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Book 27 Chapter 17

The Windbag

-And a new crew

'Seriously, no…….'

The envoys of the Heavenly Martial Academy, including Long Tianming and Maha, were so stunned by what they had witnessed earlier that they could barely speak.

Is this even possible in a human body, or are they just dreaming?

Long Tianming remembered seeing the same phenomenon a while back, in the Hongmae Valley of the Volcanic Society, where he had been humiliated.

Of course, it wasn't a stream of water like it is now; it was a pillar of flame that seemed to scorch the sky. Long Tianming had never forgotten the sight that had burned into his eyes like a fire seal.

Later, he was astonished to learn that the feat had been accomplished by only one person.

He was impressed, and even more so when he was told that the person was a young master, about his age. But in the end, I never learned his identity. I was blown away by his humility, that he was able to accomplish the feat of saving everyone in the volcano and not take credit for it.

The nickname that was given to that person was…….

Long Tianming's gaze turned to Bi Ryuyeon's face, and with it, most of the Heavenly Martial Academy's envoys.

With a trembling voice, Yong Tianming opened his mouth, and a single star sign flowed from within.


Only then did the people realize that the man they had been calling Xin Feng Hai, and who they had been looking up to, was the same man they had been mocking and calling "the Unfortunate Dictator".

Facing the untimely cold rain and feeling the bitterness deep in her heart, Bi Ryuyeon only looked around at the silence after a while.

"Why is it so quiet, has everyone gone mute?"

The deck had fallen silent as people stood in awe. Everyone was stunned by what had just happened around them.

"We're all done here, right?"

Namgungsang nodded quickly.


Bi Ryuyeon's body collapsed on the spot.

As he collapsed, a white hand grabbed him from behind in surprise. The owner of the jade was none other than Na Yerin. As he collapsed in her arms, she gently placed him on the ground.

"Ryuyeon, are you okay?"

A voice filled with concern rang softly in my ear.

Ah, smooth.

Ah, cozy.

A faint, soft scent tickled the tip of my nose.

The soft silk tickled his cheeks.

Before he knew it, he was lying on top of Na Yerin with a slash across her knee.

He tried to look at her face, but he couldn't see properly.

His eyelids continued to press down on his vision with a heavy weight.

Blink, blink, blink. Blink, blink, blink.

Along with the fatigue came an overwhelming sense of drowsiness.

Before he could even savor the satisfaction of his accomplishment, drowsiness was robbing him of his reason.

I just couldn't believe he was still conscious while wearing a fetish.

'Is it because he succeeded in subduing the Left Beast?

But even the alertness didn't seem to stop me from dozing off. I was sleepy. Insanely sleepy.

"That should be it, right?

No more traceability, right?

So, you can sleep easy now, right?

Whether you're comfortable with it or not, it's a good idea…….

Poof! Bam!

Then, in the distance, a sailboat flew by at the speed of the wind, accompanied by an audible roar, and it was not making its way across the lake, but splashing across the surface almost like an osprey.

Riding on top of them were a young silver-haired man and a young boy, both of whom were the leader of the Sixth Battalion, Mu Mu, and the deputy leader, Zhang Ziyi.


Dozens of swords pointed at the nameless.

Forced to wake up due to the urgency of the situation, Bi Ryuyeon pressed charges as soon as she opened her eyes.

"What do I do?

She knew that even if they swarmed him now, they would be no match for him, but that didn't mean she was going to let him get away with it. One thing was certain, he no longer had the strength to fight.

And then you're faced with the most terrifying enemy of all.


Even the best of the best couldn't help but feel stuck.

"What are you guys doing, pulling out all these gnarly weapons? Put them away already."

He didn't understand their behavior. The same could be said for Bi Ryuyeon, who didn't understand their behavior.


Pulling herself out of Na Yerin's arms, Bi Ryuyeon sat up and asked in disbelief.

"Why are you doing this, I thought you were here to get us?"

"No, why should I do that?"

"That's because he's the captain of a thousand and thirty-three."

Now they are under a decree to be exterminated, and he who is the captain of the castle is obliged to kill or capture them as soon as he sees them.

"Oh, don't worry about that. I'm on vacation right now."

"Are you on vacation?"

I can't help but wonder if that's all there is to it, but that seems to have been the end of it for Moo Myung.

"Oops, on vacation. A vacation in a hundred years."

If his memory serves him correctly, it was also a vacation that had been rarely taken in the last hundred years.

"Wait, you're telling me you weren't kidding when you said that? I mean, aside from that, you haven't even paid your vacation time yet!"

Zhang Ziyi, who had been fidgeting beside him with a pale face, interjected in alarm.

"Paid?" Vacation time. Paid vacation. Didn't you see So-ok with him?"

Hearing those words, Zhang Ziyao's face immediately turned pale.

"Just out of curiosity, are you referring to that… that 'scrap of paper' you randomly tossed on your desk, boss?"

"Uh, that."

The mute nodded obediently.

"I definitely got two of these, didn't I?"

Placek's head drooped to the point where he wondered if it was broken forever.

"What did you write?"

"That's it……."

A miserable expression slowly began to appear on Zhang Ziyi's face. It was a misery that bordered on despair. What could possibly make this boy feel so miserable?

He remembered. What the nameless man had scrawled on that scrap of paper.

Unknown: Taking a paid leave of absence. Don't look for.

PlaceOk:Followed by. Lee Dong-moon.

He scribbled two pages, tossed them aside, and ran. He was not surprised to find himself in the company of the invaders who had invaded the palace. And there was a bigger problem yet. He had submitted his leave, but it hadn't yet been approved.

"Will that vacation pass?

Whether or not So-ok racked her brains, Bi Ryuyeon continued her questioning.

"I guess I should congratulate you on your first paid vacation in a while, but why are you on this boat? Wouldn't you be better off on a different boat to get to your vacation destination?"

"No, why get on another boat?"

"What do you mean, of course you do, it's a different destination?"

"Don't worry. The destination is the same."


What is he talking about? Bi Ryuyeon was very tired now, sleep was pouring down like rain, and he couldn't think clearly. However, a vague sense of foreboding was plaguing him.

"I'm going on vacation with you guys."

Mu Myung looked at Bi Ryuyeon and said.

Those eyes were saying, "Especially with you.

"I thought you said it was a vacation? Thanks, but no thanks, I'll drop you off when we get to a decent dock somewhere, and in the meantime, why don't you take your time changing destinations?"

"No, you don't have to. I'm bored with everything else. You're the only one I'm interested in."

"That's a confession I'm not too happy about, I'm not much of a guy."

"I don't care how you feel, what matters is how I feel."


It was the kind of attitude that said it didn't matter how she felt. It was a refreshingly fucked up feeling to be beaten. It seemed that this human was too self-centered to lose.

"What do you want?"

In response to Bi Ryuyeon's question, Mu Myung answered without hesitation.

"It's a toss-up with you!"

Na Yerin gave her a slightly wary glance. Bi Ryuyeon's headache was getting worse.

"Why are you obsessed with winning, you don't seem like the kind of person who would be obsessed with that?"

Nameless, there was an air of detachment about him. The whereabouts of the game didn't seem to matter.

"Competing with you means something, and I have a strange feeling that you will make me complete."

He had no intention of letting go of the only clue to his lost memories.

"If I ask you to get out, you won't, will you?

It would have been nice to get them off now, but they didn't seem to want to jump off in the middle of Dongjeong Lake, and we didn't have enough power to force them off.

"For that reason, I'm going to stay with you for a while, so don't sleep on it."

That was the end of the conversation.

"Looks like I got the wrong lump……."

An uncharacteristic sigh escaped his lips, and he didn't feel like he or she would fall as easily as he thought.

"Well, Yerin…… I'm going to catch up on some sleep."

"Yes, good night, Ryuyeon."

She lay back down, using Na Yerin's lap as a pillow, and drifted off to sleep. Having expended so much energy, she could no longer fight off the sleep that was pouring in. For now, she would have to settle for the fact that the nameless being was unlikely to pose a threat for now.

"Looks like this is going to be a long vacation."

I puffed out my chest and shouted as I watched the fog of ignorance lift.

He smiled in anticipation of the days ahead.

On the other hand, the faces of the now-disarmed Namgung merchants were filled with wariness.

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discord ko-fi