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Book 23 Chapter 19

A Woman Called Ma'am

-call me ma'am

The golden-haired man was a swordsman with a very formidable look in his eyes. Years of training were etched into the man's body that were not easily concealed, no matter how hard he tried to hide them. The mere fact that he stood silently was enough to make the other passengers on the ship dare not approach him. But what was even more surprising was that this man, who was clearly an excellent swordsman with a peak qi, was merely an escort.

His escort was now sitting on the railing of the boat, watching the river with impassive eyes. The woman, whose face was openly exposed, had a very voluptuous figure, yet she possessed a certain elegance. She looked to be in her forties, and time had failed to fade her beauty. Many of the men on board were mesmerized by the beauty of this woman, but they didn't dare to look her in the eye because of the fearsome escort that surrounded her with an invisible barrier, so they would only sneak a glance, and if they happened to make eye contact with her, they would scurry back to their cabins in a panic, like daggers in a fire.

Again a night breeze blew in from the river and ruffled the lady's hair. The night on the water was cold. The escort, who had remained silent until now, walked over to her and spoke in a quiet voice.

"Ma'am, it's drafty. Please go inside."

Suddenly, the lady, whose eyes were fixed on the flowing water, turned her head.

"Thanks, but no thanks, I'll just stay here because I feel like I'm suffocating in there."

"And if you get stuck, you can email me at……."

There was no way he could avoid getting caught. The problem was, she was too expensive.

"Do I look that weak?"

I couldn't say that to her, who hated, even despised, the word weak.

"Oh, no, how could I have thought that……."

In a way, she was the strongest in the Hundred Islands. There is no one who can stop her except the Heavenly Three.

"No problem then, I'll just stay here."

At that point, there was nothing more to say.

"What is he doing now?"

The Turo woman asked, suddenly remembering.

"You're still in your cabin."

"I already know that, now I want to know something else."

The woman said in a blunt tone. She looked very unhappy.

"We're still processing your paperwork."

He had to tell the truth, something he couldn't help, because he wasn't in charge, and he wasn't the one to take on the obligations that came with that position.

"Hmm, does he really have to bring his work all the way to this place?"

The lady grumbled lightly in a blunt tone, which must have been the cause of her fatness. It wasn't something he could do anything about. It was probably making his master restless by now. The only person his master was afraid of was this woman. He tried to make excuses on his master's behalf.

"But… I can't help it, you came out of nowhere after that inspection. If you can't take care of the papers, then it's really a big deal. I know you can't neglect public affairs for private ones…"

"I already know that, so you don't need to tell me more."

"Yes, ma'am."

But even knowing this didn't seem to ease his anger. Namgungjin had no choice but to keep his mouth shut.

"Oh no, this is bad. My wife will be furious if I spend all this time here……."

The old man continued to wrestle with the papers, restlessly but diligently. He now suspected that these papers had been deliberately sent to him by assailants who wanted his life. If he continued to leave his wife alone with this huge stack of papers, he might be killed by an enraged wife.

'Ugh, I don't know who this guy is, but he's using this evil carnage meter…….'

But at any rate, he was a fierce fighter, and these papers could not be delayed, so he had come out here, rented a whole cabin on the ship, and was working on them.

"Dada dada dada dada!"

But as the hours passed, the work showed no sign of ending, and Bai Chen was dying. Even without looking, he could feel his wife's anger level rising higher and higher.


Even the tax swordsman was no help with this cerebral paperwork.

"If I'd known this was coming, I'd have brought a munsang or a zergal army……."

Left-handed lawyer Nam Gung-jin was skilled with a sword, but not so much with papers. He also had a double duty of keeping a watchful eye on his wife to make sure no untoward flies were bothering her. As a result, he missed the two brains in the clan who had a knack for paperwork, but as the ship glided over the shores of Lake Dongzheng, it was too late.

Finally finishing the pile of paperwork, Bai Chen hurried out onto the deck. As expected, his wife, Ye Qing, was annoyed. He had an uncanny ability to sense his wife's moods. It was a kind of survival instinct. If he disturbed her, the happiness of the family could not be guaranteed. Opening the cabin door with such haste that he feared it might break, the old man hurriedly looked around. His wife was nowhere to be seen, but he knew where he had to go; she was so strikingly beautiful that she attracted attention wherever she went, and he had only to find a place where people were camped out.

The old man strode briskly toward the place where the people were gathered at some distance, chatting away, and then he pushed his way through the crowd. When he came to the middle-aged woman, his stern and solemn face disappeared, and his eyes lit up with a cheerful smile.

"Am I… ma'am… upset?"

The old man rubbed his palms together and asked. To my surprise, the old man was the lady's husband.

"Huh, I don't know!"

The lady laughed, snorted, and shook her head vigorously, but the old man was not the least bit offended. In fact, he was the one who apologized.

"Madam, I have done wrong. Please forgive me."

"What did I do wrong? Did I really do anything wrong? You were just catching up on work, so why apologize if you didn't do anything wrong?"

It would have been poignant if it weren't for the piercing tone of voice, but the sharpness of the narrator didn't have that effect.

"Well, by the way… it's because I feel bad for you."

The old man tried to placate him somehow. The prestige of being a martial artist was probably a good thing right now.

"Are you sure you're sorry?"

"Nothing, of course."

"So you're sure you're going to play? No fucking around?"

"I promise you. From now on, I'm not going to smoke anything else and I'm definitely going to fuck you."

The old man clasped his hands together and begged, and the middle-aged woman seemed to relax a bit.

"That's it."

With a smile like a breeze on a spring day, she rose from her seat and offered her husband a seat.

"Here, have a seat, upper air. I've heated a seat for you."

The woman who gracefully wrapped her arms around Nie Bai Tian said with a smile.

"You've had a long day at work so far, I'd like to make you a cup of tea."

There was no sign of the lively woman she had been a moment ago. What was here now was a wise wife, concerned for her husband's health and safety.

"Haha, no, I don't think so……. It's all right, it's all right. I'm sure your wife is tired from the long journey, so I won't bother you with it. Just sit here with me, get some air, and watch the moon."

"You're the only one who thinks of me, after all. Good, let's sit here and watch the moon together. The moon alone is cold and lonely, but the moon together must be warm and gentle."

The middle-aged maiden sat down next to Nabaxian and wrapped her slender arms around his powerful biceps, breathing in the strong breeze and looking up at the moon together.

The strong winds couldn't steal their warmth, and the moon hung silently in the night sky with a gentle, warm glow.

Only Namgungjin could breathe a sigh of relief from the sidelines as he realized that another war had come to a dramatic conclusion and was now in a state of truce. Who would be the winner of this fight? He had to pause for a moment in deep disbelief, as he had no desire whatsoever to raise his lord's arm, but he'd seen it all before, and it was time to get used to it. So he just sighed and said nothing. He knew full well that there was no place for him to come between them.

The ship that Nabaxian and his wife Ye Qing were on finally reached its destination, and the bridge was soon lowered.

"Here you go, ma'am."

After naturally running through people and biting them, Nam Gung Jin said.

"Thank you, Left Handedness, I'm coming down, honey."

"Ah, yes, ma'am."

Bai Xiaochun nodded and held out his left arm, and Ye Qing naturally wrapped his arm around it.

With her regal demeanor and stunning beauty, everyone could only stare in awe at this middle-aged woman. Some of them were even drooling and drooling, which is a testament to her beauty. The years hadn't done much to diminish her beauty.

Ye Qingyu's face was openly exposed under the sky, uncovered by a silk robe or cotton thread, and the stares continued as he stepped off the boat and walked down the center of the street. It was not uncommon to find people stopping and turning their heads to look at her. I've even seen people riding horses turn their heads the wrong way, lose their balance, and fall off. It was Bai Chen who became even more uncomfortable. With each lustful glance, the fierce flesh in his heart bubbled and steamed like hot lava.

"Excuse me, ma'am."

Impatient, Nie Baiqian finally cautiously called out to Ye Qing.

"What's wrong, honey?"

Looking at Nie Baiqian's not-so-complexioned face, Ye Qingyu asked.

"Hey… why don't you use superfine or cotton thread?"

"Uh, why?"

Ye Qingyu asked grimly, knowing what he was thinking.

"Uhm, uhm. It just… it just occurred to me that that might be a good idea."

Coughing incoherently, Nabaxian excused himself.

"Hmmm, is that it, you don't have anything else to add?"

The unmistakably middle-aged woman sparkled with playfulness. Normally, it would have been a delightful sight. With this woman by his side, he felt like he was getting younger.

"…because you don't like it when people stare at your face. Ugh."

Bai Chen coughed uncomfortably, wondering if he was embarrassed to say such a thing at his age. Ye Qing laughed and asked, "Are you sure?

"My face, don't you want to see it?"

An angry Nabaxian clapped his hands together as if one hand wasn't enough.

"Nay, nay, nay; how could such a natural and unjust thing happen?"

"Really? Then why bother hiding it? It's not an embarrassing face, and it's not an unsightly one. A beautiful woman is bound to get noticed wherever she goes, and it's not bad to think that even at my age, I'm still not losing out to the younger ones."

"Uh-huh, how can a bunch of youngsters compare to your mature beauty? It's impossible."

"Wow, that's a lot of flattery."

Nabaxian coughed again in disbelief.

"Hmmm, I've been practicing a lot thanks to you. Uh-huh."

He smiled broadly, as if in full bloom in spring.

"I'm so glad you said that."

She pressed herself even more closely against him, and the warmth of his body made her feel so happy that she wanted to sing out loud, but she couldn't because of the pain in her body.

"I'll keep putting it out there because you say it looks good, and I've never actually covered my face here."

Twenty years ago, she was still beautiful and the center of attention. But she had never been afraid of those stares. She'd never forgotten the stinging, bone-chilling, eye-opening lessons she'd taught men who approached her with a black heart, so now that she was back here, she didn't feel like timidly covering her face with chrysanthemum or cotton thread.

"If that's what you want, do what you want."

He couldn't help but admit that his wife was different from most women. Of course, he liked her, even her angry personality.

"So, where do we go from here, ma'am?"

Na Baiqian asked in a respectful tone. Ye Qing's answer was simple.

"I think we should stop by Dunoy's house first."

"Who's Dunoy?"

"I'm the oldest information merchant here in Ganghorando."

Then, to everyone's horror, something happened. An old voice came from somewhere.

"You're so old, you're so wise. You've made a good living, you've made a good living, you've made a good living, you're a hundred years old and you're playing with children."

Enraged by the sound of the two mocking him, Ye Qingyu whirled around in the direction he assumed the sound had come from and shouted sharply.

"Who is it?"


For a moment, Ye Qing was stunned. A mysterious hand had grabbed one of his buttocks.

"Uh, when?!

The unidentified old man said with a grimace.

"Oh, Hyo-hyo, that's a really fluffy ass. I bet it would be delicious roasted."

Ye Qingyu, who had never been insulted like this before, spun his body around like a gust of wind and secretly deployed the first of the Winter Moon Stabs toward the old man's face. A cold chill stretched out from his heart and shot towards the old man. It was a terrifying technique that would instantly freeze the Five Elements if hit head-on.

However, with a light touch from the mysterious old man, the icy coldness of the ice field was washed away. Before he knew it, the old man had moved the new form back to Ye Qing's hip. It was such a new technique that it was impossible to recognize when it had moved. The old man sighed and said.

"Gee, what's the big deal, it's not like it's going to wear out by touching it."

In the meantime, you're rubbing your face in your booby-trapped ass.

"You old man!"

Exasperated, Ye Qing once again cast his spell, but still failed to hit. Although he was a pervert, the depth of his martial arts was not unusual.

"Ma'am, step aside!"

When his beloved wife was insulted, the enraged Nabaxian unfolded a second of brain growth and squeezed the old man's entire body.


With a faint rumbling sound, the energy emanating from the two powers covered the old man's entire body, and its strength was like that of a dragon or a tiger. His name was Na Baichen, a martial artist of great renown. There were only a handful of people in the Tang Clan who were capable of receiving his work on their fingers.

"Ugh, look at this guy. He's trying to get someone for a little prank!"

He stood up properly, and slowly thrust out his twin swords, which contained a terrifying power that even this ghostly old man could not easily conceive of. It was a very slow second, but it contained a strange power, and he gathered the brain power that emanated from Nabaxian's two spheres together, formed a sphere in his hand, and slowly put his palms together as if to join hands. Then the brain power disappeared as if washed away, and the sound of the wulet stopped as if it had always been there.

"My, my, my, it's a work of art, with a lot of work to be done, and yet it's so simple to extinguish it……!"

No wonder Bai Xiaochun's eyes widened. At that moment, a wall-like sound hit his eardrums.

"You damned gongcher, did you leave your eyes out when you came out of the blind?"

"Nu, who?"

Needless to say, the only person I could think of to send it to was this creepy old man, but I couldn't remember him. It sounded like a voice I'd heard many times before.

"Forget your stupid top, there are plenty of eyes here, follow me!"

With those words, the old man quickly scaled the walls and buildings and disappeared into the darkness.

After looking at each other in stunned silence for a moment, Nie Baiqian and Ye Qing nodded and then flew off with Nangong Jin in the direction the old man had disappeared.

No one knew what had happened to the harmony that had just occurred; they could only stare blankly at the spot where they had mingled and then disappeared, lamenting the fact that the beautiful woman had vanished before their eyes, and the fact that they would never see her again. And then, as if what had just happened had been a mere daydream, they retraced their steps and returned to their daily routines.

* * *

"Are you sure?"

The man in red, who had been briefed, checked again.

"I'm sure. I was with my wife, the Ice Moon Prophetess Ye Qing."

Don Wang reported.

"What, yeah?"

This time, he seemed a little surprised.

"Yes, it is."

"Ho-ho, that's another surprise."

As if he had heard good news, a cruel smile spread across the red-haired man's lips.

"You're finally here, brother. This brother has been waiting for this day. And to have you with him………."

At this point, I had no choice but to take a stand.

"I'll give you a more colorful festival. A blood feast unlike anything you've ever seen."

It was time to cut the ties that had been so painfully tied.

"Brother, you will not leave this place alive. You will die in the most terrible despair and sorrow. Your place will be prepared for you by my brother."

This required some preparation.

"Don't miss a beat."

"I'll keep that in mind."

A dark plan began to take shape.

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