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Book 20 Chapter 13

Fulfillment of obligations

-Liquidate debt

"Why am I doing this, here?

Under the dark, moonless night sky, Mo Yonghui couldn't help but ask himself. Sadly, he knew why. He just couldn't understand it.

"It's prepaid.

At that moment, Bi Ryuyeon said. After hesitating for a while, Mo Yonghui took his friend's outstretched hand and said.


Then his friend wailed in despair.

'Alas, alas, alas, alas, alas, alas, my friend! Where have you gone? Who is it that has so corrupted you, who was so pure and innocent in the past? Alas! Alas! Alas! I shall never see that dear, innocent youth again! Where shall we go to find him now? Alas, heaven, heaven!'

Mo Yonghui shouted angrily at the unfamiliar hyperbole.

"Whoa, who's the cute, innocent young man?!

Bi Ryuyeon's finger went straight for Mo Yonghui's heart.

'That's you! You wouldn't have dared to say such a traumatic, immoral, and disingenuous thing back then. That's the proof of your depravity!'

'Do not corrupt others, not by trauma.

'Trauma! This guy is going to get in trouble! Trauma is not in my dictionary. If I don't have the money, I can't… I'll pay him back with my body!

'Mo, by body…….'

"Yes, with my body.

"Mo, how do you speak with your body?

Mo Yonghui swallowed dryly and asked.

'Hmph, I need to sweat.'

'What, what! How did you do that…….'

Mo Yonghui's face turned an unrecognizable shade of red.

'Dude, what are you delusional about, Arthur? No work. Not that kind of body and sweat, not that kind of body and sweat. Do you understand?

'Well, is that so? Phew - I'm……. again. If that's the case…….'

If you nodded your head then, but didn't…….

"It wouldn't have happened like this!

Mo Yonghui sighed and looked ahead.


Namgungsang, a year his junior, had just asked Gökhan a question.

"Can I ask you a question before I take you away?"

Ishiguro replied in a blunt tone.

"I'll answer that question if you like. Before I kill you!"

"I'll listen if you don't mind… but why did you choose him (Bi Ryuyeon)? Is it because he's a threat to you?"

All that came back was a snort.

"Hmph, a threat? We are not threatened by anything. I hadn't seen or heard anything about that ridiculous-looking guy named Bi Ryuyeon until recently. The few rumors that had been heard were all outlandish and bizarre, and none of them had anything to do with anything other than the fact that his luck was overwhelmingly good. No one even cares what this nameless ruler is capable of, only that he is hated and hated, so why should we be afraid of such an insignificant man?"

His assessment of Bi Ryuyeon was unrelenting.

"Then why did you choose him?"

Ishigan shrugged.

"Actually, it didn't matter who it was, as long as it was the winner of the last Volcano Contest. We just needed a symbolic name, but how were we supposed to know that the guy we picked was the guy who 'somehow' won the volcano contest? I actually had some trouble with that. There were a lot of people who seemed more plausible, like the Dragon God, or the Mach Spirit, or the Master of the Mo Yong Family standing over there. When I came here, everyone said that he, Bi Ryuyeon, was a coward. He's a cowardly bastard who won the tournament by fumbling around in the flames and getting distracted, and everyone's talking about how he's so blinded by the prize that he's willing to commit such a cowardly act."

Apparently, he was referring to a political convention in the front yard of the Guanzhou residence.

"Well, the prize money was part of the goal.

Namgungsang couldn't agree more.

But he knew that wasn't the whole story. He was a man who was always looking to kill two birds with one stone.

"This guy doesn't know who he is!

Ishiguro chuckles as he recalls how funny it was.

"So they tried to kill us before we could do anything. I've never seen anything like it in my life, and they didn't even have to do any polling or anything. It was quite an entertaining spectacle. Do they call it self-defense?"

Because he was a member of the Heavenly Martial Academy, and they were also members of the Heavenly Martial Academy, Nangong Shang felt his face burn.

"Well, it's a little embarrassing to have that pointed out to you by an enemy, don't you think I'm blushing a little? In return, I'll give you a little advice!"

"Advice? What advice?"

Namgungsang said sarcastically.

"You don't know yet, his real fear. He doesn't know, and he hasn't known for a long time, and he doesn't know it's going to be a stranglehold on him. Isn't that right, Huh?"

Mo Yonghui nodded in agreement.

"He's… kind of scary."

"Come on, Whee. Do you really think he's going to be okay after all the direct and financial damage you've done to him?"

Mo Yonghui replied with a very skeptical tone.

"I think that's a little hard, sir. I'm here in the middle of the night because of one bad debt, too."

Namgungsang nodded, as if he didn't understand why she felt that way.

"I understand, I understand, but you should be happier than I am. A debt can be paid off, but there are some damned ties that can't be broken, no matter how hard you try."

Namgungsang said grimly. He didn't seem to care that Yi Shi Gun was already between them.

"What's that……."

Mo Yonghui, who didn't know the details of Bi Ryuyeon's relationship with Namgung Sang, could only be dumbfounded by Namgung Sang's lament.

"No, it was just a rant. Don't tell him."

'Yes,' said Namgungsang with determination. His tone was so sincere and pleading that Mo Yonghui couldn't resist and said yes.

A chuckle escaped Ishiguro's lips as he watched the scene from afar.


Never in his life had he been so neatly 'gagged'. Before he knew it, the topic and focus had shifted from himself to a woman he had never seen before, Bi Ryuyeon. It didn't matter to him what forces had made it possible; he was offended, and he needed to release his pent-up anger somehow.

"Okay, I think we're done with the small talk, so can we please die now?"

Yi Shiguan clapped his hands together. Nan Gongsang was dumbfounded.

"Don't you think you're being too confident, there are two of you, how is that even possible?"

"Of course!"

Zun (purple cloud) dark wind.

Righteousness (奧義).

Tempestuous (疾風刃).

Blackbird (黑鷹飛閃).

Ishigan crossed his hands, curved like hawk's nails, near his chest, and an invisible gust of wind blew again.

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discord ko-fi