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Book 20 Chapter 14

A hundred years in the making


"I don't even exist?"

He was angry that Yi Shi Jian, the Southern Emperor, and even Mo Yong Hui, whom he considered his lifelong nemesis, had forgotten about him. They didn't see him as an enemy, and he didn't see them as a power, and that made him angry.

"I can't stay ignored like this!

This competitive young man wanted to make his mark somehow.

'How dare you disrespect Mr. Polite…….'

Being ignored was the last thing anyone in his family wanted.

"Wait, I'll make you see Mr. Gongson's skills again!

He'd been waiting for the opportunity to make his most dramatic appearance, and it finally came.

For a moment, Ishiguro turned his back on him.

"It's time!

Gong Zonghui seized the opportunity and unleashed the supreme sword technique, destroying the enemy. A shout of alarm erupted from the mouth of the Southern Palace Chief, who had only just discovered the scene.

"No! It's an enticement!"


However, due to the fact that he was already a symbol, he was unable to bite the first bite; he had not yet reached the point where he could freely and skillfully produce and retrieve the first bite.


With an inward smile of conversion, Ishigan let out a powerful killing blow as if he had been waiting for it.

"Get the first one!

In times like these, it's best to go for the weakest link.

A chill breeze whipped past his nose.

'Is this the end…….'

It was too late to turn the attack into a defense.

"Damn, that's it!

Gong Zhonghui narrowed his eyes. If his grandfather had known, he would have scolded him for giving up too soon, without even thinking about overcoming the crisis.

Then I heard a scream from behind me.

"Stop it, Gene Sojae! Dangerous……!"

A sword light flashed in front of him from nowhere,

And there was blood.

"Bam! Savuni… Whoops!"

A lone scream erupted from Yulan's mouth as she hid and watched, and Yu Yunfei, startled by the sound, hurriedly clamped his hand over her mouth.

"Joe, be quiet, Yoo Sojae. You'll get caught."

"Ha, but Master said…… Ouch!"

Yulan's protest was cut off again.


Yulan protested. Yu Yunfei reassured her.

"Don't worry. It was just a nudge."

"Are you sure?"

Yuunbi nodded.

"Really, really. Look!"


With a short, one-word scream, Qin Xiaoling stumbled backward, clutching the shoulder blade of his right arm.

"Uh, how?

He, as well as his assisted courtier, was stunned by her sudden appearance; he could not fathom where, how, or by what means she could have appeared so unexpectedly.

Seeing that he was in trouble, Qin Shaolin quickly swung her sword to protect him, covering a distance of several dozen zhang in one swift motion. If she hadn't saved him, he would have been cut into dozens of pieces. However, in the rush to protect him, she had neglected to defend herself, leaving her wounded.

"Gene Sojae!"

Yoo Eun-sung's eyes 'flipped' when she saw that Jin So-ryung was hurt.

"How dare you-!"

A fiery roar erupted, piercing the night sky.


The roar was so loud that even the hidden moon was startled out of its hiding place, and Namgung and Mo Yonghui flinched.


Sword drawn in an instant, Yue Yun's new creation leaped at lightning speed toward the man to be punished. The distance closed in an instant.

Silent Sword Method (射日劍法) Quickstrike.

Spike (尖突).

Sauranji (射雨亂地) Heavy rain island (暴雨快閃).


From the tip of Yue Yunsheng's sharp pincer sword, a series of divine spells poured out.

The chain attack of fierce stings, like midsummer showers, was a sight to behold.

'What the… shit…….'

It was swifter and more powerful than any other sword he had ever encountered, its speed dwarfing even the lightning that flashed in the cloudy sky.

He didn't even have time to grumble to himself.

"That's fast! I'd heard rumors that the sting of a spear is swift, but I didn't expect it to be that fast. It's like a hail of arrows."

"That's right, your martial arts are indeed extraordinary, and there are probably very few people in our divination sect who can execute a stab faster than that, and in such a continuous manner. I wonder if I'll ever reach that level of mastery……."

He was very proud of the centurion for showing such a powerful status, but at the same time, he was also condescending and condescending to the centurion who had already reached a place far beyond his reach.

"But you're amazing too, you're still so young and you're narrowly avoiding all that onslaught."

Yulan said admiringly.

"I agree. But your sword is relentless, and it's probably only a matter of time; the sting of a divination spear never stops until it pierces the enemy!"

True to Liu Yunfei's words, Yue Yun's sword grass was not slowing down, but rather accelerating.


It wasn't just speed; every second of his outpouring demonstrated that speed was power. The spear of light, the penetrating power at its end, was terrifying.

Once outnumbered, Ishigaki was unable to overcome the early disadvantage and turn the tide.


He kept having to step back.



"How dare you, you who have wounded her jade spirit, apologize with your life!"

The snowy-eyed middle-aged man's strikes were terrifying to say the least. Even amidst his boiling anger and searing fury, his sword blade was cold and precise, pressing down on his opponent without missing a beat. If it had been an ordinary martial artist, he would have been skewered a thousand times over.

If it weren't for the arcane divine arts he'd received, Yi Shijian would have been a hive of activity long ago. Even Yue Yun, who had been furiously attacking, seemed quite surprised at that point.

"Quite, you do, and I'll give you credit for your ability to sneak away, but can you stop this?"


Taking a deep breath, he drew his right arm back as far as it would go with the tip of his sword pointed forward, and the muscles in his entire body pulled taut like a drawn bow.

"Come on, you can't be……!!"

Yu Yunfei's eyes widened at the peculiar posture Yoo Eun-sung had taken.

"What's the matter, Yu Xiaoqiao?"

But Liu Yunfei could only mutter to herself, as if she were frozen, as if she couldn't hear Liu Lan's words.

"No way… my signature posture is……."

"What's wrong with that posture?"

None of Yulan's words were reaching his ears now.

"The last word in silos that no one has accomplished in the last hundred years……."

Yu Yunfei's mouth dropped open, and an exclamation came out.


The sword stretched out behind him like an arrow in a drawn demonstration, and he ran the shortest distance he could, at the fastest speed he could.

Silent Sword Technique (射日劍法) Secret Technique.

Last call (最後絶招).

The day after the day of the falling sun.

After a hundred years, the original ceremony that gave the name to the Jumchang school's monoglyphic ki ki kim sword method that made it what it is today has been recreated in the hands of a former student.


With terrifying speed, a beam of sword light pierced Ishigan's shoulder.


A piercing scream shattered the silence of the night sky.

"What just happened?"

"I didn't see it either."

"Aside from me, Yu Xiaoqiao, you're a scholar of the Daoist school, and a scholar of the Daoist school can't even see his own sword?"

"Let's see if there's anything to see."

The legendary sword herb of Jiu Chang was not as fancy as it seemed. As far as they could tell, Yi Shi Jian's right arm was pulled taut behind him, and after that, they couldn't even tell what had happened. In the blink of an eye, Yi Shi Jian's right shoulder blade was already on the ground, bleeding red, and Yi Shi Jian had quickly stomped on his back to prevent him from getting back up, and then plunged his sword into his throat.

"Hey, that's a descendant……!!"

A fast-paced movie that doesn't even give the viewer a chance to appreciate it. The pinnacle of pleasure. Yu Yunfei trembled with excitement at the realization that he had witnessed the manifestation of the legend of the Moon Sect.

"Before the completion of that ceremony, Mr. Bai's skill might have been below the Heavenly Five Swords, but now that this aura has been completed, no one will be able to place him below the Heavenly Five Swords!"

Yu Yunfei said in an emotional voice.

"Congratulations, Yu Xiaoqiao. You must be happy."

"Congratulations, too."

"Thanks…… huh?!"

Startled by the third's congratulations, Yu Yunfei and Yu Lan quickly turned their heads, but it was too late.

"Come on, hold still. Unless you want to die a young death."

"Uh, somehow……."

Yulan asked, chewing on her lip.

"Watching is one thing, but not being vigilant is another. But rest assured, both of you. I will not kill you so easily. You are precious hostages. Precious enough to trade for one life."

The man with the scar over his eye was smiling at them, and the two knives in his hand were flashing at the nape of their necks with a grim smile.

"Is this the descendant of the last of the Dzongkhags? I've never seen it before……."

Namgungsang said with sincere admiration.

"It's a first for me, too. We're probably the first people to see that in the last hundred years."

"The resurrection of a legend… is it……."

It certainly deserved to be called that.

"That much power! That much speed! It's more than the rumors!"

As a fellow swordsman, Mo Yonghui also paid appropriate homage to its supreme power.

"Whew, did you see that?"

"Nope. I only got halfway through."

"That's as far as I could go."

"It would be dangerous to deal with them directly, and it would be impossible to stop them."

"Yeah. I guess the only thing I can do is avoid it."

"That would be the most reasonable response."

Not a single word of the discussion between the Southern Palace Master and Mo Yonghui over his sword herb had reached Yue Yun's ears at this moment. His anger was too great for that. To a certain extent, he didn't even think about finding out who was behind it, much less interrogating them.

"Now, then, die!"

Blinded by rage, Yoo Eun-sung was about to strike with his sword. Since forgiveness was out of the question, the only decision he could make was immediate execution.

"No, Yu Daihua, stop the sword, we need to find out what's behind him first!"

It was Qin Xiaoling's voice that calmed Yoo Eun-sung down.

"Gee, Gene Sojae, are you okay?"

Yoo Eun-sung's face lit up when she realized that Qin Xiaolong was safe. The nocturnal figure from a moment ago was nowhere to be seen.

"Yeah, that's okay, it was just a nudge."

Eunsung breathed a sigh of relief.

"Phew, thank goodness. If anything ever happens to Gene Sojae, I'll be at……."

Yoo Eun-sung was about to get long-winded, but Jin So-ryung interrupted him again.

"It's more about finding out who the author is and what their purpose is."

"Okay, we'll do it right away."

Yoo Eun-sung's head snapped back to the man she was stepping on.

"Now, let's see what you're up to, shall we?"


Ishigan frowned inwardly as the wound that had been pierced a moment ago ached as if reopened by fire.

'I can't believe……. I can't believe I'm being treated like this…….'

His pride, which he had thought would never be outmatched by a Tian Hao swordsman in a one-on-one match, was shattered with a loud crash.

"I don't approve!

It didn't make sense to me.

"If these guys hadn't come at me all at once, I wouldn't have gotten killed.

He deferred responsibility for the outcome to others. Since his failure to win was not something that could realistically happen, he was forced to look elsewhere for the cause.

"Apparently, this isn't going to be easy for you. What do you suggest, Gene Sojae?"

"Let's take them in, and we'll save the interrogation for later."

"That's a great idea, Gene Sojae. I was just thinking about that myself, so why not……."

Yoo Eun-sung was just about to bend over and capture Yi Shi Gun.



Eunseong quickly turned his head in the direction of the sound. A black-clad figure stood there, a knife in one hand and his niece, Yu Yunfei, in the other. The sharp blade emitted a cold glow just above the nephew's uvula.


A startled Yoo Eun-sung exclaimed.

"Yeah, how did you get here?!"

They were children I left behind because I didn't want them to get in the way. They weren't supposed to be here.

"Ship, Centurion……."

Yu Yunfei's face instantly turned grim. He dared not raise his head in shame.

The black-clad man said with a sneer.

"Would you use it only to stir up the blood of the young? Would you call youth without rebellion youth, or something like that?"

Even if rebellion was a privilege of youth, it didn't always pay off. In fact, it often leads to bad consequences. Because they don't know how to rebel properly. Some of them are idiots who think that destroying their bodies is the only way to rebel.

"Yes, your guy……."

Worried and angry, Yoo Eun-sung didn't know what to say.

"Don't worry, it's not one!"


Another black-clad one came out with the other.


This time, it was Qin Xiaoling's turn to be surprised.

"Sa, Master……."

She too dared not raise her face in front of her master. Seeing this, Qin Shaolin sighed and said.

"I forgot your character for a moment……. I told you to wait patiently, but you are not the one to wait……. It is my fault."

His master's long, rueful sigh almost broke Yulan's heart.


Tears quickly formed in Yulan's eyes.

"Now, I want you both to stand where you are. For if I come any closer, my hands will tremble and I may do irreparable harm to the necks of these two."

The two newcomers, who had been nudging each other for a chance, stopped dead in their tracks. It was dangerous to move when the other side was so wary of their movements.

"What do you say, Yu Dae-hyeop?"

Yoon Yi-jeong, who was wearing a mask, asked again.

"Asking is asking, right?"

"Why go to the trouble of stating the obvious?"


A groan escaped Yoo Eun-sung's mouth through gritted teeth.

I don't know who he is, but it's clear that he's an important reference. Should I try to save them out of personal loyalty, or should I become a town crier for the greater good? There had already been a number of victims. If I let them go, how would I treat those victims?

"What do you think we should do, Gene Sojae?"

What he just did was, in a sense, cowardly. He was trying to share the blame with her for what he had done. But in his confusion, he had no time for such details. Neither the Minister of the Southern Palace, nor Mo Yonghui, nor the Minister of Politeness dared to intervene in this matter, and they were left to be mere bystanders.

"Rebellion always comes with responsibility……."

Namgungsang knew that better than anyone.

"That's right."

It was the same for Mo Yonghui.

"Don't even think about rebellion unless you're willing to live with the consequences……."

It was now necessary for Liu Yunsheng and Qin Xiaoling to assume responsibility for the actions of their disciples, to assume the debt on their behalf. That was the duty of a teacher in their minds.

Finally, Qin Xiaolong spoke quietly, as if he had made up his mind.

"I can't do it, I have to let it go."

The net was unfurled, the fish was caught, and all that was left to do was to reach out and grab it, but a cruel fate had snatched it out of the hole-free net.

If he went harder, she would have no choice, but she couldn't think about that right now. Both men were too caught up in their personal relationships to be objective.

"Take him!"

Yoo Eun-sung spat out, suppressing her anger.

"Well thought out."

Yoon replied with a smile of conversion beneath her mask.

Nangong Shang and Mo Yonghui turned their heads away from the scene.

It was back in place.

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