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Book 27 Chapter 18

Midnight Visitors

-Embarrassment of the per capita limit

[Black Dao Heavenly Forest Alliance].

Black Heavenly League for short.

The gigantic gates of the Black Heavenly League always seem to overwhelm visitors with their weight. Of course, even without the gates, the name alone is enough to make visitors feel intimidated.

Today, however, the usually tranquil hospitality hall of the Black Heavenly League was unusually noisy.

"Is that, is that true?"

Han Zheng couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the spy map in front of him.

"Me, really."

His subordinate was also untrustworthy, which is why he accepted the spy and rushed to the moon.

"That can't be right. It can't be, something's wrong, something's wrong, it must be fake!"

That's the only way I could think of it, and it made the most sense.

"Well, do you want me to kick them out?"

A henchman from the hospitality department replied, his face grim.

"Are you crazy?!"

Jeong-Han bellowed.

"It can't happen, but what if it does, what if it's a million to one?"

It is said that he simply thrashed the gatekeeper to the ground, telling him where he dared to lie. Not many people had the guts to do such a thing in front of the gates of the Black Blind. Prayer, I am told, is not uncommon.

When the facts are unclear, it's important to exercise discretion as a hospitality provider, because it's your first impression of the entire organization.

"He's on call tonight, isn't he?"

Jeong asked for confirmation.

"Yes, it is, but come on, no way!"

The hostess nodded.

"Yes, let's go to him. Sword Demon, he should be able to tell the difference between authenticity. Whether the person who brought this spy is real or not."

Transcending Gumma.

A member of the Black Heavenly Ten, a group of teenage adepts of the Black Heavenly Ten.

Sword master, sword master.

If it is fake, he will not survive.

For no one has ever managed to enrage the Swordmaster and survive.

If it's real…….

It was a once-in-a-decade customer.

* * *


"What's going on?"

Sitting at the desk in front of the Black Heavenly Alliance's on-call room and flipping through some papers, Sword Demon Transcendence put down the papers he had been looking at and said.

"Mr. Cho, this is the owner of the restaurant."

"Reception? What's going on in the reception room, all looking for me?"

His time was already up, so there was no reason for the hostess to visit him.

"We have a new customer."

"At a time like this?"

"I think you should meet him."

"Is this Nobu's guest?"



The tip of Gumma Transcendent's brow twitched. He specialized in force, not hospitality. Even if he did, it wouldn't be suitable, as the guest in front of him would surely tremble with fear. What was he supposed to do with a guest who didn't even come to him?

Despite Gumma's probing gaze, Jeong-Han hesitated for a moment before answering.

"An uninvited and unannounced guest has come to see you,……."

Gumma's frown deepened. If the owner of the inn had come all the way here, he must have been visited by someone of some renown, but even so, an unscheduled visitor is an unscheduled visitor. There was nothing more to see.

"Send him back. You know better than anyone that it's not so easy to get a meeting with the Black Heavenly Blind. If you still wish to meet him, request a formal meeting with him. Six months from now, I might be able to squeeze in a visit."

"That's me…… can't be."

Han Jung said with a troubled expression.

"Why can't I do that?"

Swordmaster Transcendence's eyebrows twitched for a moment.

"It's because of who I am… who he is."

"What is his status, and how dare he insist on being a member of the Black Heavenly League?"

Gumma bellowed. His voice was filled with anger. Han Zheng looked increasingly apologetic.

"That's because…… I…… this visitor has identified himself as Nabeck Chen, the Master of the Pure Land."

"What? Is that true?"

Sword Demon Transcendence's eyes, which were rarely surprised, widened in horror.

"How can I speak falsehood before the Most High?"

"Not fake?"

There's no way a man of his stature would come here at night without an appointment.

"Of course, that's a possibility. But it's not really my place to judge……."

"That's why you came to Nobu. Nobu knows me, Meng Zhu."

"Yes, it is."

It was a win-win situation for Jeonghan, as he was able to verify the authenticity of the product and transfer responsibility.

"And you?"

Of course, I was talking about "this" blind spot.

"I'm on my way back to make sure the lights are still on in my office."

"Lead the way."

Given the gravity of the situation, Gumma had to take matters into his own hands. As he left the room, Gumma's mind was filled with dozens of questions.

"That's kind of ominous.

I had a bad feeling about this.

At this time, the Black Heavenly Master Gal Zhongchuan was absent from his office, but his absence was short-lived.

"Whoa, shhhhh."

Galjoongchun, who had left the office to relieve himself while organizing the reports from "them," was surprised to find that he could sense a presence in the office.

"I didn't hear any reports of anyone coming in?

He had five layers of security around his residence, but it was nearly impossible to get in here uninhibited and unnoticed.

"Too blatant for an assassin?

A top-notch assassin wouldn't make a gesture like this that screams "I'm here". A lesser assassin wouldn't even make it this far in the first place.

"So who is it?

Curiosity overcame anxiety. He, too, was a master of the Black Heavenly Blind, in charge of the entire Black Island, and he was confident that he had both the mental and physical capabilities to do so.

It was that kind of pride, that sense of not being taken down by anyone, of being able to take down anyone. So he opened the door and walked in without fear.

He was curious about the identity of this unexpected visitor.


He was sitting casually at the table in his office, his back so familiar that Gal Zhongchuan was startled. He knew the man.

"What are you doing here, sir?"

The honorific came out of Black Sky Blindness's mouth. His opponent was one of the few people he would honor: the man who sat proudly in his office, none other than Ma Tian Gakzu. Gal Zhongchuan had once studied under him. When his father was still in charge of the Black Heavenly League, he had spent many years as a student of the Heavenly Pavilion. Now, decades had passed, and yet the power that emanated from the Heavenly Pavilion Master had not changed. No, it had grown deeper.

How strong is this guy going to get?

"Ah, there you are, I've come to talk to you in private for a moment. It's important."

The masked warlord, Ma Tiankai, turned his head and replied. He, too, was not in a position to honor Gal Zhongtian.

"You don't usually leave Gak, but you came all the way here on purpose, and you even wrote 'there'. I was surprised."

"I couldn't do that to someone else."

"This must be some kind of big deal, right? What is it?"

"Just to warn you."

"A warning? What warning?"

After a moment of heavy silence, he spoke up.

"There is an assassination plot underway against you. Your life is in danger!"

I couldn't read his expression through the mask, but his voice was sincere.

"An assassination threat?"

Gal Zhongtian's eyes widened.

"I see. That's an extremely promising plan."

The master nodded very seriously. But Gal Zhongtian was rather amused.

"Kahahahahaha! I'm like, "Kahahahahaha. Kahahahahahaha, you came all that way for that?"

At Gal Zhongtian's attitude, which seemed like he was dying to have fun, Ma Tiankai frowned slightly.

"I don't think it's a laughing matter, do you?"

"I get plots and assassination threats like that several times a day, it's almost routine now, and if I'm afraid of that, where would I be sitting here?"

It was a world where such threats were just another day in the life of the Eclipse.

"The man who is after your life this time is not like that kind of fish."

"Who? Someone who can slit the throats of the Black Heavenly Blind Might? I don't think there are more than a dozen in the entire Martial Realm."

"I'll grant you that, but that's why I'm here in person."

"No way……."

This time, he was genuinely surprised.

"That's right. This assassin is one of the ten."

"Who, him?"

"Don't be surprised to hear that. It's none other than Nabekchun, the master of the Pure Sky."

I told him not to be surprised, but he was.

"That's nonsense, sir. It must be misinformation."

Gal Zhongtian vehemently denied it. His common sense told him that it couldn't be true, but the Demon King shook his head.

"No, unfortunately, it's true."

Gal Zhongchuan's mind was stirred for a moment by the conviction in his voice, but he was still not convinced.

"I, Meng Zhu, am not the kind of person who would do something as drastic as that, even though it's so black and white."

Technically, he was a distant relative, for he and Ye Qing, the Ice Moon Prophet, were related. There was no reason for him to deliberately cause trouble-which could turn into war.

"Of course not."

Macheon Gakju was quick to admit that.

"But why……?"

It became even more incomprehensible.

"This has nothing to do with his character. No, it's possible that he's doing this because he likes people too much."

"What's going on?"

Gal Zhongchuan, sensing something was amiss, asked.

"Based on the information Nobu has gotten, it looks like his daughter Na Yerin has been kidnapped."


Gal Zhongtian remembered the beautiful child with the strange magic. He had even met her in person. He knew how devoted he was to her, how much he cared for her, how much he would do for her, how much he would stop at nothing, how reckless he would become.

But that doesn't mean…….

"And we have information that his captors are threatening him. If you wish to spare the life of his daughter, you must bring your own head."

Gal Zhongtian unconsciously brushed his hand across his throat. To be targeted by the White Lightning Heavenly Sword, Nabaxian, was no different than if one's life depended on being alert. Unless, of course, he wasn't the Black Heavenly Lord Gal Zhongtian.

"I can't believe it."

"You have to trust me."

The celestial carver spoke in a tone full of courtesy and conviction. His words were quiet, but they had the power to move the hearts of his listeners because they did not contain a single shred of doubt.


"You don't want this to get out of hand, do you?"

"That's right, because it's not going to be just the two of you."

Whether we succeeded or failed, it was an irreversible river crossing.

"I have an idea."

Then he began to speak his mind.

His plan was this.

There is a chance that Bai Xiaochun will be forced to attempt the assassination. It is also possible that he will give up, but given his love for his daughter, there is no guarantee. His plan was to secretly hide in this residence, so that when Nabaxian attacked, he would be ready and able to subdue Nabaxian.

"Of course, even if it ends up being an attempted assassination, the fact that it happened at all will be a problem, and I'll be able to use that to my advantage. We could get some concessions on some of the issues we've been fighting over. Most importantly, you'll have one of the weakest points of the Zhengtian Blindness."

While it's nice to have an excuse, the last thing I wanted was for it to go public.

"That sounds like a good idea."

"Do you agree?"

"I agree, but sir?"

"Why but?"

"Wouldn't it be nice if you could take off that hot mask?"

"It's poetry, you know, and without this mask the students would not be dignified, would they?"

"I see."

"I don't want to be the guy in charge, so here we go."

Rising from his seat, Ma Tiankai quietly disappeared behind the eight-wide folding screen behind Gal Zhongtian's back. From his concealment behind the folding screen, he glimpsed his long gun, from which hung a pure white sword that glowed like a white thunderbolt.

Hospitality HallFollowing Zhu Zheng, Gumma did not head straight to the hospitality hall, out of an abundance of caution. Instead, he went across the room to the waiting area and peered through a secret peephole.

"What do you think?"

"It's definitely the same face."

Sword Ma couldn't help but let out a low murmur. That face was definitely the face of Spiritual Master Nie Bai Tian, but why was he visiting at this time of day, in this place, and in this manner? That was too strange.

"But just because it has the same face doesn't mean it's real."

This was a powerhouse of all kinds of noble families, and it was rash to judge them by their appearance alone. This was a place where even reverse magic existed, where one's face could be transformed into another's. Judging by appearances alone could lead to disaster.

"Nobu will have to check it out for himself."

There was only one effective way to check for kernels. Shuffling the swords. You can mimic a face, but you can't mimic a sword.

Gumma immediately drew his sword energy up.

It was then that Bai Xiaochun, who had been sitting still, opened his mouth.

"Since when does a man the size of a gumshoe get to hide and spy on others?"

At that word, Gumma stiffened. His sword was less than halfway out of its sheath.

"Uh…… how do you do that……."

Sword Ma couldn't help but be astonished, but Nie Bai Tian seemed unconcerned.

"Gumma, how could I forget the momentum of a swordsman of your stature? I remember that much."

It wasn't the sword itself, but the momentum of his draw that told him the presence beyond the wall had noticed him.

"It's definitely real."

Sheathing his barely-sheathed sword, Gumma turned to Han Zheng and said.

Gumma strode into the room where Nabaxian was waiting and took a bow.

"Welcome, my lord. I apologize for the rudeness of my visit today, which was so unexpected, and I hope you'll forgive me for my earlier rudeness."

"I don't care. I know your visit today is on short notice. But I must see the great master. Will you drop a message for me?"

As long as he confirmed that the other party was indeed Nabechuan, his line had no authority to refuse his visit.

"I'll do that, but there's one thing I'm having trouble with."

"Trouble? What's that?"

Gumma hesitated for a moment, then spoke.

"It's a rule of the Order that all visitors to the Order must be frisked."

Bai Xiaochun was silent for a moment. His thoughts subconsciously turned to the Shattering Soul Poison Pill in his possession. It wouldn't do him any good to be known to possess such a precious artifact.

"So you're going to do it?"


Gumma had no immediate answer. He was well aware that this was a very ambiguous situation.

"Do you mean me, Nai Bai Chen, the Fierce Spiritual Master?"

Anyone else would have to be frisked and leave all their weapons behind before visiting the masters.

However, it was different if the opponent was a martial arts master of the Zhengtian Clan or the Hundred Sword Martial Clan. It would be an act of great disrespect to question the ruler of half of the Martial Realm.

"You realize the precedent that would set, don't you?"

Crossing swords at a summit was never supposed to happen. Even if two groups were allies, or even if they were enemies, it would be a loss of cause. And that was a very deadly thing in the Murim.

"Of course I know."

"How would you feel if you were to be frisked when Master Gal visits us?"

That was the final straw.

"Let's call it a pat-down."

Gumma had nothing more to say.

"I'd appreciate it if you did."

That was the end of the visit.

"I'll show you around, then, if you'll follow me."

Even as he followed behind Sword Horse, Bai Xiaochun did not feel at ease. No, the closer he got to the meeting with the Black Heavenly Demon Lord, the more anxious he became.

'I can't believe you still haven't heard anything…….'

Was the idea of rescuing her in just one day so reckless that it was impossible to begin with?

For as long as I can remember, I've been delaying the moment of choice. The time has come to make the choice he's been putting off until the last possible moment.

The peace of the land or the life of your precious daughter?

It wasn't something to weigh on either scale.

But someone had forced it onto the scales, and now he had to choose one of two places.

He was only authorized to make one choice.

He was troubled, anguished, and distressed.

And so it was further tilted to one side.

Was I that weak?

He thought he'd come to the end of his rope and choose a cause, but the conclusion he reached proved to be wrong even for him.


Bai Xiaochun gingerly touched the venomous elixir in his hand, and black guilt flashed through his heart.

"Maybe I'm not qualified to be a blind master.

Just as Bai Xiaochun walked away with heavy steps.


A hawk flew over. It was not a blue-feathered hawk, but a very white-feathered hawk, the Jeon Seo-ng 'Baekseom', raised by Na Baekcheon.

An unidentified falcon swooped down with a screech and a cry, and the men on the watchtower immediately drew their arrows and aimed at the falcon.

I couldn't bring a hawk I'd never seen onto the property.

You never know when it might bite you in the ass and fly away.


Nie Bai Tian hastily shouted, stopping them.

Peep! Peep!

But these weren't the warriors of the Black Rose who would listen to a mysterious visitor.

When I let go of the bowstring, a flurry of off-target arrows flew toward the bald eagle.


Bai Chen had news that was waiting for him. He could not afford to lose his messenger in a place like this.

The arrows are all seven.

Seven arrows from all directions pierced the air in unison to break Bai Xiaochun's wings.


With another sharp ringing sound, the white falcon dodged the seven flying arrows and plummeted straight down. To where her master was.

A few ordinary arrows could not stop her flight, which was as fast as a flash of light.


Spreading his great white wings, Bai Xiaochun landed on the outstretched arms of Nabaxum.

"You think you can catch her by the hair of her tail with your bow?

as she gracefully folded her wings, a tome dangling from her ankle.

Bai Xiaochun opened it with excitement.

Bai Xiaochun's hand was trembling slightly as he took out the book. It was as if he hadn't managed to suppress his inner agitation.

The fate of his daughter, Kang-ho, and himself hinged on this one letter.

Nie Bai Tian carefully opened the book.

Then he bowed his head.

I fought back the tears that threatened to fall.

"Thank goodness, thank goodness, thank goodness.

I'm glad I didn't make the choice to abandon my daughter, glad I didn't have to assassinate the Black Panther, and most of all, glad my daughter Na Yerin is safe.

He felt like he'd finally been freed from a burden that had been weighing him down.

Ah, thank goodness. The nightmare is over.

Apparently, Seocheon is still alive, but Nabaxian hadn't really expected that in the first place; he'd just been holding out hope on Baili Liuyan's assurances that he could save Na Yerin.

And indeed, he never dreamed that that faint hope would shine such a brilliant light on him.

"What's wrong, did you have some bad news?"

Sword Ma asked, puzzled. The fact that he had been forced to enter the Black Sky Sect meant that it was a matter of great urgency. Seeing this, Bai Xiaochun's complexion was extremely serious.

"No, no, no. It's not bad news, it's great news. Hahahaha."


Bai Xiaochun laughed heartily and patted Sword Ma on the shoulder. It was a genuine laugh, not a laugh to disguise something.


"Come on, let's go, let's go."

As he hesitated, Bai Chen urged him on.

"Ah, yes. The door you see over there is the last gateway to the Master's office, and that's as far as I can take you."

Then it was up to the bodyguards.

"I see. I'm giving you a hard time."

Guided by the sword horse, Nie Bai Tian's steps were as light as flying.

It's all over.

That's what he was thinking.

"No way……."

Bai Xiaochun couldn't help but be dumbfounded. The pupils of this superhuman of supreme vigor, patience, and indomitable spirit trembled. What is this sight he's seeing now? Is this a nightmare?

I had been forced to come here by the threats of the police. But he was troubled. There was no way he could fulfill the order to bring the Black Heavenly Blindness Head, which would mean a major war between the two sides.

Never has the phrase "enemy of the people" been more true than at this point.

But isn't the work done?

Isn't everything back to normal now?

And now it's back to business as usual, right?

A peaceful routine of keeping each other in check and the occasional poke.

But why is this happening…….

A man was slumped over on the table in his office. His face was turned sideways, his eyes wide and unmoving, and Bai Chen knew who it belonged to.

"Zhong Tianyi……."

His voice trembled as if frozen in his throat. The man slumped over with his head on the table was none other than the master of this chamber, the Black Heavenly Lord Gal Zhongtian.

In the center of his fallen back, a pure white sword stuck like a tombstone, its eerie whiteness piercing right through his heart.

The damp, red liquid that had soaked the floor had reached Bai Xiaochun's feet. Blood was gushing out of the wound that the white sword had pierced like a gushing red spring. He was now standing like a white island in the middle of a sea of blood, but right now, he couldn't afford to think about getting his feet wet. His gaze had been fixed on the white sword that had pierced the heart of the Black Heavenly Lord Gal Zhongtian a moment ago.

"How did that get here……."

It was a sword he had seen before, and it was a sword he would never forget. He knew who it belonged to better than anyone else. He remembered every detail of its decoration, its length, its weight, and even the slightest scratch or worn spot on the handle. Putting all that information together, he could only conclude that the sword was real.

As if by spell, he reached out a reluctant hand and drew his sword. It felt so familiar in his hand, like it was wrapped around him. He wanted to deny it now, more than ever, but he couldn't. The name of the sword escaped his confused mouth.


This sword was his own. His favorite sword, the one he'd entrusted to Black Sangru. Why was it stuck in such a horrible place?

Bai Xiaochun's mind instantly turned white.

Dada dada dada dada dada dada!

At this point, I heard footsteps outside, running quickly.


Bai Xiaochun shuddered in panic. This was the Black Heavenly Blind's headquarters, and there were no windows to escape through. The walls also had a thick iron plate in the center, making it impossible to break through with a single blow.

The only way out was to visit.

"What do I do? What do I do?

Will they believe you when you tell them you're innocent, when they see this bloody white thunderbolt in your hand, when they see your bloody hand holding this sword stained with the blood of black blindness?

Bai Chen didn't know what to do.

Meanwhile, the footsteps grew closer, and the door swung open.


The man who entered the room seemed stunned by the sight, but Bai Xiaochun was just as surprised: he knew the man.

"Why is the author here?

Standing there was none other than the Martial Lord himself, and behind him stood several of the Black Horse and Black Heavenly Blind masters. They, too, had fallen deeply silent upon seeing the situation in the room. They seemed to think it was a terrible nightmare, which was why they couldn't accept it easily.

Soon, a wail of anguish erupted from the mouth of the magus.

"The Black Heaven Martial Lord was killed by the hands of the White Heaven Martial Lord Nie Bai Tian!"

On this day, the era of peace in the Wu Rim came to an end.

It was the beginning of the Great War.

<Continued from "Reliability" Volume 28

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