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Book 23 Chapter 17

Let's go one-on-one!

-King Green did not

From the beginning, the Black Dragon King had no intention of engaging in one-on-one combat. He was not one of those staid, stifling, old-fashioned factionists, so he never felt the need to be pretentious. There was no law to plunder! His way of life was to go with the flow and the wind (I apologize to the water and the wind for saying this). There was no need to take anything hard when it could be taken easily.

Bi Ryuyeon, who had never held any hope for their conscience, loyalty, or pride, scanned the faces of the men surrounding her. Their faces were completely devoid of fear. Some of them even sneered at him. One by one, he looked at each and every one of them, waiting with their extensions to carry out the task of killing him, before finally locking eyes with the Black Dragon King.

The moment he met those deep left eyes, so calm and serene, the Black Dragon King was stunned. Bi Ryuyeon shrugged her shoulders and said.

"What a disappointment. The last one I met, King Lim Hogeul of the Green Forest Seventy-seven, wasn't this cowardly. He was so flamboyant."

Hearing those words, the Black Dragon King opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

"What, you mean you've ever met him?"

The Black Dragon King's overreaction was more than Bi Ryuyeon had expected. In fact, the two were eternal rivals and enemies. To say that they didn't get along would be an understatement; they harbored hostility and rivalry. Water and soil were supposed to be unable to mix.

"Sure. You've blocked our path before, and you've curiously agreed to a one-on-one challenge."

He wasn't wrong. The truth was, it was not Bi Ryuyeon herself who had fought the King of the Green Forest one-on-one, but the King of the Green Forest's biological son, Jin Sung-gon Im Seong-jin.

"So, what happened?"

"We fought once, and he told us to go away. We were even escorted out, and he said, 'We're not like those crucian carp that swim in the Yangtze River. We're mountain men, and we're refreshing!"

"What the hell, it's a crucian carp, that mountain cat saw us and said it was a crucian carp!"

The Black Dragon King, who had been stunned by Bi Ryuyeon's few words, shouted out.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure they're crucians, assholes who can't breathe when they're on the surface."

Smiling, Bi Ryuyeon replied. There wasn't a word she said that didn't scratch her insides.

"You… you bastard, how dare you……!"

Of course, these were just words that Bi Ryuyeon had made up. But she could probably guess that the Green Forest King really felt that way.

The Black Dragon King lowered his head and began to think seriously.

'Shit! That's twelve provocations……. You can't even back down now that his name is out there, damn it, he's got pride, and besides, the kids are gawking at him behind his back, and if he pulls back here, where's the dignity in that?

If he didn't, he'd have trouble managing and leading his men in the future. Bandits, by nature, are loyalty-less.

After thinking for a while, the Black Dragon King finally made up his mind and puffed out his chest.

"Good! I'll make sure that the Throne is especially receptive to your provocations this time!"

Once the name of King Lim had been called, he was in no position to back down. With all eyes on him, it would have been absurd for him to show his tail.

"Good, I'm glad you're cool as a cucumber, that's what makes you a clan leader!"

Outwardly, I gave them a thumbs up, but inwardly,


It was a good feeling for Bi Ryuyeon to have things go his way, but he wondered why it didn't work for his master.

"There's no way I'm going to lose to that kid!

As many had done before her, the Black Dragon King had made the same mistake of judging her by her appearance. That was exactly what Bi Ryuyeon wanted. She wasn't foolish enough to sell herself short.

"Okay, well, you better get ready. I've got to finish up and go to bed, too, ha!"

After yawning once, Bi Ryuyeon casually stretched out her makeshift iron spirit rod.

"Guys, get that. Get it!"

At the Black Dragon King's command, the four men who had been carrying the cauldron grunted and approached, then set it down in front of him, lifted the lid, and grunted again as the four of them worked together to pull something out of it.

"Come on, come on. Did you boil a slug and eat it?!"

He was so frustrated by the slowness that he burst into a fit of rage, and then it sped up a little, but only by fifty or sixty-two paces. The four elders managed to pull something out of the kiln and brought it to their leader.


The Black Dragon King lightly picked up the enormous object the four elders were struggling with and slung it over his shoulder. Upon closer inspection, it was a massive iron ball, with a circular hole and a long chain attached to it.

"I've seen that shape before.

It was a thing called an anchor, used to hold a ship on the water.

"Kahahahaha! Are you surprised? It's called the Iron Blood Tomb. It is the sole weapon of this throne!"

The Black Dragon King smiled arrogantly.

"What a weapon of ignorance."

Bi Ryuyeon commented briefly.

"Do I have to use that ignorance as a weapon to look strong?

To him, it was just a heavy, dull piece of iron. Even the Black Dragon King's body, with its gnarled muscles, was made to wield that weapon.

"Hahahahahaha, this is the power of manhood!"

The Black Dragon King slammed the iron bloodstone slung over his shoulder into the ground.


The earth trembled as if in an earthquake. At the same time, the muscles in his chest and arms rippled and twitched.

"It's hot to look at.

We don't have eyes to see things like that. Eyes are there to see and feel more. They can show you the world as it really is, if you're willing to look.

"I'll wash it down with Yerin later.

Otherwise, I would have nightmares. I want to see only beautiful and good things, but the world is not easy.

"So, shall we get started?"

The Black Dragon King said with a malicious grin.

"Dad, you should just kill that cheap bastard!"

Her daughter, Haerhwa, shook her fist and cheered.

"Hahahahaha, don't worry, just trust this daddy!"

The way they waved at each other with their mouths agape, wondering if they should cheer.

"Haha - this is why I hated doing pro bono work……."

She sighed heavily. She wanted to get this free labor over with as soon as possible and do something more productive.

"Let's get this over with and go home."

Bi Ryuyeon sighed and spoke up.

"Everyone, get back! The boss is making a move. It's dangerous to stay close!"

At the command of Ho Kang, who stood at the head of the eighteen tigers, Ho Jiang, Ho Ha, and Ho Tian, all of the Black Dragon King's men began to slowly back away. They were afraid of something; they were like herbivores avoiding a great threat. Finally, the last three men stepped back.


The Black Dragon King gave the chains a quick shake, then used his muscular right hand to pull the anchor from the ground. It was the infamous Iron Blood Tomb that had caused thousands of miles of the Yangtze River to tremble.

He wielded it without restraint, sweeping away all who stood in his way. No one could stand in the way of its stormy blast, its immense weight meeting its speed and crushing all weapons in its path. Even the Xiantian Ninglin, whose hides were specially crafted from the tough, iron-like skin of the Muklin Blood Net, could not be guaranteed to survive a blow from this anchor's two arrowhead-like tips.

"Oh, and now we don't even have that!

She decided to take a cautious approach.

"You carry that thing around like it's a weapon, like you're some kind of ignorant pirate."

I started with words.

"Hehe, are you scared? If you beg for forgiveness on the ground right now, I might forgive you. Kahahahaha!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Pirate, that's never going to happen."

Bi Ryuyeon snorted lightly.

"Do not call me a pirate, for I am the King of Water, and the ruler of the Yangtze River!"

The Black Dragon King cried out in indignation.

"You're a sucker for a good seat, aren't you?"

The words had no authority for her. No, it was just something to laugh at. If you don't have anything to show for it, you cling to the title you call yourself. If you don't have anything, you cling to a title that is a shapeless mirage.

"I love the throne, I love it. Then I'll prove it with power!"

In the end, it all boiled down to power: He had used it to defeat his enemies, he had used it to get to where he was, and he would use it to stay there.

"Looks like that's it, too, though not in a very elegant way……."

Something that can't be helped.

Bi Ryuyeon raised the iron club she'd newly christened the "Gu Ta Awakening" and pointed it squarely at the Black Dragon King's face, declaring.

"I promise you, your ignorant balls of iron won't touch the hem of my shirt."

"You insolent bastard, I promise you a seat at the table, and you will be beaten to a bloody pulp in this iron tomb!"

You never know who's right until you're in the middle of it.

"Before we get started, let's get this straight."

"What else?"

The Black Dragon King spoke up impatiently. He had always beaten his enemies whenever he felt like it, and he couldn't understand why he had to go through such a cumbersome process before fighting. He would make the first threat, kill them if they didn't listen, and all their riches would be his. The process could not have been simpler. He had expanded his holdings so greedily.

"Not so fast. Listen, if you win, I'll just give you the ship, but if I win, I'll make sure you pay for three ships. No objections?"

"No objection! But there are conditions!"

"What is it?"

"If I win, child, I will take your life with me!"

Bi Ryuyeon said with a smirk.

"As you wish."

After all, if he couldn't sell the boat, his master wouldn't stand idly by.

"Oh, and one last thing."

"Ms., what else!"

Bi Ryuyeon said with a refreshing smile.

"If you call me a 'kid' one more time, I'm going to knock your filthy teeth out."

Ignorance, ignorance, ignorance, ignorance!

If I had to summarize the martial art of the Black Dragon King of the Eighteen Houses of Zhang Gangshu, it would be these three words.

Bi Ryuyeon had seen many humans wielding all sorts of ignorant weapons, but compared to the Black Dragon King, they were all pale in comparison. His martial arts were the furthest thing from delicate, and had long since parted ways with refinement. In terms of ignorance and ruthlessness, he was simply overwhelming. He was a clear example of how even an ignorant person could become a sect master if they reached the ultimate level.

"But it's still not elegant!

Bam bam bam!

Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack!

He raised his muscled right hand high and swung the chain, snapping the beautiful trees at the anchor. The Black Dragon King had no concern for the environment, so he had no qualms about destroying it.

Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam!

The higher the speed of the anchor at the end of the chain, the more the destruction accelerated, and the more nature was slaughtered. If he made a mistake, it would sweep his men in, too. His method was simple. The idea was that if he ruthlessly devastated everywhere his power reached, his enemies would be destroyed along with him.

"That's going to make everybody run.

The men, who had scrambled to their feet, stood back and watched from a distance. They had survival instincts and knew that if they joined in on the frenzy of ignorance, they would be cut to the bone. Their master was not a man who could fight alongside others.

"Hahahahahaha! What do you think, scared? Scared? Scared?! I'll make you flesh and bone!"


Even as he spoke, the Iron Blood Mausoleum continued to destroy its surroundings. Waves of destruction that turned the surrounding landscape into a mudslide crept closer and closer to Bi Ryuyeon, little by little.


A yawn bursts out of Bi Ryuyeon's mouth as she watches in silence. She yawned easily, without holding back or doing anything. That's how boring it is. It seemed that the aftermath of meeting the master was great. To see someone reach the pinnacle of something is both glorious and tragic. Once you've seen the best, there's no going back. Once the bar is raised, it's hard to go back down. There are two ways to react, especially when it's a being that's already far ahead of you. One is admiration and respect, the other is hatred and frustration. If he thinks the best thing he has ever encountered is a mountain, he can climb it. But if he thinks it's the sun and moon in the sky, he can't keep up and becomes frustrated. He decides that he can never catch up. Of course, I didn't have a hobby of lying on the ground in frustration, but I couldn't stand the boredom of comparing levels.

I wanted to surpass my master, a desire I had harbored for many years, and which had been amplified in recent days, and was not worth fighting for unless I could help him along the way. A fight that wasn't worth fighting, a fight that didn't help each other, a fight that didn't allow us to interact or understand each other, was just tedious labor.

"This is going to be hard.

What a waste of effort, what a waste of time, what a waste of money, what a waste of energy to make a threat like that. There are some people whose mere presence is frightening, while there are others whose bravado and bragging about their power only produces snorting.

"Hahahahaha! Surrender now and I'll spare your life!"

It wasn't even cute because it was so obvious.

"That means you can't guarantee anything except your life, right?"

"That's right, heh heh heh!"

With an ugly grimace, the Black Dragon King replied.

"What does it matter if they gouge out your eyeballs, cut off your limbs, or sell you into slavery, they're still giving you life, aren't they?"

Without raising an eyebrow, Bi Ryuyeon said.

"How well do you know the heart of this throne? That is exactly what I intend to do!"

The moment the Black Dragon King's cry fell, the 'Chulung' anchor changed.

Sea Storm!


The anchor dangling from the end of the chain, sharp as the blade of a guillotine, lunged at Bi Ryuyeon's body with a terrifying crunch, trying to tear her apart.

"Hah, that's a slow blast."

No matter how fast it was, the Iron Blood Tomb's movements, which sacrificed most of its speed for power, were slow and simple enough to make Bi Ryuyeon's eyes yawn. Dodging such an attack was not even a task for Bi Ryuyeon; she wanted to finish this tedious and nutritious labor as soon as possible and return to her quarters where Yerin was waiting for her.

Then the Black Dragon King shouted.

"Is that true?!"

However, an unexpected variable occurred.


What was supposed to be a simple attack turned into three Ironblood Shadows. A kind of weapon alter ego attack, all three of them almost as powerful as the real thing. And within its range was the Viridian Flame. It was a technique that instantly expanded the effective range.


I was stunned. I had no idea that such an ignorant attack would cause such a rift! But then again, it wasn't my taste to stand idly by and be torn to shreds.

The Flying Thunderbolt Technique.

The phoenix dance of righteousness.


Yi on Yi, afterimage on afterimage, spray on spray, and Bi Ryuyeon's shadow split into three in an instant. Depending on the direction of the opponent's attack or the time difference, any one of the three could materialize. Of course, the moment one of the three materialized, the other two would become phantoms and would be unharmed by the enemy's attacks. Compared to Haeboknanpa, which temporarily increases the number of entities to three and increases the effective range, Samchupyeong, which can change between one entity and two illusions in an instant, was a higher level technique.


Quack, quack, quack!

The third shadow of the Triad was able to narrowly escape the effective range of the sea waves. As the leader of the Great Black Island Force, Chick Peep Peep Peep was not on the same level as the children of the Heavenly Martial Academy.

"Oh my… no way, I dodged a tidal wave……."

He hadn't expected such a wimpy-looking kid to be able to get away with his own brand of brute force.

"This kind of ignorant technology is useless if it's caught by an intelligent person like me."

Bi Ryuyeon, who had just landed on the ground, said in a slightly mocking tone.

"Yi Yun, don't think you've dodged that one, because if you think that's it, you're sorely mistaken. I'll show you a bigger wave this time!"

The thought of being laughed at by such a youngster made the Black Dragon King's eyes glaze over.

"I'll kill you, kid!

Once again, squeeze the air out of your lungs and begin to spin the chain vigorously.

Boom, boom, boom!

Once again, the terrifying windmill began to spin above his head. It seemed like such a large skill would have many loopholes, but the Black Dragon King's body was otherwise free of them. The anchor windmill, spinning with a terrifying rippling sound, stood in his way, threatening to crush all that entered it.

'Chet, if only you had the foresight to realize that this is nothing…….'

There were limits to the martial arts that could be accomplished with such a dull club, especially in terms of distance. It was as if his arms were infinitely shorter.

"I'll just jump into that gap.

The more they backed off, the less they won.

"What do I do?

The problem wasn't going to be solved by brute force; it wasn't a very elegant solution.

"Ike, guys, get back a little further! There's a wave coming!"

Ho Ha, the man with the scar on his cheek, cried out, apparently knowing what was coming next.


As soon as Ho's order was given, the men quickly retreated farther back from where they stood.


There was another roaring cheer, and the anchor flew up.


With the strength of the Black Dragon King, the anchor flew vertically and swooped over Bi Ryuyeon's head. Such an ignorant thing could not be stopped by a mere iron club. Even with his carefully crafted Heavenly Silver Lin, he couldn't be harmed. It was strong against sharpness, but weak against such ignorance. But he wasn't worried.

"Foot, I could avoid this with my eyes closed!"

As if to prove his point, he tapped the floor with his left foot and drew back.

"Kahaha, I already knew you were going to dodge!"

The Black Dragon King let out a triumphant cry and smiled in conversion.



The anchor, a giant hunk of steel, struck directly where she stood, and with a deafening roar, a tidal wave of dirt rose up and washed over her. The seemingly insignificant blow earlier had been the means to unleash this wave of earth.


It was then that Bi Ryuyeon realized why the herbivore was named Berserker. The dust storm that accompanied the dirt waves nearly obscured her vision. Grumbling, she raised her club above her head.

"I can't see it!"

Continue to strike down. The club's trajectory is a straight line.

The Scourer!

The blow cut the surging waves and gusting wind in half like a lie. Instead of ducking backward, Bi Ryuyeon launched herself head-on into the incoming wave of dirt.

The Flying Thunderbolt Technique.

The phoenix dance of righteousness.

Islanding (閃電一矢).

Through the cracks in the dirt waves, Bi Ryuyeon shot out as a single flash of light.

"Huh, holy shit!"

Letting out a guarded roar that could be translated as, "Hmph, this can't be that stupid!", the Black Dragon King hastily retrieved the Iron Blood Tomb and went into a defensive posture. He had never imagined that this brat would dare to break through his gap in such a bold manner.

Normally, humans faced with this frenzied herbivory would panic and instinctively pull back. That's what happens when you're faced with a wave of dirt as tall as you are. That's what this trick aims to do. If you're thrown backwards, your vision is obscured by the dust storm and you can't easily see your surroundings. In the meantime, the sharp edge of the Iron Tomb, like a grim reaper's scythe or a harpoon on a gallows, would strike down on the flailing body. By then, it is too late to stop it. If blocked, it would crush and break the enemy's body along with its weapons, and that was its true power.

It was useless to know, useless to stop. It could only bring ruin to those it struck. This fearsome martial art was the most powerful driving force behind the Black Dragon King's reign as ruler of the Jianggang Surochai for the past twenty years.

But he hadn't imagined that his herbivory would be broken by such a young child.

Stung, the Black Dragon King hurriedly threw himself backwards, but he moved too quickly and lost his balance.

"That's not a good position to be in for the next meal, and it's a little careless.

The Black Dragon King's fiery muscles wielded the Iron Blood Tomb with great power, but he could not wield it properly unless his feet were firmly planted on the ground. There was always the inherent danger of being dragged back by the Iron Blood Tomb if one's center of gravity was disturbed.

"Looks like this match is mine!"

There was no hesitation in seizing the opportunity that his opponent had missed. The distance between them was now less than a zhang. There wasn't enough time for the Black Dragon King, who had already lost his balance, to correct his disheveled stance and launch a counterattack, but…

"Not yet!"

He, too, stood at the pinnacle of the Black Dao Sect. He had a trick up his sleeve for emergencies like this. He slung the tip of the Iron Blood Tomb over his shoulder and held it in front of Bi Ryuyeon's nose.



The peak of the anchor snapped open, revealing a black hole the size of my fist. The moment I saw the dark, deep hole,


A cold chill ran down her spine like an electric shock.

"This is dangerous!

Instinctively, Bi Ryuyeon raised her spirit rod and held it at the center of her body, and through the straightened rod, she thought she saw a glimpse of the Black Dragon King's converted smile.


The Black Dragon King aimed the black hole at Yan Bi and quickly tugged on one of the strings on the Iron Blood Tomb.


With a thunderous crack, sparks erupted from the black hole of the shackles around his shoulders.



Struck by a shell at close range, Bi Ryuyeon's body flew out of the room like a broken kite.

"Kahahahahaha, how's that for a wallop!"

The Black Dragon King, who had barely regained his footing after the recoil of the shot knocked him back another two feet, exclaimed, his hair streaked with dust and sticks, his black silk robe stained with dust as well, for he had been knocked to the ground a couple of times by the unsteady firing of the cannon. Still, the Black Dragon King scrambled to his feet and grinned to himself. He was a winner now, and anything went.

Flying five zhangs away, Bi Ryuyeon's head was about to hit the ground upside down. However, just as she was about to hit the ground upside down, Whirlwind Bi Ryuyeon flipped her body once and landed on her tiptoes. When the Black Dragon King saw this, he cried out in astonishment.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

The wall cannon hidden in the Iron Blood Tomb was small, but its power was as great as a large-caliber cannon. It was said that small peppers were spicy, and a single shot from one would blow a gaping hole in the side of even the largest of ships, so it was normal for a human body to be hit head-on by one.

"Kolokolok! Wow, that was really dangerous. Whew, I almost died."

Bi Ryuyeon coughed and grunted, which meant she was still alright, but this was definitely dangerous.

'I can't believe you're hiding something like that…….'

After all, in the world of competition, letting your guard down could mean instant death.

"I'll have to keep this a secret from my master!

I was determined. There was no telling what kind of ridicule she would face if she did.

"How did you survive, you little brat? I thought you were some kind of golden immortal?"

Hearing the Black Dragon King's horrified shout, Bi Ryuyeon shook her head.

"No, no. There's no way a frail body like mine could master such an ignorant martial art."

It was said that the process of becoming a golden Buddha was an epic process of going beyond ignorance. Beating the whole body with an iron club was part of the training.

"Well, how?"

"The answer is, because it's not a straight shot."

Then she held up an iron club. It was bent in the center, and it would have been difficult for him to remain unharmed if he had been struck with it properly.

"Phew, thank goodness it didn't break, I was worried it would from the pressure I was feeling in my hand."

"You think you can stop this wall cannon with one of those clubs, you're full of shit!"

"Stupid. I told you it wasn't a head-on hit, I just gave the shell a little twist of the wrist the moment it hit this iron bar to give it a spin and then turned it around, okay, stupid pirate?"

It was unbelievable that such a series of reflexive actions could be performed in such a short time. The Black Dragon King was not easily fooled. This was the first time he had ever tried this trick and failed.

"I got caught off guard a little bit earlier, and I was kind of flustered, but now it's not going to work, that."

Bi Ryuyeon warned, pointing her finger at the anchor that was still smoking.

"This wall cannon isn't working?"

"Sure. If you don't believe me, try it."

"Onya, let's try it!"

Even with the hole in the wall cannon pointing directly at her, Bi Ryuyeon stood silently with her iron club straightened again.

"You're not dodging, you're shooting?"

The Black Dragon King threatened.

"As you wish."

Bi Ryuyeon replied casually. His attention was elsewhere now.

"Hmmm, so how do you slash……?

My mind flashed back to some of the simple moves he had shown me. From the first time he surprised himself by chopping a small piece of wood with a tiny vidoro, to the time he cut an iron with a single reed leaf… he did it so effortlessly and effortlessly.

"These are just tricks to keep you occupied. Remember, you're supposed to win before you even lift your sword, before you swing it. Why bother fighting at all, do you think?"

If what he saw was not a dream, then whatever he was holding could be a sword.

'First cut with your mind. The body is just a girdle!

A sword was forged in his mind. A sharpness that would slice through everything. The Black Dragon King's figure was very slow as he drew his sword once again.

"Go to hell and regret your recklessness!"


Once again, thunder crashed. A flurry of sparks followed, followed by a wallop. This time, it was a specialty thunderbolt, loaded with gunpowder.


Bi Ryuyeon drew the iron club he was holding in a vertical line from the bottom to the top. A ferocious wind whipped past him, sending his hair flying. The next moment, two pillars of water rose from both sides of the lake behind Bi Ryuyeon's back with a loud, resounding boom.


The sight of it raised goosebumps on the Black Dragon King's forearms. A cold sweat trickled down the big man's spine.

'No way, I'm being intimidated by a little guy like that……?'

I tried to deny it, but I couldn't hide my body's reaction. I had run out of spleen and had nothing left to use.

'You can't be serious… you can't be serious… you can't be serious… you can't be serious… you can't be serious… you can't be serious… you can't be serious… you can't be serious!

What kind of a ghost is this, how can he perform such a divine trick with such a flimsy club, deflecting flying shells? It couldn't have been a trick of the club. That was pure individual skill. It was a skill that bordered on the divine. It wasn't a divine skill or anything like that. It was the refinement of a skill based on enlightenment, born of tens of thousands of repetitions. It was unattainable by anyone who hadn't realized the reasoning behind the Vedas. So why not give up fighting head-on and negotiate with…….

"Of course not, you idiot, it's not over yet!"

If he backed down, his status would sink to the bottom of the Yangtze River. If he died, he was dead, and he could not retreat.


Once again, he raised the cannon and pointed it at the flame. In fact, the cannon was loaded with a total of three cannonballs, and this was the last one. This time, however, Bi Ryuyeon was quicker. One trick was enough; now he had to think about winning.


Before he knew it, the tip of the iron club had been sucked into the black hole of the Iron Blood Tomb. Horrified, the Black Dragon King abandoned the Iron Blood Tomb and flew backwards.

At that moment, the Iron Blood Tomb shattered with a loud bang.

"Looks like even the hardest of iron can't withstand an explosion from within."

That part was like a weapon or a huge organization.

"This… this can't be……."

The Black Dragon King was devastated when his alter ego, the Poisoned Gate, was destroyed. First he lost the ship he used to do business on, and now he lost his symbol, the Iron Blood Tomb. It was tattered at the seams.

"Are we done?"

It was to admit defeat and surrender. He thought that if he'd gone this far, he'd understand since he wasn't deaf, but he was wrong. His ears were even more plugged.

"I'm not done yet! I still have these chains! I have some hidden daggers! I have memorization, too, so it's not over yet!"

The Black Dragon King shouted a nervous whale whistle.

"That's ugly, don't you know when to walk away, don't you know bookkeeping, don't you know that you're fighting over something that's already been done. It takes courage to admit defeat."

The Black Dragon King spat on the ground and shouted harshly.

"Kaak! Tsk! Say what you will, it's not over until you knock me to the ground! I'll show you the tenacity of the black sword! He who stands last is the winner!"

"Well, I agree with that, but……. Then I'll grant you your wish and make sure you're the last one standing, so perfectly that you can't take it anymore."

He raised his club and paused. Bi Ryuyeon's consciousness focused on the tip of the blade.

"Since it's the last one, we'll make it fancy."

That was the most she could do for him.

"It's not going to be easy, you little bastard!"

The Black Dragon King rattled his chains, his last shred of pride, and stood up to Bi Ryuyeon.

"We saw this a while ago, I think?

She moved her body as she pleased. Not having to rely on a weapon made her more mindful. However, it is impossible to remember movements that are not conscious. All that remains is the feeling, and what she wants to do now is to recreate that feeling. Enlightenment is not a theory, but a feeling, an experience, which cannot be shared with others. The iron club passed along the track of her mind. I don't remember if the mind came first, the body first, or both at the same time.

The club moved forward in a beautiful arc.


What happened next was beyond the scope of the Black Dragon King's perception. The Black Dragon King's chains snapped like rotten copper cord when they hit the curve, as if it were effortless.

"What is this?"

He no longer had the strength to be surprised, only to be filled with suspicion. Without missing a beat, Bi Ryuyeon stomped on the ground and leapt towards the Black Dragon King. Without his vaunted weapon, the Black Dragon King was almost defenseless, especially since his mind was in a state of panic from the successive mental shocks. The iron club in Bi Ryuyeon's hand emitted a bluish light as she ran. The tragedy for the Black Dragon King was that this iron club, named the Striking Awakening Spirit Rod, was much harder than the dog beating stick that Open boasted.


Qi gathered toward the Strike Awakening Spirit Rod. The muscles in Bi Ryuyeon's arms began to rapidly relax to allow for a free and brilliant slash.

A self-described flexible thinker, she was careful to make sure that if she had anything to learn, it was from her students. In the past, there was one form that made a big impression on her, and that was the final form of the T'ai Chi Kung method. I've seen him use it before. What was the name of that last one……? I remember it was quite a catchy name.

It was probably the first one, called the "dog of heaven," or rather, the "dog of heaven. It was the ultimate technique, full of grandiose and ambitious (?) promises of beating every dog under the sun. Seeing this, Bi Ryuyeon finally realized that his Three Fist Strike was still lacking. She reflected on her lack of rigor. She needed to be more flexible in her thinking. Compared to the ultimate batting ball, which was meant to hit all the dogs in the world, the three-ball batting ball, which only hit one, was too small in scale and ambition. Bi Ryuyeon reflected on this fact, and secretly worked toward the day when he would be able to revamp his Sambokgutta and present it to his students and priests once again. Although the audience was not the pupils and priests, today seemed to be the day that her efforts would be rewarded.

The final move of the Thousand-Headed Mugu was a bizarrely varied move, and I've never been able to figure out what it was all about, but it was all about mood, mood! In other words, momentum! The tip of the wielding old man's club lacked momentum. The kind of momentum that comes with a relentless determination to beat the crap out of every dog in the world. The path of the herbivore was roughly mimicked, but with more momentum, not less. Bi Ryuyeon thought that her own deficiency was also such a momentum. After all, her heart had been too weak (?) for so long. Because they were her favorite pupils and beloved priests, she had treated them too leniently. At the time, she had blamed herself for her weakness, but today, she didn't need to keep her hands to herself.

"I warned you beforehand, and you broke the warning like it was food, so I'm going to make you pay for it now, because a promise is a promise!"

A promise? Alas, it was probably something along the lines of, "If I ever call you a child again, I'll smash your thrush.

The three-footed beating stick method (三伏狗打棒法).

Malbok (末伏).

A copy-improved version of Heaven and Earth.

A dog of heaven and earth!

Pabba, pabba, pabba, pabba, pabba, pabba, pabba, pabba, pabba!

Switching roles for a moment, Bi Ryuyeon's spirit rod, which was a batting rod, struck the Black Dragon King's entire body with a colorful afterimage. With a tremendous threshing sound, the spirit spirits rained down on the Black Dragon King's massive body. Even the Black Dragon King, in his tattered state of mind and body, was unable to withstand the feast of spirits that rained down on him like showers. Think about it, all the clubs in the world to beat all the dogs in the world, all poured into the body of a single person.


A man's desperate screams echoed from the water's edge of an island in the East Lake. The beating was so vicious that it turned the man to stone, as well as the onlookers.

"Ante… eek! Bok… eek! Surrender… eek!"

It was only a matter of time before the Black Dragon King's pride was broken and he surrendered.

"Ha ha, are we finally done? It's been a long time coming."

A man who had been watching the two fight from afar yawned in boredom. It was Nao Bu. He had watched the fight between Bi Ryuyeon and the Black Dragon King from start to finish. However, he didn't seem to find it very entertaining.

"I can't believe he's freaking out over the loss of a weapon he's barely gotten his hands on. You're not there yet, you're not there yet. I thought you were more advanced."

The master was not happy with his student's progress.

"You're too complacent with the status quo."

He hadn't realized the need to be strong, and it was his duty as a teacher to make him realize it.

"I can't believe you've only been awake for about three years and you're in that shape, bam, you need to work on that, work on that."

After all, a disciple feeds on the attention of his master.

"Alas, what a master, a master who cares so much about his student. Excellent, excellent, huhu."

Nosabu nodded with satisfaction, blurting out words that would have made Bi Ryuyeon's blood boil if he had heard them.

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