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Book 23 Chapter 16

Midnight Auction House

-Any transaction

Before Yan Bi left the room, he secretly hid Shen Tianyun and took out an ignorant-looking iron club.

"Okay, let's go, shall we?"

Tonight was going to be a busy night, and that's when I ran into a problem.

"…but first I need to find a place to change."

I couldn't go to work in this outfit because of my master's tastes.

"You're so good at hassling people!"

The Yeonbi was grumbling, but I started looking for a place. Somewhere as private as possible. Being a woman was a lot of inconvenience.

* * *

Someone's slender feet pounded the pier, and their agility was admirable, like a deer on the run.


Tada tada tada tada tada!

As soon as she saw the shadow of her father, the Black Dragon King, she began to run toward the doorway, and then she leaped off the ground and flew a long distance to her father's arms. The Black Dragon King, who was enjoying his daughter's enthusiastic embrace, cried out in surprise.

"No, my dear, what's the matter with my darling, aren't her eyes all puffy, and her skin all puffy!"

The Black Dragon King, overwhelmed with love for his daughter, collapsed in an instant, like a poorly constructed house built on sandy ground.

When the hard scrubbing with the onion paid off before her father arrived, Haerhua secretly smiled a smile of conversion and buried her face in the Black Dragon King's arms with a heinous false cry.

"Black and white, Daddy, there's a kid who keeps picking on me… black and white… black and white."

The Black Dragon King was furious as his daughter's hot tears soaked his chest.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

Several people in Jiangkang Surochae felt guilty that the word "good" was being seriously misused, but with the law so far away and the fist so close, no one said a word. Haerhua buried her face in her arms again, overwhelmed by her father's anger.

"Black, black, there's a kid like that. Blah, blah, blah. I don't think I can go on like this, Dad, I'm too scared."

A daughter's tears were a very powerful weapon for a father. And it's not hard to imagine how effective it would have been for the Black Dragon King, who loved his daughter more than most.

'Where the hell is the innocence, I'm sure the words 'good' and 'innocent' are frozen to death!'

There must have been many of his men who wanted to shout. But no one dared to point it out for fear of the Black Dragon King's rage. They did not want to suffer the dishonor of being killed by their father's blows in a place like this, let alone in battle. Their past experiences had kept them alive and imparted wisdom to them.

"And what became of the ten men?"

The guys, of course, were the Jiang Jiang's ten warriors who had been dispatched to solve his daughter's private problems.

"They're all useless, they're all failures. They must have let their guard down, or they had the wrong idea. They were sent by my dad to do my job, and they can't even do their job. They're idiots."

The Black Dragon King patted his daughter on the back rather than reprimand her for her foul mouth.

"Onya, onya, my good girl! Don't cry. Just wait a minute, this daddy will take care of everything. Daddy has some business to attend to here at the auction house. I'll finish it up quickly and then we'll take care of you."


Haerhua's eyes sparkled as she questioned. The tears had been washed away.

"Oh, sure, sure. Dad's got some business to take care of this time, and he's brought a bunch of kids with him, so don't worry. I've even brought my guardian, the Three Horsemen."

"Oh, really?"

Looking over his shoulder to where the Black Dragon King was pointing, Haierhua exclaimed. Dozens of subordinates and his trusty trio of guardians, Ho Gang, Ho Ha, and Ho Chen, stood there, waiting for their father's command.

"Well, then. Has this father ever cheated on our daughter? Hold on to your worries."

The power of the three captured ships could not be underestimated, which is why he had come here with a small group of elites, especially the three guardian masters, who could be called first-rate masters.

Now that he had heard of the disciples' pathetic behavior, he was probably preparing to rebuke them severely when he saw them. If the imprisoned Zhang Gang had known this, he would have trembled in fear of reuniting with his master. He might have preferred to stick his head under a pea pod rather than face his demonic teachers.

"Well, now you can rest assured, this dad is going to beat the crap out of anyone who messes with my daughter!"

The Black Dragon King pounded his chest with his fist, telling her to trust him. Then she called for her father.


Daddy Black Dragon asked.


"It's not him, it's her."


The Black Dragon King, accompanied by his daughter Haerhua, led his men to the place mentioned in the scroll, which must have been written by a demented, hepatosplenic man whose liver was overboard. It was the auction house's private harbor, located next to the auction house, where all manner of auction items were brought in, and sometimes the ships that were to be auctioned off were docked. Rarely in the history of the auction house had something as dangerous as this been put up for sale, but because of its provenance, there was not a single bidder, even though the value of the ship was immense and there were many who wanted it.

A young man dressed in black stood next to the auction house, which was now closed for business, against a backdrop of two black dragon ships and a sea god. His long bangs obscured his features, and he held a long iron club in one hand. It was Bi Ryuyeon, who had returned to his original form and was waiting for him.

It was a good thing there were fewer people around. But she was a little unhappy with her shortened left bangs. I tried to cover it up like last time, but it didn't work out so well. I finally managed to get a partial bang to cover it up, but it still felt awkward.

"I need to get this over with and go back to being something else, because I'm not getting used to it.

He had been wearing his bangs for more than a decade, so his senses were attuned to them. He felt less awkward when he was in a disguise, but when he returned to his original appearance, the awkwardness grew and grew. He wanted to stop being awkward and return to his normal self as soon as possible, so that those who made him wait would not think well of him.

"Aham, you're really behaving yourself, finally getting here, I almost fell asleep with exhaustion waiting for you."

He yawned and stretched. He was so nonchalant in the face of dozens of spear-wielding enemies.


With a wave of his hand, the Black Dragon King's men stopped running in unison. They were now facing off against a dozen people every ten zhang, but Bi Ryuyeon didn't seem the least bit frightened.

The Black Dragon King looked a little disbelieving. He hadn't expected such a brat to be waiting for him. He looked everywhere, but there was no sign of the 'ghostly old man' mentioned in the emergency report.

"Seo, is that you, the one who sent the search?"

He couldn't believe that it was a brat like that who had sent a threatening letter with a lump in his throat to the Supreme Leader of the Jiang Jiangsu Federation.

"That's right, what's wrong?"

"A brat like you dared to whip such a cheap scout in front of the main throne?"


With no reason to hide, she readily admits.

"Heh, heh, heh……."

The Black Dragon King was indeed a ridiculous figure.

"What are you waiting for, a plastering sin? If so, it's too late."

The case was too big to ignore. I knew that if I didn't set an example at this point, the worst that could happen was that the company would be eliminated.

"Plaster of Paris?"

"Yeah, plaster sins."

"You've got a bad head on your shoulders. That can't be right, you didn't do anything wrong."

In an incredulous tone of voice, Bi Ryuyeon replied.

"You didn't do anything wrong, and besides, what, you have a bad hair day?"

With an incredulous look on his face, the Black Dragon King replied: He was unusually self-conscious about the fact that he had a bad head.

"Besides, if there's any fault, it's yours. You raided someone who was quietly drifting away, and then you got robbed of it. Tsk, tsk, aren't you ashamed of yourself for being a grown-up bandit?"

"It's not banditry, it's looting!"

"Blah, blah, blah. I have a bad brain."

These people actually cared more about their character than their lies.

"Shut up and tell me what you want!"

The Black Dragon King roared in anger. He looked frustrated that he couldn't just run over and tear him limb from limb.

"I'm just here to bargain, with you."


"That's the price of a boat, of course."

"Kahahahahaha, you've got some nerve trying to bargain with this old man!"

The Black Dragon King took a step forward, a ferocious snarl in his voice. The mere sight of him on the water caused everyone to tremble in fear, for what a rare experience he had!

He glanced at the Black Dragon King's majestic face and spoke in an impassive tone, as if it was a requirement to broaden his experience more than Bi Ryuyeon's.

"I guess you're their negotiator, huh?"

The Black Dragon King's eyes widened in disbelief at the rarity.

"Oh, uncle, how dare you call me uncle, looking at this body, in front of me!"

The Black Dragon King, whose anger reached the top of his head, shouted with a sulky face, and Bi Ryuyeon stared at the Black Dragon King's face, which was red, red, red, and blue, for a long time, and then she threw out a word.

"Who are you?"

I looked at him with a certain innocence, like I didn't know who he was.

"Haha, you mean you don't know this body?"

The astonished Black Dragon King asked, on the verge of coinage.

"You can't possibly know, you didn't say it out loud, aren't you an idiot?"

"You're not stupid!"

A guttural roar echoed through Dongjing Lake. The men had to cover their ears with both hands as the thunderous roar was deafening.


Watching the behavior with a blank expression on her face, Bi Ryuyeon thought to herself, I'm afraid of people who laugh at times like this, but I'm not afraid of people who get angry. No, it was rather plastic.

"It's just that when you're poked in the eye, you react harder. He's in denial, and he's not just an idiot, he's her idiot dad."

After glancing at Haerhua, who was standing next to her, Bi Ryuyeon said.

"What, what, did you finish?"

But on that point, even his subordinates agreed.

"I don't think you're wrong, and neither are your people."

Bi Ryuyeon's finger slowly rose and pointed at the Black Dragon King's back.


The axe-eyed Black Dragon King's head snapped back like a wildfire. He shook his head, and the bodies of his servants, stung by the killing glare, flinched as if struck by lightning.

"Let's go back and see!

The Black Dragon King's fierce gaze spoke volumes, and the faces of his subordinates, sensing his desperate intentions, quickly turned blue and contemplative. Turning his head back to Bi Ryuyeon, the Black Dragon King pointed at his chest with his thumb.

"Hear and be afraid, for this is the Black Dragon King, the loser of the Jiang River and the owner of the Jiang River Water Cheese!"

The Black Dragon King shouted, his voice filled with emotion.

"Alas, you are the seller."

"Trader? Did you just say trader?"

"You're the buyer, this is the seller. What's wrong?"

Bi Ryuyeon's index finger flickered back and forth between the Black Dragon King and himself. He didn't feel comfortable with the concept at all.

"You little brat, do you think you own these three ships?"

The Black Dragon King bellowed.

"No, no. I'm just a proxy, and I'm not doing this because I like it. I have my own unavoidable circumstances."

The "sea god" that Zhang Kangxi rode was also stolen by Yan Bi, not Bi Ryuyeon.

"Where is the old man?!"

His position was that he had business to attend to, and he didn't have time to be here arguing with a brat like that, but that's just the way it is.

"The old man? Alas, it's him, I don't know, the damned old man's probably off somewhere else drinking himself to death by now, and leaving all the bother to me; alas, I hate him, I hate him, why should I have to do anything here that doesn't even come out of my pocket; I want to know! Don't you think it's absurd?"

"Well, I don't know…… you shouldn't ask me that……."

When the tears that seemed to be screaming at the injustice of the world were directed at the Black Dragon King himself, he hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. He had lost his own breath, and was now caught up in Bi Ryuyeon's.

"Hah, that doesn't work, I'm an idiot for expecting it to."

"Oops, sorry."

The Black Dragon King snorted.

"What are you doing, not getting ready?"

After letting out a long sigh, Bi Ryuyeon spoke up.

"What do you mean?"

The Black Dragon King's eyes narrowed as he spoke.

"You're not going to talk to me anyway, and I'm not going to be persuaded."

"Of course!"

The Black Dragon King was boasting about something that wasn't boasting. I couldn't help but think that he had ruled the people well.

"Then there's only one solution for a warrior."

"What is that?"

Still unsure, the Black Dragon King asked, his eyes narrowing.


There's never been a more popular and immediate solution.

"Power? Power?"

The Black Dragon King asked, holding up his fiery right forearm.

"Don't show me that ugly thing, I'm going to throw my eyes out."

Bi Ryuyeon frowned slightly.

"What's wrong with my muscles?"

The Black Dragon King protested.

"There are some people who are like you, who think that a chunky, muscular body is popular with women, but that's a big mistake. Women and men alike don't like that sweaty look, and it's not graceful."

"What! How dare you disrespect my wonderful muscles! Unforgivable! Come on, I'll give you a harpoon!"

"Haha, I guess that's all there is……."

They hadn't come here to buy or sell in the first place, so there was no conversation, and there was no room for negotiation since the conversation hadn't even begun. It was clear that his master had known that and had sent him here. To take care of these little nuisances. It was very unbecoming of a master to leave his pupil to clean up after himself. Bi Ryuyeon didn't remember that she had once roasted Zhu Jia Dan for similar behavior.

"You have the nerve to challenge us, and you can go crying to the other side and regret it later!"

Bi Ryuyeon shook her head.

"It's one of you, not all of you, that I'm trying to compete with, so we're wrong, and why don't we just cut through the red tape and settle this one-on-one?"

"Are you serious, a little brat like you is going to go one-on-one with this Black Dragon King old man?"

He nodded once, indicating that she was right.

"Poohahahahahahahahaha! Fuhahahahahahaha! Fuhahahahahahahaha!"

Laughter erupted from the Black Dragon King's mouth, and all of his subordinates, including the Three Horsemen, burst into laughter. Some of them even grabbed their belly buttons. Only Bi Ryuyeon was not laughing.

"If you're going to laugh, laugh hard now. Because in a little while, you won't be able to laugh again."

"Phew, that's a lot of bluster, but what am I going to do about it?"


"This old man has a lot of work to do, and he doesn't have time to play games like this. He's got his hands full."

The Black Dragon King raised his hand to signal, and dozens of his waiting men stepped forward, their weapons drawn.

"That's cowardly."

He voiced his appreciation in a low voice. In fact, it was ridiculous to expect honesty from them. The Black Dragon King stood tall with his arms crossed and said.

"You can think about being cowardly or not after you win. On water or on land, if you win, you win, that's all that matters!"

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