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Book 23 Chapter 14

Yeonbi concerns

-Who is the third person?

A man with long, silken black hair and a robe as black as night sat in a chair, staring gravely at a sheet of paper spread out on his desk. Written on the paper were names, most of them crossed out.

Binary Theory


Yonghui Mo



All the other names were crossed out. They were all the work of a paintbrush in the hand of the man in black.

"Hmm, what can I do… I can't think of any talent, talent, talent."

At the moment, Yeonbi had one problem. It was far more important than the trivialities of the opposite sex. The day of the contest was fast approaching, and the third spot on the team was still vacant. I felt like I could easily fill that spot at any time, but I was stuck. Failure to sign up a third female athlete by the day before the Trials would be a breach of contract. Paying a penalty was out of the question, and that day was tomorrow.

At first, Yunbi and Nayarin were relaxed about the idea of binary. Although it was a risky endeavor, they believed the binary would be able to do the job. They didn't need to fight. It was enough for Yanbi to risk her own life. He just needed to be skilled enough to keep his head above water and to protect himself in case of an emergency. In the unlikely event of a fight, he could simply abstain. The contingency, of course, was his own defeat at the hands of his opponent. If that resulted in death, there was no need for revenge; he could simply abstain.

Of course, I had my own calculations. I'm not the kind of binary that would say no to Na Yerin's request, but just yesterday I ran into a problem. The binary would not be able to participate even if it wanted to.

"Uh, sis… me, sorry……."

In a thin voice, breathing heavily, Lee Jin-sul apologized. Lying in bed, her complexion was pale, like someone who'd been stripped of her martial arts skills. Her cheeks were hollow and her eyes were bloodshot. Her lips were cracked and bloodless, like a rice field in a drought.


Na Yerin crouched down on the edge of the bed, clutching Lee's petite hand.

"Sis, I'm sorry… I'm sorry……."

Two tears slid down her pale cheeks. Na Yerin choked on her own weak apology. How could such a vibrant, healthy child become like this overnight…….

"Who made you this way?"

Na Yerin asked, not letting go of Lee's hand.

"It was my fault for trusting him."

Lee Jin-sul replied in a rueful voice.

"Come on, no way……."

A look of disbelief crossed Na Yerin's face, and so did his, for there was only one person who could be called that to Yi Yun.

"Could it be… Confucius Hsiao?"

Lee Jin-sul nodded weakly.

"I shouldn't have eaten what he brought……."

Lee said he should have been vigilant when he was doing things that people don't do.

"I feel like an idiot for being so excited for a moment. black!"

Iinsul sobbed softly. Feeling sorry for her, Na Yerin lifted her hand and stroked her head.

"It's okay. You're alive, you're not dead."

The fact that I'm still alive is the most important thing and I'm grateful.

"But… but……."

Lee was still angry and resentful when he thought about it.

"Who knew it could taste so bad, ewww!"

Lee Jin-sul gritted his teeth and let out an exasperated snort.

For three days after eating it, she battled constant stomach pain and diarrhea. She couldn't fathom how close she came to death. It wasn't food, it was poison. No, it was the final weapon. Even the "absolute poison," the poison of the worst of the Sichuan Tang family, would be less poisonous than that.

It was a mystery to him how such a fearsome poison could be made from nothing more than oil, sugar, salt, meat, and vegetables. At that price\/performance ratio, it was sure to be a hit with the Sichuan Tang family. "I'm sure they would!" thought Lee, through gritted teeth. It must have been terrifying to even think about.

'Hyo-ryong-I'll never forget this humiliation, this disgrace, I'll never forget it, I'll haunt you for the rest of your life! I'll never let you near the kitchen again! I won't let you touch cooking, but then I'll have to cook for you, won't I? ……Well, isn't that bad too?'

It was a binary that didn't end up breaking up, but I was going to make him pay for it.

"Take charge, Hyo-ryong!"

Hyo-ryong winced at Lee Jin-sul's frustrated exclamation.

"Chae, you mean responsibility?"

"Yes, responsibility! A man has to take responsibility for what he does."

"Ha, but that's a force majeure……."

"Shut up, what kind of man makes so many excuses, he's responsible for what he does!"

"Joe, yes, I'll take the responsibility, let's get married!"

For a moment, Lee's face turned into a bright red apple.

"Ho, marriage, what's with the marriage all of a sudden?"

"Oh, wasn't that the one where I was told to take responsibility, so I reflexively stopped……."

Now that I think about it, fortunately or unfortunately, I've never had a single one of those.

"That's all you know about responsibility?"

Lee Jin-sul exclaimed, a slight glow returning to her complexion.

"Well, what about the responsibility……."

"Hyorong, you're going out in my place, Tu Qi Jie, and you're cross-dressing!"

"Women, you mean cross-dressing?"

Lee Jin-sul's demand stopped Hyo-ryong in his tracks. It was a strange way to take charge.

"Yes, crossdresser, we need a woman to participate in the speculative festival, but we don't have anyone, so you'll have to do!"

To Hyo-ryong, it was like a celestial force.

"But if a guy like me cross-dresses, I'll be found out quickly, and I'm not very pretty. Besides, besides……."

"That's okay. Do you know anything else? Is it worth watching?"

Jin-sul said with some anticipation. On the plus side, it wouldn't be bad to see him like that once in a while. But Hyo-ryong hated it more than he hated to die.

"Well, can't you blame it on something else, Seol?"


The binary theory was flatly rejected.

"You have to fill my void somehow."

Hyorong quickly rolled his eyes, then said.

"Well, let's do it like this."

Realizing he couldn't leave it out, Hyo-ryong came up with another compromise.

"How about someone else going out there in cross-dressing instead of me?"

"Who's going to take your place, Hyo-ryong, and do it in cross-dressing? Is there anyone who can do that?"

"Oh, sure, I'm sure he's got what it takes."

When I said that, there was one person who guessed.

"Oh, you mean him?"

"That's him, and I can vouch for his skills."

"But wouldn't that be even worse?"

"What, what's terrible?"

Hyo-Ryong's eyes narrowed as if it were the first time.

"The idea of a bearded, bushy-haired man like Mr. Jang Hong being a cross-dresser… it's creepy just thinking about it."

I shuddered and ran.

"I, I just got in on it, creepy. I mean, there's no way he's going to do something like cross-dressing, I'm going to have to wash my eyes all day after seeing that."

I could guarantee it would be a horrible experience.

"He's shorter than I am, and he's got a curvier figure, so he'll look better in a cross-dressing outfit than the likes of me, I guarantee it."

"Who is that?"

"Who would that be, Mr. Junho?"

"Ah, Yun Confucius of the Volcanic Sect?"

Hyorong nodded vigorously and said.


"Hmmm… Yun Confucius……."

Certainly, Yoon Joon-ho would look good in cross-dressing. His shoulders were much narrower and shorter than Hyo-ryong's, his waist was thinner than I expected, and his skin was fair.

"Surely Confucius Yun would be a better fit than you, Hyorong."

"Sure. You'll look a hundred times better than me, and people will be fooled. I could go out cross-dressing and I'd get caught right away, and it would be a shame for your sister if I got disqualified, wouldn't it?"

This time, the persuasion certainly worked. A convinced Iksan asked.

"But do they want to leave?"

"Don't worry about that, I'll make them leave!"

Hyo-Ryong thumped his chest and exclaimed confidently, for him, it was a multiplicity of jinn.

"You'd better, or you'll be the one who has to cross-dress."

"No, of course not, I will never, never, never let it out, leave it to me!"

In this way, Yoon Junho was sold instead of his friend. Another friendship was saved.

"Okay, what are we going to do? We're going to have to borrow some of your strength!

First, Hyo-Ryong decided to ask his trusty Jang Hong to help him execute the plan.

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discord ko-fi