clear as the night sky. No, he had already been sucked into the evening. Zhang Woying, the guard standing outside the iron gate now, was just a shell.

Alas, there's nothing wrong with that - it's a very good thing.

Na Yerin stared at Zhang Wuying with an expressionless gaze before returning to the topic at hand.

"Anyway, it's a little hard to breathe."

It seemed to work, as the guard's alertness dropped to an all-time low, but it wasn't enough: I had to somehow get him to open the door on his own, without suspicion. I don't know if that's the case, but it seems like the extreme measures that come to mind when you're not handed over are necessary.

Now is the time to put on your natural, bewitching act to lure that jailer in!

Na Yerin did her best to conjure up a shy, bewitching expression, trying not to let her sullenness show.

As a result, faced with the culmination of Na Yerin's acting skills, Zhang had a heart-wrenching crisis of the soul.

'Oh, my God, I must have done something wrong! I must have done something wrong to wipe the expression off that beautiful face!

So focused on her performance, Na Yerin didn't even notice the reason for Zhang's wide-eyed surprise, only spurred on by her next move. Luckily, she assumed that her bewitching act had worked.

Now, it's just a matter of one last shot!

Na Yerin loosened the pus binding her top a bit with a face that was the greatest acting performance of her life: a stern expression.

There wasn't much in the way of color. Rather, the dialog, actions, and facial expressions were in extreme rhythm.

But it worked.

And starkly so.

Zhang Aoyoung was in a state of almost suffocating chaos and excitement.

"Oh, yeah! That's what's frustrating me! That's what's causing her so much pain! Uh, what can I do? What can I do?!

"I, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's hard to breathe. I, I, it's, it's, it's really. Yeah, really."

Already, his mind was filled with the urge to release that frustration as soon as possible, and the restraining order he'd gotten had already flown out the window.

"Of course, I'm not asking you to open the door for me."

"You're frustrated, right?"

In particular, it didn't say that the chest was…….

"Well, it's frustrating, yeah, it's frustrating."

Zhang's breath caught in his throat and he felt like he was going to suffocate.


If he was having such a hard time breathing, something was definitely wrong.

"Well, is that so, then I'll open the door for you right away, and you'll be cool in no time, no time!"

There was not a hair's breadth of reason left in Zhang Wuyoung's head right now. He had to save her now.

Besides, if he opened the door, he could see her in full view, not through this tiny, stuffy watch window. It didn't matter that he couldn't touch her; at this moment he couldn't wait to take a step, or even half a step, forward and see her. If it was so hard to breathe, wouldn't it be cooler to open this stuffy iron door? If something happened to her body, he would be in trouble. She was doing the right thing. The very right thing. The chains were on the wall anyway, so there was no danger.

"I'm just faithfully following His commands.

After I finished that self-rationalization, I put my hand to my waist and pulled out my keys.

He slowly took the key to the keyhole of the Thunderjade.


He turned the key once, and the lock unlocked with a hiss. Zhang Aoyoung grabbed the handle of the iron gate and slowly pulled it open.


The door to the Thunderbolt has finally been opened.

"That's better, but here's this……."

"What, what?"

Zhang Aoyoung walked toward Na Yerin like a piece of metal drawn to a magnet. He was half out of his mind, and his posture was all wrong.

"These shackles are also very frustrating."

Iron clang. The chains rattled as she lifted the shackles in each hand.


At the same time, the sleeve slides down to reveal a pearly white arm.


Zhang Aoyoung suddenly wanted to grab that white arm like crazy, but it was an unattainable dream.

Na Yerin watched him hesitate and wondered if she should remove his shackles, but it seemed she was being complacent. Now that he'd opened the door, he was within her 'range' anyway. As long as she didn't let her guard down, she could take him out the moment he turned his back on her.

"Well, it's just frustrating, it doesn't mean anything. Well, you can leave now, and I'm sorry for the inconvenience."

Looking at Zhang Wuying, who was standing there dazed and distracted, Nayerin coldly said, "I'm sorry," and withdrew her outstretched hand. Zhang Wuying's heart was pierced by her cold words.

White arm…… White cuff…….

We're moving away……. I'm getting farther away…….

"What do you mean, embarrassed? No, I'm not embarrassed."

Panicked, Zhang threw up his hands.

"No, because whether I'm frustrated or not is my problem, not yours."

When she said it didn't matter, Zhang Aoyoung felt like he was falling a thousand miles down a cliff.

"Oh, what does it matter! It's the duty of the jailed to look after those who are inside, and you're frustrated!"

His greatest fear now was being hated by Na Yerin.

"No, it's okay, it's not like you can break the shackles anyway."

Na Yerin looked at Zhang Woying with a look that said, "I'm done talking to you now, so go away. Zhang Wuying's heart was torn into a thousand pieces by her gaze, and he took an irreversible step.

"Foo, I can solve it, I have the key!"

"It's an unusable key."

"No, I can write it. It's a key I can use. No, let me use it!"

"You don't have to solve it."

All she had to do was subdue him. And then she could untie him herself.

"No, I can solve it. No, let me untie it, please!"

Zhang Aoyoung begged. He felt so sad that he was on the verge of tears. To have offended her with his pathetic behavior, he wanted to hang himself right now. If those shackles were untied, he would only have to remove those crude shackles to reveal a white wrist connecting a white hand to a white arm. A wrist so slender it could be held by just a thumb and forefinger…….

Zhang Aoyoung was already out of his mind.

"Well, you can't."

Na Yerin held out both hands reluctantly. Then she spoke coldly.

"You can untie it."

It was like a blessing in disguise.

"Yes, yes, thank you. I appreciate it."

With tears welling up in her eyes, Zhang Aoyoung bowed her head.

Thanks for letting me solve it. Thank you for helping me solve it.

Zhang Wuying muttered in disbelief and rummaged through the bundle of keys he was still holding after opening the ten-thousand-year-old iron gate, then picked up a smaller key and held it toward the shackles on Yerin's wrists.

It was then that I heard a voice outside the thunderbolt door.

"Hey, Zhang, what do you think you're doing?"

Zhang Wuying was startled by the comment and turned around.

Standing there was fellow guard Chil-Young Lee.

Even when she was not yet of age, Bing Baifeng Na Yerin's beauty was so outstanding that she was often described as "the color of the country." Because of her beauty, she had to pay a lot of money for it.

Gyeonggukjisil, or simply put, beauty that tilts a nation. The idea that a single woman can bring down a nation with her beauty seems like a far-fetched claim, but we know from history that it really happened. In fact, the fall of the Silver Dynasty is said to have been caused by a beautiful woman named Dalgi.

What is it about beauty that can change a country's fortunes? If you had it, wouldn't you want to see it at least once, and wouldn't you want to touch its owner? Without even realizing it.

Nations are the last to fall. It is the hearts of men that break first. Scholars fall, officials fall, generals fall, kings fall.

What if the beauty that can bring down an entire nation is truly in full bloom? What would happen if a beauty that could bring down a nation truly blossomed? Wouldn't it be possible to completely capture a person's heart and make them look at her and think only of her, without the need for a hypnotic grip, just by gently fluttering her eyelashes?

For a long time, Na Yerin thought of her beauty as a curse; to her, it was a source of evil. Too much beauty had been her undoing from an early age. The lustful glances she received from all directions, the occasional threat of kidnapping, all because of her beauty.

To make matters worse, she was born with "dragon eyes," which allowed her to see into people's hearts, making her life even more difficult. Knowing people's true intentions was never a good thing. A person's heart was sometimes the foulest place in the world. So many people covered that filth with a thin veneer of pretense. For a young girl, it was an unbearable shock. To protect her shattering heart, she had to suppress her emotions as much as possible, locking her mind away. It was the only way she could survive, to cut herself off from her surroundings and become a cold ice doll.

It was Bi Ryuyeon who unlocked the lock of her confined space and brought her out of it. If she hadn't met him, she would still be locked inside that invisible prison today.

Until now, she's been afraid of her beauty and charm, so it's only been partially displayed and stirred up dark thoughts in people's minds. But what if she had full control over her charm? What would happen?

When a charm can sway the fate of a nation, winning the heart of a single person is no small feat.

She was able to open the door to her cell with little difficulty, surprising even herself. She would have even been able to break the shackles if no one had intervened.

He hadn't come because he was worried that something had happened to Zhang Wuyou when he hadn't returned for a long time, or because he was suspicious when he heard the faint sound of the iron gate opening. He came because he wanted to come, because he wanted to see. The next thing he knew, the iron gate was open and Zhang Wuying was trying to untie the woman's shackles with a mesmerized expression. The woman, who looked like a fairy in a white robe, had untied the pus on her apron. Her white flesh and smooth collarbone were revealed through the slightly open apron, and the shadow of her jawline cast a shadow over her bowed collarbone. Lee Chil-young was dizzy and unable to compose himself.


His eyes glazed over and his saliva flowed. He thought that the culprit was the rotten bastard Zhang Wuying. How dare he leave his comrade of thirty years alone!


So how could a word of anger not burst from his lips?

The comment brought Zhang back to his senses.

"Gee, what was I doing?

Then, realizing that he was holding the key and was about to insert it into the keyhole of the shackles, he threw it back in anger. Lee caught the flying key with a gasp.

"How did this happen……."

Zhang Wuying instinctively drew the sword at his waist like a martial artist.

"What's the matter, you two? Is something wrong?"

Na Yerin laughed. No, she tried to smile. But she wasn't used to smiling at other people, so the corners of her eyes twitched slightly.

That's the best she can do right now.

She wasn't used to smiling yet.

"Did it fail again?

But they didn't have to laugh. The effect was enough.

The corners of her eyes twitched, and Zhang Wuying's mind, which had briefly returned, went out again. Lee Chil-young was also mesmerized by Na Yerin's 'smile'. Even though she wasn't smiling, he firmly believed that those slightly twitching corners of her eyes, those twitching eyebrow tips, were smiles directed at him.

And still before his eyes was the repetition of a gently curving collarbone, hidden by a fluttering collar, his eyes straining to follow it.

The two men came to a complete stop.


Zhang Wuying was stopped in his tracks by a terrifying blow to his right hand. The whip that struck the back of his hand was the pus that Na Yerin had released earlier. It was the ubiquitous pus, infused with Qi, and wielded like a whip. She quickly stretched the pus out and wrapped it around Yi Qilin's head, then drew it into the thunder jade. Spinning like a top, his body flew into the thunder jade.

"I need to go to sleep for a while."

Then the two men answered at the same time.

"Yes, if only I could sleep by your side… even if I die……."

Bam! Bam!

Before they could finish their sentence, they were slapped in the face.

Stars flashed in front of their eyes, and the next thing they knew, they were both stunned, stunned by a blow that felt like a blow from an iron club, even though it was a blow from a rag.

But somehow, their stunned faces were filled with happiness.

"It's so simple……."

Na Yerin muttered as she looked at the fallen guard.

"Is this okay……."

When things went so easily for her, she became anxious. Was being a beauty queen supposed to work so well? Or maybe…….

"I wonder if there are other pitfalls?"

Using her dragon's power again, she scanned her surroundings, her consciousness expanding around her, but she sensed nothing. Only the sound of water dripping from the ceiling echoed in her ears like thunder. Now all she had to do was unlock the shackles with the key.


But it wasn't.

The package of keys was nowhere to be found on Chil-Young Lee's body. It wasn't there, even though he'd clearly had it a moment ago.

In his delirium, Lee Chil-Young had not been holding onto the bundle of keys he was carrying tightly enough when he was dragged in by the pus, and he had flown off to the other side of the Thunderjade Passage. Na Yerin's pus was beyond her reach.


Na Yerin slowly rose from her seat.

It wasn't a look of resignation; it was a look of determination on her icy, stoic face.


With the intense infusion of energy, the pus in her hand stretched taut like a sword. Na Yerin infused the silken sword with power, and the pus began to glow with a pure white light.

"All this time I've been waiting for someone to save me, but now I'm going to break the cursed chains that have bound me."

Infused with power, the pus hardened into a steel sword, and she swung it at the chains that held her.



The power-infused pus was sharper than any greatsword. The shackles, made of lily shins, shattered too easily and fell to the floor. Na Yerin ran her hands over her battered ankles. Her ankles bore the faint marks of the shackles.

But the marks were marks, and they were proof that she had earned her freedom. For the cursed shackles were no longer fastened to her ankles.

Na Yerin walked out on her own, and was delighted to find her beloved sword, Bing Lu, lying where the guards had left it. She had thought she would never find it again, but there it was, quietly waiting for its owner to return.

It hadn't occurred to him to take it with him.

'I'm sure this sword doesn't mean much to him…….'

Because all he wanted was her.

"Let's hurry!"

There was no time to waste here; she had to escape before the evil one returned. When she recovered her dagger, Bing Lu, she was both happy and relieved, as if she had found a lost companion. A sharp sword is a comfort in a place like this. At the end of the thundercloud, there was a staircase leading upwards. It was the only staircase in the chamber. As expected, the cave was underground.

Leaving the jug wide open, Na Yerin ran up the stairs to the top. The prison was surprisingly deep. It wasn't until she had climbed a long way up that she came to a single iron gate that stood in her way. The gate was above her head. Still in the grip of her dragon's power, she knew immediately. This was the gate that led to the surface.

Luckily, I didn't need a key to open it from the inside. I activated the mechanism and the overhead door opened.

"This is……."

When Na Yerin stepped through the door, she was stunned to find herself in a scene she had never imagined. It was a prison, guarded by another set of guards, but all around her were bags of rice, dried herbs, food, and other miscellaneous items. I could tell it was high quality food. This place was a madhouse, a very high-end one.

"We're in trouble, and we need to get out of here fast!"

If it was a light, it would be much more heavily traveled than a prison. It was dangerous to stay; why the only way out of the prison she was in was connected to this light was something she could worry about later.

"I really did escape."

Na Yerin rejoiced and flung open the gates. Then she was horrified. There was someone outside the gates.

"I didn't feel a thing… how?"

A man with hair as white as a long silver thread stood alone with a languid expression on his face. He looked like he was bored with the world.

"Huh? A pretty girl coming out of the light? That's very strange. By the way, she's a very pretty girl……."

The man seemed surprised to see Na Yerin, too. It didn't look like he'd been waiting to catch her first.

He was a nobody.


Suddenly confronted by a stranger, Na Yerin was puzzled. How could she not be surprised to find someone waiting for her when she opened the door to the light, when there was clearly no one there when she read the sign. Even more shocking was the fact that she couldn't read the mind of the man in front of her at all. No, it wasn't just the mind she couldn't read.

"Does this person really exist?

I couldn't read any information out of him that would make me think that he was a…….

It was like an empty "nothingness.

It was the first time since Bi Ryuyeon that her longyan couldn't read her opponent.

"Why? Who is this interest?

Na Yerin had never met anyone with a prayer like this. The inability to read thoughts, to grasp their essence, was the same as Bi Ryuyeon's, but this man's was much harder to read. Where had this man come from, had he suddenly sprung from the ground?

"Who are you and where did you come from?"

At that, Mu Ming shook his head.

"No, pretty lady. You're the one who showed up out of nowhere. Not me. I'm just here, thirsty, waiting for Suo Jia to bring me water……."


Na Yerin's sword, Bing Lu, slashed straight through the nameless body.

"Did it go in?

This easy?

For a moment, I thought, but then the sword slashed, and the nameless newcomer vanished into thin air.

"What? Miss, no matter how pretty you are, it's not good manners to cut a person off in the middle of their sentence; if you're pretty, most of it is forgiven, but not all of it."

Suddenly, the voice was coming from a completely different direction.


Na Yerin quickly stamped the ground with her left foot, spun around, and performed the ritual again.

"This person is dangerous!

Her instincts were screaming a fierce warning. This man in front of her was dangerous.

"You'll have to move out of the way, I'm coming through!"

She had someone to see now. She couldn't stay here and mope.

"I'm sorry, I can't do that, I have questions to ask and……."

Mu Ming said with a face devoid of any tension.


Han Sangok Spirit Sword Ou Yi (奧義)

Snowstorm (雪風亂影)

Na Yerin didn't wait any longer and attacked with all her might.

"Oops. I told you to hear me out……."

Na Yerin's new weapon grew faster and faster, and a blizzard of sword wind blew out of the white, frosty sword, slamming into the nameless body.

"Hmm, this is a sword plant I remember seeing somewhere, I definitely remember it, it was called Han Sang…… or something! Wow, I can't believe I remembered a two-character name for a sword art! This is amazing, but when did I see ……?"

The nameless voice remained calm as the unusual sword energy, reminiscent of a winter storm, poured from all directions. He seemed more surprised by the fact that he could remember the name of this sword technique, even by two characters, than by its power. To him, it was a miracle that someone else's sword technique had been retained in his memory.

"Well, there used to be a girl who definitely used this sword technique……."

He muttered, barely moving as he dodged the storm of sword energy that raged like a fierce blizzard. He was concentrating on recalling the memory, as if it were more important to him than anything else. He didn't seem to care at all whether Na Yerin's sword had cut him or not. And yet his body, as if it were a separate entity from his will and intentions, dodged every hair of Na Yerin's blade. Na Yerin's energy drain grew more intense as the blade came close, but never touched.

"What is he talking about?

It was impossible to predict his movements without being able to communicate with him. He was like a thick fog that enveloped the entirety of Dongzheng Lake, and her sword was completely ineffective, as if lost in that thick, deep fog.

'I can't believe there was such a cilantro in Machengak…….'

Until now, I hadn't heard any rumors of someone with such a young face, white hair, and possibly a sword, but I wasn't about to give up.

Han Sangok Spirit Sword Ou Yi (奧義)

Privatization (四雪花)

Na Yerin's newborn split into four, taking over the unnamed east, west, north, and south at once. Even though he was cornered, he was still struggling to remember.

The letters that follow the two characters.

So his body was full of gaps. Na Yerin did not hesitate to thrust her sword into the gap.


"Ah, I finally remembered, yes, I remembered, hahaha, I remembered!"

The voice came again from behind her back. Na Yerin was about to turn around when the nameless figure stretched out a hand, looking pleased.


All too easily, Na Yerin's wrist was grabbed by an unknown hand.

"No way, no way, no way!

He stuck his head in front of Na Yerin's face with a grin on his face and said in a gleeful voice, "I had already been caught.

"Isn't this the Han-sang Jade Spirit Sword, which was once used by a little girl named Han-sang? Isn't it? Isn't it?"

He seemed quite proud of himself for remembering such a thing, given his severe forgetfulness. Na Yerin was dumbfounded.


As much as I'd like to think otherwise, the only person she was referring to was her master, Gum Hu Yihan Shang. She doesn't look that old, but how dare she call her master's dignity like a girl next door…….


"Little lady?

"Little girl? Is this person out of his mind? How would the master feel if he heard that he was called a little girl?

I'm not a kid, I'm a dirtbag…….

Na Yerin didn't want to imagine what would happen next.

"Let go, rude."

Na Yerin shook off the nameless hand, and he let her go surprisingly easily.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be mean, I just had a question."

"I have nothing to answer for."

"So you're going to attack without talking to me? You can't beat me with that anyway, I already know all about it. If I can remember all your names, I'm sure I can remember all your sword moves."

Na Yerin cringed a little at the fact that the Priest's Rainblade had been ignored.

"Well, you won't know if it's possible or not unless you try it, did you just say you know everything? Well, then, let me show you the Han Shangjing Spirit Divine Sword, which you've never seen before!"

Na Yerin was determined to use her inherited secret technique again. Her current state was consuming quite a bit of her energy to break the restrictions and escape, but it was impossible to escape without doing something about the interest.

Na Yerin was determined to squeeze every last drop of strength out of her.

To cut his own path with his own sword.

"I say again, get out of the way. I'm coming through!"

For a moment, Na Yerin's body seemed to disappear, then it split into dozens of spirits, and a pure white sword flew out.

Cold Jade Spirit Sword Newborn Extreme Righteousness

Sea Birds of Prey (海上飛鳥千斬切)

The extreme intent of both the Bisubo and the Han Shangjing Spirit Sword simultaneously unfolded from Na Yerin's body. A sword qi that was made to slice through a thousand seabirds in an instant filled the space.

Changes in the celestial variation.

And speed!

This was the greatest sword technique Na Yerin had ever learned from her master, Gumhu. Na Yerin's divine spirit, split into dozens, dances an endless sword dance.


He couldn't resist, so he put his hand to the scabbard. He did as his subconscious told him and drew his sword, as if to honor her swordplay.


The sword was drawn, and with a flash of light, the remnants of Na Yerin split into dozens of pieces, and the sharp sword energy that filled the space vanished in an instant, like a mirage.

"No way……."

Na Yerin couldn't help but stare at her sword in disbelief.

"I can't believe the Navy destroyed……. I can't believe it."

She had never imagined that a sword technique that her esteemed master had spent dozens of years cultivating could be so easily broken. But Zhang Ziyi's astonishment was even greater as she scooped up the water and returned. He almost dropped the bottle of water.

"Man, this is…… vs. the Captain drawing his sword!"

He looked as if he'd seen a bad nightmare, for he hadn't seen Nameless draw his sword since he'd taken over as troop leader.

"You are quite the lady. I never thought I'd draw my sword, really."

The nameless muttered, glancing down at his sword, which he couldn't remember when he'd drawn.

"And a bunch of wasted clothes……."

The chest of the nameless man's robe had been sliced diagonally by a sword blow earlier.

"Hmm, touching the hem of my garment, you are quite talented, very interesting. It's an unfinished skill, but I can't wait to see what you can do when you're finished."

But Na Yerin, drained to the last, no longer had the strength to stand. As she collapsed, she thought in her fading consciousness.

'I guess I shouldn't be unfinished after all…….'

She'd thought she'd almost gotten the hang of it, but it wasn't quite enough. Now that her last trick had failed, she had nothing left. She had already exhausted all of her energy by overextending herself. Now she didn't have the strength to lift a finger, let alone stand.

'I haven't broken the chain after all. Am I going to be trapped again……? I barely escaped, but I'm going to be trapped again…… Ryuyeon…… I'm sorry.''

And Na Yerin's consciousness was cut off.

As she crumbled to the ground, there was a hand to support her, and it belonged to a nameless man. He scratched the back of his head as he cradled the celestial beauty in his arms.

"I'm in trouble."

I was a nobody with no medical talent.

"What shall we do, Sook?"

When I'm in a bind, the quickest way to find out is to ask my unit commander.

"What can I do, I have to show it to the big boss, so who told you to do it so badly?"

Placek shouted in exasperation.

"Hmm, I must have gotten a little carried away after seeing a nice sword in a long time. Oh well."

I was trying to be gentle, but I screwed up," he laughed.

"That's not the time to laugh it off, boss!"

When I thought about what I had suffered because of his attitude, tears started to fall down my face.


Scratching the back of his head, the nameless laughed out loud.

"Ha, I'm going to die."

Seeing that her words hadn't gone over well with Captain Mai Dongfeng as usual, Zhang Ziyi let out a long sigh.

"What would you do, I don't think you're a maiden by any stretch of the imagination?"

And what is this beauty? Zhang Ziyi could feel her heart pounding just by looking at her up close. Her face was about to turn red. She thought to herself, "What's wrong with me?" but couldn't figure out why.

"But there's no way an intruder would come out of the warehouse, right?"

"That's right, I think you're one of the emissaries from the Heavenly Martial Academy after all……."

Moreover, rumors have surfaced of a woman of such beauty who often wears white, a woman who is said to be the most beautiful woman in the world.

"Are you Bing Bing Feng Na Yerin?"

"Huh? Who's that?"

"No, you don't? The ice phoenix, the ice phoenix, the ice phoenix. A single, cold, noble phoenix that no one can get near."

It was even said that it was the wish of every powerful young man to see her up close.

"It's certainly pretty."

"Of course she's beautiful, she's the most beautiful woman in the world."

Up close, it was a sight to behold.

"Besides, I'm the daughter of a Zhengtian martial artist, so why would the daughter of a Baekdao martial artist be in a warehouse like this……."

Indeed, the more I thought about it, the more mystifying it became.

"That's because he's hungry."

I blurted out without thinking.

"No, I mean, it's the best thing since sliced bread."

"Xiao'En, do you realize how many times you've said that already? You're not the only one who needs to eat."

"But they're not sneaking into these food warehouses, there's got to be a reason for this."

Just to be on the safe side, he investigated the warehouse, but found nothing unusual. He hadn't been very bright when it came to mechanics.

"Well, ……, let's just go with the order. We can ask her when she wakes up. By the way, she's a very pretty girl."

"This is the first time I've ever seen the boss care about a woman's appearance."

His only interest had always been sleep. He didn't seem to care much about getting stronger, and he didn't seem to care much about growing his power. This indifferent attitude extended to women as well. It was surprising that for the first time, a woman had shown interest in him.

'역시 천하제일미…….'

To avoid the pity party, I kept my thoughts to myself this time.

Indeed, the woman was so beautiful that the more you looked at her, the more you wondered if she was an elemental, and just looking at her up close was enough to make the weakly resistant Suo Jia blush.

"Hahaha, Jadeite blushed."

"I'm not red!"

"Then it's red."

"Oh, no."

The ugly captain had taunted him again.

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