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Book 27 Chapter 15

Frenzied West Winds

-The Cause of Nightmares

"You were the one who gave Yerin nightmares, weren't you?"

A dark smile formed on Bi Ryuyeon's lips, as if she were relishing this encounter.

"I wanted to meet you."

He meant it; he was actually excited about the meeting.


He couldn't help but wonder why this youngster wanted to meet him so badly. As if he wasn't disappointed to see his men fall, Xu Tian still hadn't released his crossed arms.

"So that I may never see you again, because after today, I never want to see the face of a bastard like you again. No, your very existence is poison, and I will erase you from this world on Yerin's behalf, your very existence."

The corner of Xu Chen's mouth quirked upward in amusement. In fact, he had been observing the little brat who had appeared beside Na Yerin earlier. He was filled with a boiling jealousy. Rare and precious ingredients are supposed to taste best when cooked with the flavors of the surrounding ingredients. Since cooking is a quick process, it was fun to peek at the surrounding ingredients to see what kind of bastard the one next to Na Yerin was.

"Who the hell do you think you are, Na Yerin, that you have her heart set on you?"

Bi Ryuyeon's eyebrows twitched slightly.

"I hope you don't say Yerin's name with that filthy mouth of yours, because just hearing it makes me want to vomit."

"Hmph, that little bird is mine. Every single one of its flesh is mine, down to the last hair on its head, and what's wrong with calling my possessions whatever I want?"

Bi Ryuyeon laughed. And said.

"I'm throwing up."

Xu Tian's eyes lit up for a moment, but Bi Ryuyeon didn't stop talking.

"You'd better make sure that Yerin's 'yes' doesn't go up or down in the mouth of an asshole like you in the future, that kind of disgust is beyond me."

At that, Seo Chen burst out laughing maniacally.

He was dangerous. Insane. Madness itself. His madness was far too twisted for a pure soul like Na Yerin's to handle. To be near him was to risk being tainted. I didn't even want to know why his soul was twisted.

I had to remove it. Right here, right now. So he could never get close to Yerin again. Right now.

"Who are you to say what I can or cannot do? I don't need anyone's permission. I only need my own permission to sit on the throne!"

"That was yesterday, and today is different."

The corners of Xu Tian's mouth still curled into a maniacal grin.

"Okay, I've decided. I'm going to rip out your heart, gouge out your two eyeballs, rip out your tongue, cut off your ears, and throw them in front of him. I'm sure she'll be delighted. I can already hear the little bird chirping for joy."

I'm so confident that I can dig out your heart at any time.

"I see. You're a nuisance to this world, an affront to nature, even breathing, so let's get rid of you."

She smiles back at him without losing. She had never lost her momentum.

"Can he do that? The one who's going to die right now?"


West Wind Fan Fan stretched out his black beast toward Bi Ryuyeon.

The attack was as swift as a nimble snake, the black strike piercing directly through Bi Ryuyeon's heart.


Before a satisfied smile could form on Xu Chen's lips, Bi Ryuyeon's new model disappeared.

By now, she had taken half a step back. As if to dare her to reach this far.


Xu Tian drew back his right shoulder. As if to retrieve the West Wind Lightning, whose power was halved.


At that moment, the index finger of the iron armored horse stretched out and shot toward Bi Ryuyeon's brow.

An unexpected blow (一擊).

Just as she was about to burn a hole in her forehead, Bi Ryuyeon tilted her head to the side.


A hole the size of a dime was punched through the beautiful tree behind me. As easily as if you were piercing tofu.

The next moment, West Wind's remaining four fingers extended like steel whips in unison, wrapping around Bi Ryuyeon's entire body.

West Wind Scroll (西風光閃指)

Shackle (碎刃)


Five stretches of steel whip cut the tree into dozens of pieces and sent it crashing to the ground, but Bi Ryuyeon's body was not among them.

Before she knew it, she was at the top of a beautiful tree.

Xu Tian's sword attack cut through the trunk of the tree, but not the top.

Xu Chen retrieved the Xu Feng Guanglan with an expressionless face.

Bi Ryuyeon leapt from the crumbling tree and looked back at Seo Chen, then said.

"What do you think? It's not as easy as it sounds, is it?"

"Well, it's too soon to be dismissive because you just got away with it, because you haven't even started, but it's a nice little diversion, and I'm still watching him."

The ship left the dock, but Yerin stood on the railing, still looking toward Bi Ryuyeon.

"Hmph, I can't wait to smash anything she holds dear. My whole body trembles with joy when I think of how much it could stain her pure soul."

At that moment, Bi Ryuyeon could clearly see Xu Tian's eyes turn dazed with ecstasy.

"I knew it, but you're a pervert, and you're insane."

"A pervert? I'm perfectly normal. Doesn't everyone want to be the first one to step on the first snowfall? So what's wrong with trampling on a child who's as clean as snow? It's human nature to want to defile what's clean. It's a vice we're all born with. It is the very essence of purity."

Twisted. This man is endlessly twisted. Just being near him made Bi Ryuyeon feel disgusted.

"Shut up, pervert. Pure souls are worth preserving, not perverts like you, and I think it's in nature's best interest to cleanse polluters like you quickly."

"You are a madman, indeed, to make such a 'straw man' assurance under the circumstances. I must take care that your feather-light tongue does not fly away after I pluck it, for it is a gift for my little bird, my sweet child."

Xu Chen mocked Bi Ryuyeon with a glint in his eye.

"The more I cherish you, the more the child will crumble and sink, and you will never be able to leave my side. The Throne will not let go of a single hair, an aura, or a speck of her soul, for she is the one who will bear my children, never. I will not let that happen!"

His words were almost a curse.

At that moment, she felt a tingling sensation on her skin.

Something was pricking his skin.

It was a wind with life in it, the air around him stirring and attacking him.

It's an omen.

It was an omen of a storm that would soon come from the west.

"I will send you out of the world in my storm!"

Once again, a west wind frenzy erupted.

West Wind Fanaticism (奧義)

Tashin (打神鞭)

Xu Tian's mana stretched and stretched, sweeping toward Bi Ryuyeon like a giant whip.

"It doesn't take the same number twice."

Bi Ryuyeon sneered, dodging lightly.

"Same number? Where?"


Hundreds of steel spikes sprouted from the outstretched beast. The black scales that made up the steel beast seemed to rise in unison. Bi Ryuyeon dodged those spikes as well, and then……!

Black beef sashimi (黑鱗廻廻)

Kwara kwara kwara.

The sprouting thorns began to spin in unison. The black snake soon became a whirlpool. Xu Tian raised his right arm, and the black vortex shot up into the sky like a whip.

West Wind Frenzy (西風狂亂) Extreme Righteousness (极奧義)

Crazy Poems of the West Wind

Frenzy (狂風搖亂)

"I will tear you to pieces with the sword of the dragon."

The air around them was sucked toward the whirlwind that erupted from Xu Chen's right hand.

Bi Ryuyeon hastily stretched out her right hand. Five bolts of lightning and brain death emanated.

"This technology is dangerous, then!

The techniques of the master who pushed him to the wall, the tricks he used on himself.

What the master wrote was the "Twin Dragon Book," one of the Five Elements of the Wind Gods.

A fanciful application of misdirection that invokes two powers simultaneously.

I can't go there yet, but if it's something else! If it's one thing!

I could use it now that I've vanquished the beast.

Flying Sword Misunderstanding

Sword Techniques Killing Techniques

Chapters of the Line of Duty

Final chapter

Gale (疾風) Dragon Kite (龍卷刃)

A brain wraith emanated from his right hand, rotating above his hand to form a silver dragon wind.

A technique that would normally require the use of both hands and ten non-reliance.

But by now, I could do it with one hand.

Xu Chen's eyes widened as he saw the dragon power emerge from Bi Ryuyeon's hand.

Did they feel they couldn't wait any longer?


The black dragon power wind descended upon Bi Ryuyeon like a devil's whip.

"Get out of here!"

The white dragon power winds, glowing silver, shot toward each other in an unyielding battle.

Black and white dragon winds clashed in the air.

And they fought, biting at each other like a black dragon and a white dragon fighting.

The black dragon bares its teeth and bites the white dragon. The White Dragon resists, flipping over its body.

The black dragon fought back, the white dragon fought back. It was a fight to the death.

Neither side backs down. The only thing on their minds was to tear each other apart.


There was a roar that rang through the air, and a cloud of dust rose.

A moment later, two newcomers emerged from the dusty wall.

The two men glare at each other, having been bounced by the force of Oi's backlash.

No one fell down.


Both of your permissions have canceled each other out.

Power whistles! Where the two dragons, black and white, clashed, a dizzying array of gouges appeared in the ground, only to reveal the battle that had just taken place.

"……this is the number of……."

Xu Tian was astonished that he hadn't been able to kill a brat like that with his Feng Feng Frenzy aura.

The emotional impact was just as devastating.

'It's broken again…….'

The covenant of non-request has been broken once again.

What the heck was that? That martial art that looks like it was created to destroy the stigma of the Rainbow Gate?

Is that what you mean by the martial arts of Xu Tian?

Twice in one day, the covenant is broken.

Moreover, like Bi Ryuyeon herself, the author was still saving the best for last. It was clear that she had an even bigger trick up her sleeve.

If they did, we needed to be ready for it.

"I'm going to have to do 'that,' right?

Then, with a faint noise, I felt a slight vibration in the ground. New enemy reinforcements were coming. And they seemed to be three times as numerous as the ones I had just defeated.

"Chit, I never wanted to see your face again after today, but apparently things aren't going well."

When a thousand and thirty-three ships converge on a harbor one after another, even the most casual observer can become overwhelmed.

"But you've scarred Yerin's heart, so you'll have to pay for it, though a million deaths won't wash away the nightmare you've carved into her mind."

"Hmph, do you have such a knack? This world is all about power. You should know that if you don't have the power, you won't be forgiven for speaking out."

"So what you're saying is that if you have the power, you can use it to crush people's hearts, and you don't think you'll be crushed?"

"Kahahahaha, who would dare to do such a thing to me, to leave a scar on my heart, my heart filled with hatred, where neither blood nor tears have dried up?"

Seocheon's face went crazy as he listened to the most ridiculous things. He couldn't imagine what could possibly hurt him; he couldn't believe that such a thing could happen to him. He could trample on the hearts of others, but others could trample on his heart. To him, such a thing could not happen in this world. In his opinion.

"Do it if you can. I'll let you howl in despair. I wonder if you'll be able to laugh like you do now after your liver and intestines are ripped out."

But the threats didn't even raise an eyebrow, and Bi Ryuyeon's heart was in the right place.

"If that's the case, I'll take it. Why are you so sensitive, anyway? Are you afraid of being poked and prodded about something you've been hiding, that you're 'inferior'?"

"What did you just say… Moorish?"

The sneer faded from Xu Chen's lips as he relaxed.

Instead, an icy chill mingled with the flesh.

It was anger, a cold rage that burned black in the depths of my heart.

The grass around Xu Chen's feet began to turn black and dry, and the leaves on the trees half a mile away withered, and the trees grew limp and dead.

The life within him, the intangible energy emanating from his body, was causing death to the vegetation around him. This is the kind of power that only those who have reached the peak of their art can display.

An enormous mass of flesh was being concentrated toward Bi Ryuyeon.

But instead of being skinny and thin, Bi Ryuyeon's face seemed to be more colorful with a big smile on her face.

"Do you have a bad ear? Or is it your comprehension? I'll be nice and say it just one more time."

As if to say, this time, don't miss out and listen carefully, Bi Ryuyeon spoke each word in a tight voice.

"Yeh-ah-ah, deh-uh-uh!"

"I'll do it," he added quickly.

With a loud bang, the trees next to it burst into flames.

"There's nothing the lowly can't say! I'm the 'West Heavenly Fear', the 'Four Heavenly Fears' that once terrorized the entire Martial Realm! How dare you look at me and call me inferior! How dare you!"

Certainly, Xu Tian was right; there was no way he could be considered inferior, whether by virtue of his original status, his current position as the Xu Tian Frightening, or his position in the Heavenly Pavilion. But Bi Ryuyeon had no intention of bending her mind.

"You're just hiding your inferiority complex deep inside. Haven't you been a loser all your life anyway? You've never even beaten your own brother, yet you're so cocky about it, because you don't think you can actually beat him through brute force, so you're bullying Yerin to get revenge in other ways? It's really pathetic."

'I'm going to give you one last chance to retract that statement, and I want you to do it now!'

Xu Tian's face turned grim and he let out an angry yell. It was strange that he didn't rush over to kill Bi Ryuyeon immediately. His demeanor made one wonder if he intended to win Bi Ryuyeon's submission with words rather than force. If he had such absurd expectations, it was only a pity that I couldn't tell him to give them up before he did.

"By getting angry like that, you're proving that you're inferior, and that inferiority isn't just about your brother."

"What kind of bullshit is that?!"

"Stupid. That means you're far inferior to me."

I didn't know that, I'm inferior after all, said Bi Ryuyeon with an attitude.

"Dog, did you think you could agitate me with such a nasty tongue, you fool!"

But he was already very agitated. The fact that he had missed the time to take action and was being drawn in by Bi Ryuyeon's words was the biggest proof of this.

"Hahaha, you do realize you're making a huge mistake, right?"


"There's no way I'm going to talk to a bastard like you, is there? I'm not naive enough to believe that we can all get to know each other just by talking, sometimes you need to sell. I'll break your sleep, I'll break it with a blow, didn't I already tell you, I'll crush your heart with force, just like you've done to others!"

"It sounds like you're talking in your sleep!"

To him, Bi Ryuyeon's rant was just another daydream.

"Well, don't think you can stop this blow."

Sigh, Bi Ryuyeon's hand pointed to Xu Tian's brow.


A drop of will rippled through Ming's mind.

Your will becomes a blade, and you wield it.

It was a sword of the mind that could not cut through the visible, but could cut through the invisible.

Lightning Sword (飛雷刀)

Sword Qi Righteousness

Chapter of the Single-minded Formlessness

Thunderbolt Pole

Heavenly Seal (天刑印)

The blow that Bi Ryuyeon leaves for Xu Chen, the nightmare that she instills in his mind. It will never go away until he kills Bi Ryuyeon. It is a heavenly punishment.

The divine thunderbolts falling from the heavens above imprinted themselves on Xu Tian's retinas like burn marks, twisting and tearing his mind at the same time, leaving glowing scars on his dark, corrupted black heart.


A terrifying, horrifying scream erupted from Xu Tian's mouth, a scream that could have come from the depths of hell.

I thought I blocked it, but apparently his vaunted west wind defense wasn't perfect.

A bolt of lightning tore through his defenses, slicing across his face and body. Blood spurted out.

Usually, wounds leave dark scars on bright minds. But Bi Ryuyeon's blow earlier left a glowing scar on a dark heart. The light in the darkness is clearer than the darkness in the light.

The heart thunder of the rainbow.

It was a variation of the same technique that had once allowed Bi Ryuyeon to awaken the spirit of Galhyo Peak, which had been banned from the Shaman Mountain. It was also the one that had pierced through Rockvio's hard armor and turned his mind white.

Why is Xu Tian so distressed by this seemingly innocuous gesture? It is because his spirit has been injured more than his body. To be more precise, it is not the body that is injured, but the body of qi that is interconnected with the body, the qi body.


No! I'm not inferior! I'm not inferior! I'm not inferior! I'm not inferior!

He shouts. Again and again and again.

I struggled to shake off those two words that stuck in my head and wouldn't go away.

But the more he struggled, the more he struggled, the more he denied, the more he denied, the more strongly the two words "inferior" penetrated his brain and heart. You are inferior! Admit it!

No, I'm not inferior! I'm not inferior!

I am the terror that once struck fear into the hearts of the whole land.

I was no longer the helpless Nile of old.

I wasn't the same Nile who was always in the shadow of his great brother, unable to stretch his legs.

This is not the same Nathan who got his arm chopped off by his brother and became a "cripple".

He had great power, power that he used to kill those who were once his allies, power that he used to bring death and terror to so many. So I am not inferior, I am not inferior.

-You don't think killing a bunch of people will make your inferiority go away, do you, stupid? When you're inferior, you attack others to hide it. Inferior people. Thinking that hurting others will make you great is "inferior thinking".

The words seemed to come from nowhere.

He shook his head desperately.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

I'm not inferior! I'm not inferior!

I'm the best! I'm the best! I'm the best! I'm the best!

He cried out in desperation, but no voice agreed with him.

It wasn't just an external attack, but it wasn't my enemy either.

Shen Liu attacks the mind, not the body. It attacks the mind, which is chi, rather than the body, which is qi, of the regular gods. This blow shakes the soul, or god.

It's a mental attack, but the blow is physical. It's a mental attack, but the blow shows up in the flesh.

A trickle of red blood ran down the center of Xu Tian's forehead. He was still in agony, holding his head with both hands.

Chen Yingyin had attained the highest level of the Profound Core and was able to slice through the heart and cut through the flesh, but he was not able to take his own life because his technique was not yet perfect. The peak adepts are more disciplined in their practice, so it's only a matter of time before they reach the point of death.


Then, with a shout, the enemy reinforcements that I had sensed approaching by the growing tremors in the ground appeared. Behind me, dozens of men from the 1st Battalion were running with their weapons, and judging by the shouts coming from all directions, they weren't the only ones.

It was fortunate that the ship carrying Na Yerin and the Celestial Academy envoys had set sail first. Otherwise, we would have had over a hundred trackers on deck before we even left the dock.

"Yeah…how dare he……!"

As expected from such a vicious bastard, Xu Chen's recovery was surprisingly fast.

"You know you're lucky."

It did leave a scar, as promised, but I was disappointed that it didn't finish the job.

"Next time, it won't end up like that, trust me, I promise!"

It was a warning. A warning that was meant to be tattooed on Xu Tian's heart and ears.

And it was a promise. A promise to come back and finish him off next time.

It was also meant to strike fear into his heart.

Wouldn't it be unfair to let him think he'd gotten away, to let him think he'd gotten away, to let him know that it's not just words that he'll be back. Until that day, so that Seocheon can't sleep with his feet outstretched. To be haunted by nightmares every night.

"Don't forget that hurt until the next time we meet, which will never be, but for now, we'll meet in our nightmares!"

It threatened to give him nightmares every night.

"Pfft, the ship has already left. You think that ship is coming to get you, you fool! First I'm going to grab you and sink that ship to the bottom of Lake Dongjing!"

Still grimacing at the pain in his head, Xu Chen growled, "This is an island, the largest in the world, Dongzheng Lake. No matter how long I flew, I could never get out of here without a boat. Since the ship had already left the harbor, there was no way out for that chewable kid.

"You're an idiot, inferior. If you can't come from that side, you can come from this side."


Bi Ryuyeon took out a long black stick wrapped in her back pack and opened it wide.

It was none other than Gentian Eunlin.


A question arose in Xu Chen's mind, as well as among the men of the Heavenly Palace who had gathered around him.

"Okay, then, bye!"

Without hesitation, she threw him into the lake, where he spun around and around, landing upside down on top of the lake.

Pavavat, Bi Ryuyeon kicked the air a few times and landed on top of the upside-down Xian Tianlin. The skin of the Muklin Blood Net was perfectly waterproof. Drawing on one of the phoenix martial arts' secret techniques, the Flying Feather, to make her body as light as a feather, Bi Ryuyeon grabbed the umbrella pole with her left hand and shot out a gust of wind with her right.

A strong gale hit the lake and the umbrella began to fly at a terrifying speed.

The coalition forces pursuing Bi Ryuyeon stood at the edge of the harbor and watched him fade away, firing hastily with rote, swords, and a few bows. But it was too late.

Using her as a boat and the tension as an oar, Bi Ryuyeon approached the boat with the group, shot the tension perpendicular to the surface of the water for the last time, then leaped on the recoil and landed safely on top of the boat. Then he lifted Shen Tianlin up.


The water that splashed on the surface of the water turned into rain and fell on the black umbrella, but because she was wearing an umbrella, her collar didn't get wet.

"I'm back, Yerin."

Na Yerin stood on the railing of the ship. Even after the ship had left, she continued to look toward Bi Ryuyeon.

"Welcome, Ryuyeon."

Na Yerin greeted him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't finish that son of a bitch."

At that, Na Yerin shook her head. Xu Tian was her own nightmare. She had used up all of her Qi today, but the next time they met, it wouldn't be like today. Then I will raise my sword and face him.

"No, I'd like to finish it if I can, but……."


"Where did you get that umbrella……?"

Na Yerin's gaze is fixed on the black umbrella that Bi Ryuyeon is holding. There was no mistaking such a unique and distinctive umbrella. This was obviously the same umbrella that Liu Bi had been carrying around with her all along. Why is she carrying it?

"Oh, this one? I mean, this one……."

Oops, I need to come up with something plausible to say, but I'm suddenly at a loss for words.

I can't just stand here and say, "I'm Yunbi, I'm surprised, ahahaha!" But I can't lie to Yong'an when he's watching……. Even if he couldn't read my mind, I couldn't take such a risk. At that moment, I pondered.


From somewhere, a faint voice sounded like it was about to break.

"Are you there……?"

Dangsam's mournful voice followed.

"Hye Mae, are you awake? Hye Mae!"

"This sound!"

Bi Ryuyeon and Na Yerin hurried to the source of the voice.

There, Dang-sam was in a panic, holding a bloodied Dang-mun-hye.

It was none other than Tang Wen-hye who called out to Bi Ryuyeon in a faint voice.

"Hye Mae! Are you awake, Hye Mae?!"

Dang Sam hugged Tang Wen Hye, who had regained consciousness, and shouted.

Boom! Boom!

Red blood gushed from the wound where the demon's nails had pierced. Even if it had missed her heart, it had left a gaping hole in her chest. They tried to staunch the bleeding, but no one expected her to survive.

Considering the amount of blood loss, it's a miracle I'm still alive. Ordinarily, the shock of being punctured in the chest would have stopped my heart immediately. I wondered if the fact that I was now conscious was some kind of halo effect, a brief flicker of light just before the candle goes out.

"Stupid…… I said it's my sister……."

The trembling hand reached for his cheek, then tried to pull away, as if it didn't have enough strength. He clutched at the hand, which was losing more and more blood.

"Okay! Okay, don't tell me! If you do, you'll bleed out! If you come back to life, I'll call you sister a hundred times, a thousand times, so come back to life. You idiot!"

Hot tears cascaded from Tang San's eyes. The halves of him that had been born on the same day, at the same time, and shared the same life were being torn apart. It was painful, as if his body was being torn in half.

"You're an idiot……. It was dangerous……."

Tang smiled weakly.

"The big brother is……."

"I'm here."

Bi Ryuyeon answered Tang Wenhye's intermittent calls with a stiff voice, devoid of even a hint of emotion.

"당삼을…… 부탁……."

She didn't say anything about asking for revenge. If she were in her right mind, she would have trained the hell out of her to do it, but now she knew she couldn't, so she trusted him to repay her for what she'd done, even if he grumbled about it. Was it weird of her to think he was cool for a moment?

"Don't worry, I'll roll hard. I'll roll enough to cover the sky with flowers."

"I believe……."

"I promise."

If ever there was a man who never failed to keep his word, it was Bi Ryuyeon.

"In the meantime, thank you……."

"Don't talk like you're about to die! You'll be damned if you do!"

A laborious smile forms on Tang's face.


He coughed, blood rushing to his chest once more.

"Holy…… shit, I'm going to be in trouble……"

His voice grew quieter and quieter with each passing second.

"Don't do anything you don't like ……."

So don't die, she was saying.

Tang Wen Hye laughed again. With a smile as frail as a candle in the face of a wind that could blow it out in an instant, she turned to Tang San.

"I…… want to see……."

"What do you want to see? What is it? Tell me. I'll show you everything I can…… sister!"

Tang San finally called Tang Wen Hye 'elder sister'. If he lived, he would call her that a thousand times. Dangmunhye smiles at Dangsam for calling her sister.

Gently. As if trying not to worry.

He squeezed out the last of his strength and began to spit out words that mingled with the wind.

"A rain of…… flowers filled the sky……. From your hands…… the…… flower rain of the…… full sky. Paint the sky…… with the colors of Sichuan……."

If only she had realized Wan Tianhua's extremity, she would not have suffered such a futile defeat today. It was her final failure to prove that this was not all there was to the Sichuan Tang Family.

"I can see it. I can see it. I'll finish it and show it to you. I will. I swear!"

If he could bring her back to life, he felt like he could do anything.

At Tang San's vow, Tang Wenhye smiled faintly.

"Promise…… is…… should be……."

Tang San's hand slipped from Tang Wen Hye's grasp.

His fluttering eyelids closed, and the thin smile that had been on his lips slipped further and further away.

And then the smile completely disappeared.

Like the last petal blown away by the wind.

On this day, the first of sixteen cast members was lost.

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