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Book 27 Chapter 16

Nameless, Awakening

-Byuliyon Rage

It's scary.

I'm afraid of that.

That thing looking at you.

That golden glow - that

Two pupils!

I want to run away. I want to escape.

Out of the reach of that golden gaze!

But there's no escaping that stare.

The golden eyes won't let him go.

No matter how much you run and hide, you can't escape it.

Please… please……!

He writhes in agony and fever. Screams erupt.

I feel like my whole body is burning.

The body turns to ash and the mind returns to nothingness.

It disappears. The thing that is me disappears.

The vast, endless nothingness of space opens its gaping maw.

Endless oblivion reveals itself in all its horror.


It goes black. Everything goes black.

Only two lights remained in that dark space.

Two glowing golden eyes.

Glare at yourself.

Always! Forever!


With a tearing shriek, the figure's eyes flashed open.

"Captain, are you awake?"

"Huh? So-ok? Why am I lying here?"

He couldn't understand why he was lying in a hospital bed on the fourth floor.

"Oh, you forgot, that's because you were distracted."

"Lost my mind? Why would I do that? I'm not even hurt?"

As far as he could recall-though his memory was unwillingly poor-he hadn't been attacked by an opponent, so why had he fainted? Come to think of it, he might have had a really bad headache.

"He suddenly collapsed, all by himself."

The same was true for Jang Ji-ok. At first, he was surprised to learn that his boss had been killed.

Mu Ming shook his head as if he didn't understand.

"By myself? No, why me?"

"Well, I don't know, I'd rather ask my side of the story."

How surprised he was when his master suddenly collapsed. At first, he wondered if he had been ambushed by a poisoned memorization.


Apparently, from the sounds of it, he had passed out from the intense headache.

What were those sights I saw before I passed out?

And those dreams you had after you passed out? Those eyes?

It was definitely not in his memory. It was an unwilling memory, but the feeling was both familiar and unfamiliar.

"Oh, by the way, where did he go?"

"When you say he, who do you mean?"

"Why, that young man with the long bangs."

She grabbed a handful of her own bangs and shielded her eyes.

"Oh, him? If it's him, he's already gone."


Jang Ji-ok said as if she had been waiting.

"I thought you were going to escape?"

"Oh no! I can't do that!"

Mu Ming jumped to his feet and shouted.

"What, Captain, are you saying we can't escape?"

Unable to contain his curiosity, Placek asked.

"Of course. We can't let them escape, not ever!"

Why would his boss have such sincere thoughts? Zhang Ziyi even had a curious thought.

"Ugh…… This is not the time. Let's go, Sook."


"Of course we go after them. The fight isn't over yet. I need to fight him a lot more. A lot!"

Then it's like this…….

Apparently, his objective was somewhere other than an escape jersey.

"Where are you going, you who are the captain of four thousand and thirty-three generations? Do not forget your position."

It was part of the troop leader's job to put the brakes on that idea whenever it occurred to him, however…….

"I'll quit being the boss, then."

It makes a lot of noise into nothing.

"You're quitting the big, big, big job?!"

Zhang Ziyi was stunned and her mouth dropped open like a crucian carp.

"No! No way! What about the men of the Sixth, you're going to abandon us?!"

"Uh-huh……. No, I'm not abandoning you, I'm just quitting. We'll pick the next captain, and you can do whatever you want."

An epic shout erupted from the dumbfounded Zhang Ziyi's mouth.

"There's no way that's possible, the Sixth hasn't had a new captain in decades, and you can't just come out and say you're the new captain and expect anyone to recognize you!"

"Is that so?"

"Of course!"

Placek hoped so, but his hopes were quickly dashed by the next words.

"Then I'll take a vacation."

"Are you on vacation?"

"Ugh, paid vacation."

* * *

Dangsam was feverishly clutching his sister's body.

Tears welled up in the eyes of his best friend, Qin Ling. Nan Gongsang couldn't hold back his tears either. Too much had happened in too short a time. Old Hak, who had lost an arm and was barely alive thanks to the first aid he had received, was too stunned to shed a tear.


But Bi Ryuyeon didn't cry, not a single tear escaping from his eyes. Instead, his face was devoid of all expression. Like a person whose emotions are gone, or like a person whose emotions are frozen.

This was the first time Na Yerin had ever seen Bi Ryuyeon's face like this. It wasn't his usual bright, easygoing, playful face.

It just stood there, frozen in time.

Just like…… used to be.

He just stood there, staring at Tang Wen Hye, who would never open her eyes again, and the disciples and priests who surrounded her.

Just silence.

"What is it, this horrible anxiety?

Wiping away his tears, Namgungsang felt an unexplained uneasiness stirring in his chest at the sight of the great brother.

Is this what it's like to be in front of an active volcano that could erupt at any moment?

His expression was as cold as a nor'easter's, and his eyes were like sizzling lava.

Cold fury.

Other than that, I don't think there are any words that can describe the state of Bi Ryuyeon right now.


His skin tingled just looking at it. It felt like invisible needles of flesh were piercing his skin. The hairs on his body stood up on end. His chest heaves.

At that moment, Namgungsang would have been frozen in place if it weren't for a loud noise around the ship.

Before I knew it, a dozen small, high-speed boats were trailing behind us, drawing white foam across the water.

They didn't even have time to calmly pay their respects to Tang's death.

The chasers have caught up.

The pursuers were none other than the Ten Demon Gate Guards of the Temple of Heaven, who traveled at breakneck speed in their fast boats and formed a circle around the envoys.

The Guimuns were not alone in their pursuit. Even the men of the Four Thousand and Thirty-Third had quickly launched their boats, hoisted their anchors, and followed closely behind.

As the siege grew closer and closer, he was lost in thought. In fact, the faces of all the envoys, including the Southern Emperor, became contemplative.

I had to sacrifice too much to get on this boat.

They had no strength left to break through this siege.

Despair began to creep into the hearts of the students of the Heavenly Martial Hall.


The pursuing ship rowed closer. The envoys' boat had sails, but no oars. Even with oars, it would be too much for this group. All they could do was keep the boat moving forward.

"Waaaaaah, waaaaaah!"

The shouts grew louder as the pursuers got closer.

Bi Ryuyeon's eyebrows twitched for a moment as she stood expressionlessly.

A man is dead, a girl is dead, my disciple, my priest, what the hell is wah-wah, is there some kind of slant?


A snort of laughter escaped her lips.

It was loud enough to shake the boat and the lake around it.


The muklong ring around his left ankle came loose and fell to the deck with a thud.

Bi Ryuyeon's bangs fluttered, revealing a pair of closed eyes.

Suddenly there was silence.

"The wind has stopped."

The bewildered people, including Namgung Sang, looked around and muttered.

The wind that pushed the boat's sails stopped. The leaves that had been flying across the lake fell gently to the ground. The boats around them, using their sails to move, also stopped.

Something wasn't right, people intuitively felt something wasn't right.

"The atmosphere is stirring……."

The wind around me was swirling wildly.

My skin was stinging.

Namgungsang unconsciously turned his gaze toward the great brother.

Something was about to happen.


The wind began to blow around the ship.

At first, the breeze was just enough to stir a single leaf on the lake. However, the wind soon began to create waves of rounded trajectories around the boat. Riding the wave of trajectory, the leaf began to move toward the boat.

The waves made a complete circle around the ship.

Bi Ryuyeon raised her right hand to the sky.

At that moment, the leaf that had hit the ship's hull went flying.

With the dragon slain by Bi Ryuyeon.

With a whirlwind.

And at the same time, five lightning dao emanated from Bi Ryuyeon's hand.

A huge gust of wind struck the Namgungsang and the students of the Heavenly Martial Academy. He quickly stabilized his body with the Heavenly Muscle Technique. Otherwise, he would be blown away.

Lightning Sword (飛雷刀)

Ultimatum (最終秘傳奧義)

Chapter of the Windstorm

Phosphorus (刃) in a Spiral (螺旋)

Feng Shui (片手) Wind Gods


The winds swept in unison around them, forming a gigantic maelstrom. A draconic wind that couldn't possibly compare to the one that had been generated earlier.

It was roughly the same size as when the Volcanic Ashes gathered all of the infernal karma that surrounded Hongmae Valley to form the Pillar of Fire, but this time it wasn't a pillar of fire.

The Burn of the Water Dragon



The waters of the lake rose to the sky in unison.

Like a dragon ascending.

The Ascending Water Dragon erected a giant pillar of water between heaven and earth.

A giant dragon wind swept across the lake's vast waters, sweeping away the pursuing ships, including the Twelve Laws, that had swarmed around Bi Ryuyeon's boat.

Caught in a giant maelstrom and whirlwind, the pursuing ships were destroyed one after another.

It was a disaster.

"Is this human power?

Clutching the railing, Namgung Sang watched in horror, feeling like he was about to be blown away, even though he was in the center of the storm.

This was not a single person's power. It was a technology that was not thought to be humanly possible.

Of course, not all of the power of the feng shui was based on Bi Ryuyeon's goodwill and his strength.

It was just the first cause to assimilate with nature and spin the natural winds.

As it merges with nature, it gets bigger and bigger. Like a giant spinning wheel of nature.

It was a kind of whip that spun the great spinning wheel of nature.

Assimilate yourself into the cycles of nature and accelerate them. You don't jump over it, you use it.

That's extreme will.

The moment when humans can transcend humanity.

And the power of that spinning top was truly terrifying.

Everyone was caught in the whirlwind of the wind gods, cracked, broken, and blown away.

Where the wind gods have swept away, there is nothing but empty rubble.

There was nothing but silence there.

The commotion in Tang's path was completely silenced.

"Moon Hye, this is a long song for you."

Looking at the sky, Bi Ryuyeon muttered.


The water gushed up into the sky and turned into rain, falling on Bi Ryuyeon's face.

Ryu-yeon Bi could only watch as the rain hit her in the face.

Humbly. Humbly.

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