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Book 23 Chapter 18

After a rewarding auction, the

-Relaxed restraints

"Yikes, you thief……."


Flinching under the blade-like gaze, Ho Kang, the head of the Guardian Three Tiger Sect, couldn't bring himself to say what he was about to say and hastily changed his tune.

"…Venerable Confucius, extorting money from our enemies, are you really human?"

The word "honorific" came out of Ho Kang's shrunken mouth of its own accord. He had no choice, as he had seen the Black Dragon King, who had ignored his warnings, turn into a merciless beating that would have crushed the mouth of a thrush-flying shark, leaving him speechless for a while. The gaze that had been directed at him a moment earlier had said.

"Do you want me to make you look like that?

In this case, it was right for Sujitasan to act quickly and wisely.

"You'd better get out of here, Jasagan, on the Black Dragon. Oh, and don't forget to take your daughter, Mr. Fool, with you."

Counting the money with one hand and gesturing for Hui Hui to get lost with the other, Bi Ryuyeon said.

"Oh, wait!"

At Bi Ryuyeon's words, the new generation of Zhang Gang Surochai people, who were surrounding the stunned Black Dragon King, who could barely contain himself, stopped dead in their tracks.


The First Lord Ho Kang's head tilted back with difficulty.

"Do you have any errands to run yet?"

Bi Ryuyeon pointed to the coffer in front of her.

"You're sure you're getting paid, right?"

They preferred cash to drafts, so this time they paid for the two Black Dragon Ships and the Sea Goddess in cash. Their solvency to pay such a large sum in cash at once was remarkable. Bi Ryuyeon had not yet settled all the money in the three coffers he had received.

"Nothing, of course, it's exactly what you're asking for."

Jay Hoh, a practitioner who manages the overall funding of the Jianggang Water Bond, stepped forward to answer.

"I'll take your word for it, but I don't care if you're wrong."

"What else are you talking about……?"

"Well, you can go to them 'in person' to get the shortage, but I'll make you pay for the shortage plus the cost of the hassle, okay?"

"Yes or no."

I said the words, but inside I was cursing.

'You're crazy! Yes, come, come, come! Come to the heart of the Yangtze River and let's see if you're safe, and then it will be your sacrificial day!

I've only brought a handful of elites with me now, so it's not going to be the same as it was when I was in the corps. I'd rather have them do crazy things like that…….


In an instant, lightning flashed before Ho-ha's eyes. His grand plans were cut short.

Dazed, I put my hand to my cheek. It tingled. I don't know what he did, but the man who must have slapped his cheek was soon back at his desk, counting his money.

"Ba, did you just say that?"

"Well, what's wrong?"

Without looking at Ho-ha, Bi Ryuyeon replied.

"Why, why are you hitting me?"

"You just swore, inside. Didn't I warn you earlier? Don't use foul language."

"My, when did I……."

But Yeonbi dismissed his protests with a vengeance.

"You just said bastard to yourself."

"Well, how do you do that……."

For a moment, Ho-ha wondered if this young man might have the ability to read minds.

"Well, you're almost asleep."

In short, it was overlooked.

"Okay, let's count the money again, shall we?"

Counting money has always been fun. The only disappointment was that it didn't all go into his pocket. At least the money from the sale of the sea gods had to be designated as his share. It had to be done.

"Did they let the Black Dragon King or Black Lizard or whatever it was go? It would have been pretty salty to hand him over to Guan Xia……."

He was a most wanted man. As the head of the Yangtze River, there was a hefty bounty on his head.

"I can't do that, I'm going to turn him in and burn his bounty if he doesn't pay up, and he finally pays up, and then I'm going to have to turn him in again, and that doesn't seem very moral or right to me."

I don't know why I hadn't thought of that, but I had to keep my word.

"It would be nice to come back for revenge. Don't you think so, apprentice?"

Nosabu said, biting his lip in disappointment.

"No, I don't want to, because then I'll have to do all the work again."

"Of course, what would this old master do?"

"Don't say it."

She gave up arguing.

"By the way, I did a great job with the auction, so I want it back!"


Sensei asked, snapping his fingers.

"The confiscated lightning rod, of course."

"I didn't say that."

"You're supposed to reward people for doing a good job, so they're more motivated."

"Do you want the prize?"

At his master's question, Bi Ryuyeon immediately nodded.

"Hmm… stick out your wrist."

After a moment's thought, the master said.

"What about the wrist?"

"If you want it, give it to me!"

Bi Ryuyeon reluctantly held out her wrist in front of her master.

"Looks like you're wearing your bracelet."

By this time, the restraint ring on his arm had been replaced with a gold bracelet. A bracelet of pure gold. The weight hadn't changed. Only its appearance had changed. On top of the gilded bracelet was an engraved phoenix.

"But what is it, this shiny thing? Is it gilded on the Mongolian dragon ring? It's a waste of gold."

Master asked, frowning slightly.

"How can you just wear such a prominent piece of jewelry? It gives away your identity. So I did a little tinkering and realized that it's gold, you can melt it back down and recycle it, and it's not that hard to get it back."

If I asked someone else to do it, I would have to pay for labor, but I didn't have to.

"By the way, no awards?"

"Bochagin. Hold on, I'm about to give you a prize."

With a mixture of skepticism and anticipation, she waited. The master gave a short cheer.


With a playful cry, a golden bracelet opened and fell to the ground.

A heavy thud echoed through the room.

"This… this is……!"

Bi Ryuyeon's eyes widened at the sudden turn of events, and his master's palm reached out and touched his dantian.

"I was caught off guard!

By the time he thought about it, it was too late. An enormous amount of chi flowed into her body. To her humiliation, she couldn't move.

After a moment, the master removed his hand from Bi Ryuyeon's stomach and smiled triumphantly.

"Hahahaha! How about this, he even infuses his disciple's body with qi, isn't he a great master full of love for his disciple?"

But Bi was in no mood to laugh.

"You're… crazy……. You were the one who told me not to take this off, and besides, this qi is……."

The chi that had begun to rampage through his body began to run wild, racing toward his unsealed right arm. His right arm began to tremble frantically. Veins popped, muscles swelled and contracted at will.

"Oh, it's going to be dangerous if I don't get it under control soon."

Despite the master's calm voice, the situation was serious. It was not a joke, but a real danger. If I got it wrong, I could lose my right shoulder, tear muscles, and shred meridians.

"Don't be so condescending, just give me back the Muklong Ring, I need it to control this power!"

The Muklongwan was not just a heavy bracelet. It had bumps on the inside that acted as pressing stones that pressed on several acupuncture points. The weight of the bracelet and the bumps prevented excessive energy from being channeled beyond the limits of the body. The same was true of the four Muklong rings he wore on his arms and legs. It was possible to release them for a short period of time to gain explosive power. However, that time had to be very short. Otherwise, the explosive force would cripple or even kill him. But the master remained calm.

"I think you're starting to hit your martial arts limit, don't you?"

Instead of handing it back, the master quietly asked.

"Eek, how do I… how do I… how do I… how do I… how do I… how do I……."

"I'm not tutoring you for nothing, I can tell by the way you act."

It was a tragedy that the only person who could recognize it was the one he'd been running from, the one he'd been running from. Or a comedy.

"Well, I actually watched you fight! In short…….

"In a nutshell?"

"It was boring."

The master's assessment was harsh.

"So, does that mean there's still more training to go through?"

"Of course not. I never said you were done. Did I ever tell you to go downhill?"


"And who was the one who ran away and went down the mountain at will?"

"That's… me."

"Yeah, but do you have something to say?"

"No ……."

"Then there's no problem, right?"

"There's no problem, except that the master is crazy!"


In an instant, the honey chestnut flew. It was an absolute honey bee that could not be dodged by any of Bi Ryuyeon's divine techniques. After trying to evade it with her quadruple alter ego and double metamorphosis, but failing once again, Bi Ryuyeon clutched her forehead in frustration.

"Wu Xu……."

He pouted and grumbled.

"And the lightning bolt……."

Ryu-yeon's ears perked up.

"When I can control that, then I'll take it seriously."

"Do you think about it all the time?"

"So we shouldn't even think about it?"

Then all hope is lost. Once you get a hold of a weakness, it clings to you like a leech and won't let go. Unless you rip it out and eat it.

The attitude was that the 500,000 Niang competition was none of my business.

It wasn't a prize, it was a punishment.

"How long are you going to rely on the tools? Come win without the rain."

He added

"That's the least you can do if you want to be the heir apparent to a non-request."

It was an ego stroke, and she wasn't about to take it lying down.

"Great, you can do it, you can do it!"

That seemed to be the only option left.

"Good idea."

I felt like I was getting caught up in the flow of my teacher, and it was a thrilling experience.

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discord ko-fi