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Book 23 Chapter 15

Hyorong and Jang Hong's Dazzling Passing Skills

-Dress up Yoon Jun-ho!

"I'm not a woman."

That was the first thing Yun Junho said, blushing shyly. Jang Hong and Hyo-ryong gave him a thumbs-up for his overly cute demeanor, which was becoming more and more prominent these days. This was enough to convince them to cross-dress. Hyo-ryong was desperate because if she failed to convince Yoon Jun-ho, she would have to cross-dress herself.

"We all know you're a good man. So, for the sake of our friendship, dress up! Shouldn't you help Sojaes in need? That's a good man's duty, too."

"Well, is that so?"

Yun Junho was weak at the mention of a man's responsibility and loyalty, and Hyo Ryong nodded vigorously, knowing that this was the time.

"Sure, sure!"

"Ha, but cross-dressing……."

This didn't sit well with Yoon, who was always concerned about his lack of manliness. Moreover, the idea that cross-dressing was a manly responsibility was a strange logic.

"Isn't that what the Buddha said? If I don't enter hell, who will? I have no one to trust but you, Junho!"

Hyo-ryong convinced Yoon Jun-ho in a heated tone.

"Uh… I thought it was unheard of that the Buddha was a cross-dresser?"

With a puzzled look on his face, Yoon Junho asked.

"Ugh, I told you not to sweat the small stuff. Come on, just trust us, we'll be done in no time!"

The more I heard him, the more I didn't believe him.

"Me, really?"

And Yoon quickly regretted saying it.

"Hmph, now, be quiet. Don't sulk."

"Why, why are you doing this, Hyo-ryong!"

Yoon Jun-ho turned pale and stepped back.

"It's okay, it's okay, just trust him, he's got this."

From the side, Jang Hong stuck out his bushy-bearded face and said. The two of them gradually stepped forward, and Yun Junho gradually stepped back.


My back touched the cold wall. There was nowhere to turn.

"Hmph. Now, be a good boy and listen to me. I don't do bad things."

"Chu, I think that's bad enough……."

With a shaky voice, Yun said.

"Don't worry. I told you before, just trust your brothers!"

Yoon Joon-ho is not only untrustworthy, but his purity is threatened.

"Okay, so why don't you take it off."

Hyo-ryong said as he approached.

"Hey, what's wrong with you!"

Yun Junho exclaimed, puffing out his chest.

"Okay, you take that off and put this on. Easy? Then it's all over. In the blink of an eye."

Hyo-ryong whispered in a raspy voice.

"Ko, do I have to?"


Both men nodded at the same time. Completely defeated, Yun Junho slowly closed his eyes. As if he didn't want to see what was coming anymore.


Facing each other, their eyes gleaming with malice, Jang Hong and Hyorong hurriedly set to work.

Outside the door, where a desperate commotion was taking place, three people were waiting nervously.

There were three of us: Yeonbi, Na Yerin, and the pale-complexioned Jinseul, who hadn't recovered yet.

"Are we done?"

Lee asked nervously.

"Let's wait a little longer."

Na Yerin calmed the restless, fidgety Jinseul. There were strange noises coming from inside the doorway. No, stop, screech, and the like, and they were uncomfortable to listen to.


At that moment, the door opened and Jang Hong and Hyo Ryong walked out, their faces like paprika.

"Are we done?"

Jin-sul, the most short-tempered of the bunch, jumped to his feet and asked.


Hyorong sighed heavily and nodded.

"But why isn't it coming up?"

Three went in and two came out.

"Oh, he's just embarrassed, it's no big deal."

Jang Hong and Hyorong went to the two sides of the open doorway and prostrated themselves, then shouted at the same time.

"Allow me to introduce you, Yun Sojae from the Volcano Sect!"

After the introductions, a person walked out of the room. It was a girl with a petite figure, a light pink skirt, dark hair pulled up into a ponytail, and three plum blossoms that made her look more cute than beautiful.

"Hahaha! What do you think, Jinxue? Isn't that great?"

After speaking in a proud tone, Hyorong burst out laughing. Lee Jin-sul narrowed his eyes and looked up and down at the cute young lady in front of him.

"Wow, that's definitely surprising, this cute little Sojae can't believe that that Volcano Sect's Shunding is Yun Xiaoxiao……."

That's right. This plum blossom girl was Yun Junhao, the Shunding of the Volcano Sect. Wearing a skirt like this, she was as beautiful as any other girl.

"I'm no longer Yun Xiaoxiao, I'm Yun Mi Sojae."

Hyo-ryong laughed mischievously. It was a name that reeked of pseudonymity.

It was a truly amazing transformation that I couldn't believe I was there in person. And the makeup was perfect.

"Who did the makeup, was it you, Hyo-ryong?"

Lee Jin-sul looked at Hyo-ryong with suspicion. It was almost too perfect for the man's skill. That bothered her. There were very few women who could apply makeup to this degree of perfection.

"Oh, that's not me. That makeup is my brother Zhang's work."

Lee's eyes widened at that.

"That chickenshit guy? You're lying!"

Lee Jin-sul exclaimed in disbelief. This was unbelievable, she couldn't help but shout out to the world with her whole body.

"No, really, it was my brother Zhang."

"Where did you get your makeup?"

"Oh, that was brought by Brother Zhang, of course."

"You even brought your makeup?"

With a skill like that, he should have all the cosmetics that women currently use, so why would an old man like him use them? Jang Hong's gaze became even more suspicious.

A hidden pervert, perhaps? Her eyes said so.

"Uh-huh, I just learned it out of necessity. It's no big deal. So stop looking at me like that."

Jang Hong protested.

"What's so great about that?"

Hyo-ryong, an outsider, asked curiously.

"Sure. It's the whole point and art of looking like you did that when you didn't!"

Lee Jin-sul said, spittle flying from his mouth. I can't believe I have to explain this to you, but I have to.

"What? If I'm wearing makeup, why do I have to look like I'm not?"

Even when I explained it to him, he didn't understand it at all. He, like most men, was ignorant of women's culture, and I don't blame him for that, of course. Knowing too much can lead to some strange things, and that's exactly what happened in this case. It's hard enough for men to understand each other, but it's even harder for women to understand each other. Overcoming cultural differences has always been a challenge, regardless of the era.

"Ahem, ahem! Don't look at me like that, people. It's just a crude trick. I'm just helping him out because he's only good at stripping, not putting on."

Jang Hong coughed and made excuses.

"Ho-ho, that's what I meant∼"

At Jang Hong's bony comment about being good at stripping, Lee Jin-sul looked Hyo-ryong up and down.

"Now, Brother Zhang, don't say something like that, anyone who hears it will misunderstand!"

"Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding do you mean? It's all true."

Jang Hong said with a snap of his fingers. It was a cheap revenge play.

Then Yunbi, who had been quietly watching the two argue, spoke up.

"Come to think of it, I've heard it said that people who do a lot of stealth and special assignments have to be able to perfect their makeup because they're constantly in disguise. They have to be able to be anybody, anytime, anywhere."

At that, Jang Hong seemed to pause for a moment, but then he smiled.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. It's just something I learned by ear, and it's not that great of a skill."

Jang Hong carefully denied it. The added suspicion did him no good.

"Hmmm, I don't know if it's a dime a dozen or not… If you're that good, you must have learned it pretty thoroughly, or did you learn it from your wife?"

Yun Fei was unexpectedly insistent, and it was a word that struck at the heart of Jang Hong's hidden weakness. When his fatal word came out, a stunned Jang Hong said in stark denial.

"Oh, a wife! I'm still single. Oh, a wife……."

Jang Hong's demeanor was visibly flustered as he tried to figure out what was going on.

"Hmmm… we'll see about that."

It was a meaningful way to end a sentence.


At that moment, Jang Hong and Yan Bi's gazes intertwined in midair. At that moment, a silent spark seemed to fly.

"Well, that's as good as it gets, so good job."

Yun Bi seemed to like his transformation. Yunbi's thought, "I can use this," was unreadable to anyone.

"Thank you."

A satisfied smile finally appeared on Jang Hong's face.

"Take care, Yun Sojae!"

Yeonbi smiled as she approached Yunmi.

"Okay, take care, I'm… Dawn Sojae."

The way she spoke and acted was unmistakably female.

"A hard-open Sojae, just call it what you will."

"Excuse me?"

"Of course it's 'sister'."

Everyone's eyes widened, including Junho's. Technically, Junho was Yun's senior. At least on the surface.

"Me, really?"

Yunmi was visibly flustered and floundering. She hadn't expected to hear such a thing. Seeing that, Yeonbi sighed and said.

"I'm joking, of course."

It was weirder to take such things seriously.

"Great, that's perfect."

His voice was still as thin as a pre-pubescent boy's, and although it sounded androgynous, it was the kind of voice that would never be considered male.

"I don't really recognize it, so I guess I'll just have to live with it."

Lee Jin-sul looked at Yoon Joon-ho, or rather, Yoon-mi, who was more feminine than she was, and commented. Na Yerin nodded her head in agreement.

"She's definitely more feminine than you."

Na Yerin was quite surprised as well, but she could sometimes be too direct with the truth, and the truth sometimes had a way of breaking through the protective barriers of illusion and facade and hurting people. Lee Jin-sul had gotten a little pouty after hearing those truthful words, and Hyorong had to work hard to soothe her.

"Well, I guess we should celebrate then."

Yunbi said, lifting the cup she was holding. The others raised the cups that had been prepared for them.

"For what?"

"Congratulations on the formation of the 'MiSojae Squadron,' of course, for the prize!"

"For the prize!"


Goblet and goblet clinked. Instead of alcohol, they were all teacups of fragrant tea.

"Okay, so now that we've solved the problem of how to fill that last one, do you mind if I step out for a minute, Rin, because I have some business to take care of?"

Yunfei said, turning to Na Yerin.

"Where are you going, Yeonbi?"

"Oh, I've got to run a quick errand, I've got some stuff to sell, and I've got people coming in to buy today, so I'll just go ahead and wait for them."

He was very sincere.

"What are you selling?"


With the air of having nothing to hide, Yunbi replied with a smirk.

"A boat?"

A stunned Na Yerin asked.

"Yes, a ship."

He said goodbye and walked out the door with a smile on his face.

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discord ko-fi