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Book 27 Chapter 19

A roundtable discussion with Ryu-yeon Bi and her crew

Bi Ryuyeon: (Swinging her hand, cracking the floor) This road is closed! Take another road!

Hyorong: …….

Jang Hong: What are you doing, you?

Ryu-yeon Bi:Kkkkkkk! I've always wanted to use this line, and I finally got to use it here!

Hyo-ryong: What's the big deal? Few readers get it anyway. Last time, no one even recognized the term "ripple warrior." It was a "ripple" warrior, not a "ripple" warrior.

Jang Hong: Well, that's definitely too difficult. "Spatial curvature" is more known than that, but still, few people have noticed it, right?

Hyo-ryong : Maybe it's because they didn't shout "Gaga! Gaga! Gaga!".

Jang Hong: That's true, but that movie has been out for 10 years already……. Besides, that line of yours is 20 years old, isn't it, 20 years old.

Bi Ryuyeon: (waving her index finger) Tsk, tsk, tsk, you don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Zhang! You can't give up on those "few" people, because they're the ones who recognize you! Even if you only recognize one out of a hundred, or one out of a thousand, it's still worth it. Isn't that called an intellect? No, it's called fingerprinting.

Hyo-ryong: It could just be beep-.

Bi Ryuyeon: Isn't it great to have these little fun!

Jang Hong: I don't know……. I've seen a few of those in this volume, I wonder how many we'll find…….

Hyo-Ryong: If I ask you what's hidden, you're not going to tell me, are you?

Bi Ryuyeon: (firmly) Of course! It's fun to find hidden things.

Jang Hong & Hyo Ryong: Speaking of asking… what happens to us now?

Writer M: (spreads his arms wide) I don't know!!!!!!!!

Hyo-ryong & Jang Hong: Hey, a writer shouldn't say that.

Author M: If I knew everything that was going to happen, I wouldn't be this late with the book. I'm not late because you guys don't teach me what you're doing fast enough.

Hyo-ryong: Wow, a writer shifting blame to a character!

Jang Hong: Cowardice!

Writer M: I'm justified! This is something 'many' writers agree on! Ask other writers if you want!

Hyo-ryong: I can't believe he's so confident…….

Jang Hong: No hesitation…….

Ryuyeon Bi:That's how confident you are, right? Because other writers will say yes!

Hyo-Ryong: So it's all our fault?

Ryuyeon Bi:I think that's probably how most writers feel, because every writer hopes that the deadline extension isn't their responsibility.

Hyo-Ryong & Jang-Hong: ……It's over.

Ryu-yeon Bi:Well, let's listen to the writer.

Author M: Hmmmmm. It was one of those books where you're like, "I've finally gotten to this point, to this point!

With this volume, it's like saying, "Yes, we've finally turned the corner!" It was quite hard to write that much, but I think it was worth it. Over 220,000 characters! A super volume with a total of 380 pages. If you consider that a normal volume is 165,000 words, it's a huge volume. I would say it's the strongest volume ever.

As you go through each book, you have different impressions of each one. But there aren't many volumes where you can say with certainty, "Oh, this one made me sweat!" because you have to look at the same volume over and over and over again to be able to do that. But even though it did this time, it's been a long time since I've had that 'ping'. It would be nice to have that feeling every time. For some reason, when I say, "Every volume like this one!" I feel like Bi Ryuyeon and her crew will scream, but the fun must go on! I will try to make every volume feel like that, so that I can show it to the readers without hesitation. Of course, I'll have to add speed to it, too. I mean writing speed.

In addition, I am serializing my novel, "Chapter of Taegeuk," on the creative site, "Noble Core (www.novelcore.net). As I mentioned last time, Noble Core is a place where many novels and various illustrations are posted, and you can see the works of professionals as well as motivated and challenging works by fresh aspiring writers.

I'm also currently working on a project to organize a professional critique group, which I hope will help aspiring writers and writers who are struggling to survive in this tough market. If you want to hear from working writers and editors about marketable skills and their own work, there's no better place to be. Originally, we were going to schedule it for Saturday, but everyone's busy, so we're thinking of taking submissions every two weeks and then posting reviews two weeks later.

Well, now that I'm done with volume 27, I'm going to have to resume my Tao of Tai Chi series, so until the next volume comes out, I'll see you on Noblecore.

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discord ko-fi