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Book 27 Chapter 14

Namgungsang despairs

-Close, but a long way


I couldn't do anything.

His friends were dying, his colleagues were getting hurt, and he couldn't do anything about it.

I felt so helpless.

Namgungsang had never experienced such despair before.

"This can't be happening!"

"If I die, my friends must live!

It was the only thing on his mind right now.

But how?

Seo Chen's skill was overwhelming.

The aura he emitted was enough to make Qing Shui, Bai Muyoung, and the Southern Palace Lord and Lady Qin clench their teeth and break out in a cold sweat.

Invisible hands were grasping their hearts and trying to crush them. A chill in the name of fear was freezing their hearts.

My legs are shaking. Your hands are shaking. Teeth chatter.

Run! Run! Run!

Their instincts were screaming at them. We must flee now. There is no victory in this fight. Fighting would only lead to death. It was a pointless death. The battle was lost before it was even fought. With their current abilities, there was no way to escape this death that was upon them. The only way out was to flee.


Namgung Sang gritted his teeth and took a step forward, withstanding all the pressure that was being applied to him. Xu Tian's eyes widened as he saw this. To be able to take his life and still maintain his sanity, even among the younger ones, there must be someone with a lot of strength.

"I'll stop him. You guys get on the boat."

He raised his sword and pointed it at Xu Tian's brow, and the flesh that had been shooting toward him split along the blade's edge, widening his range a bit more.

"You look like you want to die."

"There comes a time when a man of valor cannot back down, even when he knows he will die, and that time is now. I will not step away from this place. I am their shield. If you wish to pass through here, you will have to defeat me first!"

"Ho-oh, are you the son of the current head of the Namgung family?"

"Samnam Namgung Sang, and do not speak ill of my father's honor!"

"Hahahahaha! You should be thanking the throne. You are so ungrateful that you point a sword at me when I've done enough bowing."

Nan Gongsang's eyes flickered slightly as Xu Chen laughed.

"What do you mean, grace? My father is not one to be indebted to a villain like you."

"No, I am in debt. I owe you a favor, because it is this body that has made Namgungjin the king of Gaju."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

"Kkkkk, I am the one who killed Namgung-jin's incompetent older brother and made Namgung-jin, who was said to be many times better at swordsmanship than his brother, the patriarch of the Namgung family."

The Southern King's eyes widened in horror. He remembered hearing stories about him.

"You're the…… 'family enemy' your father was after."

Despite being the patriarch of one of the Eight Great Families, Namgungjin still volunteered to work as a favored member of the Feng Clan in order to use the clan's intelligence to hunt down the family's enemies. What happened nine years ago was a classified secret, but Namgung-jin had access to the information because he was one of those present that day. Of course, Namgungsang didn't know that; Namgungjin himself knew the identity of the enemy, but it was so top secret that he couldn't even tell his son.

"Foot, you must be referring to the family's enemies, not the family's benefactors, because the Namgung Clan has been able to turn around its declining position in the Eight Great Houses thanks to me. Do you think the Namgung Clan would have been able to enjoy its current status if the incompetent and flattering Namgung Ho had remained in charge?"


There was some truth to his words. With the incompetent Namgung-ho as head of the family, the status of the Namgung clan had been declining day by day. It was the exploits of the current head of the family, Namgung-jin, who had honed the family's specialty, the art of electroencephalography, to the point of perfection, and whose skills were incomparable to those of his incompetent brother.

"Tsk, tsk, Namgungjin is a fool, too. If the main seat had used its power to make him a jaju, he could have enjoyed his wealth and glory as he was, but now he's acting like a dog of the warlords as a jaju."

"My father said he would never return to the Southern Palace until he had avenged the White Prince's death. He said he was only a vassal. He swore that he would ascend to the throne of the Namgungse family on the day he avenged his enemies. How can a wretch like you know the weight of that oath?"

Although the world recognized the head of the Namgung family as Namgungjin, he still referred to himself as the acting head of the family. Although he took care of the family's affairs, he still worked as a lawyer for the Martial League because the closest he could get to tracking down the beast that killed his brother was at the side of the Martial Lord Nabaxian.

"Three sons? That's a shame, but there is a way. If you think your brothers are incompetent, slit their throats with that sword, and you can become the next Namgungsei of Gaju. Isn't that an attractive prospect?"

"Nonsense, I, Namgung Sang, have no desire to become a jaju, even if it means hurting my own flesh and blood by using dirty tricks!"

"I doubt if you have balls, so can you be called a man?"

"I don't want to hear a murderer like you say I'm not a man!"

Looking straight at Xu Tian, Nan Gongsheng exclaimed.

"What is a man without ambition, indeed, without two balls?"

"Shut up, this guy is as sane and dignified as anyone, and I can prove it."

Suddenly, Qin Ling, who had been watching anxiously as the men worked to staunch the bleeding, intervened. He was angry that his man wasn't being treated like a man, and even in the midst of the panic, he intervened.

"Ho-ho, you sound like you've been there, done that, is that his girl?"

"What does that, that, that have to do with you! Whether someone else checked or not, it doesn't matter!"

With his face flushed red, Qin Lie shouted, realizing that he had dug his own grave in a momentary lapse of emotion, but it was too late.

He was about to say more, but Namgung cut him off, realizing that if he left it alone, it would only get worse, and he'd be talking nonsense.

"I'm a man, and you're as jealous as a woman. Did you want a place at the head of the household so badly that you had to be an idiot to get it?"

Namgungsang was, without a doubt, the apprentice of Bi Ryuyeon. It was Namgung-san who watched most closely how his big brother turned people's clothes inside out. His method of turning others' clothes inside out had been cultivated within his own body.

"Hmph, that mouth of yours is making four of you, don't expect to get out of here alive today."

"I've given up on that anyway, but I won't let you lay a finger on my lovers and friends, even if it means trading my life!"

That was it.

"Tsk, tsk, you dumbass, how many times do I have to tell you to never give up, no matter what? What's a breaking point?"

The voice came from behind him, directly to his right. Without turning around, Nan Gongsheng looked directly into Xu Chen's eyes and spoke. As if to challenge him.

"That's when you lose."

Only then did he turn around and exclaim with delight.

"Big brother!"

Standing proudly behind him was none other than Bi Ryuyeon.

"Where did you get your horse bones from, and what's with the bushy bangs?

That was the first thought that popped into Seocheon's head when he saw Bi Ryuyeon.


I was surprised, then angry.

Standing beside her was none other than Na Yerin, and her hand was wrapped around Na Yerin's waist in a supportive gesture. What's even more surprising is that Na Yerin, who is extremely reluctant to make physical contact with others, doesn't seem to show any disgust.

A terrifying aura flashed in Xu Tian's eyes. Black desire overflowed through his eyes.

The snow-white little bird he wanted so badly to get his hands on was leaning on a horse's bones, whose bangs covered his eyes.

At that moment, infinite jealousy welled up in his dark heart.

"Yerin, you are mine, and you will never be anyone else's. How dare you try to escape my grasp! I will return you to your cage!"

"You'd better get rid of those thoughts, I don't belong to anyone, I'm not afraid of you anymore, and that's why I'm standing here, like this, to cut out the nightmares of the past."

To be less afraid of himself was to be less of a presence, and that was something he could never allow to happen.

"Are you going to abandon me like your mother did, to that old man!"

Xu Chen shouted in a frantic voice.

"What do you mean your mother abandoned you, what does that mean?"

Na Yerin asked, stiffening, unable to let the words slide.

Seocheon shouted without answering her question.

"You're not afraid of me? You're saying I'm somehow repairing the wounds of the past? That's ridiculous. But don't worry. Today I'm going to scar you forever. You're still a virgin, right? Good, I'll take it! I won't give it to anyone else! I won't let him take what I want from me anymore, ever again!"

A dark and sinister aura rose up around Xu Tian. It was like the poisonous air flowing from the chasms of hell. It made Na Yerin instinctively cringe and revolt in disgust. The snake-red tongue and matter were turning her to stone.

The wounds she thought she'd healed and overcome were screaming and threatening to reopen. Cold sweat poured down her body like rain. She was expending an enormous amount of mental energy to counteract the fraud that was pressing in on her.

Then there was a warm hand on her shoulder, and to her surprise, the morale that had been weighing her down washed away. Suddenly feeling lighter, Na Yerin looked over to see Bi Ryuyeon smiling at her, a hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay, she'll get over it, I told her she shouldn't be listening to perverts and psychos, she's losing by paying attention to them anyway, you don't have to be afraid of a pervert like him, and you have me, right?"

"Ryu Yeon……."

A warm feeling rose from the depths of her heart. It seemed to envelope her entire body, protecting her. Ryuyeon was right. She was not alone now. She decided to face herself. She decided that she would no longer run from the nightmares of her past. She decided to cut them off and move forward.

'Yes, I'm not scared, Ryuyeon, because you're with me. Now I'm not running from my nightmares, I'm not running from myself. I'm going to face the nightmares of my past and the world that used to haunt me. I'm no longer the little girl who used to shiver with her heart locked inside, because you've unlocked the door to my heart. I'm going to move forward.


A dazzling snow-white sword was drawn from its sheath. The sword pole, flowing with a pure white coldness, was directed at Xu Tian's brow.

"I will not let it haunt my sleep again."

It was a bold declaration to move past the past.


Bi Ryuyeon, who was watching from the side, clapped her on the back for a job well done, then grabbed her hand holding the sword and said with a smile.

"Of course I do, but can you leave this to me for now, Yerin?"


"I have to make up for being late, too."

Bi Ryuyeon smiled again and said. In truth, Na Yerin currently didn't have enough inner qi left to fight someone. She had used up most of her True Qi by breaking the ban, escaping the Thunderjade, and then accidentally fighting a nameless person. It was only by sheer force of will that she could still stand like this, sword drawn. Of course, at this moment, that 'will' to face the author was the most important thing, and that was why Bi Ryuyeon was speaking.

I've seen your will. Now leave the rest to me, he said.

Actions, not words.

"Okay, I'll leave it to Ryuyeon for now."

Na Yerin slid her sword back into its sheath.

"Good idea."

Ryuyeon kept Xu Tian at bay and signaled to Qin Lie. Xu Tian had his arms crossed in a defenseless pose and was giggling at Bi Ryuyeon's back as if he were doing some kind of funny business, but that didn't mean he could let his guard down.

Taking his cue from the High Priestess, Qin Ling escorted her to the ship, accompanied by his companions from the Zhu Jia Clan.

Nohak, who had fainted in a pool of blood, Dang Moon-hye, who had a hole in her chest and was still gurgling blood whenever she shook despite being tourniqueted, Hyun-woon, who was still hovering between life and death, and Namgung-san, who had been treated but had not yet regained consciousness, were moved as quickly as possible.

She passed by Xu Chen as she traveled through the Southern Palace Mountains with her spirit, but when she saw his face, her eyes lit up for a moment, but she didn't say a word. Of course, she had already borrowed his spirit, so he didn't recognize her.

And was it the confidence that you could always get your hands on Na Yerin? Or was it the confidence that you would never be able to leave this island? Xu Chen, who had been laughing unrestrainedly, even burst out laughing when Na Yerin walked by.

He seemed to think that he could take care of the unknown brat, Bi Ryuyeon, in a single blow and get his hands on her before the ship left the harbor.

And in the distance, I could see his henchmen running towards me. Already confident that everything would never escape his grasp. His arrogant confidence was definitely felt by Bi Ryuyeon.

It was Namgungsang who remained by her side until the end.

"Gung Sang, you go first."

Bi Ryuyeon said without even looking at the statue of Namgung.

"Big brother!"

His gaze was fixed on the approaching red-robed man, Xu Tian. The demonic power he had displayed earlier still made his body tremble. Could a big brother really be defeated by such a monster? For once, the Southern Palace Master wasn't sure.

"I'm stopping you here, so you grab the kids and get the ship out of here."

It was still too early for Namgungsang and the others to take on the author. At this point, he didn't know what the outcome would be.

"I don't want to. I'll stay with my big brother, I can fight."

My colleagues in the masterpiece troupe, Tang Wenhui, Luo Hak-yi, Chen Yajin, and others, were sprinkled with blood at the hands of that demon. I didn't want to escape without being able to pay my respects to their sacrifice and avenge them.

"You idiot, how do you expect to fight with a body that looks like it could collapse at any moment? You're only going to get in the way."

"I hate it. The enemy of my classmates, the people I learned with, the friends I laughed with, is right in front of me. I can't just leave him there."

Then Bi Ryuyeon disheveled the hair on the top of the Southern Palace.

"Ugh, big, big brother!"

"You're the boss, asshole, you're in charge of the guys you're responsible for, and you're going to keep them alive, sometimes even throw in the towel."


He meant to make himself his own.

"Do you understand? You don't have to wait for me. As soon as you're in the boat, raise the sails and leave, no questions asked. Now, go!"

"Big brother, you can't die."

"Dumbass, if I die, I can't bother you guys. I'm not dying, I'm a super-immortal pretty boy."

She smiled brightly at him. He bowed his head in a respectful salute to Bi Ryuyeon. Tears streamed from his eyes as he bowed.

They were overwhelmed that their big brother, who had been tormenting them, was willing to sacrifice himself for them at a time like this……. Her heart was burning with emotion. However, he had no choice but to comply. Xu Tian's men had already arrived. If he stopped here, all his sacrifices would be for naught.

"Let's go then, big brother!"

Nan Gongsang gritted his teeth and ran toward the ship. Bi Ryuyeon waved without looking back.

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit."


Bi Ryuyeon waved his hand, and a long strip of gold appeared at his feet. It was at least three sheets of gold.

"It's closed from here, you'd better find another way."

But the men of the First Battalion, who had rushed to his aid, would not listen. To them, he was simply an enemy to be eliminated. In unison, they drew their weapons and charged. They were trained and skilled.

Today, however, we were up against a bad opponent.

Flying Sword Misunderstanding

Sword Techniques Killing Techniques

Chapters of the Wind Cloud Thunderbolt

Thunder River Valley (雷光流河曲)

Five streaks of lightning emanate from her hands, and her fingers run over the brain dead as if playing music.

It was a performance, an electrifying performance of wind and clouds and thunder.

Thunderbolts tearing through space.

The Necromancer becomes a web of thunderbolts, stretching between the heavens and the earth, cutting down anything that gets caught in it.

It picks off their clothes and weapons, leaving them alive.

That is the true power of the viridian. The life and death of a man depended on the master of the viridian sword that roamed the land of the dead.

As the thunderclap swept around them, the screams of the First Battalion erupted here and there as they fell, unaware of what was happening to them.

You didn't kill them, but you didn't hesitate to wound them. It would keep the Fourth Battalion busy, and it would be a terrible memory for the men of the First Battalion who healed. This would be punishment for those who followed the man who took Na Yerin.

'After all, there's nothing wrong with my power…….'

It was a five-card Thunderclap, but it didn't seem to have any power issues. On the contrary, it seemed to be sharper and more powerful than before. Could it be because he had gained some enlightenment and subdued the Left Beast? His fine control seems to be much stronger.

But why did it just tear up a while ago? There's nothing wrong with my power.

Who is he?

He said he didn't know himself, so there was no one who could answer who he was.

Ryuyeon shook her head and focused more intently on the enemy in front of her; she wouldn't be meeting the Nameless One for a while anyway, so it wasn't too late to think about him.

Bi Ryuyeon raised her eyes and looked directly at Xu Tian.

The author is his own enemy.

And Yerin's enemies.

And an unstoppable foe.

He had finally confronted the man who had broken Yerin's heart.

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