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Book 28 Chapter 1

Non-stop rain


It was raining heavily.

Like a hole in the sky.

The sound of rain hitting the ground assaults your eardrums.

Bai Xiaochun looked at the sky.


The rain beat frantically against his face and body. His right hand, which held his sword, was buried in the grass, and his left hand was resting on his chest. Currently, he was lying on the grass.

All around him, trees surrounded him. But the space he lay in was empty, as if he had been carved out of the forest, and not a single one of the many trees could serve as his umbrella.

Hold up your left hand for a moment. It's full of red blood, but it's quickly washed away by the falling rain.

It's your blood.

Another "back then" wound has been opened. How many times had it happened? The wound didn't even have time to heal.

Shoot, shoot, shoot.

The rain is falling like crazy, hitting you all over.

I was getting cold.

I had to move. I had to move from this spot.

He tries to raise his right arm, but the sword doesn't budge, as if it were ten thousand muscles. Even his legs don't move. His body is as heavy as lead. He feels like he's about to burrow into the ground.

How long has it been?

I've been injured so badly that I'm lying on the ground, immobilized.

My eyelids feel heavy. Eyes close more and more.

I'm tired. Extremely tired.

I want to get some sleep…….

Your eyelids open and close again. Your vision is blurry, as if it's raining or foggy.

'How did this happen…….'

What the hell is this, lying in a nameless field, with a man who is supposed to be a martial artist?

"It's ugly.

I'm speechless when I hear that. It's so ugly.

I'm tired.

No more traces today…….

'I can't believe those seven are so strong…….'

You're tired. Sleep is coming. Consciousness is drifting further and further away. Something is leaving your body.

I want to sleep……. I close my eyes. There is a pitch blackness.

The cold rain no longer awakens his consciousness.

A darkness slowly spreading across my vision, and in that darkness, I saw a face.


I missed seeing your smile……

I felt so bad that I couldn't be a father and put a smile on my daughter's face. And then another face appeared next to it.


Ye Qing, the Ice Moon Prophet, sees his wife, who is as noble and proud as the moon.

I should be thanking him for sticking around with this old man…….

I want to sleep…….

Bai Xiaochun's consciousness slowly began to fall into darkness.

'Where did I go wrong…….'

What's next for this powerhouse?

My doubts began to fall deeper and deeper into the abyss.

Slowly, I heard footsteps in the distance.

'Have we finally made it this far…….'

It looked like this would be the end of him.

'I was hoping to get the whole family together for a meal once again……. I'm sorry…….'

I wanted to see their smiles again…….

Bai Xiaochun's consciousness completely plummeted to the bottom of the abyss.


A torrential downpour began to pummel his body until he couldn't see a thing.

And seven newcomers gathering around him.

Through the torrential downpour, their new car is a shadowy figure, glimpsed in the distance.

Their chests were emblazoned with the symbol of a constellation of seven stars.

And finally, the spectacle - the

Bai Xiaochun's consciousness plunged into the darkness, falling endlessly.

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discord ko-fi