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Book 20 Chapter 15

Ishiguro's Fury

-Conspiracy germination

A wisp of smoke rose from a building secretly tucked away in the backwoods of the Zhongyuan Pyo Bureau. A councilor's diligent work with herbs, five maids fanning five braziers, and a bustle of activity in a place so quiet you'd think it was abandoned.

The decoction is poured into a white bowl. The movements of the maidservant with the tray are respectful and careful, as if she is serving a new master. Waiting in the room was Yun Yi Zheng, the head of the Zhongyuan Clan and one of the four pillars.

Yoon Yi-jeong, who was standing by the bedside, took the bowl of medicine and after a few mouthfuls, carefully brought the medicine to the patient's mouth.

"The medicine is ready, hurry up before it gets cold……."


But the bedridden patient was speechless.

"Come on, Confucius! You've been in a coma for two days. If I don't see your emaciated body, I'm going to……."

Once again, I brought the bowl closer and offered it to him, and he nervously threw up his arms.



The patient's sudden arm movement caused Yoon to lose her grip on the bowl.


The bowl on the floor snapped in half, sending black water spraying everywhere.


A startled Yun called for him. Flailing his arms as if he were trying to swim in a swamp, he leapt out of bed. In place of his torn top, bandages were wrapped around his wounds.

"I can't go back to this, not like this!"

He exclaimed in a nervous, desperate voice.

"Scientist, calm down. It's not good for your wounds."

Yoon Yi-jeong, who was watching, quickly stopped him.


Yi Shiguan's heart sank as his nervous gaze landed on Yun Yizheng. She could see the killing intent in his bloodshot eyes.


Yun's heart sank at the thick anger that leaked from between his chewed lips. The quick-thinking Yun Yi quickly knelt down on the floor and clutched her hair.

"Sin, I apologize. I have spoken out, my lord, and I am guilty of death."

It didn't matter if I was tough. There was no need to fuel his burning anger. It was a fire that burned so fiercely and without reason that it could consume him now. All he could think about now was how to make amends for his mistake.

"Do not forget, your master is now me, and you are under my destiny. A servant who forgets his master is doomed."

Ishiguro said like a nail.

"Never forget, my destiny is your destiny."

"Of course, my lord, I never forget to belong."

When your master is running around like a mad dog, it's best to stay put.

"That's it."

Again, Yi Shi Gun had regained his composure (though it was his own idea). He believed he had regained his composure by not killing Yoon Yi-Jung with a single blow, but his condition was not very convincing.

"I can't go back like this. What am I supposed to tell him, that I went out there and failed spectacularly and came back? Am I supposed to tell him that?"

"Well, I don't think so."

Yoon replied, cold sweat beading on her forehead.

"Damn, walking on a knife's edge would be more exhilarating than this moment!

Yun cursed inwardly. She could have danced barefoot on burning coals and been happier than she was at this moment.

"Did I make the wrong choice?

But the choice had already been made, and there was no turning back. Somehow, I had to calm the agitated owner down and find a way out of this predicament.

"No! I'm doomed, doomed to lick his feet for all eternity. I can't do that! I swore that day that I would somehow crush his handsome face, the day he knocked me down and laughed at me. I swore that day, the day he knocked me down and laughed at me, that I would smash his smug face in somehow. I will never forgive him for leaving an indelible scar on my pride! Never! I will make him regret it, but… but… but……."

As it was, they would be punished before that day came. The organization's punishment was heavy and severe.

"Don't worry, my lord, we still have a way."

Realizing that it would be dangerous to leave it alone, Yoon quickly intervened.


"It's the kind of thing that the Lord himself will think of when the confusion in his mind subsides."

He emphasized that he hadn't remembered how to do it because he was good. There are tricks to dealing with an egotistical boss.

"Yeah? Well, that goes without saying, but……."

Ishiguro signaled with his eyes for me to speak.

"Have you forgotten, my lord, the two children of the Blue Dragon Silver Hall? They still have 'it', if only they could get their hands on the 'key' to……."

And Yoon smiled a meaningful smile. It was the kind of smile that said, "You know what's coming next without me saying it. Of course, Lee Shi Gun completely understood. He couldn't help himself and jumped up from his seat.

"Oooh, the key! Yes, there it is, and if I can get my hands on it, all my other mistakes will be forgiven! Why didn't I think of that before?!"

A spark of desire once again flickered in the black and gray ashes of his eyes, which had been nearly extinguished only moments ago. The cloudy eyes that had been so desperate a moment ago now sparkled with new hope.

"Me too! I can't believe I forgot something so important all these years! Yes! There it is, the key to my future. The key to my future! If I can get my hands on it, I'm sure He won't book me, Lee!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"I will summon the Thirteen Bloods!"

"Ten, thirteen, power to……."

Yoon Yi-jeong swallowed dryly and muttered.

Ishgan hadn't taken them with him last night, thinking he wouldn't need them. He hadn't needed them to hunt the cubs, and he'd been overconfident that his hands were enough.

"If only they had been there yesterday, it would have been them in bed today, not me……."

Then Ishiguro shook his head vigorously.

"No, no, no, they don't deserve a bed, they deserve a cold spike of earth for their grave."

"That's right, my lord!"

Yoon chimed in.

"So the problem is those two kites."

There were still issues that needed to be resolved before we could hit the mid-ocean mark.

"You mean the Ami Goddess Qin Xiaoling and the Dot Chang First Sword Yue Eunsung!"

"Who else but them dare to be the bane of this body?"

Mo Yonghui and Namgungsang had already forgotten about what happened to them.

"It's just too risky to go in head-on when we know for a fact that those two kites are lurking. Even if we succeeded, the damage on our side would be too great."

Although she didn't want to offend her master any further, Yun couldn't help but point it out.

"I don't want to admit it, but they're definitely strong."

He gritted his teeth as he wrapped his left hand around the aching wound. Seeing her chance, Yun leaned forward.

"My lord, I have a defense against that. Hmph!"

With a wicked grin on her face, Yoon Yi-jeong rhymed.


"Yes! Give me the end of the day and I'll make it work."

At this moment, Yun's head was spinning madly and furiously in a crucible of meanness, treachery, and savagery.

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discord ko-fi